Lost in Paradise

Dustin smiled "Sorry, at my old school this was the only good way to get around without getting beat up too much, so I tend to do it a lot." Dustin helps Carly search through the ship "So... you think you could catch these things with telekenisis?" He asks, holding up about 10 spoons.
Carly looked back and crossed her arms. "You think I can't?" She raised an eyebrow playfully.

Jace looked around. "Well, the closest thing we have to a blanket here is body heat."
((no problem. I'm a a sucker for love stories and this is just adorable. I have to wait until Damian comes back to keep rping, so I've just been reading this over and over again xD ))
Jace timidly wrapped his arms around her. "Comfy?" He asked, a barely visible shade of red began to appear on his cheeks. ((hey, Lily what time is it where you are? i think I'm on the other side of the globe!))
Emerald awoke, and looked over and say Faith still asleep. she had no idea where everyone had run off to, but she was aching all over from sleeping under the tree. she got up and wandered across the beach over to the wreckage. looking in to the spooky hull she wondered if anyone had gone back in.

(( Name: Kane

gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Dark, quiet, shy.

Appearance: pure black hair, nose rings, really tall, stocky, strong.

Abilities: Necromancy

school: Deans school for Elemental Control

items: None. ))

Kane woke up and looked around, where was he? He wandered out into the hall.

Dustin sensed something weird had happened. He shadow-ported back to where Kane was "Hey bro. What's up. I see you're back with the living."

Kane smiled and laughed at Dustin "Well, not exactly. Remember?"

Dustin smiled and looked back towards the door "Lets get out of here. Come on" Dustin lead Kane out of the room and into the kitchen where Carly was "Hey Carly, this is my friend Kane. I just found him, its a miracle he lived."
Carly blinked. "He survived the hurricane and the ship breaking in two?" She was amazed. "That is a miracle." She noticed how young he looked.
Kane shrugged "miracles are what I do. Its nice to meet you, I'm Kane. I'm from Dean's school, same as Dustin."

Dustin looked around the room "Not wanting to break off the conversation or anything but its getting dark."
"Sounds good.I'm Carly." She looked back to Dustin. "I found a hole near the bottom of the ship so we don't have to climb down." she led the way.
Kane went after Carly and looked around "This is so weird. Just a few days ago this place was so nice, full of nice people, cute girls."

Dustin smiled "I know, it's so weird."
When Carly stepped out of the ship, the stuff in the sand was still where she left it. "Can you guys help me out?" She picked up some and kept walking towards the camp.
Kane picked up some of the gear and followed Carly back to camp.

Dustin followed Kane and looked over to see Emerald. "Hey! Emerald!" He yelled running over to her "Whats up?"
Carly dropped a spoon. She picked it up and then remembered what Dustin had asked earlier. "How can I use that to my advantage...." She thought to herself.
Dustin shrugged "Not really. Found another kid, my friend Kane somehow survived. Lets head back to camp"

Kane kept a distance behind Carly "So.... whats your power?" he asked, kind of stuttering over his words since it had been a while since he had spoken, being raised from the dead was not the ultimate way to wake up in the morning.
"Telekinesis." Carly demonstrated by picking up one of the spoons that she was carrying with her mind, making it do some flips in the air, then placing it back on top of her pile. "What about you?"
Kane frowned "I'd rather not say." He said simply, walking alongside Carly.

Dustin walked next to Emerald "So do you know where the others are? he asked. His hand brushed Emeralds and he held her hand.
Carly blinked. Ok...weird.., she thought. She shook it off and kept walking towards the camp. "Well, before you get confused. I have a twin brother named Jace with the same powers."
Kane shrugged "Yeah, ok. We had a few pairs of those at Deans school. Do you guys know if you're stronger together yet or not? Because most of the siblings at Dean's school were stronger together then they were apart. They had something called an Empathy link I think"

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