Lost in Paradise

"It wasn't any of us. It was my brother. I found him on the boat." Alex stopped herself from crying again. It was just so hard for her to accept that he was gone.
Alex looked suprised but then hugged him back. "I'm fine now. He died saving me and I'm just going to miss him." A tear slid down her cheek.
"Yeah, and they found someone else. I didn't catch his name though, I was too busy with burying my brother." Alex looked down at the two necklaces she was still holding and quickly put them on. "We left pretty quick though."
"No, Dustin went off into the woods by himself, and I think everyone else is asleep on the beach. Do you think we should go look for him?"

Damian awoke slowly and sat up,rubbing his head."Awww man how long was I out".He mumbled in a melancholy of deep notes of singing."Well seems I hit the juice waaay to hard last night".He smiled to himself and stood shakily to his feet.

Surveying the area he sighed deeply and began walking.Where he did not know,but he had more than enough time to figure it out.

Slowly he made his way to out the forest,where when he stepped out he dusted himself off and looked around."Well where shall I go".He said and grinned,he mhad all the time in the world and he wasn't gonna spend it trying to figure out where he was.
"Well I'm going to head back to the mansion. I didn't get much sleep. See you guys later." Alex headed to the trees and started singing for the fireflies again. When she had almost reached the forest, more than a hundred fireflies had come to her. She sang as she walked but stopped when she heard something. "Hello? Is somebody there?"
Damian walked out the forest.His black and red guitar was swung over his shoulder and despite his rough exterior and deep voice he sang a beautiful songs,all the birds chirped in and soon he had several birds on his shoulder and arm.When he heard her he stopped then he spotted a girl.He tilted his head at her and narrowed his eyes,but now his mouth was seeled tight.
It was light out now so Alex didn't need the fireflies. She stopped singing completely and looked around. "Hello?" She turned around and saw Damian. "Hey. You another survivor?"
He plucked a flower from the ground and sniffed it,then let it go to the gentle blowing wind."Yes,Im a survivor".He said and the wind blew harder,making his long black and red trench coat flutter in the wind to reveal two holstered Desert Eagles.He looked back at her and the birds seem to fall asleep as he continued to sing.
He stopped and looked at her with a warm smile."You've never met me then".He said and the birds nestled into him.His skin was rather pale,and his eyes were getting a deep red as night was slowly creeping up.
Brady was to far asleep to even care what the black mass was but immidiatly said “so shadow boy wants to lose his food sorce” yawns and goes back to sleep
He looked at her and smiled half heartedly."Im Damian".He says and sits on a large rock.He began to strum at his guitar and sighed lightly as he began to go over the details of Alex.
"So do you have shelter yet? Cause we have a place. Well two if Brady will let you stay with us. I'm sure I can persuade him though. It's just me and him in a three story tree mansion, so there should be room for one more." She leaned up against a tree.
"No".He said with certainty and he turned away,not looking at her."No,ive....ive hurt to many people already".He said and stood.Moving his guitar behind him he begins to walk away and a Raven lands on his shoulder."Imnot gonna allow myself to hurt anyone else,especially someone as innocent as you".He said and the raven cawed.
Alex ran up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Wait! Don't leave. What do you mean youve already hurt too many people? What happened?"
"That...I cannot bear to tell you".He said and a thick red liquid,his bloopd started to rise.It detached her hand and he continued to walk,the red liquid slowly seeping back into his body.
((Well everyone fell asleep by a tree except for me. Lily and Jace had just woken up and they are still on the beach. And I just met Damian at the edge of the forest. Brady barely noticed Fluffy then went back to sleep))

"No please don't go! We are all the same in some way. I can help you." She ran up beside Damian and walked beside him.

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