Lost in Paradise

Dustin lead Emerald back through the ship and to where he could sense Faith was. When he saw a soft green light coming from through a pile of rubble he knew he was right. Dustin helped Emerald over the pile and then stepped over the pile himself "Hey Faith" then he caught sight of the new guy. He extended his hand "Dustin Shadex nice to meet you. And you are?"
"ok." Faiths fear came back. "you know, i still havent found a limit to my healing abilities. i wonder if singing would do anything? Alex can do things with her voice." she mumbled to Mark as they walked. when she was a child she would sing whenever she was afraid. she began to sing, and her voice echoed quietly through the empty hull. dancing on the walls and floors, soothing her fears.

As Dustin helped her through the rubble, emerald heard, then saw Faith. she was releaved that she was ok. Faiths song soothed her worries.
Mark looked at Dustin a little on edge before shaking his hand lightly. "M-Mark" he stuttered before beginning to listen to Faith becoming enthralled in the echo of her voice throughout the ship.
Alex relaxed at the sound of singing, but the knife was still by her heart. She didn't know if she could go through with it, but she didn't know if she could take a life without her big brother, the person who always protected her.
Dustin's head turned. "Now that we're all acquainted I must leave you. My spidey senses are tingling" With that Dustin walked into the shadows and disappeared. He reappeared right behind Alex "Hey, songbird. you ok kid?" He knelt next to her.
Faith stopped a moment. "lets find Alex and leave. this place is filled with so much sorrow. so many people lost." she felt as though the pain of the accident weighed heavily in the air. she continued to sing, hoping to lighten the heavy air.

Emerald noticed Dustin hadnt let go of her hand and became a bit flustered.
Alex broke down crying again and dropped her knife. She couldn't do it. He had saved her, and he had a reason. She was going to make him proud of his little sister. Tears flowed freely down her face.
MArk felt a bit awckward suddenly being with a new group but still followed Faith keeping a distance away.As he put his hands in his pocket he felt something clank as he pulled it out. It was that locket he was forced to bring with him. He stared at it in his hand a little bit seeing the barely damaged surface. He quickly opened it to see his parents, his older brother, and of course himself at the summer picnic. He felt himself tear up instantly . "I'm never going to see them again trapped on this island" he thought over and over as he forced himself to close it before he ended up completely breaking down.
as they waited for Dustin to return with Alex, Emerald looked awkwardly at her empty hand. after a second she shook her head and looked at Mark with the best smile she could muster up. "im Emerald by the way, thanks for watching Faith when we got seperated."
Mark was glad it was dark as he heard the other person speak he put the locket back in his pocket before wiping his eyes. "She was the one that saved me really" he said a lot more depressed then he meant it.
Dustin picked up the knife from in front of the girl and gave her a hug "It's ok. Your safe now. y

You'll be alright." Then he started to sing little song "Just keep singing just keep singing just keep singing" to the theme of Dory's swimming song from finding help ((Please tell me you know what I'm taking about))
Faith stopped singing again, "it was nothing really" she said turning to him in the dark, "but it seems you are hurting somewhere else" she pointed towards his heart.

((good old Dory! of course i know her!))
"Its nothing really" he said blushing as she said that. "I mean it's not like you can tell anyway can you?" he asked next hoping to get her to back off the moment and a little out of curiosity.
"say what you wish, but i see it." she took a few steps back before sing a more joyful song to lighten their spirits as they waited.
Since Faith said that all he was able to do was think about his family and even his friends that came with him and is probably one of these dead bodies on the ship. He sniffled before trying to stop himself from crying.
Dustin exhaled "Because when you love someone you will do anything for them. You'll destroy anything that tries to hurt them and you will protect them at any cost."
Alex looked down at her brother's body. "But he deserved to live more than me. I don't know what I'm going to do without him." She started sobbing more.
Emerald could hear Mark sniffling but she knew was in no position to say anything.

Faith sang a song from a favorite movie of hers: "Heart, don't fail me now! Courage, don't desert me! Don't turn back now that we're here. People always say life is full of choices, No one ever mentions fear!Or how a road can seem so long, How the world can seem so vast, Courage see me through, Heart I'm trusting you"

((song from Anastasia, since disney was mentioned :) ))
"Keep calm and carry on. Make him proud. Do what he would want you to do. Live life in his memory. Trust me, nothing feels better then when you do something that you know would make him proud. Nothing" Dustin sighed "Trust me. I know. Do you want me to help you bury his body?" He asked.
Mark ended up just stopping while the girls wen on ahead he just had his Sleeve over his eyes crying remembering every little thing that might not happen anymore. "Usually my brother would come when i'm this sad" he thought to himself which made it worse as the sobs increased.

(Never seen fantasia for some reason)
Dustin stood up "Can you walk? Or do you need a piggyback ride?" He asks as he carefully levitate the metal off the kid. Then he made a Shadow cushion to put him on.
Dustin picked her up, put her on his back and levitated her brother above the ground. They made it back to the others in pretty good time.

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