Lost in Paradise

Puts his face in his pillow and tries to fall asleep again but cant because of all the noise. Eventually he falls asleep but is snoring causing bamboo to grow around the island randomly
'Ugh why didn't I put my shoes back on?' she thought as she continued singing. 'At least I have the fireflies so I can see where I'm walking.' The voices were getting louder, and Alex knew she was getting closer.
Emearld walked a little behind them while Faith went ahead a bit to watch the shadow rabbit. Faith is such a kid.Emerald thought, listening to Dustin and Carly chat.
Dustin smiled at Carly "Thats sweet. I wish I had some sibling of some sort." They reached the beach and Dustin stared in amazement at the half-washed up cruise ship "Dude."
Carly smirked. "It gets annoying sometimes..." When they got to the beach, she got the chills. "Oh my god..." she wrapped her arms around herself. "That's...eerie."
Faith runs ahead towards the ship as a bamboo stalk shoots up. she dodges it but Emerald isnt so lucky.

Emerald screams as her shirt catches on a shoot as it rises up. she is lifted off the ground and hangs helplessly in an award postion. she streches and reaches, but even with her abilities it seems she cant get off.
Alex finally got to the beach a few minutes after they did. She was still humming the tune and at least a hundred fireflies were around her. She stopped humming but the fireflies stayed around her. "Hey guys what's going on?" She was still half asleep and didn't notice the ship.
Dustin laughes at Emerald hopelessly up on the bamboo. He jumps up and rips her shirt off of the bamboo shoot then helps her down "You okay?"
"i-im fine" Emerald blushes, "i couldve gotten downon my own i.....oh who am i kidding. thanks. im just not used to being the helpless one." she picked some of the tattered cloth away from what was left of the hood of her hoody.
Dustin smiles "No prob." Then walks towards the ship, or half of it, anyway and started climbing into it. He waves to the others "Come on guys!"
"Um...Dustin? I don't know if that's so safe!" Carly let out a huff of annoyance when he kept going. "I'm not going to stop it if it starts to fall!" She yelled after them. She sat on the ground.
He stops snoreing as the all the bamboo disappears but then his hand starts to move by itself and grape vines start to rap around things on the island
Faith gave Emerald a cheeky grin as the two of them walked towards the ship.

Emerald looked at Faith. "its nothing." she mumbled so the others wouldnt hear. "im just another boy anyway. he seemed to be getting along with Carly, and shes so pretty." she hoisted Faith into the wreckage and climbed up as well.
Carly felt something climbing up her leg and when she looked down, a snake-like shadow was wrapping itself around her leg. She screamed and pushed as far away from the thing she could. Sh looked up and saw that vines were wrapping around the ship. "Guys, seriously!"
Faith patted Emerald on the back "your too modest" she whispered. "you really pretty too."

"and you are way too nice" Emerald gave her a thankful smile as they follow close behind Dustin so they didnt get lost. she heard the hull og the ship groan under some sort of pressure and started to get nervous. "maybe we should go back"
Alex stopped singing as she saw that vines were wrapping around the ship. She reached out to touch one of the vines and started singing loudly but still beautifully. The vines started to unwrap themselves from the ship and go back into the ground. Once all the vines were gone she stopped singing.
Carly breathed out as the vines began to retract. "Damn vines..." she mumured to herself, still brushing her leg where the vine had been.
When the grape vines were disturbed he started to have a nightmare as lots of poisoness plants began to grow around the island (such as castor beans poppy plants weeds several types of mushrooms) the island starts to become over come by the plants

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