Lost in Paradise

Faith looked over at Emerald, "since when were you a scared cat"

"since i dont want to die in a sunken ship." she trembled.she didnt understand, she was never afraid, so why now?
Name:Mark Williams


Age: 15

Personality:Timid but reliable, Is used to being protected by others, Hates hostile situations, Can be childish a lot but has moments when he becomes fearless for a moment of time. Is ignorant to girls except for what he hears guys say at his school.

Appearance:http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/245479-Animalfan/479/2/animeboy4_display.jpg (Just ignore the ear ring)

Abilities*:Can become intangible but only when he's about to be hit but cant go through walls and such. And if he doesn't see the hit coming he cant avoid it.

school**:All Boys

items***: A locket his parents ensisted he took of their family photo.
((haha the pic you used is the first pic i ever used to help me draw male characters))

Emerald kept following Dustin and realized Faith was gone.

Faith thought she saw a cat and had somehow gotten herself lost on the ship.
Mark shifted under some of the pieces of rubble which used to be the wall. "Where am I" he asked to no one in particular trying to remember how he got like this. Then as soon as he started all the scenes of the boat crashing through the storm came back all at once. "I got to get out of here" he said weakly trying to push himself up but couldn't muster the strength under here. He would go intangible but he wasn't good enough with the powers to go through objects like this. "Help" he called out expecting no one to answer but decided he had to try.
Faith had no idea where in the ship she was and it was cold inside the empty hull. she thought she heard something, and walked the direction of the sound. "hello?" she was trembling and afraid. im just like a scared child. what would i ever do without Emerald? more like, what am i gonna do now?

Mark was taken back hearing a reply. "Hello if someones there please help im trapped" he called out again shivering a bit noticing the tempurature in this hull.
Faith definatly heard it this time. there was a voice, someone was trapped. Faith once again forgot about herself and immediatly started searching the rubble. "where are you? are you hurt?"
"Well yeah kinda" he said back to trying to move his arms to notice that he tried to stop the rubble as i was falling on him at first and both wrists were in serious pain to move.
Dustin saw daylight and headed for it. it was a crack in the ships hull. he saw all the poisons plants. he decided to sent Fluffy to scare the shut outta plant boy. enough was enough. (Fluffy= your worst nightmare x2 ) Then Dustin went back into the ship.

((We're on a ship.plant boy is about to piss his pants and Mark joined))
she got a few cuts on her arms and one on her leg from sharp twisted metal, but she finally found him. "i will have you out in a jiffy" she started pulling rocks away and unburied him. "almost done" she removed one last large rock. "where does it hurt?"
"My writs" he said trying to set up but struggled a bit without the use of his arms. "Are you hurt" he asked next looking at the cuts.
"dont worry about me, im fine."she ignored the cuts. " let me help you." she held one of his wrists, her hands emitted a green light and his wrist was healed. she took the other one and did the same. "can you stand?"

Emerald looked up at Dustin from where she was. "Faith dissapeared!" she called up to him.
Dustin looked behind him "Emerald? Faith? Hello?" Both girls were behind him just a second ago. ((I am on my phone so if I accidentally post something twice or a word doesn't seem to fit, assume that my phone is being stupid and I'm sorry ))
The fireflies continued to follow her around the ship. 'Bugs are so easy to control,' she thought. She had gone off by herself to look for something. It's not like anyone cared if she got hurt or anything. She finally found what she was looking for and she burst into tears, hoping no one could hear her sobbing.
"I think so" he said looking at his wrists amazed checking them out before using them to try and push himself up to a standing position but quickly leaned against the wall out of strength. "You wouldn't have any water of food would you" he asked.
"actually," she dug through her bag. she had a package of gummybears from before the accident. since the package was sealed they were still fresh. "here" she hands him the gummybears. "im Faith by the way. as you probably noticed, my ability is healing."
Dustin bit his lower lip, bad habit he had whenever he got nervous. "Alright" he went back down to Emeralds level "Grab my hand. I can find her if she's near a shadow and since half the ship is totally dark I think we can find her" Dustin sent out his senses into the shadows. he found Alex on the lower deck,in a room crying and decided not do to anything about it. finding Faith was way more important, she meant a lot to Emerald.
"Thanks for the help Faith" he said tearing the package open and eating the gunny bears one at a time trying to enjoy them in this situation. "Im Mark and thaat healing thing is really cool dude" he said.
"thanks." Faith smiled, but it faded as her cuts began to sting. "we can go when you are ready." she said, sitting on a pile of rocks. she began healing a few of her cuts. she cringed at the pain.

Emerald nodded bashfully as he took her hand. she shook her head. this is no time to get all shy. Faith might be in danger.
Alex was on her knees in front of a dead body that was pinned under some metal. She was still crying but not as much. She pulled out her pocket knife and flipped it open. "I don't want to live without him." She put the knife to her heart, but couldn't move it anymore. "B-But he died to save me. He wouldn't want me to do this." She battled herself on what she wanted to do.
Mark nodded pushing off from the wall stumbling a bit and began walking around a little bit noticing he had a little limp and pain from his left leg but thought it was nothing. "I'm ready" he said walking towards the hole he saw Faith go through.

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