Lost in Paradise

"Hmm".Damian smiled and snag another chorus and a black and red raven landed on his shoulder and he turned around."Nothin here shadow let's go".He said and fed the raven a seed as he walked away.
Jace smiled and looked down at her. "It will be lovely. I don't care how long it takes. I promise to make that happen!" He put on a goofy triumphant smile.

Carly thought about it a moment. Was that Kane's power? Being able to sustain any amount of injury and not actually be injured? Or did he just no have any blood? ((gtg, good night/morning))
"Have fun Raven man!" Kane called after the weird kid. Then he wanders around the clearing to find another bone. This time he found the whole mouse. Kane picked it up, looked at the sleeping figure of Carly and the quietly conversing couple and turned away from the group the held the mouse to his throat, as the throat healed itself the mouse died. Kane tossed the mouse to the side and wiped his hands.

Dustin shrugged "Not really. I don't like the effect water has on my hair" Dustin played with the necklace on his neck.
"No problem." Jace kissed her forehead once again.

Carly nearly gagged. Are you kidding me?! What'd he do to that thing...besides picking up a mouse!! Ewwww!!!
He looked back at the boy and rubbed his head."Wiiiiierd".He said and kept walking with a sigh."Im so bored".He said and he cut his wrist and looked at the crimson flow of the blood.He smiled and started making it into shapes.
"so, we are on a deserted island, fighting for our lives and youre worried about your hair?" she asked sarcasticly. "well let me help you then!" she reached up and ruffled his hair.
Dustin grabbed her hands and kissed her cheek " Yes, yes I am worried about my hair" he smiles as he continues "Its not like girls fall for personality you know" he states sarcastically
He looks up as his ears toned in on what the male said."You are so wrong my friend soooo wrong".He smiled and stood and walked around a little.
Emerald blushed, "thats not all girls." she replied shyly, "but what about guys? arent they usually after looks?" she said wondering what he saw in her.she remembered all the timse she used to play with the boys in the neighborbood, dirty grass stained elbows, and knees, ripped jeans and baggy hoodies.
Dustin shrugged "Meh. When Kane and I were on the streets we hung out with girls a lot so it just seems natural to not judge them or care what they looked like" Dustin says removing Emeralds hands from his hair and styling it back to the spiky style it was in before "But seriously, don't touch the hair. the hair is sacred" Dustin smiles
Alex had been off alone, it's not like anyone cared about her anyway. She was sitting under a rather large tree, just thinking and humming. That was all she was good for right? Maybe someone would find her, and maybe they wouldn't. Not that she cared. Even if someone did want to look for her, it doesn't necessarily mean they cared.
Damian was flying gently when he spotted a large tree.He decided that it would be his resting place for tonight so he went into a steep dive and ended up tangled in branches upside down."I have gotta learn how to land properly".He said and shook his head the his pet raven cawed and Damian put his blood back into his body and fell face first to the ground."Owww".
"ok mr. hair." she giggled, she took a few steps back and let her feet float up.she layed across the water on her back, looking at the stars.

((its still night right? im losing track of time.))
He looked up at her."Alex?''.He smiled and stood up,rubbing his head."Well I guess thios meeting was on less..".He looked to the tree."Less embarressing terms but....yeah".He rubbed his head lightly.
"What happened? Why were you up in that tree? Are you okay?" She would never admit it, but she had been worried about him ever since they parted ways. She had been thinking about him ever since she met him. And while sitting under the tree, she had been humming a song meant for him.
"Uhhh yeah see I was uhh flying and I saw this tree and it made a perfect place for me to sleep today soo I went in to land and I kinda messed it up".He smiled and looked at her.Ever since he had parted ways he had been wondering much about her.He was in the process of aking a pretty good song for her before he crashed landed.
He nodded shyly at how she studied him and he leaned back on the tree."Y-yeah im ok".He said and Shadow landed on his shoulder and Damian fed the Raven.
"I'm glad you're ok." She smiled shyly up at him and blushed, although it was hard to see with only some stars and the moon out. "If you need a place to stay, there's still room back at camp." She blushed a bit more.
He rubbed the back of his head and thought then with a deep sigh he smiled at her."I would like that very much".He said and fed another seed to Shadow and his blush seemed to get deeper.Lucky for him it was hard to notice in the light.

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