Lost in Paradise

Carly took a deep breath. May as well...she turned over and sat up. Placing her feet on the ground, she looked up at Kane. "What was that?" She asked sternly. ((so just to be clear, due to the forced time skip...it's daytime?? Or just early in the morning er...what??))
Alex continued walking and she didn't even notice that she had begun humming. Wherever she walked past flowers started to spring up as if from nowhere. She kept her gaze on the ground so she wouldn't make a wrong step and she didt see the flowers coming from nowhere.
He looked at the flowers as he passed them and he looked to the rose,he let it go into the wind and watched as it sailed away with the breeze.He smiled and looked back to Alex wondering if she knew what she was doing.
((clarification, as soon as Dustin annd emerald get back and catch a quick nap, then its morning since they are the only two who havent slept yet.))

"no its not that" emerald said "i will tell you in the morning ok?" she smiled. she was exhausted and really need some sleep.
Dustin shrugs and walks into camp then walks pact Kane, kicking him in the arm "Sup dipwad" he says smiling then he walks to a hammock and lies down and closes his eyes.
She looked up to make sure they were going the right way. She looked over curiously at the flowers and realized she was humming. Alex smiled and quickly plucked a red flower. She then put it behind her ear and looked up at Damian. "We should be there soon."
He was still looking at the flowers and he nodded.He was sweating and he was starving.He stared at ALex but shook his head."No...I can't do that I have to control myself".He said under his breath and he grabbed his stomach and his hunger was starting to surface.His eyes turned a deep red and his fangs protruded out there gums and he cried out in pain and stumbled back into a tree.
Emerald slept pretty heavily, dispite the awkward feel of the hammock. she would have to work on her weaving later.
"Damian!" She rushed over to him. "Are you ok? What happened?" She couldn't see his fangs or eyes from how she was standing and she has no idea what had happened.
((its now morning. forced time skip! hope your characters are in an ok spot to take the skip.))

Emerald woke up in he morning knowing exactly what she was going to do. she deffinatly wasnt girly, so she had her own way of doing things. "you around here somewhere Durtin?" she called. she wasnt sure where his hammock was,.
He growled and pushed her away with great force.He stood and Shadow cawed and he stumbled back into the tree again."AHH!!!!!!!".He screamed and held his head as he fangs grew longer and alot sharper.
He smashed into a tree and sent it flying then he ell to his knees."AHHHH,a-alex.....rub".I say and Shadow caws at you and grabs your shirt trying to lead you away.
Alex quickly got to her feet and with a whispered "I'll will find you again," she ran in the opposite direction they were headed, and towards the camp. She ran as quickly as she could, tears streaming down her face.
Damian held his head and he stumbles back.He tore most of the forest down and he ran out.He let out a furious yell which echoed through the woods and all the way to the camp.He looked for any living life form and whoever he found were goners.After he drank a young blond woman who was hiding out in a store and he fell to sleep in a pool of blood.
Alex finally made it back to the camp and fell to her knees, crying and shaking in fear. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh," she said between sobs.
(Theres nobody else on the island and no store but okay)

Brady looks out his home looking at all the trees "Aw poor babies" he came down and started making the forest grow back to normal.
(its an island why wasn't I informed? :3)

Damian awoke in the pool of blood and he stood to his feet."Oh no not again".He walked back into the forest and found a cave to go and die in.Shadow cawed but stayed next to Alex.
((hey anon92 I replied to your adventure time rp, in case you didn't know.))

"I have to go find him." She wiped her eyes and got up. She walked back into the woods. "Damian? Damian?"she yelled, hoping he would answer.
He looked up when he heard her speak and he appreciated the bamboo bars and he sat back.He shook his head and Shadow took off heading to the cave he was in.

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