Lost in Paradise

Carly jumped a little at the sound the bowl made.

Jace's eyes opened at the ringing sound. He sat up, half-alert and half-asleep.
Jackie jumped and spun around, facing Charlotte. "ooh- !" was all she said in what seemed like a frightened way. "Um..Yeah, sorta.." she cleared her throat. "I'm um..I'm trying to find anybody--somebody..." she looked around. "You're somebody right?" she tried to smile.
Jace shook his head and yawned. "It's cool. It was probably time for me to wake up anyway."

Carly ate her soup, listening to their conversation.
"Wow" he said surprised more than anything that she would have this. "Am I right to guess that I'm going to be in more than one page" he asked.
"of course" Faith smiled. she flipped open the book and wrote Marks name in it and drew little hearts around it. "see?" she giggled. she was lucky the notebook survived. she had tryed so hard to keep it above water. it was her journal after all.
"Hey Faith do you have any older brothers or sisters maybe" he asked both curious and a little worried.
"nope. all i had was my mom. never met my dad either. do you have siblings?" she asked with a smile. she wondered why she was never sad when she talked about family. her mother had been so kind she never gave any thought to other matters.
Kane emerged from the forest after doing... foresty things and sat down by Carly at the fire "Sup?" He asked then he saw the bowls "Hey, do I get food or not?" He smiles as he grabs a bowl.

Dustin creeps up behind Emerald and taps her on the shoulder "Boo!" He says, jumping out from behind her.
Carly laughed quietly ay Kane's comment, but inside she was still going over what he had said. What should I say back, she thought. Maybe she could ask her brother for help...but he wouldn't let it go.

Jace looked over at Carly. "What did you say?"
Dustin smiled "aw come on, it wasn't that scary. So whats up?" he asked leaning on her shoulder and ruffling his hair back into his normal style.

Kane looked at the boy who was giving Carly a weird look "Hi, I don't think we've met before. I'm Kane." He went to shake his hand "And you are..?"
"well," she had a mischevious look, "i thought about it a lot, i have two orders of business. first, i really like you, and second payback." she grabbed him by the collar and kissed him, then shoved him into the water.
"Well at least I dont have to worry about being threatened by your family right" he asked grinning.
Mark actually thought about it. "I wouldn't know I would probably have to go back to my all boys school and you too your all girls school" he said sighing.
"i hope it wont be the last time we see eachother." her eyes lit up "the day we leave this island, everyone can have a peice of paper from my journal. we can write down conacts.our cell phones may have drowned with the ship but some may have email."
"maybe." Faith smiled. "but only if i can take Emerald with me. shes like my sister. i would miss her too much"
"Well she could if she wanted too but I cant even be sure I would be able too" he said letting out a huff of air before looking back at the clouds.

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