Lost in Paradise

She sighed, relieved they would contact her "Ok, I'll send an Illusion message to find you if anthing happens." she said and then kissed Jace's cheek "Be Safe." she said
Jace laughed and pulled her close fo him, planting one on her lips. "Of course." He turned back to the little group. "Ready to go?"
Emerald looked at both groups. "I will go with th guys" she had spent so much time with Dustin she realized she hadn't really gotten to know the other girls and would just end up feeling awkward.

Faith came back with mark, both were carrying arm loads of fruit. "We found a pretty grove of fruit trees!"
Kane shrugged and held up the bone "I got everything I need."

Dustin smiled "Yeah, me too. plus I can make stuff out of shadows. Don't know if you guys would like it or not."
Emerald filled Faith in on what everyone was doing. "Well,I'm ready to go."

"Well, I can show you all where the grove is" faith said walking to the group of girls, arms still full of fruit.
((Hey everyone I started a sign up and info thred for a new RP called "A Week in Paradise" I just thought. It would be cool to do an rp with the actual cruise)) PO
Kane fell into step with Jace "So... Jace. Your power same as your sisters or different?"

Dustin quietly followed Jace and fell into step with Emerald.
"So, what do you think about the boat idea?" Emerald asked Dustin, trying to break her own awkwardness.
Jace sighed. Why was this guy talking to him...."It's the same." He said, trying to make it sound as convincingly nice as possible.
Kane smiled "Well, as I can see that you're hating every minute of talking to me. I'll go back and annoy someone else." He walked back towards Emerald and Dustin.

Dustin shrugged "We'll need more then one cause there are a lot of us. Have you guys thought about carving up the half of the cruse ship we have for supplies? Or to make the actual boat out of it? If we can get the bodies out that is."
Jace nodded. "It's a good idea...and I think that getting the bodies out would be a better idea than leaving them. They deserve a proper burial."
"That's true too." Emerald agreed. She wasn't sure she wanted to go back on the ship. She didn't want to be the one going into crevaces. Only Faith knew the full extent of her flexibility, an side of her she didn't like much.
Carly sighed as they left. "Free at last." She joked, looking over at Lily. "First time in a while that I haven't had my brother hovering over my every move."
Lily laughed and grinned "I know, I felt that way when i left for the cruise." she said "Except I have four." she grimaced slightly. They are probable worried sick." she said, feeling a little upset "But they'll know i'm ok." she said more too herself
Kane nodded "It wouldn't be hard. and if the girls are squeamish Dustin and I can get the bodies out sometime when they're sleeping. just so they won't have to hear it"

Dustin smirked "I find it kind of funny how they're afraid of dead bodies. no offense" he addedfor Emerald "but they're just people. or were. unless... nah, I kid. they're human."
Carly nodded. "Siblings have bonds like that, whether you believe or not. They know." She smiled confidently.

Jace looked at Emerald, not really understanding what she meant. "Then what is it you're afraid of?"
Lily nodded and said "Oh, I know they know, one of my brothers, can give antone a dream, no matter the distance, i had one, he gave me since i was little." she said

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