Lost in Paradise

Jace caught the vine and continued climbing. After reaching the top, he looked around and found a split between two branches that looked perfect. He put it through then sent the other end back down. "This good?" he yelled.
"Oh you want my help to do what might i ask" walks over to lily and grows a white rose out of his hand "Hello... im sorry weve never been introduced my name is Brady" kisses her hand and gives her the flower
She looked up and nodded "Perfect, pull this up to test!" she said tying the basket up properly. As he came over she rolled her eyes and said "Nice to meet you, I'm Lily, I like to keep my body parts thanks" she said smiling and she looked at Jace "Annoy me and it will NOT be pretty, right Jace?"
Dustin rolls his eyes at Brady making a scene on the ground "What a sleeze." He mumbles "Jace, lets cut some of these down to flatter. Lets see if we can maybe make some plank type things"
Jace didn't hear Lily or Dustin. He was looking down at the two on the ground. Something inside him didn't like what Brady was doing. When Lily sad his nme, he snapped out of it. "Uh..yeah! Right!" he recovered...hopefully smoothly.
Before either of them get to making the plants Brady makes the top half of the log turn to mulch

(Whats a sleeze)
Dustin glanced over at Jace staring down at Brady and walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder "He's a sleeze. Just ignore him. If he comes near someone who you don't want him to be near just go punch him a few times, or take him into the ocean. He won't have as much power there." and went back to carving the wood into a platform.

(( a douche bag. someone whom we don't like.))
Yells up "Are you two aware that there are plants in the ocean right and im alright with the punching. However if you have some type of problem you can just tell me"
Jace laughed a little to himself, the whole fight playing out in his head. "Maybe later." He pulled up Lily's basket then noticed her plea-like expression. "Be right back." He made his was down the ladder.
Dustin yelled back "I have a problem, but I think if you went to counciling we could get over with it" He smiled "Just don't mess with this treehouse ok? We're just trying to survive because we don't have freaky control over plants and unlimited food."
"Hey i invited you to come to my abode but they couldn't get up so i made steps"

(Thanks and i thought you were suppose to be whatever you just said)
(I know, thats why I'm being a jerk to you :D Plus, I might just be putting on a nice guy act, you don't know yet 0_o)

Dustin shakes his head and continues making planks for the floor of the small tree house.
(Tricky very Tricky)

"What do you want from me an elevator" walks around and stops at a random tree and grows some grape vines around it
"Hey, Lily I think that there may have been some washed up...stuff on the beach we could use for the shelter. You wanna come help me look?" Jace asked, hoping this would be enough to get her away from Brady.
Dustin shrugs and hovers on a small black cloud for a moment to get a better view of the platform they've made. The he yells down "Hey! Guys! Walls or no walls? Quick vote!"
"Hmm very melodramatic a walk along the beach." touches one of the palm trees and watches as it rots and in its place grows an apple tree
Dustin shadow-ports down to Brady "Says he who just presented some girl he just met with a rose. Nice try Romeo" with that he shadow-ports back up to the tree.

"Har har har Jace. Very funny"
"Romeo? Dont you guess do that where you were from well i guess the flower thing is just me because i can otherwise dont you guys?" grows a bamboo field "I think ill use this bamboo for my floor" talking to himself he touches the ground and all the bamboo falls over he puts his body inside all the bamboo makeing some weird humanoid bamboo thing and walks back to his home
Dustin relaxed as Brady walked away, Dude that kid was creepy, and started working on some support beams for the roof.
"That's fine. Let's go back we have plenty of food already." Faith had constructed a bag and filled it with food. They haeded back towards the others.

By this time Emerald had woven baskets to store food and enough sturdy hamocks for everyone to sleep in.
Dustin yelled down to Emerald "Hey! Emerald! I made the treehouse platform! I can bring those things up here if you want."

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