Lost in Paradise

Dustin glared at Brady "I don't know. I'm guessing somewhere along the lines of dying in a hole." then he smiled at Emerald "So, Emerald. Have you met our new friend Brady yet?"
"What i do to you. Lets see sliced threw my nice little wall of grapes and tried to force me to come with you. Then you came to my home. Now im here and get out is what i hear"
Dustin smiled "No, I gave you a choice to come with us. and you refused. I sliced your lovely vineyard because I thought you were trapped."
"Hello Brady, im emerald, Dustin, did you get everything up in the house?" she set the rest of the stuff in the shadows.

Faith came back with Carly, and she made dishware, started a fire and began to cook. "Keep up the good work everyone, im cooking so keep it up till im doet and we will have a nice meal together." she yelled to everyone
"Hello Emerald and keep up the work yeah okay" walks to a tree and makes vines grow from that tree to a different tree and makes another hammock and lays down
Faith added ingredients to a large makeshift pot and the smell of food drifted around. she smiled happily as she cooked. is was something she enjoyed, espesially when she could share with others.

Emerald looked a little bashful. "actually, i cant really decorate. im kinda a tomboy so ive never really cooked either. thats why Faith is in charge of that."
Makes a watermelon patch grow in the ground and a bunch of grapes in his hand he started to eat the grapes and swing."So you want it decorated" looks at his own home with the berries growing around the inside
Carly at by the fire, warming herself. It had gotten reeaaalllly cold and she was in nothing but a tank top, shorts, and a swimsuit underneath.

Jace plopped down next to her. "Find anything good out in the woods?" he asked Faith.
Faith smiled "lots! and its almost done too. i hope you like vegetable soup." her smile grew brighter. she was overjoyed that for once a guy was interested in her cooking. she was a good cook, but most guys made fun of her by saying stuff about herb potions and medicine as though she were a witch.
Faith pours a bit of soup into a bowl and hands it to Jace. "do you think this is done enough? doees it taste ok?"
He tasted it - and forgot how hot it was coming right off the fire. "Woah! That's hot!" He attempted to cool his tongue down and after the soup itself had calmed down, sipped it again. "Tastes great to me!" He offered a bowl to his sister.

Carly took it and relished it's warmth as she ate the soup.
"im glad! dinner is ready everyone!" Faith called as she poured a few more bowls.

Emerald took a seat near the soup pot and received a bowl from Faith. she took a sip and gave faith a warm smile. "its been awhile since ive had your cooking Faith. and even though we are stranded here, it feels like everything will be ok." you always have a way of putting a comforting warmth into everything you make. im glad we landed here together.

Faith smiled in response to her friend. she really couldnt imagine a better way to be stranded then this. she loved being surrounded by people.
Dustin took the food and asked "Now this actual food right? At Deans school half the food wasn't food and the other half was poisoned. made for fun learning experiences."
"dont worry its real food." Faith chuckled, "hope you like it."

you really dont have to seek approval. your cookings always good. Emerald thought. but, she knew that Faith wouldnt rest till everyone was happy.

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