Lost in Paradise

'Oh great, she's found my weak spot.' Alex looked at the ground in front of her. "Yeah, I don't know about that. No guy has shown interest in me before. And I might never find someone that does. But whatever." She tried to shrug off the terrible feeling she had. Stupid emotions.
"of course!" Emerald answered. "there are more hammocks then people anyway. if anyone shows up there will be room." she turned back to Alex "sorry about saying weird stuff just now. its funny how insignificant i feel realizing that i was so busy being a boy that i didnt realize i could have been looking for someone. its probably too late now. after all, im the most unfeminine one here."
"I doubt it's too late for you." Alex reached into her pocket and examined what she had managed to save. She put her pocket knife and hairties back in her pocket, but kept the heart necklace out. She then looked at Brady again. "I feel like I should try and keep him company. Wow, when did I become so social?" She said half to herself and half to Emrald. She stood up.
"he is really uncooperative. i wish he would at least try to get along." Emerald sighed. "anyway, now that we are on this island, think of it as a new begining. new friends and even a fresh start at love. i mean, if someone as hopless as me could get a boy im sure you could." Emerald smile encouragingly.
Emerald just sat by the fire. she wondered what was really in store for everyone on the island. would they all remain friends? or would love tear them apart? she certainly hoped not. the last thing they needed was fighting. if they didnt stick together who knew what would happen.
Alex raised an eyebrow at Brady then started singing quietly. The water parted so she could walk over to Brady without getting wet. She stood next to him with her arms crossed.
Alex sat down on a small patch of damp sand that she was keeping the water away from. Her singing was a little bit louder than a little bit ago so she could keep waves away.
She stops singing and lets the small waves crash against her. "Just thought I would come over and say hi i guess. So I'm guessing your power has something to do with plants?"
"Oh that" leans on his arm and moves hair to the side still looking into her eyes. Moveing alittle closer to her
((Alex showed up after brady. the tree house is done and everyone except Alex and Brady are still around the fire eating the soup Faith made. i will be back tomorrow.good night!))
A light blush crept its way onto her cheeks. "Well I can do stuff with plants too. Actually with anything in nature. I just have to know the specific tune and lyrics for it." She hoped she wasnt boring him to death.
Lily was bored from her spot in front of Jace and started making Illusions. First her butterfly's, then stars, then blue roses.
"Yes. And I can combine one items tune and anothers lyrics, which let me use both of them at the same time together." Alex looked around at the flowers and smiled.
Jace stood. "A walk seems sorta nice." He looked down at Carly. "You wanna go?"

Carly looked up at her brother. She didn't really want to, and even by her brother's expression, she could tell he didn't really want her to go either. "Na, I'm good right here."

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