Lost in Paradise

Stops at the top of the tree and yells down "You walk slow" laughs and goes back into the tree and pokes his head out
Grabs her arm and pulls her into the tree "Okay its easier to go up because water flows up" stops at the top "Here we are isnt it glorius"
"No actually im pretty dark and destructive muahahhaha" looks at her again "Well can you find your room or do you need help"
Name: Kaia Saiki

gender: Female

Age: 17


Having a lost desire for security, Kaia generally is a very protective and paranoid person. Overall she can be a little far-fetched and un-ordinary, seeking her desire in the natural other than relating to her own kind. She isn't outgoing, rather she would be timid and hide in a hole for all she cares. But she had made a promise to her brother Saikun (whom drowned in the incident) that she would stay alive and stay with the people she knew, not talking to animals or wondering into the abyss. (as she usually does). In her "only girl" school, she was taunted and bullied for being strange and unsettling, but perhaps, she could be the perfect person that they would need one day. She has sworn to protect herself and everyone around her.


Her fashion style is compared, to maybe a creative person. She likes to wear bright colours, neons and her good old white converser s; she doesn't care much about her appearance but likes to add a little touch to the designs of her clothing. Her main attribute would be that she wears headphones, which let's her daydream once in a while, inspiring on whatever music she listens too, but she only has a few tracks supplied on her laptop, which she has kept safely in her bag for eternity. Unfortunate how she has no signal to contact anyone.

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Abilities*: She could hear very well, and can sense when things are about to happen or if anything is heading towards them

school**: All girl

items***: Laptop (no signal, little charge), Phone (no signal), head phones, keys, empty bottle and a stray piece of string.
"Your welcome if you need anything ill be on the first floor in the second room to your left" walks into his room
Alex walks to her room and sits on her bed. She decides to brush out her hair with a seashell she found earlier. It was starting to get dark and as she brushed her hair she sang another song that was beautiful but sounded like gibberish. Slowly, fireflies began to come through the window, lighting up her room.
Talks into the tree making his voice travel up the tree to her room "Hello again i would just like to say i can hear whatever you say while in this building"
Alex stopped singing and blushed. After the days events she was tired, so she took off her black tshirt and kept her blue tank top on so she would be more comfortable. She laid down on her bed and hummed the tune she was just singing. She watched the fireflies dance all around her and she smiled.
she would remember somthing and dashed towards te rock that she hit her head on, looking aroung and finding it, her blue messenger bag.
"Hey, where are you - " She was gone. He sighed and ran after her. He found her by the rock where he had found her. "What was that about?" He managed to say over heavy breathing.
she looked at Jace and said "Sorry, I remembered I had my bad on when the ship sunk." she said holding it up "It's not much use but it's still mine." she said shrugging
Jace smiled and looked out towards the open ocean when something caught his eye. Something was reflecting against the moonlight. "What the hell is that.." he murmured. He made his way down to the tide and picked up - metal? He looked up and saw other reflecting pieces of it floating towards shore. "What the..."

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