Lost in Paradise

Faith finally poured a bowl for herself. she took a sip and felt it warm her all the way through. she had done a good job with limited supplies.
Name: Alexandria Call (goes by Alex)


Age: 16

Personality: Keeps to herself, unless she likes a certain person. usually doesnt talk unless it is necessary.she isnt afraid to get in a fight. She has built a kind of 'outer shell' that masks all her real feelings, which makes her seem tough.

appearance: skater, auburn black straight hair that goes to the middle of her back, with bangs that go to the right. deep blue eyes,pale skin.

Abilities: can manipulate things by singing, such as animals, plants, and if she concentrates, people. (she doesnt like her power because she feels that it can only be used for evil)

School: Garnet school for the gifted (COED)

Items: lucky pocket knife, a heart necklace, and hairties

other: was hoping to find love on the cruise, but now is doubting she will ever find it (or will she? ;D ))

Alex slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around and wondered why she was sitting on a beach. As the realization hit her, she felt a sharp pain in her arm. Alex looked down at her arm and saw it had a giant gash in it. She wanted to cry, but her tough personality wouldn't let her. So she did what she would always do. Alex sang. It would sound like gibberish to anyone, but it was still beautiful. As she sang the wind seemed to grow stronger. Maybe her combined singing and the increased power in the breeze would help someone find her.

((omg this took a while. was it ok? im kind of new to this xD ))

((dang it i forgot to say she has two ear piercings, a cartilage, and a monroe piercing -_- sorry))
A warm sound reached Faiths ears. "i hear.........singing?"

Emerald heard it too. "im going for a walk. be back in a bit." she left the camp behind in search of the voice. if there was anyone out there, they shouldnt be alone.
Alex continued her singing, but switched tunes. This time the sand started moving, and flew into the air with the help of the wind. It seemed to dance in a pattern in the air. Alex started singing quieter and quieter, and as she did, the sand stopped moving and slowly moved back to the ground. She stopped singing and layed back down, sighing as she did.
Emerald finally made it back on the beach and spotted a girl laying in the sand. "you over there! are you ok?"
Walks over to the edge of the water and falls to his knees and puts his face in his hand saying "please let it be an animal some weird bird"
Dustin saw Emerald go off "Don't go alo- Wow, she is great at listening isn't she." Dustin shadow ports to find her "Emerald, don't go running off like that" after a moment Dustin notices Alex "Who are you?"
Alex sat back up and turned to look at the girl that had found her. "Just a gash on my right arm." She stood up and walked over to Emerald, holding her arm as she walked. Blood was still coming out of the wound.
((Juliet , nice job so far, interesting character. is this your first time roleplaying? BTW I gotta go. Night everyone! ))
"that doesnt look good. hold still a minute." Emerald pulled a green bandana out of her bag and tied around the girls injured arm. "its not perfect, but it will do till we get back to camp. do you think you can make it that far?"
Looks over to see them walking back with someone else and yells "NO" trying to look for a good side "its just a cruel prank that's it its a prank"
"Definitely." She then turned to Dustin and stared at him. 'Oh wow he's-Wait Alex your stuck on an island. This is not a time to be thinking about your failing love life,' she thought. "I'm Alex."

((its not my first time but i am very new to roleplaying. and ive never done anything like this. Also, if anything is wrong that i post, just ignore it. I'm trying to catch up on whats already happened. xD ))
((okeedokey. i have the feeling that the "love" aspect of this is going to get messy. theres so many girls and so few boys! so really, what ever couples turn out depends on the boys desitions. good luck guys xD ))

Faith looked up at Alex. "oh my god are you ok?" she ran over and looked at her arm. "i have healing abilities i can help"

Emerald put a hand on Faiths shoulder "settle down. getting worked up wont solve anything"
"Naw I'm fine. I can just deal with it." Alex looked around at everyone else. "So am I going to be introduced to everyone or shoukd I just assign you all a number?" She smirked.
Faith gave her a serious look. "introductions later. your still bleeding." she untied the blood soaked bandana made her sit on the ground. once they were both seated she put her hands over the wound and there was a soothing green light.once it faded Faith panted with exhaustion and fainted.

Emerald had sat right next to Faith and caught her as she fell back. "pardon my friend. she gets a little pushy when it come to others well being. shes also been healing others all day so it seems shes exhausted herself." Emerald moved Faith and made her comfortable. "anyway, introductions. the blond twins are Jace and Carly, the guy up there freaking out is Brady, im Emerald, this is my friend Faith, the other girl over there is Lily and last but not least the guy sitting across from me is Dustin."
Alex looked specifically at all the boys. 'Wow...ok. Alex, you don't stand a chance with all these other girls around. Just give up. Just give up.' She looked at Brady and gestured with her thumb to him. "What's his problem?"
"sorry Brady." she looked up at him apologeticly.she turned back to Alex. "youre really pretty you know that? ive always been kind of a tomboy so im a bit envious. even of Faith. shes too airheaded to notice anything though so shes never dated." Emerald said awkwardly.

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