Lost in Paradise

Lily stood up and thought Stuck. Lily blinked a couple of times and said "We need shelter, at least untill we figure out that to do, I'm Lily by the way" she said
"I'm Jace. And that's Faith. She healed your head, by the way." He helped her up. "You'll meet my twin, Carly, later." He looked up towards the sky, shielding his eyes from the sun with his eyes. "And a shelter isn't such a bad idea."
She smiled and said "Nice to meet you, i would be better under diferent circumstances, but still nice to see i'm not alone." she said she thought abouther blue and black butterfly's and they appeared. she sent them above the island andcolsed her eyes as not to get confused. She saw, what they saw which was everything. she made them dissapear and said "Is a small island, probably only take a couple of days to walk the perimeter." she said
She smirked right back and said "I know." she made an image of him in a dress and then bolted for the to figures in the distance.
Jace looked down and for some reason attempted to brush it off. He looked back up and narrowed his eyes, but a playful smile trailed on his face. Before she could get any further, he made a solid wall of sand surround Lily from all sides. He walked casually in her direction.
He waited until he was next to the wall before dropping the walls. "And that's my ability."

Carly looked over at the wall of sand that had emerged. 'What is he up to now?'
When the walls dropped she grinned at him "Uh . . . wow cool power" she quoted playfully, as long as he knew she wasn't ticklish she would be fine
Faith trailed slowly behind. they were on a deserted island, these two were playing in the sand, and she felt like she was going to pass out. she wanted to have fun too.....it was just like school. she was too quiet, too weak, too boring. she finally got back to where Emerald was sitting in the sand.

Emerald stood up and met Faith on her way back. "you ok? you dont look so good."
Jace rolled his eyes, noticing how she had mimicked his response. Nonetheless, he couldn't help smiling. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad on the island- for a bit. He still had every intention to get off the island ASAP.

Carly cleared her throat. "I see you've found another survivor?" She asked. She was looking at her brother in particular.
Faith smiled at her. "im fine dont worry so much" she went over to Jace, "im feeling a bit stronger now, please let me heal your head" she looked up at the blood spot.

Emerald hoped that wasnt a lie. Faith seemed to care more about others then herself sometimes. she seemed ok so Emerald let her go.
Name: Dustin Alexander Shadex

gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Loud, flirtry, and overall a douche bag

Appearance: Black hair, with blue streaks in it, black hoodie. about 5' 17"

Abilities: Shadow Manipulation (I can make things out of shadows)

School: Deans School for the Elementally Gifted (coed)

Items: Small pocket knife, A roll of duct tape, and some string.

(Don't know if its to late to join or not, but Ima try)
((your fine! but i warn you, Faith comes from a story i wrote and a reputation for turning douche bags nice. mwahahahah))
Jace nodded and plopped down next to Faith. Looking back at Carly, he said "Yeah, that's Lily."

Carly nodded a hello then watched Faith as Jace walked over to her.

Dustin woke up on a weird beach. God, where was he? This was not normal. He got up and yelled out "HELLO? ANYONE OUT THERE?" In some part of his mind he thought this might be one of the Dean's tests but he thought it probably wasn't.
Dustin got up to wander around and yelling "Hello? Is anyone out here?" Screw it he decided to just find the nearest shadow and port to the nearest human. He found a nice, shady tree and sat under it. Then his form dissolved and remade itself nearest to Emerald and Faith (and whoever else is with them. They were just names I remembered from the start of the forum) "Hello Ladies" Dustin said, emerging from the darkness.
Faith walked over to Emerald as a boy materialized from her shadow.she decided she would check on Jace later, besides, she was pretty tired. he gave the newcomer a bright smile, she didnt want Emerald to know how tired she was. "hello! im Faith, who might you be shadow boy?" she hoped that wasnt offending. spirits seemed a little low.

did he just materialize from my shadow? Emerald thought just as Faith called him 'shadow boy' Emerald felt a bit wary, but Faiths smile was sincere. Emerald sighed. i wonder if she has any bit of caution in her? " im Emerald."her expression was flat.
Carly tried to smile sincerely at Lily, but it probably failed. She was only half- paying attention because of the mysterious guy who'd appeared out of nothing. She blinked, making sure that the boy there was actually there. When the others talked to him, she knew it wasn't just her imagination.

Jace had made his way back over to his sister and sat next to her. He was just as astonished as she was, but more composed about it. There was one plus, however. It was another dude - he had started to feel confined with all these girls around.
Faith notices Jace sit down. she walks over to him. , " we should get you healed. it looks like you are still bleeding just slightly" Faith said with a concerned glance.

Emerald couldnt help but laugh at her friend. Faiths politness still went unrivaled. she always made sure everyone was included in the group but never forgot her job as a healer.
"My name is Dustin. Nice to meet you" He said offering his hand "And yes, I am a Shadow Boy. But really, I'm just kind of... lost.... where are we?" Dustin smiled "I'm from Dean's School. You know the place?"
Emerald turned back to Dustin. "we are stuck on this island. we hit a hurricane and some were thrown over board. i actually have heard of your school. its only a few towns over from mine and Faiths." she said, shaking his hand.
Jace touched the spot on his head - still wet with blood. He chuckled. "Yeah, guess so." He stood. "You're sure you're ok?"

Carly answered the boy's question in her head. Like that TV show 'Lost'...​she thought to herself.
Faith nodded, "im ok now, besides your injury doesnt look as bad as lilys." she put her hands gently on his head and they gave off the same green light as earlier. she finished and ploped in the sand next to Jace rubbing her eyes. "maybe i was a bit tired. how do you feel?" she yawned. she wasnt exausted so much, more like sleepy from the long day.

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