Lost in Paradise

Jace looked up at the sky once again. "I feel like we should follow Lily's idea. Shelters are must in this heat." (headin' to bed)
"your probably right." Faith got up and ran back over to Emerald and poked her a few times. "we still need shelter. this island isnt going to be a pleasent place without somewhere to sleep."

"good point" Emerald looked at her sleepy friend.
"So we're just lost as crap?" Dustin asked "Well I might have a way to get back to civilization. Just wait til night time." Dustin smiled "So... who are the rest of you? Sorry I haven't meet you before"
"these two," Faith pointed at the twins, "are Jace and Carly, the other girl is Lily."

"i dont suppose you would help us build a shelter?" Emerald asked, "we might need it anyway"
Dustin smiles "How can I say no to such a pretty face? Besides, since its dark now there are shadows everywhere. I can do anything" he says while managing to cut down a tree with a shadow axe "see? Easy shelter."
Emerald blushes. "whatever just.....we need wood and something for rope and...." she keeps mumbling random supplies.

Faith smirks. getting dodgy are we? shes probably used to being one of the boys instead of getting hit on.
Dustin smirks as he composes a house out of shadows then decides that he doesn't like it, wipeing his hand across the air as If to clear it and then wandering into the woods to find better trees to use for wood "So... " he says to bridge the awkwardness "What's that freaky green stuff you shoot from your hands? Wait, let me guess. You're plant woman. Protecting nature by teaching people how to recycle!" He laughs
"im a healer actually. its a gift to ease peoples pain" Faith said with a gentle smile as she looked at the sky.

Emerald trailed behind a little ways as they walked.
"So. shelter. want a tree house or like a house in a clearing or what? Cause I'm pretty good with my hands" (perverted jokes FTW!) Dustin smiled as they walk into the forest
"a tree house house would keep us safe from ground based predators." Faith suggested.

Emerald was dumbfounded did Faith really not get that joke? wow. probably cuz shes from an all girls school......
" Point. but treehouses require ladder, which requires rope and lots of it. so find some vines and we can weave them together to make rope" With that Dustin dissolved into the shadows in search of the perfect tree. he landed on a tree almost right above the girls "Hello down there!" He yelled down
"Hello!" Faith called up cheerfully.

Emerald put a hand over her face. Faith you airhead. she put her other hand on Faiths shoulder. "lets just get those vines."
Dustin laughed as he shadow ported back to the ground to set off in search of vines. (Could I go back to the beach and find supplies on the ship or has that already been done?)
((the ship was lost in a hurricane, and we all got washed up. the ship is gooooone. sorry))

Emerald and Faithmanaged to find sometrees with plenty of vines, but the trick was getting them down.
"we have plenty of vines but......" Faith hands are full of vines as she watches Emerald.

Emerald is up in one of the trees slowly cutting vines down with her daggers.
Dustin looks up at Emerald "Be careful! That branch doesn't look to steady" Dustin started gathering fallen logs and such.
Emerald trys to get on a sturdy branch but it breaks and she falls out of the tree.

"Emerald!" Faith drops the vines in shock.
Dustin lunges toward Emerald and manages to summon a bouncy pillow thing of shadow to slow her fall. once he gets under her he releases the shadows and catches her "Gosh, aren't we a smart one? I told you it didn't look sturdy."
Emerald turned bright red "i was just! it was!i couldve!" she babbled awkwardly then shut her mouth. jeez. is this guy hitting on me or Faith? "anyway......thanks for the help."
Dustin sets her down on the ground "Yeah, no problem. next time, don't make me run, i'm lazy as crap" he laughs
Faith was picking up the vines she dropped, glad that Emerald was alright, but also avoiding being put in an awkward situation.

"ya bum." Emerald stuck her tongue out. "we should probably gather up the rest of the vines and get started. we already have a ton."
Dustin smiled "Yeah, I've been called worse" he said as he takes most of the vines from the girls and starts walking back to the others.
As Faith and Emerald follow him they exchange a few glances as private conversation. Emerald was unsure of this guy while Faith remained her overly kind, innocent self.

((g2g be back tomorrow))
Lily was watching and smiled "Nawww" she said in a whisper and walked around colecting rocks. suddednly she hit herself on the forhead and kept going

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