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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dante made his way over to where Gabreil, Luna and Finn were. How can they already be having conflicts now. When he caught up to then he sigh to see no one hurt. "Are you all alright?"
"We won't. Gabriel just let it go." She began to walk out the house and head to the hall. She ignored everything and went through the doors
Gabriel didn't like this at all. He got some clothes and followed Luna. Why was she so sure about not having pups? He couldn't make sense of it.

The outburst was slightly irritating, inface Finn was beginning to regret coming to find luna. Her alpha was young and reckless, he hadnt been paying attention and let a neighbour wander onto their turf, almost to their homes. Snarling in frustration he turned and stalked away as Luna motioned for him to leave. Finnegan found his way back to the lake, laying lazily in the sand, not wanting anymore ridiculous drama.

Grumbling to herself she stripped down, taking off the clothes and stepping outside she shifted to her wolf form once again, heading for the outskirts of their grounds. Diatra needed time alone and she wasnt all that hungry. Sighing lightly she found a small brook not to far off and decided to hop over it, landing on the bank roughly she grunted and glanced back the way she had come, making sure she still knew where she was.
Reptilesandromance said:
"Best of the best. It's been ages though, I was sixteen. And yes that was extremely irritating and shouldn't have been dragged out." Kate slowed some, they were getting close to home and she wasn't sure of his intentions. She glanced at him, unsure though continued on her way. Her stomach was complaining again after the ordeal and she couldn't care less, if he had sinister intentions he wouldn't be so damn casual. @shadowz1995
The warrior wolf took notice of her grumbling innards and the fact that she kept glancing back at him also seemed to be an indicator of something. Victor started to smell the air around them and he noticed that her specific scent kept coming up. She frequented this area and her seemingly nervous demeanor probably meant she was living somewhere nearby or there was something she didn't want him seeing. Either way, he took the hint and stopped following her. "Well, I am actually hungry so I'm going to hunt nearby and set up for the night. I think your den is somewhere nearby so you go ahead. I'll find you come morning and you can show me around then. Sound good she-wolf?" The least Victor could do is give her space when she needed it. He didn't have much in the way of thanks.
She went into the hall and decided no one was coming so she took the food and left the blankets. She began to leave the hall to go back home

The sound and scent of the Alpha made him cringe slightly, however when he was called upon he stood up slowly and turned his large canine head to look at him "Talk about what?" His tone was even and friendly for the moment, however if Gabriel was going to jump on him about attacking the outsider he was going to get angry real fast.
He notice the weird tension going in the air. He sighed and wasn't sure what to do. He decided to fallow his alpha and Finn. Hoping to check in on Finns scratches and also speak with them both. He walked over to them and said " I hope you don't mind me sitting on your. Conversation. Plus I want to check Finn to make sure he not badly injuries." @DaManofWar @Boondox
"If you leave now you have no hope of finding me again, the preys been moving with more predators around, we can do this together if you can promise I won't regret it." She offered, something like that was bold for her. Normally she'd leave with out a word and that'd be the end of their interactions, but the pull was back and she genuinely missed hunting with another, it always added to the experience. @shadowz1995
(I wasn't getting notifications!!! Sorry)

Daisy shrugged as he walked away, and stood up. She decided it might be nice to have a few mutuals in the forest. Maybe even some friends. She dressed into a fresh pair of clothing, a pastel green sweater, shorts, brown boots, and some jewelry. She cleaned any dirt off her skin from her fall, and decided to walk to the cabins. She looked around, and cleared her throat. "Hello?" She said aloud, hoping for a response.
Reptilesandromance said:
"If you leave now you have no hope of finding me again, the preys been moving with more predators around, we can do this together if you can promise I won't regret it." She offered, something like that was bold for her. Normally she'd leave with out a word and that'd be the end of their interactions, but the pull was back and she genuinely missed hunting with another, it always added to the experience. @shadowz1995
"I don't make promises I don't know if I can keep Miss. But I can promise I will try my best not to disappoint you or regret this decision. Well, let's do this then." The scarlet clad wolf quickly surveyed the immediate area and found a suitable tree nearby. He moved behind it and got to stripping his clothing off and setting it down neatly at the foot of the tree. A few moments later, an abnormally large, scarred and intimidating wolf trotted out from behind the tree. Victor simply watched the girl and waited for her to "Lead the dance." As she has said before. These were her hunting grounds after all and Crimson would respect that and let her lead the hunt.
Luna went inside and layed on the couch with a book, tired from her day. Needing to relax she sighed and opened the book
Kate smirked, enjoying a little bit of a change in her routine. She hid herself behind a spruce and modestly undressed before shifting and reemerging, strutting back to him with her tail high and nose in the air. She paused a moment before nudging him to follow and bounding into a steady stride, already on the scent of something good. @shadowz1995

(ahahhaha sorry xC)

"Oh... Thanks..." He set his keys onto the bar.

Sam sat on a bright red bar stool, messing with his hair.

"So... what's your favorite color?"

(@Carnassial )
dante check all of finn's vitals to make sure he was healing properly. he then check out the the small wound and saw it was healing up just fine. it will heal up just fine on it own but couldn't help but notice the conversation that was taking place was about luna. "With all due respect Alpha. i think it would be best to hear Luna's story from her. I would suggest talking to her not only as her alpha but as her potential mate." he didnt want to overstep but he was just giving his opinion.

Luna gave up on her book and tried to find other things to occupy her. So she started taking Gabriel's things and putting them in the guest room angrily. Tonight she was locking her bedroom door, not in the mood for his games
Ollie sat down as well, stretching out a bit. She liked the house, even if it was deep into the woods. Quiet. "Blue," she said, smiling. "Yours?"
Silently Faolin watched not speaking. He was wide awake now. Smiling he watched all of this knowing he was like a wraith among these wolves because he was new in fact he could walk away now if he wished. However he sensed that if he was going to find a mate staying here would be best so he didn't move and yawned waiting for someone to address him directly.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Faolin watched not speaking. He was wide awake now. Smiling he watched all of this knowing he was like a wraith among these wolves because he was new in fact he could walk away now if he wished. However he sensed that if he was going to find a mate staying here would be best so he didn't move and yawned waiting for someone to address him directly.
Dante finished he examining of Finn and spoken his opinion to his alpha. He could sense he was no longer needed. He made his way back to the cabin. That when he noticed Faolin and remember he wanted to check up on him. "Hey man, your looking a lot better. How are you feeling now?" He questioned as he approached him.
Looking at Dante Faolin stated, "With all that drama I am now wide awake however my back leg is very sore and I think my back and neck are slightly out. Aside from that and being somewhat bored I am fine." He grinned.

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