Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

Absol glanced warily at the Umbreon nearby as she headed to the apartment. He didn't look like he was in a mood to talk, which was a relief. She barely interacted with the people who lived near her anyways, and wasn't planning on starting anywhere soon.

She slowed down her pace and let him walk past her and waited until there was a good amount of space between the two of them before continuing on.

She heard her stomach softly growl, reminding her that the granola bar she had brought earlier had been thrown away in her fit. Absol scowled, mentally slapping herself for acting so childish. She blatantly ignored Gengar's text, and just focused on getting home without anymore calamities.

@TheWhiteScarf @Exanis and whoever else
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Gengar noticed that Absol didn't answer, and he sighed with stress. 'Wonder why she is like this... Man...' Gengar thought to himself as he stood up, and began to walk to McPsyuck. 'Haunter. Meet me at McPsyduck. I will pay for the food. Hurry up.' Gengar sent the text to Haunter, and he looked at the sky. 'Hopefully Absol is okay. I wish I could... Although I'm just a stupid Gengar... Man... I hate my life.' Gengar thought as he sighed, and reached McPsyduck where Haunter and Gastly were. "C'mon. I want to get out of here as fast as we can." Gengar said to his brothers as the three walked in, and went towards the line.

Anyone I guess?
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Emilio watched placidly as his character died for the thirteenth time. For whatever reason he was feeling out of his usual gaming mood. He didn't know why he had just been sucking so bad recently. He quietly removed the game from his system which was a Xbox and sat on the left side of his bed. He acted like he had a funeral or something which is what this basically was to him. He looked sullen and his eyes had no visible emotion in them.

He stayed like that for a few seconds before his stomach growled
I'm hungry...That might be why I'm doing so horrible. he suddenly felt better and sat up. He wondered what he could eat, he couldn't cook to save his life and the store was so far away. He probably didn't have anything good in his house either.

He wondered what he was going to do and decided that he should get off his ass and just do it. He mumbled some kind of protest against this but he left his home to stop by the store.

It didn't take long and soon he was walking back home with a bag full of junk food.
This should be enough for now....I should be fine after a recharge.. he was almost completely sure this would help him out of his funk.


She dusted herself off and picked up all her things with a grimace. She was completely annoyed now but the person had the decency to apologize so she wasn't as mad as she could of been. She soon arrived at her home and put all her things away in her room. She then changed into much more comfortable clothes and jumped onto her sofa with a soda of some kind. She turned on her TV and quickly started to doze off.

She didn't feel like she needed it but her mind obviously disagreed with her. The thing that was playing was a horror movie that was so very boring. The most weird and confusing thing ever which was funny...the parts she could hear anyways the other parts she wasn't sure of.

TaraSobiki said:

Kare's mind kind of went blank when she smiled Cute...She's going to kill me with her smile...When have I ever thought anyone was cute? he mentally slapped himself for staring at her like a idiot and wondered if she noticed....probably and hopefully not. Would she even say anything if she had noticed? Cresselia was so nice that even if she did she probably wouldn't say anything...Great now he was going to worry about his relationship with Sheri and if Cresselia caught him staring....It wasn't like he had is eyes somewhere they weren't supposed to be! He hoped she didn't think that...He would look like a creep.

He sat in front of her and mulled over her suggestions
"I thought the best way to a woman's heart was through her stomach?" he wondered if that only applied to males...He couldn't exactly remember but if Regigigas said it....it had to have some truth in it though he didn't completely like the guy he had been somewhat reliable. "That may work...If you don't mind I would like to borrow some flowers....Actually...I would rather get it myself...since I wouldn't feel comfortable taking the easy way out...She had grown those herself...It would be wrong." something made him feel that it wouldn't of been right to profit off of Cesselia's hard work and Sheri deserved more than that anyway.

He furrowed his eyebrows in slight annoyance at the trash thing....Who did Cresselia think he was? He would never consider giving Sheri trash.....Did Cresselia really think he was that much of a asshole?...He was probably just misunderstanding her he would ignore it for now.

A Hypno had gave them both menus and he silently thanked him. He grabbed the menu and proceeded to look over it. While trying to find something that looked edible and tasty he heard Cresselia ask a question nonchalantly which caused him to glance up from his menu
"Yes I do like her....�.But as a friend....She is sweet and kind...Maybe even slightly cute but I'm not sure if she's even my type or if I'm her's...She probably has someone she's attracted to anyway." he paused and kicked himself mentally. That made it seem like he wanted to date her....Not that he would mind completely but he had his eyes on Cresselia...but she already liked....�that guy.

@Krampus (Sorry I was dragged off to hangout with family.)
Cresselia did catch him staring, but didn't think anything negative of it. She actually liked the idea of Kare's focus on her. It made her feel special for some reason, made her blush just slightly. Wouldn't even notice if you weren't paying good attention. Cresselia only looked at Kare for a moment longer before removing her own attention from him. She also felt embarrassed at the idea of just staring.

"That's really for males," she answered when Kare brought up his thought "Yet, you never know. Some girls really like food." She listened as he at first accepted her offer of flowers, then nodded when he changed his mind. Cresselia merely shrugged. It was Kare's choice. And, she raised a brow when she saw his furrow. She didn't mean her words on the trash to be insulting, and she frowned a bit. She was using it as an example of the gift not mattering sometimes, the other just liking that you got them something at all.

Cresselia tilted her head when Kare said he liked Sheri, brows bending just a little. However, she eased up when he added that he liked her as a friend. Still, the Lunar Pokemon was a bit uneasy. It almost sounded like Kare wanted to be with Shaymin. She brushed the idea aside though, sighing softly before saying"Everyone of or even under age has someone they're attracted to, including me. I find a few Pokemon quite attractive." And, Cresselia couldn't help herself from winking at Kare before actually looking back at her menu to make her choice.

Yeah, she liked Darkrai, but neither of them confessed love to each other, so Cresselia could still make a choice to be with someone else if she wanted. And yes, she said she'd help Alistair with his plans, and even agreed to share the spoils. Still... the idea of enslaving all humans... just... no. Cresselia strives to make others feel happy, not despair. And again, the idea of being on the opposite side of a guy she liked... didn't sit well with her. Trying to get her mind off of it all, Cresselia focused on her menu some more, even after she'd decided on what she was going to order. She only looked away when the Hypno from earlier brought her her Cherry PokeBerry Tea.

"Anyway, I hope it goes well with whatever you choose to give Sheri," Cresselia decided, taking a small sip of the warm tea, smiling a bit at the favored taste.

'On one hand, I'd get home sooner. On the other, the sight of me sprinting home will cause unnecessary questions. It's a matter of whether I can wait the added time or not. Though, exerting effort while already hungry is generally a terrible idea. Speaking of...' Mentally pausing, he tried to recall last night, and blinked in realization that, truly, he had also forgotten to eat dinner. 'And such the mystery of why I'm so hungry is revealed. I wondered why this level of hunger was there with only one missed meal. Two would do it.' Sighing in silent frustration, he began to reassess his possible actions. 'So, truthfully, sprinting home will likely end with me in a form of pain, which will lead to a decrease in efficiency, which will lead to questions, which will lead to the revelation of my inability to feed myself due to lack of foresight, which could very likely put my job on the line. The other, and extremely logical, option is to simply complete my walk, get home, and have a nice, large meal... Decisions decisions...'

While contemplating the pros and cons of simply sprinting home to get food as soon as possible, Colby's stomach decided to do arguably the worst thing yet. It growled, and not any ordinary stomach growl, no, this one was loud enough to be heard by anyone within earshot. And such it was loud enough to easily snap him out of his thoughts, and cause him to freeze up in the middle of the road for a good ten seconds. Slowly but surely red began to creep up his face as he looked around, and the relief that only Absol could have heard his stomach was nearly squashed by the fact that his stomach decided to commit such a mutiny. Trying desperately to hide his blush, he pulled up some of the loose cloth around his neck, and covered as much of his face as he could, then stuffed his hands into his pockets. Then trying to make himself look small as possible, he continued to walk at a subdued pace, all while internally raging at his own body for causing him such an embarrassment.

@Skyena & anyone else
Gengar was ordering food for his brothers and himself, until he saw these other Pokemons that bullied him school. Gengar chuckled towards them, and he sits down with his brothers in booth that was like three booths away from the bullies. "So Haunter, what you guys do at the house?" Gengar asked Haunter as Haunter said, "Uh... We did absolutely nothing... What did you do today? Since you know... You didn't have work!" Gengar laughed while saying, "I dumb... I also did nothing..." Haunter smirked to him, and Gastly sighed having to be with his siblings instead of doing something else. "Are you sure that you weren't with your baby?" Haunter said as he began to laugh, and Gengar began to blush really hard. "Sh-Shut Up!" Gengar said as he looked away, and his face was still pure red.
Krampus said:
Cresselia did catch him staring, but didn't think anything negative of it. She actually liked the idea of Kare's focus on her. It made her feel special for some reason, made her blush just slightly. Wouldn't even notice if you weren't paying good attention. Cresselia only looked at Kare for a moment longer before removing her own attention from him. She also felt embarrassed at the idea of just staring.
"That's really for males," she answered when Kare brought up his thought "Yet, you never know. Some girls really like food." She listened as he at first accepted her offer of flowers, then nodded when he changed his mind. Cresselia merely shrugged. It was Kare's choice. And, she raised a brow when she saw his furrow. She didn't mean her words on the trash to be insulting, and she frowned a bit. She was using it as an example of the gift not mattering sometimes, the other just liking that you got them something at all.

Cresselia tilted her head when Kare said he liked Sheri, brows bending just a little. However, she eased up when he added that he liked her as a friend. Still, the Lunar Pokemon was a bit uneasy. It almost sounded like Kare wanted to be with Shaymin. She brushed the idea aside though, sighing softly before saying"Everyone of or even under age has someone they're attracted to, including me. I find a few Pokemon quite attractive." And, Cresselia couldn't help herself from winking at Kare before actually looking back at her menu to make her choice.

Yeah, she liked Darkrai, but neither of them confessed love to each other, so Cresselia could still make a choice to be with someone else if she wanted. And yes, she said she'd help Alistair with his plans, and even agreed to share the spoils. Still... the idea of enslaving all humans... just... no. Cresselia strives to make others feel happy, not despair. And again, the idea of being on the opposite side of a guy she liked... didn't sit well with her. Trying to get her mind off of it all, Cresselia focused on her menu some more, even after she'd decided on what she was going to order. She only looked away when the Hypno from earlier brought her her Cherry PokeBerry Tea.

"Anyway, I hope it goes well with whatever you choose to give Sheri," Cresselia decided, taking a small sip of the warm tea, smiling a bit at the favored taste.
[ Kare]

When Cresselia had winked at him Kare's brain had stopped working. He had froze for a bit too and wondered how somebody could possibly be that huggable. He was confused about it but that was blocked out by a bunch of other things. It was amazing how he still retained his collected appearance with all his thoughts running around. They were all kind of conflicting but he managed to calm himself down mentally and resumed talking like that didnt happen with a final thought of Cresselia is much more dangerous then I thought...Does she know about this? He examined her to see if he could find any sign of awareness but he couldn't see any.

For him that was a sign that it would be hard to avoid keeping his thoughts under control. He needed to not look like a lovesick puppy since he knew she liked him. The name he didn't want to ever mention but somehow he would end up with the subject of him. That wink couldn't of been meant for him....it was just Cresselia being her adorable self. That should of kept his heart from hearing but it didn't.... not in the least.

He sighed and put all his attention back on her
"Me too...and if she's not terrified by my presence then it should be rather easy...I would assume anyways." He was just watching her which might off been odd but he was just wondering how someone that was as much of a asshole as Darkria could make someone as sweet and charming as Cresselia fall for him. Being as dense as Kare thought he was he assumed he probably didn't even notice.

Kare had no idea if he was much better but he didn't think Darkria deserved Cresselia's most likely one-sided love. It irritated him but he wasn't going to tell her who to love. How obnoxious did that make him look? Also that might of gave away the feelings he wanted to lock in a box and put somewhere that it would never be opened or found.

(I'm on mobile so I'm not sure how many lines this is on a computer....)
(The length is fine. As long as it's a few paragraphs minimum :3)


She almost giggled, having noticed Kare's reaction, or lack of, to her winking. She managed to check the action into a tiny smile. It was nice... just acting how they were. Cresselia enjoyed just sitting down with Kare, and talking. Even if half their conversation was about Sheri (not that Cresselia disliked the Shaymin, honestly). After their stay at the restaurant, she decided she'd ask to meet with Kare again. She was attracted to Darkrai's... boldness. Power, if you may. Still, she had to admit, she found Kare's kind and quiet personality quite comforting. Cute, if you may. It was odd, how the two males she liked were pretty much complete opposites. Especially Darkrai, who was her opposites as well as Kare's, how they used to battle her over the domain of dreams. Yet, there Cresselia was, already liking Kare more and more, when they've never even argued or shared angry glares. They hadn't spent much time together, but still.

She mentally smiled to herself. Of course that wink was meant for Kare. As she pretty much flirted with him, other thoughts were hopping around her head. As she interacted with Kare, it interfered with her feelings for Alistair, for Darkrai. Cresselia liked Darkrai first, but that didn't mean she had to be with him, right? She wondered if she'd dread the moment she'd have to pick one of them, if Cresselia and Kare ever grew so close that she'd have to make that choice. Still, breaking ties with Alistair... just after she'd promised to help him. She couldn't do that just yet to someone so close to her. It almost made her frown. She didn't frown though, as it would look like it was because of Kare if she did at that moment. And, so far, she could never find herself frowning for anything Kare did. Once again pushing the bad thoughts aside, she waved their Hypno waiter back over to take their order.

"No one should be terrified of such a charming Pokemon," Cresselia decided casually, responding to Kare's comment on Sheri not being scared of him.

She liked Kare. It was already established. How she could like someone so nice (to most, she assumed), and someone so dark as Alistair too was a mystery. How she even attracted Darkrai was somewhat foreign to her. Cresselia would actually be better off if she put more time into being with Kare, sbeing able to keep her current life as well. If she invested in Alistair's plan, she would gain enemies she didn't need or want. And she didn't know if she could deal with that for long.

When the Hypno waiter came over, she spoke to place her order"I'll have the plate of cooked Tamato Berries please, with some honey on the side." She then looked over at Kare, seeing if he was ready or not to order. She could hold the Hypno there for a minute longer if he wasn't.

**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria giggled as Mewtwo became so excited when he talked about sweets. "The way you talk about sweets is the way I act with cupcakes." She said with a sweet sigh at the name of cupcakes. Altaria listened to the reason when he buys sweets instead of making them and gave a small shrug. "Aw baking isn't that hard. If you like I can teach you or have my cousin teach you. Then you can keep that money in your pocket." Ria offered with a chiper smile.


Alistair was really glad that umberon had left, he didn't have to time to deal with anyone else right now and glanced back a legendary pokemon. As he did, he begin to think about to Cresselia. He was so close to confessing his love to her..but Arcues came alone and ruined the moment for him. Just thinking about it made him so angry..oh, there will be some terrible nightmares tonight..he'll make sure of it. "Damn you Arcues..hopefully i will tell her when we meet again. I'll you make pay for ruining my moment." He muttered under his breath and scooted further into the darkness, grunting some. This light was being to get on hos nerves and was to leave.

Before he could leave, Alistair had heard someone come towards him. Was it another bothersome pokemon like that Umberon? judging by this tone of this stranger voice, it didn't seem so. He turned to the Doublade, listening to what he said. How did he know about his plans? was he listening to him talk this whole time or what? It didn't seem to matter..because he wanted to help out. Alistair decided to trust him..for now..but if manged to turn his back on him, he would react." Hum? Follow you..fine, i suppose i can. I was just about to leave this place anyone." He said, now prepared to follow the Doublade


Keden leaned against the building, finishing up his fifth cup of coffee. He was so damn board and was here all day. Keden would go back home,but it was even more boring there."Urg, its way to peaceful and happy! this is annoying." The rotom huffed and kicked the empty he dropped on the ground. That seem to cure his boredom by point one percent. Not much, but it was something."Alright, standing here isn't going to anything. Time find something to do." He stopped leaning against the wall, stretching and now though about earth. He enjoyed wrecking the human's technology with his siblings. Going inside their computers, causing alot of havoc..confusion at the air ports..delays at the train station..and firing military missiles. Yep, those days where great until they had separated." Stupid Arcues...now i cant cause any destruction and mayhem.."

Keden begin to make his way forward,his hands tucked in his pockets as he walked and his hood tossed on his head. He glanced up from the seeing Emilio, the ground. "Huh? I thought Rayquaza put him to sleep?? along with Kyorge. i the others telling me how they almost destroyed the humans world..boy, how would i like to had seen that!." Suddenly, an idea came into mind..oh how devilish it was. Keden rubbed his hands together and walked over towards Emilio."Good Day! Groudon right? or do you go by something else?" Keden smirked."Annnyywwaaayy, i have something to tell ya..something your brother had said. But..if you don't wanna hear it then..i guess i could be on my way. But trust..its something you might wanna hear."


"Really? i guess we share some common things right?" Clyde had smiled which was surprising. He normally smiled around mew only..this was truly a rare sight. "You are willing to teach me how to bake? thank you so much! you don't how much this means to me." Clyde day was going better then he thought."When are able to help me out? you come over at my place anytime you like or i come to your place. doesn't matter." Clyde noticed he was out tea now..but he didn't care. He could always make more when had gotten home

@TaraSobiki @ZAuger @Aero

Well...I'm glad she finds me charming. since they were friends it was probably normal to say stuff like that so it wouldn't of been weird if he was to compliment her back. She probably wouldn't even had guessed it was more than a friend's way of saying it...but he didn't know what to say about her that hadn't been said by a thousand other Pokemon millions of times before....That would prove to be a challenge. He guessed Cresselia was pretty popular already so most people might of called her nice, sweet, cute, beautiful and a bunch of other similar things but Kare would hate being generic as everybody else. Standing out is usually better than blending in with a crowd.

He wanted to give a compliment back to her but he couldn't think of something unique and it was difficult to show his affection towards her. He already kept most of his love for her under lock and key, things slipped out once in awhile but that rarely happened. He thought he had hid his feelings pretty well...If he didn't that would be the most obvious weakness ever in the history of Pokemon kind....Weirdly enough he couldn't even remember how or why he fell for her. Well it didn't really matter since the reason wouldn't change the fact that he liked her despite her already wanting to be with Alistair.

He didn't notice the Hypno waiter until he heard her ordering. He didn't want to make her wait but he hadn't really been considering his own order that much
"Oh yeah....Cresselia do you mind ordering for me? I would be grateful if you did." he was also a bit interested to see how well she knew him. He didn't expect her to know everything...he was just testing her knowledge.



I'm too hungry to wait. he thought before taking out a bag full of trail mix and started to munch on those as he walked. He could feel his energy going up and his coordination coming back to him. He knew this would probably of helped him with his game funk. The Groundon applauded himself in his head. For a few minutes he walked without much interaction but a voice had called out to him and he couldn't just ignore it because it had the subject of his brother.

He stopped eating and he looked like he wasn't all that happy. Sure, he didn't despise his brother but he wasn't his favorite person in the world. He was a jackass and would get on his last nerve without even opening his mouth. His presence was almost enough to make Emilio want to punch him in the face. Hell, the only reason he became a warrior was because he didn't want to get pummeled every time they would have a fight. Of course Kyogre just had to be a warrior too but they were basically on the same playing field now and that was better than him being second place to him.

This Rotom was telling him that his brother had said something that might of interested him. Now there was a easy chance that he could of been talking about Ray but he doubted somebody would come tell him about that cause he likely wouldn't of cared. Naturally he would assume it was Kyogre which was why he already was annoyed. Even the mention of his brother made him want to punch someone...of course he wasn't just going to punch this Rotom. He probably didn't do anything worth punching for.


(Cleaning today so my replies are going to be shorter and have more space between them.)
**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria was really happy to see Mewtwo interested in cooking and how he wanted to start as soon as possible. "Well I'm free until Arceus needs me so whatever works for your schedule is fine by me." She replied with a chuckle seeing how excited he was. "My house is fine unless you want me to come over then I have no problem doing that too." Ria finished and grabbed another cupcake from her box. All this talking about sweets and baking made her hungry again.

>>Beedrill and Braviary☆☆

The two friends made it back to Bee's house where Braviary parched her up to Beedrill's dismay. "You know I can patcg myself up." She mumbled and Braviary rolled his eyes. "Yeah but you won't so I'm doing." He replied and Bee stuck her tongue out at him. "Real mature." He mumbled with a small laugh and finished tending to her bruises. Once he was done, Beedrill tested out the bandages and then headed toward the back door to finish training. Braviary flew into her way and shook his head. "No way am I letting you go back out there just to hurt yourself all over again." He said with a firm stance not hesitating to fight the small bug if he has too. Beedrill could tell of this and let out a sigh. "Then what should I do then?" She asked in a annoyed tone. Braviary thought for a moment and then smiled. "Well the day is still a bit young so let's go to the bakery with the honey cookies." He said and Bee's eyes lit up at the name honey. She nodded and the two walked back out the door and off to the bakery for some honey cookies. @Anyone
Sandstorm was awakened by a loud noise. As he jolted awake, he looked around for what caused it, as he did, he saw that the TV was on playing some crappy action movie. "Most of fallen asleep." He had said to himself, half asleep. "Well, let's not waste time sitting here." He pulled himself off the couch and went to his front door and stopped. "Should I change clothes? Eh, what I have now is good enough." He walked outside wearing a simple white T-shirt and pajama pants. As he walked down the street, he thought to himself, "What should I do today? I don't know, guess I'll just walk around till something interesting happens."

Anyone can hop in.
--Cresselia-- (@TaraSobiki)

She would've been happy with any compliment given. Yeah, Pokemon by the ton gave her similar compliments, but she didn't care. Any compliment actually rendered her shy and quiet, because she honestly didn't believe any of them. Not really. Cresselia just thought she was being like any other Pokemon. That's why she grew so shy when complimented in any way, whether it made her happy or not. Still, it would make her feel extra special if it came from Alistair or Kare, because she liked them both, as more than friends.

Even then, she wasn't sure Kare liked her back in the way she liked him. For all she knew, he could just want to like her as a friend, and friend only. The idea of it made her want to frown again, but she managed not to again. It was easy to be somewhat open with him, perhaps because he wasn't yet returning her compliments or gestures with much of a response. She would actually be even more shy if Kare showed any sort of affection toward her, if anyone did.

She blinked when Kare asked her to order for him. What had he been so focused on that he didn't even begin to form an order? Nodding though, she spoke to the Hypno as she briefly looked over the menu"And for him, the order of Kasib Berries please." Cresselia wasn't exactly so close that she knew his exact food preference, so she went with a food under the ghost category, which the male before her was. She watched as the waiter went to get their order for a moment, then turned back to Kare, saying"Forgive me if you didn't want that. I can always call him back to change the order." She didn't want Kare eating something that he didn't want. The idea of even slightly annoying Kare made her... disappointed, was one way to put it.


--Palkia-- (@Aero)

One of her rare trips into the city. The gateway between realms, having that job bestowed upon her by Arceus, was in the city to get something different to eat. Palkia had her own garden and such back at her "Space Temple" (her big house away from the city), but she couldn't keep herself from coming to taste the sweets and spicy foods in the city occasionally. That time though, she was passing by the bakery, and decided to take a look. The magenta-haired Gijinka simply walked in, managing to ignore(not in a mean way) those who gave her compliments. It was so hard though. She wanted to boast, wanted to agree with their compliments. That would waste time though. She couldn't stay in the city forever. Going up to the counter, Palkia blinked once at the Jigglypuff there at the counter. The small Gijinka shook just a bit before righting herself. Palkia was used to it though. When Pokemon were within a ten foot radius, they at first were unnerved in a way by her aura, which toyed with the very atmosphere. The very realm they lived in. After a few friendly words to calm the Jigglypuff as best she could, Palkia stepped aside to let others who came in order. Now waiting for her cherry pokepuffs and chocolate cookies, the one who liked to call herself "Space Guardian" waited casually, even looking into the display case of baked goods. So she wouldn't wait hungry, she asked for a cookie from the display case, paying for it when the Jigglypuff gave it to her. Nibbling on it, a sugar cookie, she looked quite happy to be eating something sweet.

So casual for such an important being. It was rare to see Palkia anyway, at all, unless you went to get to request passage to the human realm. It was only her, Dialga, Giritina and Arceus who had easy passage between every other realm, even then did she have to limit the passage of Kare and Dialga. If too many Pokemon, especially too many powerful ones, went through, it could risk attracting the attention of humans again. Not to mention that the Pokemon could cause harm.
Exanis said:

'On one hand, I'd get home sooner. On the other, the sight of me sprinting home will cause unnecessary questions. It's a matter of whether I can wait the added time or not. Though, exerting effort while already hungry is generally a terrible idea. Speaking of...' Mentally pausing, he tried to recall last night, and blinked in realization that, truly, he had also forgotten to eat dinner. 'And such the mystery of why I'm so hungry is revealed. I wondered why this level of hunger was there with only one missed meal. Two would do it.' Sighing in silent frustration, he began to reassess his possible actions. 'So, truthfully, sprinting home will likely end with me in a form of pain, which will lead to a decrease in efficiency, which will lead to questions, which will lead to the revelation of my inability to feed myself due to lack of foresight, which could very likely put my job on the line. The other, and extremely logical, option is to simply complete my walk, get home, and have a nice, large meal... Decisions decisions...'

While contemplating the pros and cons of simply sprinting home to get food as soon as possible, Colby's stomach decided to do arguably the worst thing yet. It growled, and not any ordinary stomach growl, no, this one was loud enough to be heard by anyone within earshot. And such it was loud enough to easily snap him out of his thoughts, and cause him to freeze up in the middle of the road for a good ten seconds. Slowly but surely red began to creep up his face as he looked around, and the relief that only Absol could have heard his stomach was nearly squashed by the fact that his stomach decided to commit such a mutiny. Trying desperately to hide his blush, he pulled up some of the loose cloth around his neck, and covered as much of his face as he could, then stuffed his hands into his pockets. Then trying to make himself look small as possible, he continued to walk at a subdued pace, all while internally raging at his own body for causing him such an embarrassment.

@Skyena & anyone else
Absol paused mid-step, stunned as she heard the sound. She had been looking down at her feet, as to not seem like she was staring at the Umbreon's back the whole entire time. She had to cover her mouth to stifle a chuckle before continuing on her way, but found herself struggling not to burst out laughing. She pinched herself. It would be worse if she did laugh, from the looks of it the poor guy was embarrassed too. Her phone buzzed, nagging her that she had texts to reply to but she ignored them as she still was in a mental battle.

'Dammit, be quiet, me!' she thought, glaring at the ground as she took the grocery bags she had previously been carrying with both of her hands and moved them to solely her left while her right was now covering her mouth.

Absol honestly didn't know why should found it so funny. Perhaps it was because of the silence along their walk, suddenly interrupted by the nag of a hungry stomach. She felt her own hunger gnaw angrily at her, telling the dark-type it would let out its own growl soon. At the realization she hurried her pace, still with her mouth covered.

As quickly as it came, the mental raging subsided leaving Colby to coldly analyze the situation. 'Well, you've gotten yourself into quite the pickle here. You've embarrassed yourself in front of another person through your inaction of upkeeping the bare necessities to survive on a day to day basis. What are you going to do to fix it? First and foremost, straighten yourself out and show your pride and confidence in yourself. Stop cowering like when you were a little kit.' As he thought so, he did just that, standing up straight, forcing down the blush on his face, once putting on an air of seriousness. 'Good, now how are you going to deal with Absol? You cannot simply let this lie and leave the impression of a hungry kit that becomes embarrassed at their own body reminding them they need food. Man up and deal with this properly.'

Halting his movement, he turned to face Absol, who was starting to catch up to him, and immediately took note of the hand covering her mouth. Sighing inaudibly, he rolled a shoulder as he factored in what that positioning meant. "I'm going to assume you heard that, huh?" Rubbing his hair in frustration, he crossed his arms and leaned on his right leg. "Alright, I'm going to be honest with you. I haven't eaten in around sixteen hours, I didn't get to finish my workout, and my meditation was interrupted. Suffice to say, this hasn't been one of my best days. With this stacking on top of it, today is looking to be one of the worst days for me yet. So, how about this. You join me for lunch, as I'm assuming you haven't eaten yet what with those groceries, you tell me what's been bothering you today so I can feel less pitiful, and yes I can tell that something has been bothering you, and then we forget that this ever happened and go our separate ways." Uncrossing his arms he gives her deadpan stare that was betrayed by the pleading look barely shimmering in his eyes. "Do we have an agreement?"



Keden had a large grin on his face. Could he really do it? Could he really start a fight between the two and eve rayqauza. Nah, not him...he would just try to stop them again..but maybe the two would fight him as well? Man, he was just happy about the outcome of this all...he just hope he could actually pull his devilish plan off. Before speaking, Keden had cleared his throat, tucking both hands in his pockets. He stopped..which meant that he wanted listen to the him? It seem so

"So I was walking, on my little ol way until I overheard your brother. He was all like, I don't understand why Arcues would let my weak brother join us..he's better eating all day. So I walk over and I say..that's not nice, how do you he'll feel if you say that to him?" Keden changed his voice again." I don't care how that idiot feel about me, all I know is that im stronger then he'll ever be. Tell I said that."

Keden cleared his voice. "So yeah, thats what he wanted to tell you. Basically your a good for nothing and he'll kick your ass in a second. I wouldn't take that if I was you."


Clyde couldn't held to grab her hands carefully and his eyes sparkled as he talk. This so wasn't like him and deep down inside he wanted to stop." Maybe you could come over to my place? Im sure you'll like it..also, we could go now then." Clyde noticed he had her hand let go." Sorry about..how poorly mannered of me. Anyway, maybe we should shop for some supplies first? Unless you have some?"

@TaraSobiki @Aero
>>Beedrill and Braviary☆☆

Once the two made it to the bakery, Braviary held open the door for Beedrill like the gentleman he is. Beedrill thanked him and walked in as her friend followed behind. Braviary took a scan of the room seeing all kinds of Pokémon here. One magenta-haired gjinka caught his eye, who stood at the end of the counter by herself. "Beedrill, who's that?" Braviary asked tapping his friend on the shoulder them pointing at the gjinka. Beedrill looked and her eyes widen, surprised for a little bit. "Oh, wow that's Palkia. She's rarely here and is usually in the human world doing stuff. I hear she's alright but a bit arrogant." Bee replied with a small shrug. "Let me guess you're going to talk to her aren't you? Dude, haven't you learned your lesson after Rayquaza?" She said and approached the counter. Braviary let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "Oh come on Bee, not every legendary is the same. You already said she's alright, so why not?" Braviary said with a big grin and walked over to Palkia. Beedrill rolled her eyes and called over the Jigglypuff. She ordered the honey cookies and then leaned on the counter waiting for the cookies to be done and Braviary to be done making a fool of himself.

☆☆Braviary☆☆ (@Krampus )

Braviary stood next to Palkia and looked at her with a smile. "Hi, I'm Braviary. You must be Palkia." He introduced himself and rested his chin on his hand. "My friend said you're not around much. How come?"

**Altaria**(@Acethekidd )

Altaria blinked, surprised to see Mewtwo hold her hands and offer to do the lessons now. The dragon bird let out a giggle and watched as Mewtwo withdraw his hands. "Oh Mewtwo it's fine really, I know you're just excited. Also, I don't mind doing the lessons now." She replied and then scratched her chin. "Well, the first lesson should be something easy. So we'll just make some cookies! We are going to need supplies, unless you already have sugar, baking powder, vanilla extract, eggs, and flour."
--Palkia-- (@Aero)

At first, she didn't look. She was too interested in her sugar cookie, actually looking somewhat cute as she enjoyed her treat like a child. When she finally looked at him, as he introduced himself, she felt a bit embarrassed. Braviary probably thought she was weird, giving her cookie so much attention. Finishing the treat, she straightened up a little, and beheld the newcomer. Palkia actually had to tilt her head up a bit, as Braviary beat her by almost a head. Blinking once, she actually had to register that he was talking to her. Finally righting herself, she said"Um... hi, Braviary. Nice to meet you." Like she did with any stranger, Palkia looked him over. Not bad on the eyes, she had to admit. Was going to admit that aloud though? No.

At his question, she tilted her head and answered"It's easier to focus my aura when not among crowds. My job is to keep the very space holding all realms in balance, and to keep others from venturing to another realm whenever they want. Very important. Very awesome." Palkia sort of smirked to herself, as if proud of her role and achievements. Boasting and bragging probably ran through her body more than actual blood did.

"Enough of my story, I guess. I tend to want to tell everything once I get going sometimes," Palkia said with a genuine smile. Looking at Braviary still, she asked"What of you, assuming you're a local here? If you have an active rank in this city?" He had the Warrior look, but one never knew. Braviary could just be a bulky Scout. Palkia used to be a Warrior, very much looking the part, with her lean figure and and knowing gaze. She stepped down from it because she couldn't focus on her task enough.

For once, she looked interested in another's words, as she awaited Braviary's response. Palkia didn't get to talk to others much though, so it was sort of expected that she'd be willing to listen. And why not? Braviary seemed friendly enough, big grin and all.
Exanis said:
ColbyAs quickly as it came, the mental raging subsided leaving Colby to coldly analyze the situation. 'Well, you've gotten yourself into quite the pickle here. You've embarrassed yourself in front of another person through your inaction of upkeeping the bare necessities to survive on a day to day basis. What are you going to do to fix it? First and foremost, straighten yourself out and show your pride and confidence in yourself. Stop cowering like when you were a little kit.' As he thought so, he did just that, standing up straight, forcing down the blush on his face, once putting on an air of seriousness. 'Good, now how are you going to deal with Absol? You cannot simply let this lie and leave the impression of a hungry kit that becomes embarrassed at their own body reminding them they need food. Man up and deal with this properly.'

Halting his movement, he turned to face Absol, who was starting to catch up to him, and immediately took note of the hand covering her mouth. Sighing inaudibly, he rolled a shoulder as he factored in what that positioning meant. "I'm going to assume you heard that, huh?" Rubbing his hair in frustration, he crossed his arms and leaned on his right leg. "Alright, I'm going to be honest with you. I haven't eaten in around sixteen hours, I didn't get to finish my workout, and my meditation was interrupted. Suffice to say, this hasn't been one of my best days. With this stacking on top of it, today is looking to be one of the worst days for me yet. So, how about this. You join me for lunch, as I'm assuming you haven't eaten yet what with those groceries, you tell me what's been bothering you today so I can feel less pitiful, and yes I can tell that something has been bothering you, and then we forget that this ever happened and go our separate ways." Uncrossing his arms he gives her deadpan stare that was betrayed by the pleading look barely shimmering in his eyes. "Do we have an agreement?"

Absol's right hand dropped to her side as she took in what was offered to her. She raised an eyebrow ever so slightly and seemed like she was going to say something but then stopped before the words even got a chance to leave her mouth. Her desire to laugh at the previous scenario left, and she looked like she was really thinking hard about it. As she did so, she moved the groceries to her right, as her left arm was getting sore. Her eyes were focused on the plastic bags and refused to look at Colby eye-to-eye.


Absol was cut off by her own stomach growling. She flushed, and turned her head to the side as to still not look at Colby in the eye. "Yes. We do. Thank you for your offer."


Espurr comes back into the headquarters, with his knife in his pocket, which was covered in blood. "... No one is here...." Espurr says as he looks around with a sigh following, and he walks outside to go back home. "Bleh... I need to change... The blood of that other guy was way more than usual..." Espurr said to himself as he begins to walk towards his house, scaring people along the way with the blood that was stained on his jacket. 'It's like these people haven't seen blood in their lives... Funny... They'll be seeing it soon if these government goes to crap.' Espurr thought to himself as he chuckled to himself, and he finally reached his house. He entered his house smiling as he walked upstairs, leaving his door unlocked. Espurr began to change in his bedroom, which was upstairs and is the first right door.



The food came to Haunter, Gastly, and Gengar, and Gengar smiled to the waiter. "Alright. Everybody feast!" Gengar said to his brothers as he began to eat his hamburger he ordered. 'Jesus this is good!' Gengar thought to himself happily as he kept on eating, but he was looking at Haunter with a smile. Gengar finished eating his food that was in his mouth, and he said "So Haunter, how has relationship gone with Beedrill? Has my little brother got the love of his life yet?"


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