Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

As Victini explained "feet surfing", Uxie was actually quite curious. She was familiar with the term, but never had she considered trying it. Ever. There was a first time for everything though, right? However, she grew a bit disappointed when Victini said he wouldn't be joining her in trying it out. Yet she understood why, Victini being a Fire Pokemon. The disappointment eased up though, when Victini explained the activity they'd do after. At least they'd do a few things together. Victini was right to hope Uxie would enjoy it all. She could tell she would already. She didn't get to do much, so she enjoyed the rare moments of fun. When Victini dubbed it time to go feet surfing, she nodded a little, saying with her still there smile"I'm having fun already."

She really was. Every time Victini was around, Uxie found herself in a brighter mood than ever, not that she was usually sad or anything. She liked how he always lifted her mood, how he always made her smile and made her feel better. Liked how he always made her blush. Uxie wondered if he knew he had this power over her. He most likely did, and she didn't mind.

When the day finished, along with their time together, Uxie hoped they'd arrange to meet again. After just a flight, trick, and a meal, she'd grown to enjoy Victini's presence even more. She'd wait until they were finished with their day though, to ask to meet up again. They both obviously liked being around each other, so why not?

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Vic lead Uxie to the edge of lake gingerly, not wanting to miss a moment of their time together. Once they reached the shore he gently removed her socks and shoes, tickling her left foot once. He thought about the way she talked, the way she walked, the way she…everythinged. He tried to take it all in, but it was too much. He decided to take in each moment at a time, enjoying it as he went. "Are you okay with getting these clothes wet or do you want to… agh take them off?" He flinched as he butchered the wording of that last sentence. He had meant if she wanted to maybe change into her undergarments instead of messing up her clothes. After he got Uxie's answer, he led her to the lake. "Ready?" He asked with with raised eyebrows, a devilish smile, and an excited jump.

Uxie allowed Vic to lead her, still trusting him of course. Once they briefly settled at the shore, the male Gijinka removed her socks and shoes, earning a soft giggle from the Knowledge Pokemon as he tickled her foot. She wasn't tense or cautious, as she couldn't sense Vic's aura to tell he was there. So, he could easily harm or even kill her. She'd never expect that though, because of how much she liked him, and because of how much he seemed to like her. Never would she think of him wanting to hurt her. The idea made her like him even more, knowing how much they both cared about each other. She was tempted to reach in attempt to hug Vic, just to have him close, but chickened out. Maybe next time.

When he brought up her clothes situation, Uxie giggled again when Vic butchered the last of his sentence. It was kind of cute, hearing him. She shook her head, saying "You're cute. And, no, I can keep them on. I'm not wearing anything major." She was actually just starting a simple t-shirt and shorts, so Uxie was good to go. Again, she let him lead her, to the lake, enjoying his touch again. When he asked if she was ready, she was silent for a moment before saying"Yeah, I'm ready. Excited." Excited to let Vic help her try something new. She frowned for a heartbeat though. In unfamiliar places, others constantly needed to be helping her, guiding her around. If she could see, she could do that on her own. Do everything a Pokemon with eyes could do. It made her frown at how helpless she really was, but only for a moment. Enough of that. She was supposed to be happy, enjoying her day with Victini.

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Victini was happy that Uxie was ok with this whole thing. He was extremely grateful for the fact she was okay with his whole butchering the clothes thing, and that she even giggled. But now, came the hard part. He led her to the very edge of the lake, where water was lapping at their feet. He used his wings to gently float him above Uxie. "The start might give you a bit of a jerk but hang on tight to me" he said as he took her hands in his own. "Three…two…one…GO!" He took off across the lake at the fastest speed he could manage, flying backwards and also tugging Uxie. Vic realized he was going too fast, too late. He pulled Uxie out of the water by accident, and when he stopped to slow down, she smashed into his chest and the both went down under the water.

Victini rose into the air, very uncomfortably. "Sorry about that, Uxie, I went way too fast." Victini apologized, cheerfully. "I still had a ton of fun even though I got wet. Are you still on for round two?" Vic really hoped she was. He would do it right this time.

Ban rose his head to see the Sylveon, and by instinct he started:

"I'd like a Big Ma-" He coughed as he corrected himself "Two chocolate PokePuffs please."

He laughed a little at his mistake, then noticing the other pokemon probably didn't know what a Big Mac was, he stopped laughing.

"How are things around here, by the way ?" He asked with his normal smile, something about mixing his old, dark clothing and a grin was really creepy as you'd expect someone who dresses like this to be worshipping a demon and talking about how sad life is.

(No offense, I guess ?)


(Sorry for the late response too, my bad :P )
Uxie felt the jerk as Vic began pulling her. It was fun for the first few moments, until they both went under. A blind Pokemon wasn't exactly comfortable in water. Be it Fire or Psychic, or whatever sort. When he apologized, and asked for a round two, she hesitated a bit before answering"Alright. I'm not a fan of getting wet like we just did either, so I think we can call it if that happens again though ." She didn't say it in a mean or annoyed way. If anything, she was nervous. Still, she wanted to try it again. Even though it was a rough start, it had been kind of fun. Really fun, actually. And Uxie had no problem with trying again, just needing to get used to it. She guarded a lake for generations with two of her siblings, so warming up to water wouldn't take too long

Yeah, they were both wet, but it was still fun. Uxie was still enjoying the time spent with the other Gijinka. Plus, she just tried something new.



Aurelia had waved to an happy family as they walked out of her office,feeling really good that she help yet another person. Just as the girl was about to hang up the sign saying she was on break, a male minun had ran in with his plusle sister on his back."D-Doctor! i need your h-elp! my sister has been sleep for over three days and won't wake up..i don't know what else i can do..i hate to bother you, but..can you help her."

Aurelia motioned him lay his sister on the bed and gave the girl a look. Suddenly, fear struck her a heart, only on thing had caused this. The girl had such a pale and drained look on her face. Not to mention she trashed about in her sleep." Im afraid i cant help her..but there is one pokemon who can...i have to go find cresselia. Stay here please." With that, Aurelia walked out the office and went to go look for cresselia. " She didn't want to deal with nightmares..


Darkrai stayed in his loving home, the darkness..his eyes glowed bright blue as he begin to spread his nightmares to those poor sleeping pokemon. He was doing this out of sheer entertainment and anger as well. A devlish smirk came across his face and spoke."Those fool..this what they get for defying me. What will you do arceus? Are you prepared for the darkness that is to come?" he said and huffed."Once i get enough power, im going to straight for the human world and spread my darkness there as well.." he couldn't wait to see the helpless look on arceus's face. Just thinking about the others made him so mad."You all are going to pay for how you treated me...i'll make sure of it."

Clyde[ Mewtwo]

mewtwo was sitting outside of a cafe, under a shady umbrella enjoying a lemon cake he ordered. Thank goodness that everything was quite...well for now. He knew something was bound to pop up randomly as always. Mewtwo also had a new paper and read about some pokemon who didn't wake for their sleep, and sighed."Theres only one pokemon whos causing this trouble..he doesn't give up does he. Stubborn fool..." He grunted and sipped some tea. He didn't understand why Darkrai kept doing these things..maybe he wanted some attention...however, Mewtwo did underestimate him and that was a bad thing to

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@Acethekidd (I hope this length is okay x3)


Like most of the Pokemon going about peacefully, the light-haired Gijinka was happy as usual. Well, mostly happy. She'd caught news of those unfortunate Pokemon, and knew who was the cause. Cresselia just considered it Darkrai's, or more commonly "Alistair's", nature though. Still... She felt bad for those unfortunate Pokemon. Sighing softly, she headed back to her larger home, which had a garden she liked to grow her favorite flowers in. She had just gotten back from Sylvie's cafe, buying some chocolate PokePuffs. After putting them away for later, she headed out back to her garden. Going to sit under a shady tree, she closed her eyes. She shuddered slightly at the presence of Darkrai, wherever he was. They were the Lunar Duo, and could sense each other's presence, no matter if the were in the same realm or not. His aura had grown even darker lately, and she worried about him. Cresselia was just too shy to bring it up.

Cresselia looked up at the daytime sky. She felt a little responsible for the unfortunate fate of the Pokemon in long-term sleep, being in charge of lowering and raising the moon. In charge of dreams. Good dreams. In human and Pokemon Realm. It needed to be done though, so there was nothing she could do. Looking down, she picked a pale yellow flower from is patch, bringing up to smell it. Enjoy the peace while you could, right?
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Aurelia begin to walk through the streets of the town, her stomach begin flutter as she did. The poor girl remembered when she fell into a long and deep sleep at the age of five. She tried her best to wake up from that dream, but couldn't. An whole week trapped in a hellish dream until she had finally woken up again.Aurelia's parents had wrapped their arms around the child's cold and shakey body. For a moment; Aurelia didn't know who her parents was for a day or so, keeping her distance until she remembered. The girl's parents told her this was all darkrai's doing. .and thats when her life changed. Of course, she wasn't able to sleep well at night and woke randomly. Aurelia still does it, but not often. Thinking about that scary time in her life almost made her forget what she was doing. Luckily, she spotted cresselia and rushed over towards.

"Cresselia..im glad I found you..Darkrai found another victim and I no medicine that can wake them up. Please. .I need your help. .." he crossed his hands together


I hope mines are long enough xD
(the length is fine xD )


The Lunar Pokemon looked at Aurelia, as she came over. When the Gijinka explained the situation, she sighed softly. Getting up from her spot, saying"Take me to them." It was happening more frequently. More and more victims of this terrible fate. She disliked the idea, but Cresselia would need to talk to Darkrai about his causing of nightmares. Permanent ones, anyway. Gesturing for the other female to lead her to the other in need, she was glad it was during the daytime. It was easier to nullify Alistair's nightmares during the day. Either way though, having to butt heads with him made her sad.

"Do you know how long they've been in that condition?" she asked as they left her garden "Or were they brought to you?" It was very rare, but sometimes she'd need to preform the Lunar Dance to cleanse some victims. She rarely ever even considered it because it agitated Alistair, and she didn't like upsetting him. Not that every case of nightmares was that severe that the Dance needed to be preformed every time. Oh well. Cresselia would only find out if she needed to or not once she saw the condition of the subject.

'You can just never seem to help yourself, can you Alistair?'

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Altaria noticed a familiar figure sitting at one of the outside tables. It was Mewtwo and he looked very deep into thought. She let out a small hmm noise before standing up and walking out with the rest of her cupcakes. "Hello Mewtwo!" She greeted the psychic with her usual cheerful smile. "Sorry if I ruined your concentration, but I get bored sitting by myself. So may I sit with you?" The dragon bird asked and then showed him the rest of her cupcakes in the box. "I have cupcakes! If you want one." Ria offered hoping he'll agree.

(Sorry for the short reply. Wasn't sure what else to say -u-)



"The brother said his sister has been asleep for three days now and brought her to me today. I figured this was darkrai's doing. ..I was one if victims when I was younger. " Aurelia caught a small shiver when she thought about the nightmare. .it was terrible and it made her wanted to bust into tears, but she wasn't going to let that effect her anyone. Beside, Aurelia had forgotten about it those many years ago." She's back at my office. " Aurelia lead her back to the office, walking into the room the siblings where in. The poor girl had tears running down her face, unable to escape the nightmare she was currently having. Aurelia felt so bad for her brother and wished she could do more. This was all in cresselia's hands now

Clyde [Mewtwo]

Clyde started to stroke his chin, thinking to his self. Why was he ? Randomly causing these nightmares. He knew it was probably for fun..and out of anger; but maybe there something else behind his motives." Could he possibly feeding off these nightmares hes casting? " clyde looked up when he heard a voice and sighed, grunting slightly. " I was in the middle of putting together a possible theory until you came alone. .but I guess you can accompany me." Clyde the eyed the cupcakes, god knows he loved pastries and couldn't help but to grab one of them. Clyde felt slightly embarrassed, but there was no way he could resist pastries. " these are really good. ."


I didn't know if she was actually talking to him at the last part or thinking to her self. Me sorry, he'll talk to her next post

(It was just her thought x3)


Nodding, she took in all of the info given. Looking down at the girl, Cresselia increased the range of her aura, to probe the Plusle. Finding the bad dream, she grabbed it and let her aura slowly devour it. As this happened, she pulled a stand of hair from her head. In Pokemon form, it was he feathers that gave good dreams when held. In Gijinka form though, it was her hair. She placed it in the sleeping girl's hand, forcing the bad dream out completely. Cresselia began to pull at the leftover darkness, eyes glowing just a bit, aura grabbing at the darkness. Eventually, the Plusle was cleansed, happy dreams and able to wake up.

"I hear these nightmares are becoming frequent in their attacks," she told Aurelia "I doubt it'll help, but I'm going to talk with Darkrai about this. Just so she doesn't get caught again, make sure she is touching this as much as possible. For the next day or two." She gestured to the hair she gave the Plusle, the hair the same as holding one of her feathers. Turning, Cresselia said"I'm sorry it happened to you too, by the way." Not wanting to waste time, she turned to leave again, changing into her Pokemon form. As she did, her aura boomed out, washing over the city, as if warning Darkrai to stop what he was doing for now, and show himself. Cresselia knew that he grew powerful from feeding on nightmares, just like she did on good dreams. They seriously needed to talk, now that she realized it. Floating back to her house, she came to settle under the same large tree in her garden, waiting for Alistair to show up.

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Aurelia was happy that the plusle was up. Her twin brother seem so as well As he hugged the confused girl. She wasn't as lost as Aurelia was when she had woke up for her nightmare. She also also noticed that cresselia gave the plusle one her feathers, which was very nice of her to do. The minum hugged her sister and cried."oh sis...im so glad your awake now. Make sure you keep that feather with you always ok?" He smiled brightly. Plusle nodded, not able to really speak, but she gave him a smile. Aurelia giggled at the two " take it easy ok? You need proper sleep and recovery. That feather should keep you both safe from the nightmares." The twins nodded, happily walking out the of the office . Then she thought. .what if more people came in with nightmares? She didn't want to keep bugging cresselia, but she was the only one who can actually stand up to him. Aurelia sighed as she finally took her break and closed the office for abit. She was hungry and needed something in her stomach

Alistair [darkrai]

Alistair inhaled a deep breath as he heard the streams of his victims. This was like heaven to him, feeding off the nightmare. " I can feel my power growing more..this should be enough to reach the dreams of humans...and once im done feeding off of them, I'll have enough power to reach the human world." Alistair had felt a slight cut of his power source. .one of his victims had awakened. " cresselia. .trying to foil me again?" Alistair had changed into his pokemon from, appearing revealing his self in front of cresselia after a while " cresselia...hello again. I see your still interfering with my nightmares again." Darkrai folded his arms." Why are you so against me? Just think about all the things we do together. We can have anyone at our mercy cresselia. " his eyes glowed faintly since it was bright. he would never come out of the darkness, unless it was for cresselia. " we can also rule the human world together with our power combined...wouldn't you want that.?"

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"It is my job to maintain good dreams," Cresselia reminded Darkrai "Not everyone deserves to have nightmares, especially never-ending ones." When he went on to st the scene if they teamed up, she went quiet. If they both gathered enough power, they could actually put both realms to sleep. Such an attempt needed both members of the Lunar Duo, but Cresselia shook her head a little. She adored the idea of spending more time with Alistair, but to enslave an entire species?

"I don't know... is there any way I could change your mind about this?" She tried "Attempting such an attack on humans would surely earn you enemies, human and Pokemon. I know we're in another realm because Arceus thought it safer, but he never disliked humans so much as you. He'd be after you immediately, and I don't want to see you get hurt over a need for power." The swan-like Pokemon lowered her head a little, as if sad. Such a disruption of the peace would cause Arceus to rear his head, and to butt heads with the Alpha would get you killed or seriously injured.

Yet, she wasn't going to tell Arceus. Cresselia telling Arceus at this point would foil Darkrai's plans, but no one would ever know if she kept quiet. She then said"Joining you... I just..." Cresselia would actually be more powerful in the human realm, because that meant access to even more dreams. She wanted to join Alistair. She really did... but being evil, bad, wasn't in her nature. She could probably change to that, she was just nervous to try.

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Alistair [darkrai]

"Do you actually think that Arceus cares for ALL of us? He only cares about that mate of his...he doesn't care about any of those fools who follows him." He glanced up at the sky." For many years, I've tried my best to be kind to everyone in this world. .but most pokemon thought I was such a bad guy...now, im showing them how much of a bad guy I can be." He balled his fist in anger, thinking about how much he was mistreated by the others. He didn't care, the only he cared for was the pokemon before him. Cresselia was always by him when he felt down. Hopefully she would agree to still be there for him

" just think about it..a whole world to ourselves. No one have to be over us anymore and we can finally be with each other." He lifted her head some." Its like having our own fantasy world...I can be the king and you be the queen, isnt that prefect? " darkrai was smiling, although no one could see it." I need to put others in the contestant nightmares to reach the human world..and im afraid that my mind won't change.."



Rayquaza woke up in his home which was placed farther away from other homes and after managing his hair and getting dressed appropriately, he left his house to get necessities that he must have for a home like food and such. He saw many Pokemon but when they tried to talk he'd just keep on walking, uninterested in what they had to say, for the only that was important for him was keeping a balance between the ocean, the land, and the sky in the human world. Anything other than that was uninteresting and wasn't his concern, that is his only job and it's why he's a warrior, to keep the peace between his siblings Kyogre and Groundon. He went into the very noisy market and began purchasing things that he must have to keep his house stocked with food and goodies. He sighed as he began walking out of that infernal place of noise and people with a couple bags of food and stuff, seemingly heading towards his house. It was quite a lot for him to carry but never once did he want any help carrying them.

((Open for interaction))
♡♡Altaria♡♡ (@Acethekidd )

"Oh, I'm sorry Mewtwo..." Altaria replied, her smile turned into a little frown when Mewtwo mentioned she interrupted his train of thought. It was only for a short minute of course and her smile reappeared when he said she could accompany him and he even took on of the cupcakes. "Yeah, my cousin is one of the bakers here and he makes the best cupcakes. I even get a ton of discounts since he's the best baker, so jjst let me know if you want anymore kay?" Ria said with her usual happy tone while taking a seat across from the legendary. "I did notice you were thinking awfully hard on something. Do you mind if I ask what exactly were you thinking about?"

>>Beedrill and Braviary☆☆ (@Archdemon )

The two friends walked out of the pharmacy holding bags of Potions and such. It was enough to refill Beedrill's empty first aid cabinet for about two or three months before she has to make another run. "You know, first aid isn't something you should forget." Braviary stated breaking the few minutes of silence. "Yeah, yeah I know you remind me every chance you get." Beedrill responded in a snarky tone. "Hey don't get snarky with me! I'm just trying to help you out before you end up in a hospital." Braviary said with the same tone as his friend. Beedrill let out a sigh and nodded, which made Braviary know that she was going to do this all over again. The bird rolled his eyes as the two continued on their way back to Beedrills house.

Halfway through the walk, Braviary laid eyes on Rayquaza and the many bags he held. Beedrill glanced at her friend and saw his eyes sparkle seeing the legendary in need of help. "I know that look and the answer is no. Braviary, I don't mind helping any mon but Rayquaza is different. Sure he is an amazing warrior and I look up to thag but he's really antisocial and likes being alone. If he needed help he would asked for it a while ago." Beedrill tried to explain and Braviary just shook his head. "For a minute there I thought you were describing yourself." He said with a chuckle which earned a punch from the small girl. "I'm not a total loner! I hang out with you don't I?" Beedrill spat back and Braviary just let out a chuckle while rubbing his arm. "Ow. True, and at least Rayquaza isn't mean and agressive like you." He replied with a smirk. Beedrill stuck ou her tongue then made a hmph noise.

Braviary let out a small laugh and then turned his eys back onto the legendary. "Either way, I'm going to ask to help him with you or not." He finally stated before walking over to Rayquaza. Beedrill grumbled something under her breath and followed her friend. Braviary smiled when he saw her walk behind him, totally knowing that she would. Once he approached the legendary he waved happily with a huge grin. "Hi Rayquaza, you look like you have a lot of bags. Do you need any help from us?" Braviary greeted with Beedrill behind him with her usual grumpy look on her face.

Cresselia assumed Arceus cared for every Pokemon, if he made an entirely new realm to separate them from humans. Still, she knew Darkrai didn't care. When he talked about having a world together, she looked up at him when he tilted her head up a little. Cresselia knew it would be the easiest choice to decline Darkrai. Still, she nodded a little bit, saying softly"Okay. You'll have me now. To help you." There were plenty of other Pokemon that she cared for, didn't want to see harmed by the nightmares. Uxie, Aurelia, Regigigas... Giritina. She would never admit to Alistair that she liked Giritina too, because she cared for Darkrai just a bit more. Still... She knew it would feel weird to be against Giritina.

And to think, the two of them used to face off at one point. Always fighting. Now they disliked being apart. Cresselia knew it would get harder to keep the whole plan Darkrai had a secret. No matter. She could feel his power was near its prime. Close to being ready to venture to the human realm.

"Surely you need help though, more than my own?" She brought up "Humans will find a way to rebel, and you need a small army of your own to help." That's what humans did. Find a way to keep fighting and destroying. To keep being annoying.

"Either way, I just hope you know what you're doing. I already said I don't want to see you get hurt."

Cresselia moved to nuzzle Darkrai's shoulder, her gold head gentle as she did. The two Pokemon looked quite peaceful probably, even with what they talked about. Cresselia knew things would get complicated in the future, and wondered how she'd react. Just had to wait and see right?

Aero said:
♡♡Altaria♡♡ (@Acethekidd )
"Oh, I'm sorry Mewtwo..." Altaria replied, her smile turned into a little frown when Mewtwo mentioned she interrupted his train of thought. It was only for a short minute of course and her smile reappeared when he said she could accompany him and he even took on of the cupcakes. "Yeah, my cousin is one of the bakers here and he makes the best cupcakes. I even get a ton of discounts since he's the best baker, so jjst let me know if you want anymore kay?" Ria said with her usual happy tone while taking a seat across from the legendary. "I did notice you were thinking awfully hard on something. Do you mind if I ask what exactly were you thinking about?"

>>Beedrill and Braviary☆☆ (@Archdemon )

The two friends walked out of the pharmacy holding bags of Potions and such. It was enough to refill Beedrill's empty first aid cabinet for about two or three months before she has to make another run. "You know, first aid isn't something you should forget." Braviary stated breaking the few minutes of silence. "Yeah, yeah I know you remind me every chance you get." Beedrill responded in a snarky tone. "Hey don't get snarky with me! I'm just trying to help you out before you end up in a hospital." Braviary said with the same tone as his friend. Beedrill let out a sigh and nodded, which made Braviary know that she was going to do this all over again. The bird rolled his eyes as the two continued on their way back to Beedrills house.

Halfway through the walk, Braviary laid eyes on Rayquaza and the many bags he held. Beedrill glanced at her friend and saw his eyes sparkle seeing the legendary in need of help. "I know that look and the answer is no. Braviary, I don't mind helping any mon but Rayquaza is different. Sure he is an amazing warrior and I look up to thag but he's really antisocial and likes being alone. If he needed help he would asked for it a while ago." Beedrill tried to explain and Braviary just shook his head. "For a minute there I thought you were describing yourself." He said with a chuckle which earned a punch from the small girl. "I'm not a total loner! I hang out with you don't I?" Beedrill spat back and Braviary just let out a chuckle while rubbing his arm. "Ow. True, and at least Rayquaza isn't mean and agressive like you." He replied with a smirk. Beedrill stuck ou her tongue then made a hmph noise.

Braviary let out a small laugh and then turned his eys back onto the legendary. "Either way, I'm going to ask to help him with you or not." He finally stated before walking over to Rayquaza. Beedrill grumbled something under her breath and followed her friend. Braviary smiled when he saw her walk behind him, totally knowing that she would. Once he approached the legendary he waved happily with a huge grin. "Hi Rayquaza, you look like you have a lot of bags. Do you need any help from us?" Braviary greeted with Beedrill behind him with her usual grumpy look on her face.
Rayquaza looked grumpy as usually which led other Pokemon to keep away, he knew they always wondered about him but why should he care? He'd rather not deal with the trouble of telling his life story to absolute strangers. The noise was annoying but it's definitely better than the market, oh how he loathed that place.

Suddenly his semi-peace and quiet was ruined by a Braviary who had a Beedrill right behind him. So much for having nobody ruin his mood, and the man had the Gall to ask him if he needed help. Is this man ignorant on who he's talking to or is he just plain stupid. With a sigh he kept walking, trying his best to ignore the Braviary but he did reply which is kinda rare from this Antisocial legendary.

"If I needed help I'd have asked for it, so if you're done pestering me I'd like walk in peace..."

Hopefully he would get the hint that he wants to be alone, but stealing a glance at him he figured that would be a no. He glanced at Beedrill and he remembered she's a warrior like him, though they had never actually interacted with each other before he has seen her a couple of times. With that he kept on walking home.



She did make a good point, he couldn't do this alone. Maybe...even some of the legendary pokemon would side with him. They could even slip into the human world without Arceus knowing. " an army you say? Humans are such a weak species, but to play it safe..I'll make my own to overcome them. I'll have the deadliest army both words had ever seen..." a devilish smirk came across his face. Having allies wouldn't be to bad, he just didn't want to cross weak wannabes while looking. However, :he should never judge a book by it's cover. Putting them to the test should work and maybe they would be strong enough to join

Darkrai wrapped his arms around her." Of Course I know what im doing cresselia...I won't allow anyone to bring me down so easily. " he felt his blushing , thinking this was the perfect time to tell cresselia how he felt about her." How many years have we been fighting for? And now im sitting here hugging you." He chuckled. " I really do like you cresselia. .if you stay with me, I would never do anything to hurt you. You have to understand. ..im not liked by many others. Thats why I chose this path if darkness. "

Clyde [Mewtwo]

" ummm, if you don't mind..I would like another. " poor clyde was a sucker for sweets. Once he was around them, he couldn't help his self." I most definitely have to check her bakery out! I haven't tasted anything this good in my life." Clyde's face turned serious when she asked what he was thinking about. " just thinking about what darkrai's motives are with the world wide nightmares. It's known that he gets his power from them. .but what does he plan on doing with the power hes gathering? It's just a thought. .maybe hes not going to do anything with it..but we can't be to sure." He said folded his arms and sided."maybe I should tell Arcues..but I don't want waste his time so I won't do so. Anyway, sorry about rambling. "

@Krampus @Aero
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Kare woke up with his eyes opening slowly and his head hanging forward. He was staring at his study's desk and he wondered why he had woken up in his study. He sat there for a few seconds and realized the reason behind it. He was studying up for something important...something important he couldn't rememeber. Wasn't that amazing how people could forget so quickly? Amazing...and annoying a perfect combination. He yawned and made his way to the kitchen for some coffee. If he had that he would be partially awake and could process much more also remember the why he was in there.

He entered the kitchen tiredly with half his usual speed and made his cup. After waiting for what felt like a eternity and a half the coffee was done and he took a sip...It was bitter...The way he preferred it but... something felt off. He put the cup on the table and stared at it blankly
Why am I pissed off? it was too early to be this mad. He had no reason to either,it definitely wasn't because he forgot what he had been doing in the study so what was it.

For some reason Cresselia crossed his mind. Was he pissed off at her or something? He took a deep breath and sighed
I probably feel stressed...I'm going to take a walk. he finished his coffee and rushed outside quickly in fear of breaking something into pieces.
Cresselia listened as Darkrai took in her suggestion. She felt almost... guilty for joining Darkrai. The feminine Pokemon would be helping to enslave many others. And... what if she had to fight Kare? That didn't sound good. Should... She go see him? Wait... he didn't even know Cresselia liked him.

And then Darkrai put his arms around her. Liking the touch, it helped her get her mind off of Giritina, eyes closing. Hearing Darkrai say that he liked her made her smile, blush even. She felt a little sorry for him when he said he wasn't liked by many.

She opened her mouth to admit how she felt as well, but stopped. Shivered, at the power that suddenly boomed out, yet it wasn't exactly hostile. It was old, ancient, and annoyed. It was large enough for the entire city to feel it.

And soon, it was Arceus touching down, in Pokemon form. The Alpha hadn't heard any of Darkrai's plan, actually. He was there because the mad of nightmares and victims was earning him complaints from others.

"Cresselia," he spoke simply "Clear out, please."

She looked at Darkrai, wondering if he'd been caught already. She wanted to stay, but one look from the mostly white Pokemon made her turn and fly off. Glancing back at Darkrai, she looked almost apologetic before disappearing from view. No matter. They would of course meet again.

To get herself to relax, she changed to Gijinka Form, and touched down on a sidewalk to just head wherever. Anywhere to calm herself down, from worrying about Darkrai. Looking around, she saw Kare in the distance. She hesitated. He probably didn't even want to talk to her. Still... Cresselia couldn't help herself from walking over to Giritina, calling out"Hi, Kare..." As she made her way over, she smiled a bit. Better to look like she actually wanted to talk, right? Not that she didn't want to. Anyone to talk with would be fine, but someone she liked would be best, even if they probably didn't like her back. She needed to stop thinking about Darkrai, before Arceus probed her mind or something for secrets, because Darkrai would of course keep his plans from the Alpha.


Arceus looked at Darkrai, beginning"I've been getting reports of increased nightmares. Is something going on that Cresselia isn't able to maintain her half of dreams?" He had slightly narrowed eyes. Were they fighting again? He sure hoped not.

"You're beginning to agitate the inhabitants of the city," he went on "So perhaps we can discuss the matter? Unless now isn't a good time?"


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Darkrai had changed back into his gijinka from, Alistair, feeling bad when Cresselia had left him. He didn't have the time tell her how he felt..and it kinda angered him when Arceus appeared in front of him. A frown came on his face."You know..its kinda rude when you butt in and tell someone to leave..is it not?" The dark type sighed."And..im ever so sorry, but i need the nightmares to help my self and my needs. Maybe i'll stop, once im satisfied with my self." He didn't want to be around him..since he ran off cresselia, he didn't want to be bothered with anyone else at the moment."Hummm..sorry, but i have stuff i need to at the moment. perhaps we can chat another time when its not so bright out here."


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