Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


Sheri followed Rayquaza inside inside the house, which was really nice inside. Everything was neat and clean..just how here was. Sheri couldn't even stand a piece of dust being around her house, and sometimes..she even woke up in the middle of the night to check if there was anything she failed to clean. Sheri left her though when he asked what kind of tea she liked. She really didn't care what kind of tea she had,but since he asked.." Umm..some honey tea is fine as well."

The girl walked over towards the living room, looking at all the books he had on the bookshelf. sheri did enjoy to read in her garden. It was so peaceful to read in nature like that. It manged to get her mind off of alot of things, like telling Kare how she felt about him. Maybe she should let it go and move on. He seem to be happy with Cresselia anyway..she wanted to get know Rayquaza more. although he seem grumpy, he seem like to a nice guy deep guy, Maybe they could become good friends in future


Rayquaza began preparing the tea, he preferred a more herbal mixture full of rare leaves from up high in the mountains. He loved going up there where no other creature could because he loved flying around in the sky. He realized he began drifting off into daydreams and a shook of his head woke him back up to reality. Once the Tea's were finished he poured each into a cup and went out into his living room to give Shaymin her cup.

He set it down on his coffee table and walked over to Sheri who was inspecting his bookcase.

"You like books? When I'm alone here I like to read since it's so peaceful and quiet. Now if you want we can discuss why you were crying in the first place."

He motioned towards the couches and chairs as he walked to one of his couches and sat down.



Sheri was about to reach out and grab a book, she couldn't help but to pick one out. At home,she had read all of her books and needed to grab some more. When Rayquaza had came back im with her cup, Sheri jumped abit and drew her hand back. The girl blushed, turning to face him and nodded."Yes, i do enjoy to read in my garden. In fact, i go out there and read almost everyday." Sheri took the cup of tea and took a seat."Thank you." Then he asked why she was crying..she sighed, taking a deep breath before talking again

"Well..i spend most of my days alone..no one to talk to..no one to come and visit. So, i go around and gift people to make my self feel better, however, it doesn't work most of the time.s" Sheri looked down some and sighed again."Some of the pokemon actually trash my the gifts i give..some of them don't care, but there are pokemon who like them. Also, i really do like giratina, but i know he doesn't like me back. When i was giving him Cresselia their gifts, Cresselia didn't seem to want me around..and it kinda made me sad."Sheri took a sip of the tea."I know he doesn't like me like me, i know he haves feelings for Cresselia. If thats what he wants..then..theres nothing i can do about it. I guess i have to keep living on without stressing about this so much."

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Rayquaza took a sip of his tea while he listened to Sheri speak, he knew some Pokemon were even meaner than him but to treat a gift such as that? That's inexcusable and those types of people just irritate Rayquaza. She then went on to talk about Giritina, the reverse Dimension Pokemon, and how she likes him but he has feelings for Cresselia.

"I never liked Cresselia, it's cool that she gives everyone nice dreams or whatever but I'd rather have control over my own subconscious thank you very much, same as Alistar, the Darkrai. You like Giritina but you're afraid that he'll reject your feelings as you know he has some for that dream girl. If you're too afraid and if you're surely positive that he'll reject your feelings then forget about him, worrying over something like this is a waste of time and stress. If you're truly lonely then.... How about I visit you from time to time? And if you need help with any problem like Pokemon being total jackasses to you or just help in general I'll do it, as much as I'll possibly protest."

Rayquaza took another sip of his tea, still thinking on what he just said. He knows he's a grump but maybe it wouldn't hurt to try and make friends, both Sheri and him seem to have things in common with each other and it'll definitely keep him from being bored.


Kare's mind kind of went blank when she smiled Cute...She's going to kill me with her smile...When have I ever thought anyone was cute? he mentally slapped himself for staring at her like a idiot and wondered if she noticed....probably and hopefully not. Would she even say anything if she had noticed? Cresselia was so nice that even if she did she probably wouldn't say anything...Great now he was going to worry about his relationship with Sheri and if Cresselia caught him staring....It wasn't like he had is eyes somewhere they weren't supposed to be! He hoped she didn't think that...He would look like a creep.

He sat in front of her and mulled over her suggestions
"I thought the best way to a woman's heart was through her stomach?" he wondered if that only applied to males...He couldn't exactly remember but if Regigigas said it....it had to have some truth in it though he didn't completely like the guy he had been somewhat reliable. "That may work...If you don't mind I would like to borrow some flowers....Actually...I would rather get it myself...since I wouldn't feel comfortable taking the easy way out...She had grown those herself...It would be wrong." something made him feel that it wouldn't of been right to profit off of Cesselia's hard work and Sheri deserved more than that anyway.

He furrowed his eyebrows in slight annoyance at the trash thing....Who did Cresselia think he was? He would never consider giving Sheri trash.....Did Cresselia really think he was that much of a asshole?...He was probably just misunderstanding her he would ignore it for now.

A Hypno had gave them both menus and he silently thanked him. He grabbed the menu and proceeded to look over it. While trying to find something that looked edible and tasty he heard Cresselia ask a question nonchalantly which caused him to glance up from his menu
"Yes I do like her....�.But as a friend....She is sweet and kind...Maybe even slightly cute but I'm not sure if she's even my type or if I'm her's...She probably has someone she's attracted to anyway." he paused and kicked himself mentally. That made it seem like he wanted to date her....Not that he would mind completely but he had his eyes on Cresselia...but she already liked....�that guy.

@Krampus (Sorry I was dragged off to hangout with family.)


Sheri listened to him as he talked. his words had effected her..in a positive way of course. He was right, this was nothing to stress about..maybe she should let him be..besides, she wan't going to get upset that Giratina liked Cresselia. She also chuckled when Rayqauza said he didn't like Cresselia and held her mouth. That wasn't funny at All! the laugh kinda slipped." I guess..i should just let him be happy then? and not bother him. He really does like Cresselia, i saw it in his eyes earlier" The girl smiled some and nodded."Alright, its settled then. I'll just leave him alone and let him be happy with cresselia! if hes happy, i guess i should be happy."

Sheri's eyes seem to sparkle when Rayqauza said he would visit her. That made her happy..pokemon coming over."Y-You will? i mean..thank you! im sure you will love it, if you enjoy nature alot like i do~ the flower field i have is where i stay all the time..i guess you can say its my pride and joy." Sheri was very happy now." I agree with you there..i rather have control of my own dreams~ Also, thank you for inviting me over. Im really having a good time with you~ im also grateful that you put me in good spirits again.~."




Rayquaza was surprised kinda surprised that the shy girl laughed when he said that he had a dislike of Cresselia, maybe they are more alike than what he originally thought. He took another sip of his tea listening to Sheri's assertive statement of forgetting Giritina and letting him alone to his own designs. She even thanked him for saying he'd visit, she must've been even lonelier than he thought.

He finished his tea and set the cup down as he leaned a little forward in his chair.

"Why wouldn't I like nature? I kinda have to to be the Atmospheric guardian who keeps the peace between my siblings..... You're welcome, to be honest I thought that I had a good vision of who you are but yet you surprised me the entire time here. It's odd knowing there is someone here that I have many things in common with and to be thanked is even weirder still. I'm just not used to this kind of treatment. Wait you're enjoying my company?! That's certainly something new for me.... Anyways anything else you want to talk about?"



"Siblings..Groundon and Kyogre right? i read books about many about those two..How they never gotten alone..they actually caused alot of trouble long ago." She said and sipped the tea. She was glad to say she finally felt peaceful and relaxed now. Talking to Rayqauza was really fun and he wanted to find out more about him and his siblings. She loved listening to stories told by others." Also, whats your relationship with Deoxys? did you two really bump heads? How are they like?"

Sheri then realized he asked her if she wanted to talk about something else." Well, you'll love it at my place! its nothing but nature. I see all kinds of pokemon there..however, some of those bugs cause me alot of trouble." she had to get some more bug repel sooner or later."Anyway..there is more i like to talk about..if you don't mind, sharing stories about your siblings and those you crossed paths with. I-if you don't mind..i would love to hear more about you."she said in such a sweet voice and placed the empty cup on the table beside her."Also, when you come over, i can show you around" Sheri blushed slightly."S-sorry..im kinda excited to have a guest over."

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Sophia hummed to herself as she entered a cafe with a big smile on her face. Well...it wasn't really a big smile but it looked like a pretty happy one. She sat down in a random seat near a window that had cute pink flowers lining the area around it which she thought was really adorable. She ordered a simple hot chocolate with whipped cream which came to her a few minutes later. She thanked the waiter enthusiastically and drank her hot chocolate with no hesitation.

It was....delicious! Her eyes sparkled happily
It's amazing! So good! Delicious! she looked like she was very impressed with it despite it being basic. She found it quite impressive which you probably wouldn't expect since she looked so fancy with her jewels and things. It made her look like someone that couldn't be impressed but it was the opposite Maybe I should take Mewto here...That would be nice....He likes sweet stuff so it would be perfect! she started to daydream about what would happen if her and Mewto had went on a date there. Her eyes looked all spacey and she kept sighing dreamily....It was kind of creepy but she wasn't worried about looking like a weirdo at that moment.

Gengar walked down the street, looking around the city, since he never really went outside in the morning. 'It's so bright. Bleh.' Gengar thought to himself as he sighed, and he began to go on his phone. He began to go Pokegram (See what I did there ;3 xD ) to check on his account, and a certain someone else's account (Wonder who that is ;3). 'Man. So boring. Let's go to the park and eat.' Gengar thought as he began to walk to the park, and began to pull out his chips from his backpack. Gengar reached the park with a smile as he sat down under a tree, that had a beautiful view of the pond.

Gengar then took a picture of the pond with the caption, 'Even Thought I'm Shrouded In Darkness, The Light Still Is Within Me.'

Colby could in fact say that he was having a somewhat decent day. If by 'somewhat decent' he meant terribly and utterly ruined for him. First, his morning workout got interrupted by some noisy pokemon who couldn't appreciate the dedication it took to be a warrior and the trouble he had to go through to ensure that he was always in top fighting shape, especially considering he was an Umbreon and really, his species wasn't known for their ability to be frontline fighters, and he took pride in his willingness and natural aptitude to fighting. To have the tools he used for his job undermined by those that thought of nothing but themselves upset him to say the very least. And it was only the start of what he assumed would be a terrible day. After his workout got interrupted, he decided to go to the park and enjoy the shade a bit, meditate and calm his mind. Yet, lo and behold, he heard the faint whisper of leaves and grass, which only meant someone was nearby.

Enough was enough, he thought to himself. He deserved at least a modicum of peace and quite and solitude to himself so he could go on with his life, what with any anchors to keep him from going off the kilter being few and far in between, he was positive that he deserved his quite little sanctuary. With that in mind, he pushed himself to his feet and stalked forward, a vaguely annoyed undertone to his steps as he didn't bother to hide his presence from whomever happened to stumble upon him by accident. As he rounded past one of the shaded trees, he spotted the figure that had invaded the shaded area, and opened his mouth to let loose a flurry of angry and annoyed insults and demands to leave immediately, only for them to get stuck in his throat as he noted who was in front of him. It was Alistair. That certainly put a change in his upcoming tirade.

Walking forward to stand next to him, he spared him a sideways glance as he crossed his arms. "Not that I'm not honored", he says honored with extreme sarcasm, "that you decided to, for some reason, interrupt my meditation, may I ask what exactly you are doing here Alistair? Don't you have nightmares to induce and dreams to eat and all that boogeyman-esque jobs that fall to you?" He stops and takes a closer look at Alistair, snorts, then leans against a tree. "And not only that, but you seem contemplative. How... Interesting. Care to share?"



"Parry, thrust, back step, repeat," Sam repeated as he swung his blue sword in the air, shadow fencing himself. He was outside of town, training as he always does. After repeating the same steps a few more times Sam took a few minuets to rest, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. Its been a while since he's been in an actual battle, but that won't stop Sam from sharpening up on his skills. After tightening his headband Sam went back to his own training.

(>~< It's so short)​
Gengar kept on looking at the pond, and he began to fall asleep where he was sitting. Conveniently, Gengar's phone began to play peaceful piano music before Gengar fell asleep, so he can sleep peacefully. The wind blew off Gengar's hood, so you can see his face as he slept. Surprisingly, he looked a bit cute as he slept, and he never make any noises as he slept. The wind helped the hot day to cool it down for Gengar, and Gengar now would smile as he slept.


Rayquaza looked at Sheri as he started to think about the last "They were very troublesome back then, it's why I had turned them both to stone so no fighting would go on until they were old enough to understand that fighting amongst siblings is pointless. Sadly team Aqua and Magma released them back to their normal forms and they almost had the entire world destroyed, had I not be awoken from my sleep, we all wouldn't be here right now. Ah Deoxys, yeah we bumped heads against each other but he was an unknown to me and he threatened to destroy the world, or at least I thought so. It was an alien to me and I showed my aggression to him and well we fought. At the end of the day we made up, it turns out he was scared and out of his wits and I misjudged him. Don't know where he is now.... Wait you want to hear more of my stories? Well as old as I am I guess I don't have a problem with that, just don't go asking questions I don't have answers to like who my parents are. You can consider Arceus to be my father but he really isn't, me, Groundon, and Kyorge just existed and then we formed the human world where life began to spring up from so consider us the original creators of Earth. It's surprising to know that someone wants to learn more about me, usually I either piss people off or scare them away which is intentional of course as I've dealt with a ton of shit from this whole moving to a whole separate dimension or world for Pokemon cause I was fine on my pillar all the way up in the sky but what's done is done.... Alright if you want me over I can go check your house out today or should we save that for another time? Don't know how these things work exactly since I've never been to someone else's house except for Arceus' but that's usually for business."

He hadn't realized he's been talking for a while, maybe he was lonelier than he thought... Who knows truly anymore....



Sheri's eyes grew big as she listened to the story he told. If only she could remember the human world..all she knew was a group of trainers that helped her out some."oh my..it is true then. .they did almost destroy the world huh...thank goodness you where there to stop the two before that happened." Sheri stroked her chin when shared his story about Deoxys, which caught her interest as well. He really did love the human world alot..she did to and wanted to meet more nice human..she most definitely wanted to see the boy his pikachu again."It's good that you made peace with him, just hope hes doing fine wherever he may be. Also, its really good that you protected the humans and their world many time...its really sweet. I just hope one day, we'll all beable to live together~" Sheri crossed her fingers and smiled. "W-we can go now if you like? " sheri could feel her heart pounding against her chest. Boy was she glad to have someone to come check out her little house on the hill

Alistair [darkrai]

Alistair's blue eyes shined dimly as he watched the girls. In fact, they naturally glowed in the darkness and grew abit pale in the light . Was this fate knocking? Cresselia dragging him out shadows to find powerful allies in the light. "Yes..my time is coming. .slowly, but surely. These two will be a good addition to my army. A pokemon who can creature portals to different places..and one who can burn the land of the human world with her fire. Such a great start to a powerful collection. " Alistair frowned. .what was this? An angry voice was directed towards him. Yes..it was..a voice of a grumpy umberon

Alistair sighed. He didn't want to be careless and tell his plans. He didn't want Arcues to figure out what he was doing. " one can not disturb one meditation. .if one was not here before me. Besides, there are other places in this park for you to meditate at." Alistair only kept his eyes on hoopa and entei..how bothersome his day started to turn out.

"Ah yes, I will get back to meals soon. Also, can't a guy relax like any other pokemon here. Im just enjoying my day at the park...I may be hated by many, but give me a break here. " Alistair chuckled slightly. It sounded rather devilish. .and playful as well


Finally, Aurelia was done shopping for some supplies. She had lots of water and snacks since she stayed at the office alot. She also hoped that random gift basket was at the door today, those herbs and berries come in handy..not to mention the flowers. She didn't know it was sheri who came and dropped them off. Aurelia just felt bad that she couldn't say thank you. Anyway, she continued onward, seeing sam training near by. Aurelia walked over with a cold water in her hand." Yo! " she called out to sam

@Archdemon @Captain Spooks @Exanis

"Tsk, I forgot how presumptuous you legendaries were. For one, I've been here long before you stumbled on this little slice of heaven of mine, so don't even think of taking that tone with me. And two, don't think you are so important that I need to waste energy to hate you for whatever inane reason others hate you for." Shaking his head in disbelief he muttered angrily under his breath for a moment or two longer. Straightening up, he only glared dully at Alistair for a moment, then turned and began to walk away, tossing one last statement over his shoulder. "Try not to sound so suspicious next time you want to 'enjoy a day in the park'. Though I suppose it's hard when you are, well, you." With a humored snort Colby made his way out of the park.

As he started to aimlessly wander, quite the unusual action for the normally driven Umbreon, he also let his mind wander. 'Well, there goes any semblance of normality for the day. Workout, ruined. Meditation, interrupted. Time, day. It's like everything is stacking on to turn into one miserable day.' He sighs soundlessly and rolls a shoulder. What he would do for just a single positive outcome for this day. Just one thing that would salvage this trainwreck of a day. Shaking his head at the silly thought of a spontaneous savior to swoop in and fix the problems of coincidence and chance, he then continued on his aimless wanderings with another thought to himself.

'Miracles don't just happen everyday, now do they?'



"Yo!" Sam heard a voice off to the side. He turned his head to see Aurelia walking twords him, a water bottle in her hand. Aurelia was well known for being a skilled doctor and with Sam being a warriors it doesn't take a brain surgeon to guess that he's wound up in her office. "Hey Aurelia, heading back to the office?" He asked.

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Altaria giggled as she watched Mewtwo take another cupcake. "Oh I don't mind, and I can't wait for our little trip to the balery!" She said with a smile. Her smile dampened when they were back on the Darkrai subject and she could tell Mewtwo really detested the dark Pokémon. "Yes, his presence is unnerving but he hasn't done anything yet so I guess it's not our concern but Arceus's for now." She replied calmly and let out a small sigh as well. Altaria didn't want to talk about Darkrai anymore and she could tell Mewtwo didn't either. Ria decided to change the subject to a happier note to match the nice day. "So, what's with you and sweets?" She asked, her smile reappearing on her face. @Acethekidd


"Yeah..but lets not worry about that night dweller. Its to nice out here to stress about something like this..I don't care what he does, as long as he don't come across me." When she mentioned sweets, his mood seem to had switched. He could talk about sweet stuff all day long." I really do look forward to going to that bakery..theres all kinds of things i want." Now..it was time for clyde to waste his money on that place..he didn't mind it one bit." Also, i don't know..they are just so good. i guess its just the flavor of sweets that just..i don't know, make me fall in love with them." His eyes begin to shine some."If only i was good at baking. i nearly burnt down my house trying to bake stuff..oh well. i'll just spend my money on sweets."


"Yeah, i am. Although..im still on my break and i kinda wish i could do something else besides there the whole time." she handed him a bottle of water." Try not to over do it bud, you can catch some serious leg cramps in your sleep. Those things hurt like hell." Aurelia caught a few in the past when she actually use to go out and do stuff."Anyway, how are you this fine day?"

@Aero @Captain Spooks
Absol blinked, finding herself staring up silently at her ceiling. She had eye bags under her eyes, having been unable to sleep most of the night because of a nightmare - again. She sighed, rubbing the back of her head as she slowly got off her bed. "Fourth one this week," she grumbled, before checking the time. She almost screamed when she found out that she had slept in for literally the whole morning.

She jumped off her bed, gaining a bit of energy from the adrenaline rushing through her and got into her clothes before dashing into her kitchen to get some food. She didn't really have anything besides a few cereals, granola bars, and eggs. Quickly she contemplated whether to stay and get a full breakfast or skip and just take a bar. She took the latter before running out the door.

Wait. Absol skidded to a stop as soon as she left her apartment complex. I... don't have work today.

The words echoed through her head, and it took her a good two minutes before they registered her in her mind. She repeated them out loud. "I don't have work today."

She kicked the nearest pebble near her foot, crushing the granola bar in her hand as she then angrily decided to go to the grocery store.

(Go ahead and interact, I don't mind. xD )
Gengar was still asleep for a while, but was woken from the wind since it was getting cold. "Ugh... Seems so cold..." Gengar said as he yawned, and stretched while standing up from his nap. "So cold. What the hell?" Gengar said as he began to walk to his house with his phone playing Through The Fire and Flames, and he was on Pokegram. Gengar shrugged at dming Absol, and he sent her a text saying, 'Hey you okay? You didn't go to work. I know there isn't work, but at least you would check on who is there. So you alright or did another nightmare happen?" Gengar knew about nightmares, and is even called Akumu (Nightmare in Japanese) by his two brothers whenever Gengar was really mad at the two.

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Absol didn't notice the text until she had finished her shopping. She was still rather irked, but it was really a lost cause now. She let out a sigh, before replying back.

'Yes, I'm fine.' She hesitated slightly at sending it, wondering whether to care or not to actually tell him. The dark-type rolled her eyes, now questioning why it even mattered. She sent it before shoving her phone back in her pocket and heading home.

Somewhere along the line Cobly realized that he was getting hungry, and after remembering that he decided to skip out on breakfast for an early workout with plans to return home to each, which he promptly ruined to mediate in his annoyance at getting his workout interrupted. In all, his already terrible mood took a turn for the worst as the hunger set in. Looking around he noted that his feet led him to the middle of absolutely nowhere in regards to getting something to eat. Resisting the urge to stomp his foot in annoyance at his self-induced problems, mainly because it's extremely against his usual character, plus it wouldn't help solve anything.

Huffing, he turned on the balls of his feet and began stalking home, radiating an aura of palpable annoyance, which was only enforced as he mumbled angrily under his breath, though he was in a fairly isolated area, so it truly wasn't noticed. As he took a turn, however, he immediately noticed he wasn't alone, as Absol was taking the same road as he. Nearly shouting in frustration at that fact, he instead took a single calming breath and immediately schooled his features and wiped any trace of emotion, leaving him blank faced and serious, as he was usually seen as. Inwardly, he hoped that the apartment complex would hurry up and show up, because he really, really, really needed a good cup of tea, a nice breakfast, and a solid punching bag.

Why did he have to live so far away?

@Skyena &anyone else
Skyena said:
Absol didn't notice the text until she had finished her shopping. She was still rather irked, but it was really a lost cause now. She let out a sigh, before replying back.
'Yes, I'm fine.' She hesitated slightly at sending it, wondering whether to care or not to actually tell him. The dark-type rolled her eyes, now questioning why it even mattered. She sent it before shoving her phone back in her pocket and heading home.
Gengar sighed, while waiting for the text from Absol. Gengar just kept walking home, while listening to peaceful music since that puts him at peace whenever he thinks something is wrong. Gengar then stopped at a tree as he went to go on his phone, and he saw that Absol sent him a reply. "Don't lie to me Absol. What is wrong?" Gengar sent to Absol as he sighed, and he sat down under the tree.
The sun was not even up when Doublade had woken up, yet it was high in the sky when he left. This was his usual routine but this time it was different. This time, he was not opening shop, he was polishing and working on something. Many human lives had been lost for this item, and several buildings had crumbled for this object. It had no use in the human world now that Pokemon were not there, but those stubborn weaklings put up a fight. After a long while of setting up., he walked out of the house...then went right back in. He had forgotten to put his armor on and today he really needed to look intimidating. He pushed back his long white hair and tied it into a short ponytail. Then, he slipped into his robes and armor, and fastened his helm on. Now that he was all ready, he slipped the merchandise into a small burlap sack, he swept out of the door, and into the day.

Stalking through the city, Doublade passed many Gijinka, but ignored them for now. Today he was doing something important. He had found out about Alistair's plan and had something that could help. A lot. Unfortunately, the dark Gijinka was in the park. Doublade hated this place, it was too happy, too bright. Not wanting to attract unwanted attention, Doublade stuck to the shadows and walked up to the thin figure that was Alistair. "I know about your plans, Alistair." Doublade said in his gruff, emotionless voice. "I want to help and I have something that can do just that, so if you really want this to work, follow me." After getting that out, Doublade began to walk away. If Alistair really wanted his plan to work, he would follow along.


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