Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

I'm still intrested :)  This is going to take a while to get used to. I'm guessing there are no longer BBCodes cause I can't find them >n<
(@TaraSobiki @Aero @Lilk2lu I'll be opening this back up to joining soon, with myself taking spot of the Main villain, because Ace has been inactive. Before I reopen, I would like for us to repost character sheets, for the Gijinka we remember we have xD  Because the old joining thread has no hope of being found by me ;_; Take your time though)

 His lips curled upward in a smile once again, seeing how positively Sophia reacted to his gift. It was always warming to see her happy. The giant listened as she also accepted his invitation to tea. This would be the first time Regigigas would remove his mask in public, as usually he'd make the trip to the shop and take tea leaves to go. And so the two walked together, Regigigas assuming and actually hoping that Sophia was enjoying his presence as much as he was enjoying hers.

"I'll be more available for the next while of days. Means we can see each other more," he spoke "And I find that idea quite appealing, to be more frequently in the presence of such a beauty."

Regigigas held open the door to the tea shop, of course allowing Sophia to go first. A large hand went to his mask. He almost hesitated for a moment, before grasping the armor wIth an odd hand, and pulling it off. He would need to remove it anyway to drink. Blonde hair went past his ears, and his left eye was a paler blue color. His right was covered with a sort of banana. Looking around after Sophia walked in, himself having to bend a bit to get in, he already decided on a spot for them to sit, a table in a corner, classically set by open windows. And, Regigigas pulled her seat out for her, wanting her to sit first. A blue eye watched her steadily, really just admiring her.

If only he had time to be with Sophia simply whenever he wanted. 

"Really? You're making me blush.....I would be happy if we could be together more though. So I'll be making the most of your free time!" she giggle as she started to make plans in her head. She only saw him every now and then so she made the most of every second usually but when hearing him say he was available for a bit she  felt extremely lucky. So lucky she started singing a song that she was making up as she went a long. Course she didn't sing it out loud because that would of probably made Regigigas feel awkward and she didn't want that at all. She wanted him to feel completely at rest when around her. 

When she finished the little song that she had been singing in her head they were there and Regigigas was holding the door open for her like the charmer he was. For whatever reason it seemed like most of everything he did made her like him ten times more than before. There wasn't any limit as far as she could tell so her love level would just keep going up. "Thank you!" he had good manners as far  as Sophia could tell so that might be why she liked him in that way.He was a great person in general, personality was the thing she liked to pay the most attention to. When he had pulled her seat she thanked him again and sat down. 

She was suddenly much more excited when she sat down.They were really doing this and there weren't any people to interrupt them right now. "You have such great manners! I feel like I'm royalty or something!" 

@Krampus (Sorry! I meant to get this done much sooner but I wasn't able to finish quickly enough because I kept getting stuck on mobile. Here it is though! Finally!)
@TaraSobiki(No need to apologize :3 No one else is flocking back here, so I can't call you out for lack of activity. I'm going to start herding everyone back here, to see who will be returning or not.)

(My reply will come within the the next few hours, for sure by the end of the day :3)
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"I look forward to the more frequent meetings then," the taller figure said to Sophia, pleased that she seemed to fancy the idea of spending more time together.

He nodded once in a "you're welcome", when Sophia thanked him for holding the door. Once they'd sat down and settled, Regigigas had set down his mask down beside his own chair, his one visible, blue eye blinking once, as if adjusting to the lighter area without his facial armor. His lips curled upward in a smile when she spoke once again, Regigigas saying in response "That's what I'm aiming for, because I can't help but view you as a queen." He only looked away when a Rattata came over with a pamphlet menu for them both, with numerous selections tea and small foods. There was even a section of teas that humans made up, Arceus allowing a few of the employees to venture out every now and then to get the ingredients (with the price of one of those ingredients being Milkberries, Milkberry Tea being the Alpha's favorite).

Anyway... getting back on topic, Regigas browsed among his menu, saying to Sophia as he did "Is there anything you have in mind you feel like doing today? It's going to be night soon, I know, but there's plenty of places to go still." And honestly, it's safer to stay awake, as Darkrai has become more active with his nightmares.

"Unless you'd like to keep it simple, and just have this little stop of ours be our only event for the day?" he added, blue eye watching her steadily, casually from his spot across the table. He didn't want to suggest anything that Sophia didn't want to do, and usually Regigigas was fine with doing anything, within reason mind you.

Clyde |mewtwo 

Finally,  they where back at his place.  Once he was there,  Clyde had open the door, leaving it up for the girl to enter."welcome to my lovely home! please make your self at home." Inside his house was so spotless  and clean. There was no sign of mess.  If there was, Clyde would had an panic attack.  To him,it was so embarrassing to have the slightest of mess

His kitchen was also spotless like everything in the house. "Here  we are. So, what is the first step." Clyde went to wash his hands first." I mean second. "


Altaria walked into the legendary's house with a smile and a nod of thanks. "Aren't you the gentleman." She replied with a small giggle and set the supplies she carried onto the counter in the kitchen. Ria admired how clean Mewtwo's house was, wishing she had his drive to keep her house this clean all the time.

Right after Clyde was done with washing his hands, she washed her hands. "Well the second step is to preheat the oven to 350, then we can grab a bowl and start putting the ingredients in." @Acethekidd
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