Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

"Yourself and your needs are not more important than everyone else's, Alistair," Arceus said simply, changing to Gijinka Form as well "If this gets to a certain degree, I will need to step in." He didn't seem alright with Darkrai's answer. If anything, it made him suspicious. Still, causing bad dreams was normal for him, so there was nothing to worry about for now. Turning away, he said"And since you don't have time to talk now, I will see to it that we speak again. With some real time on our hands."

And with that, he turned to leave. A small exchange of words, but Arceus desired to talk with Alistair again. What he needed so many nightmares for was beyond him.


Kare had crossed paths with Cresselia on his walk and for whatever reason seeing her calmed him down quite a bit. He would of smiled if that wouldn't of been unusual for him "Hello Cresselia." he had responded flatly and seemed kind of distant considering his voice didn't give away any excitement nor did his facial expression. But contrary to the way he acted the male did indeed enjoy her presence but was he going to say he did? No, it was kind of from pride but other things made him hesitate to do something that would let Cresselia know that he enjoyed being around her. Talking would be enough for him right now.

"How have you been doing this morning?" he did act a bit nicer to her though but it was anything to obvious. He's nice to most people who aren't annoying and Cresselia fits on that very small list of people he has lined up. On the other hand he had a rather large list of people he found annoying and didn't ever want to converse with them or have to work together. Then there were those in the middle who kept jumping back and forth between tolerable and annoying. Sometimes he didn't know how to act towards them and just lets them speaks until he gets his thoughts in check. Of course he wouldn't just stare at them he would react accordingly to what they said but would switch into hostile or peaceful mode based on what they say.....Putting it like that made him sound like a computer or something.

@Krampus (I'll play my other characters when I feel it's the right time.)

>>Beedrill and Braviary☆☆ (@Archdemon )

Beedrill was surprised that Rayquaza spoke to them, but it was just to tell them to leave him alone. "See Braviary? He's fine and look you got him to talk! Now let's go." Bee whispered to her friend who didn't listen. With a determined face Braviary followed Rayquaza to pester some more. "Aw come on Rayquaza, I know you're a legendary and all but even they need help or friends." Braviary mumbled the friends part hoping the legendary wouldn't hear him.

"So being a kind hearted mon I will not leave you until you reach your destination. Maybe down the way you'll need help, you never know." Braviary finished his statement with a grin. Beedrill couldn't believe they were doing this but she needed to be there for her friend before he gets hurt. She followed behind the two still holding a grumpy face like Rayquaza, looking around to find a way out of this situation.

**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria happily put the box in front of her and Mewtwo gesturing to the cupcakes. "Help yourself." She said with a giggle and rested her chin on her hand. Ria listened intently on what Mewtwo had to say about his thoughts. When Darkrai was mentioned to being the cause of Mewtwo's worrying thoughts Altaria's face became a serious one like of Mewtwo's.

Being the second-in-command along with Pazzura was a serious job, Altaria had to be ready for anything so she can prepare the troops for it. Darkrai is a hard foe, since his powers come from nightmares and he can create them makes him a reckon to deal with. 'I wonder how Arceus is handling this. I would love to hear his imput on how to prepare if Darkrai does pose as a threat.' She thought to herself once Mewtwo was done talking.

Her face became less serious and she manage to give the legendary a smile. "No, no you're fine. Honestly I'm glad you told me it helps me to prepare for the worst if it is to come. I do believe confronting Arceus is the best but knowing him he already knows the situation and he too cannot do anything. By the way you talk about Darkrai's actions it seems like he's just doing his normal acts. The amount of power that he consumes however is very worrisome. I say if you do meet up with Arceus about the situation just ask him on what you should do in the case he does do something bad with his powers." Ria responded and looked out at the town. "It's sad to see people do something so mean to such a peaceful world..."


Hoopa was in a tree at the park playing with her rings. Boredom ran over the legendary as she pulled leaves through her one ring and out the other. Sometimes, she'll just let the leaf fall into one into someone's room. She let's out small giggles if it lands on someone's face. But this wasn't enough for the Hoopa for she wanted to do something more exciting. "It's so quiet and peaceful... Borrrring." Hoo mumbled under her breath.



Entei lounged outside of her small home, warming the plates of metal that covered her lion-like body. Entei tended to spend her days in her pokemon form, as her human body often caused her to feel out-of-place and unlike herself. She was not fond of humans, no, she still did not understand why Arceus had not just killed them all rather than create a new realm for his own species. Running her sandpaper tongue across the back of her paw and rubbing her gold-and-red plated face, the creature stood, marveling at the sun. Oh, how she wished summer would never end- the rain and snow of the other seasons did not allow her to be at her full potential. It was only in the blazing sun that she felt she could burn down a thousand cities just to rebuild them, but the feeling wouldn’t stop her any other time of the year anyways.

‘Where to go . . . the weather is too perfect to be inside.’ She thought to herself before ultimately deciding on the park. Although she was too old and serious to play in such a place, she often enjoyed watching the younger pokemon play. Children were her biggest weakness, for she probably could not even bring herself to harm a human child—perhaps every pokemon DID need a weakness, although she still three others. (ground, rock and water haha I’m so funny)

When she arrived at the playground, she was rather surprised to see that it was not busy. The only other pokemon she could see was Hoopa, who she watched play with her power-holding golden rings. She seemed to be transferring leaves somewhere else. Innocence. She could do so much more damage or annoyance with the power she held. Entei kept her distance, prowling to an un-shaded patch of grass to lay herself down and watch.​


Rayquaza kept walking and he was correct that this Braviary wasn't going to leave him alone. This man was becoming an even greater annoyance than at first when he tried to ask him if he needed help. He was starting to get even more pissed than before, and the company of both of these Pokemon was really irritating him. What he did was he stopped walking and place his bags on the ground, making sure they wouldn't fall over and all his food would be on the ground. He then turned around towards the Braviary as the lines all over his body began to glow bright yellow, a sign of his great irritation.

"No, you are not going to follow me all the way to my house! When someone replies back saying they don't need help, you should be respectful and back off. If I want to be alone then leave me alone, not pester me because I look like I need help which I don't. Now you can be the good mom that you are and leave me to my own business. Now if we're quite done here I'd like to return to what I was doing and I want you to leave me alone! Tell your friend Beedrill what will happen if his pestering continues, cause I can assure you it won't be good."

With that Rayquaza picked up his bags and started walking away hoping the boy got the message this time.

••Hoopa••(@lakenly )

Hoopa had a feeling someone was watching her, but decided not to see who. 'If they wanna talk to me, they can just approach me. I don't bite... Hard that is.' She thought as a mischievous smirk appeared on her lips for a moment. Hoo's expression went back to a bored one and she proceeded to spin her one ring on her finger. "What to do." She mumbled with a sigh and pulled of a stick. Hoopa threw the stick in her other ring that wasn't spinning but now floating and watched to see where it goes. It ended up hitting Rayquaza in the head which made her giggle and quickly close the portal.

Hoopa lost interest in throwing things in her portal real fast and floated her way down the tree. She opened a portal to somewhere else and was going to step into it until someone caught her eye. From the corner of her eye, she could see Entei curiously staring at her to see what she would do next. With that, Hoopa snickered and walked through her ring and right back out behind Entei. "How's it going nosy pant?" She asked the legendary with a smirk. "I know I'm pretty attractive but it's quite rude to stare ya know."

>>Beedrill and Braviary☆☆(@Archdemon )

Braviary blinked as Rayquaza glowed and told him off. Once he was done making his statement, Braviary and Beedrill watch him pick up his bags and continue walking to his house. Braviary pouted a bit, but understood that the legendary was a butt and wanted to be alone. However, it was not the bird Pokémon who spoke, it was Beedrill who didn't like the legendary's attitude.

"Wow, you really didn't have to yell at the guy! All he wanted to do was help and I get that it was annoying but really? The light show? Gosh, I heard you were loner which is cool I am too but man you really exaggerate it." Beedrill snapped at Rayquaza even though she knew he most likely did not care.

Braviary smiled and patted Beedrill on her head. "It's alright Bee, he had every right to raise his voice. I was pestering too much and I should've known my boundaries." He said to his friend who wasn't buying it. "Yeah you were pestering but didn't deserve a threat." She growled and turned around back to the trail to her house. "Let's just go Braviary. I really need to patch up to let out some steam."


Clyde had grabbed another cupcake, although he just finished a lemon pie. Sweets where one of the things that kept the grumpy guy in such a good mood."thank you..but I won't eat all of your cupcakes. I'll go later and get something from the bakery...but of course, im going to need some help getting there." He looked at her with a smile, going back to their subject. " im sure he's aware of the nightmares. .and im sure hes talked to him by now hopefully." Clyde folded his arms and huffed" if I was him, I would had captures darkrai already instead of letting him run around lose. Sometimes acrues can be a little to kind..which may be bad. I don't trust darkrai one bit, never have and never will." Clyde huffed and sighed. He shouldn't really stress over such things. Besides, he was having such a great day so far." Whatever. .if he comes cross me..I'll personally deal with him

Alistair [Darkrai]

"Oh trust me, my needs are just important as any of these fools." He muttered under his breath. "Let's only hope we actually meet here again." As he turned to leave, Alistair left as well. Now was the time to put his plans in motion. .he needed to scout for someone pokemon to join him so he did so. The dark pokemon decided stick around just a little while. Maybe he would luck out and find some new recruits. Alistair still thought he could take the human world on his own..but he was still going to play it safe

"I guess I should play my cards right." Alistair manged to come across a park soon and was about to leave thanks to the bright light of the sun. When he managed to find a hoopa and a entei there. Alistair remained in the shadey part of the park, listening to the two pokemon talk. He also begin to think how good it would be if they joined him on his side

Shaymin [sheri ]

Sheri smiled as she begin to harvest alot of berries, vegetables, and rare flowers from her garden. Since she had alot of stuff growing in her garden, she often shared alot of what she grew with those in town. The shy girl begin to make a bunch of gift baskets, placing them in a wagon and headed off towards the town. It didn't take her long at all to reach the town since Sheri did live on a peaceful hill with beautiful landscape outside of the town

Once she reach town, the first person she saw was Kare. Sheri smiled and started to make her way over, put she paused for abit, not wanting to interrupt him and cresselia. However, she mustered up the courage to confront him and walked over."i-i-i.." she gulped and handed kare a gift basket."here! I hope you like it." The one she gave him was pretty special. "A-and one for you." Sheri gave cresselia one and fled. She couldn't stay any longer. .she was way to shy to talk to Kare

Afterwards, Sheri stopped by everyone else home and placed a gift basket in front of their homes. All..but one and that was Rayquaza. Sheri saw the legendary pokemon talk to a beedrill and Braviary." H-hello you. I left a gift a-at y-your home. I have a little bit to much in my garden so I decided to s-share with everyone. " she then walked towards Rayquaza. " i-i have one f-for you to."





(Understood! You have fun on that trip. But can I create two more characters?

(I hope you don't mind the shortness for now. I'll be able to get more replies in x3 When I have time, my replies are usually longer I promise xD )

"I've been well, more or less," Cresselia answered Kare "Just got through talking with Alistair. Messing with good dreams again." She almost laughed after. There she was, already telling her problems to someone she wasn't exactly all peaches and giggles with. Sighing softly, she said"I hope your morning had gone better than mine?"

She then looked, as little Sheri showed up, Shaymin. The sweet little female had gift baskets to give, but that wasn't what Cresselia took more notice to. The green haired Gijinka seemed especially shy in the presence of Kare. Why did that make her want to break something? Her eyes even narrowed for a moment. The look was gone was quick as it came though, and Cresselia smiled, saying"Thank you, Sheri." She felt bad that she liked the sight of the Shaymin leaving, but oh well. After looking through the nice little gift for a moment, she asked Giritina"Erm... If you're not doing anything, perhaps we can go visit a cafe or something? A restaurant even? We've lived in the same city for who knows how long, and I don't even know your favorite color, even thought that's not the point. Just to talk a little." She knew most of the other Legendary Pokemon well, and she didn't like them as much as Giritina.

"It's no less than fine though if you don't want to though," Cresselia added with a small laugh "For all I know, I came up to you while you were on your way to somewhere!" It didn't really matter if Kare said yes or no. All she was inviting him to was a small meal and talk. For now, nothing more or less.

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The Beedrill tried to yell at Rayquaza or scold him or whatever because he was too pissed off to even care. Though he did heard that she assumed he threatened the Braviary, and while it did sound like a physical threat it was more like a lecture threat cause when has he ever attacked someone because they annoyed him too much? He's grumpy and mean sure, but he's not some uncivilized Savage.

Well he was too far away from the two to really even think about the slight possibility of saying the pitiful words of I'm sorry. Well at least his peace and quiet was restored, until Shaymin came along and ruined it. Why must everyone bug him? Why must everyone disturb him even though they know specifically that he doesn't want to be disturbed and just to be left alone!? Even the shy Shaymin should know this more than everyone and yet she bothers him.

He kept on walking, with all the bags in his hands before he replied to the Shaymin.

"Why must everyone interrupt my peace and quiet? Well at least you came to tell me you left a gift at my house instead of being a nuisance and telling me that I need help with this bags which I don't....... Thank you for the flowers."

There was a long silence before he said thank you which is a rarity for Rayquaza to say even to the nicest people who know that it's best not to bother him. Hopefully the Shaymin will leave him to his business. Rayquaza kept on walking to his home and hopefully this time nobody would disturb him even more.

@Aero @Acethekidd

Shaymin [sheri]

Sheri tried her best not to tear up..the sound of cresselia's voice..it made her very uneasy. .did she not want him around kare? And did kare not want her around him anymore. ..did he finally mange to move on? Maybe he didn't like her after all. .which broke sheri's heart. Then Rayquaza thanked her for the flowers. .but he seem to be irritated. Some tears ran down the girl face..it seem like no one here actually liked her.." i-im sorry..I'll j-just..' she turned her back to leave, taking her wagon and wanted to run back home. Instead she walked back..the whole think with kare had already broken her spirits...maybe she shouldn't interfere with pokemon here anymore and just stay back at home by her lonesome. She didn't even notice the rare flower that fell from her pocket. She kept it for good luck, but lately. .she haven't been so lucky​


Rayquaza glanced at Shaymin and she began tearing up, did what he said truly made her cry? He knows he's an Asshole but he didn't expect to make people cry, sure he wanted to be alone but to make someone cry is not excusable. Rayquaza as much as he will never admit it, felt guilty for hurting the shy girls feelings, it was enough to have him drop his bags and follow her to say he's sorry.

How the Shaymin can make him feel sorry is beyond him and that it was enough to make him go straight up out of his way to say he's sorry is something close to a miracle. When he caught up to her something fell from her pockets, a flower? And it's of a rare type too! He picked it up and when he was finally caught up again he began talking with less irritation in his voice than usual.

"I.... I believe this flower is yours...... And I want to say that...... I'm sorry for making you cry.... I don't normally do this but if you'd like I shall invite you to my house for a cup of tea or whatever it is you like. Just don't go bragging it to your friends that you got to see the insides of my home...."

Rayquaza was embarrassed to say such things that was totally out of character for him to say but he didn't show it. He did then realized that all of the Pokemon around the two were staring at them both, and his embarassment continued to grow until a little bit of it was shown on his face.

"W-what are all of you staring at!"

He yelled at the Pokemon and they quickly dispersed afraid of getting a lecture from the legendary. He turned back to Shaymin with a Tch sound as he still held out the flower for Shaymin to take.

Gengar finally woke up from a long nap, and he looked at the sun with a sad and tired face. "Ugh.. So bright... I just woke up." Gengar said to himself as he sighed, and stood up to stretch. He then put on a black hoodie to cover himself from the sun, and he walked downstairs to see Gastly and Haunter eating. "Morning weirdos. Watcha eating?" Gengar said as Haunter pointed to the food, and Gengar smiled then sat down to eat. "Yo. Gastly. Can you grab my phone upstairs? Please?" Gengar asked Gastly as he Gastly sighed, and began to walk towards Gengar's room.

Gengar was the oldest out of the three, and the strongest so he was able to boss them around. Luckily Gengar is a nice brother to his siblings, and he usually asks politely instead of just yelling at them to do what he wanted them to do. Gastly came back with Gengar's phone, and he gave Gengar his phone back. Gengar smiled to his youngest brother, and he stood up to walk out the door. "Alright I'm going to head out. You two please don't mess up the house, or I will hurt you two." Gengar said as he left the house, and began to walk to the store.

Shaymin [sheri]

Sheri wiped her eyes, there was so much on her mind and it made her just feel down. How could she keep her mind off what just happened when she bumped into kare? Then Rayquaza has stopped her, the girl's face turned red when he gave her the good luck charm she treasured."T-thank you so much for Informing me." Sheri took back the flower and placed it back in her pocket. "You didn't make me cry..I just had alot on my mind so I kinda just broke down." She was shock when he invited her over for tea." A-are you sure? I dont want to irritate you more. Also, I really dont have friends. I use to..but I guess they all moved on."

Gengar reached the store, which was in the main area of the city, and he began going down the aisles looking for snack and drinks. He had to go to work soon, so he grabbed a bag of chips with a soda, and paid for the stuff fast. He put the food in his backpack that he always carried, and began to run towards his job area. 'Don't want to be late again. Man. What a drag.' Gengar thought to himself as he put on his headphones, and began to play music from his phone to his headphones. 'Hopefully I don't fall asleep again... Only had two hours of sleep.' Gengar thought as he looked at the time, and he began to run faster to work.


Rayquaza looked at Shaymin and sighed, well at least she didn't fully reject to his offer. Besides she says she doesn't have any friends? Well at least they have something in common in that regard. This whole situation was awkward, at least for Rayquaza since this normally isn't a thing he goes out to do. He finally gathered his scrambled mind up for a reply to the entirety of what Sheri said.

"Listen, if I thought you were going to irritate me even more than I already am I wouldn't have offered. Besides even if you broke down I was still the person who made all these negative emotions explode out forth from you, I was somewhat the cause for it. If you lost all your friends then they're just a bunch of assholes, well we do have one thing in common right now and that is neither of us has any friends."

This was definitely the longest Rayquaza has actually talked to someone without being totally irritated like his peace and quiet was ruined. He walked towards his bags full of food and made sure nobody stole anything and when he was sure nothing was stolen he picked them all up and headed back home which wasn't too far away from his current position.


"My morning? It was fine but I was upset for unknown reasons...I'm fine now though."
he had just thought that he had walked whatever that feeling was off because now it was completely gone. He brushed it off as something he had got mad at yesterday or the day before.

While he had been talking to Cresselia Sheri had appeared with gift baskets which was nice of her but Kare always noticed that the girl had always seemed to be nervous around him which he kind of paid attention to. He wondered if she had found him scary or something which would kind of be worrying since he actually liked her quite a bit. She was on the list of people he could stand to be around. She wasn't loud, obnoxious, or all that annoying but to him she seemed like the type to be afraid of a lot of things. He might of been one of those things since she would stutter around him. He had taken the basket anyway despite not being sure about how she felt about him.

It was a nice gift and he had suspected it had been home made
She made these for everyone? That's sweet of her....I wonder if I should give something in return...he was thinking about Sheri and her gifts so he didn't notice what Cresselia had said until a few seconds after she said it "Oh...Sorry about that I was thinking about something...Sure I would enjoy that....But I don't know why my favorite color would be important to someone like you." he couldn't really guess why someone so charming and nice would want to know something like that about him.

He had started thinking over it and he started to think that this was a....date? Was Cresselia asking him out? That would of been...No it was just hanging out as friends, nothing more and nothing less....But what if....He refused to let that probably incorrect assumption fill his mind that would only make their get together awkward.

While he got rid of that absurd idea he had saw Sheri out of the corner of his eye
Is she crying?Why would she be....Is it because I forgot to say thank you? he tried to think of the reason and sighed mentally "Cresselia....Do you think Sheri finds me unnerving. It bugs me for some reason." he was beginning to dwell on it. He would need to visit her later for a talk of some kind. He had no idea what about though and if she did find his presence scary she probably wouldn't be all that thrilled to talk with him.

@Krampus (It's fine)

Shaymin [sheri]

Sheri felt bad for him when he said he had no friends. For the past couple of years, Sheri had stayed alone to in her little house on the hill, tending to her garden. she even had some pokemon come up there and cause her some trouble. Some even wanted to take her land and it was so hard for her to fight back. "W-ell..I just hate making others feel bad..so no worries. Its fine I suppose. Also, let's just say..they found better friends. Everyone tends to stay away from..maybe because im so fragile and I don't like to fight. The main reason is because im so shy around others. It's because I don't want to cause any trouble. " she didn't want to admit they where jerks for leaving her, that was way to mean for to say. Anyway, sheri glanced at kare and cresselia before following Rayquaza to his home. She wanted to offer some help, but maybe it wasn't such a good idea to ask. Sheri didn't want to trigger his temper

Gengar reached his job area, and he entered the office slowly as he looked around the office. 'Huh. Looks like not man people are here yet. Ugh.' Gengar thought as he sighed, and Gengar sat down looking up at the ceiling. "I'm so tired... Bleh." Gengar said as he looked around the room, and he sighed out of pure sadness. 'Today is my day off... I'm such a RETARD!!!!' Gengar thought to himself as he stood up, and he walked out of the office feeling like a complete idiot. 'Wonder where is Absol... I mean where is everyone.' Gengar thinks as he sighs, and he began to walk back on home, since he had nothing else to do for the day.

"Good to hear that you're doing well," she said kindly, when he answered her little question "You seemed a little... annoyed when I came up."

She smiled at Kare agreeing to accompany her, saying"You never know. If I ever decide to get you a gift for some reason, I don't want to pick a color you don't like." She said that as more of a joke, but in a way she was serious. She then paused at Kare's next series of words. About Sheri. Honestly, Shaymin was the among the nicest things you could meet. Seriously. Perhaps Cresselia just disliked her that moment, seeing how she reacted to Kare. How jealous she was being. Now she could officially say she liked two others. Lovely.

The Lunar Pokemon would have to find Sheri on her own time, to apologize for in a way treating her rudely. It was beginning to make Cresselia feel bad, because she usually never even frowned at others.

Cresselia raised a brow at Kare, when he asked about Sheri. It was actually quite ready to tell Shaymin liked him, now that she thought about it. She supposed it was harder for the one being liked to realize it. The Gijinka then answered"She's shy, not scared. What you choose to make of that will be up to you once you talk to her about it." She then began to walk, signaling for Kare to walk with her.

"There's no reason for her to be unnerved by you," she then decided "Unless you've been a real meaner when I'm not around?" Cresselia hoped not. Kare seemed a decent being already, which was why she liked him. Still... It was probably only one sided. What if he liked someone else already? Sheri, even. She sighed softly, as if the thought of Giritina being with someone else dampened her mood a bit. As they walked, she looked around, having a nice little restaurant, called Winged Moon, in mind, run by Psychic and Dragon Pokemon. Actually a very nice place of business.


Rayquaza listen to the Shaymin as she kinda explained herself a little to the legendary. He knew she was shy, that much was obvious to him, and she thinks everyone doesn't like her because she's shy and is super fragile and hates fighting. It's understandable that a shy girl doesn't want to cause trouble and being one of the nicest people in the city it's quite understandable that she isn't fond of violence.

He just let her keep on talking as they finally arrived back to his place. Oh how he missed it for the past hour or two! He set some bags down as he reached in his pockets for his keys and eventually opened the door and entered inside taking all the bags of food with him, leaving the door open for Sheri to enter. He immediately went to the kitchen to place the bags on the ground for him to put away later. He pulled out tons of tea leaves and all other stuff for his tea.

"Hey, what Tea do you like? Any particular style and or ingredients you like with it? Oh and wait in the living room."

Rayquaza's house was very clean and it was well furnished. The living room had two couches which each end of the couch had the ability to recline back, and two reclining chairs and in the middle was a nice glass coffee table. There was a bookcase in one corner stocked to the brim with books, it was definitely a lot of green and yellow in his house which is understandable.


Kare followed behind Cresselia without hesitation but his encounter with Sheri had somewhat lowered his mood. Not by a whole lot but it did make him think of his relationship with the grass type. He glanced at Cresselia when she had made that comment and shook his head "No. I don't believe I am....And if I was a jerk why would I put on a act while you're near? I would have no reason to do that..." he couldn't really understand why she would think he would change the way he acted in front of her unless...did she know!? Did she know that he had a crush on her!? This could be bad for him....If she did know what did she think about it? He was pretty sure she had a crush on somebody else....Did she think it was stupid? Was she just playing with him?....No she was nicer than that and he knew it.

He proceeded to silently panic but kept his cool on the outside. He had no idea if she actually knew but panicking wouldn't make him look any less guilty of liking the lunar Pokemon.
"She's just shy...I can see that being the reason....I will probably visit her later today to talk..." he wasn't sure if talking about another girl in the presence of another girl was the best of ideas but Cresselia didn't strike him as the jealous type and it wasn't like they were in a relationship so...it shouldn't of been that much of a problem.

Kare upon seeing the restaurant almost smiled. He had went to this place once before but it was only to meet someone. He couldn't remember what it was about but the food was...okay. It didn't taste like something you would find in the garbage that was for sure. "We're eating here then?" he said before opening the door for her.

Something had went through his mind as he held the door open. Cresselia was female, Sheri was too so he wondered if they were close. "Cresselia...I know you might not know this but...What do you think Sheri would enjoy? I want to give her a thank you gift." he chose to ask for some help since he definitely needed it.



Jen walked down the street with a box full of mechanical parts, screws, and other things that could possibly be used for building. The box was rather heavy and she was having only the slightest trouble with it but it would be worth it to create the thing she had in mind at that time. They had just received this stuff early in the morning so she had woken up like at one in the morning which wasn't that bad since she had waken up earlier than that before....That didn't stop her from being irritable though. She was ready to snap someone's head off!....Not actually of course.

She was walking unsteadily and was kind of halfway falling over. She was pretty tired and that was because of two things.. One she had stayed up all night to watch a marathon of scary movies which was great by the way and two, she had woken up at one in the morning! How was she supposed to keep her eyes open taking that into factor? Seriously...She was ready to pass out just about now. She stumbled a few blocks and almost bumped into a few people before something terrible happened....She tripped over someone's foot. She fell on the ground and her metal stuff fell on her and buried her under them
"Ooooooow! Watch where you're going please!"

Looking him over, she blinked once as she took in his response. Not out of surprise, but of mere curiosity. How he acted when saying he had no reason to put up an act. He looked almost... cute, even though it had nothing to do with the current situation. She just liked looking at him. She smiled a little at the thought. Kare probably wouldn't enjoy the compliment, not that she'd tell him if she knew he would anyway. Already was Cresselia enjoying his presence, even though she couldn't freely complement him.

When Kare spoke again, she listened quietly. He wanted to visit Sheri. Well... that could mean anything. Kare said he just wanted to see why she acted so shy, and to give Shaymin a thank you gift. Still... Cresselia disliked how she let a frown come to her face. As if she were disappointed Kare still wanted to talk about the other female. She couldn't be mad at Kare though. They weren't even dating, as much as she liked the idea.

Cresselia quickly managed to put a smile on again though, when they reached the restaurant, nodding when he asked if they were eating there. She smiled shyly when Kare opened the door for her, saying a small thanks as she walked in first. Looking around again, she looked for a good spot to sit. Just as she found a nice booth by a window, Kare asked his next question.

She almost pulled a face, managing to check it into a slight bend of her brows. Again, Kare had no idea how she felt, and most likely didn't care much about her. Looking at him, she answered almost dryly"Well, Regigigas told me the best way to a woman's heart is through her art. Sheri likes gardening, plants, right? Maybe get her a special flower. I might even let you have some of mine to give, or add more flowers to to make a decoration or something." There were flowers that only Cresselia grew, that did their growing in moonlight only. They were the color of her pale gold when in Pokemon form, with a lighter magenta spotting.

"Or just freestyle it," Cresselia said "A risk, but still. Maybe she's the type that likes the idea of it being a gift, even if it were garbage. Don't actually give her trash though..." Looking, she saw a Hypno come to give them menus to browse. Taking the one passed to her, Cresselia said casually"You seem so concerned to see Sheri, to gift ger back as well. You like her?" It was just two Gijinka talking. Again, they weren't dating, so it shouldn't matter to Cresselia if Kare liked Sheri. Kare didn't have to admit it though. Yes... that would be much better, even more so if he admitted that he didn't like Sheri. After asking, she resumed looking at her menu, requesting the Hypno bring her a Cherry PokeBerry Tea.


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