Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

(Ermagerd the glitching. Did I accidentally delete someone's post? I was trying to delete my own I accidentally posted, but I think I deleted someone else's. I feel horrible if I did ;_ ;)
(I don't see any deleted posts in this page or page 5! I think you're good, because I had gotten a notification earlier you sent something, but then RPN told me I wasn't allowed to see the page. xD )
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Colby simply acted as if he didn't hear anything when Absol's stomached growled and nodded once. "Very well then, I think I see our apartment complex. Coming up. Let's be on our way." With that said, he turned and continued forward, his mind now racing through possible meals that would be both nutritious and delicious. 'Hmm... What about... Yes, yes, that could work... A side of... Yes that would work as well... Do I have...? Yes, I believe I do...' And so on, and so forth. Soon enough, he arrived at the apartment complex, and with a backwards glance to ensure that Absol hadn't disappeared, he climbed the stairs to his apartment. Pulling the keys out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and stepped inside, leaving it open for Absol to follow.

The inside of the apartment was fairly homey for someone of Colby's attitude, with multiple nice soft couches, all the regular entertainment appliances, and various decorations. Granted, everything there was suited more for Dark types, but he doubted Absol wouldn't enjoy decor. Shrugging off his scarf and long sleeve shirt, leaving him only in a black tank top, and tossing them onto a coat rack, he called over his shoulder as he made his way into the kitchen. "Feel free to make yourself at home. Drinks are in the fridge, and I'm sure I have some snacks in the top left cabinet if you want something to tide you over till the food is done." Rummaging around in one of the bottom cabinets, and with a sigh he pulled out a black apron with the words "Sweet Kiss the Chef" on it. Holding it up and glaring at it, he glanced back into the bottom cabinet as if to check if there really was no other apron, then groaned silently and put it on. Grumbling to himself, he began to go about the kitchen gathering ingredients. Once he had everything gathered, he glanced at Absol once again as he began cooking. "Why don't you tell me what's bothering you today while I make lunch?"

(I know I deleted my own post, so I hope I didn't delete anyone else's who replied, that wasn't any of you. They'll just tell me, or repost. If I did delete someone's post. Oopsies? X3)
Exanis said:
ColbyColby simply acted as if he didn't hear anything when Absol's stomached growled and nodded once. "Very well then, I think I see our apartment complex. Coming up. Let's be on our way." With that said, he turned and continued forward, his mind now racing through possible meals that would be both nutritious and delicious. 'Hmm... What about... Yes, yes, that could work... A side of... Yes that would work as well... Do I have...? Yes, I believe I do...' And so on, and so forth. Soon enough, he arrived at the apartment complex, and with a backwards glance to ensure that Absol hadn't disappeared, he climbed the stairs to his apartment. Pulling the keys out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and stepped inside, leaving it open for Absol to follow.

The inside of the apartment was fairly homey for someone of Colby's attitude, with multiple nice soft couches, all the regular entertainment appliances, and various decorations. Granted, everything there was suited more for Dark types, but he doubted Absol wouldn't enjoy decor. Shrugging off his scarf and long sleeve shirt, leaving him only in a black tank top, and tossing them onto a coat rack, he called over his shoulder as he made his way into the kitchen. "Feel free to make yourself at home. Drinks are in the fridge, and I'm sure I have some snacks in the top left cabinet if you want something to tide you over till the food is done." Rummaging around in one of the bottom cabinets, and with a sigh he pulled out a black apron with the words "Sweet Kiss the Chef" on it. Holding it up and glaring at it, he glanced back into the bottom cabinet as if to check if there really was no other apron, then groaned silently and put it on. Grumbling to himself, he began to go about the kitchen gathering ingredients. Once he had everything gathered, he glanced at Absol once again as he began cooking. "Why don't you tell me what's bothering you today while I make lunch?"

Absol felt relieved he acted like nothing had happened. He kept his composure a lot better compared to her, she noted as she entered his home. She slipped off her shoes and put down her bags near the front door and went and sat down on the nearest couch. How strange that it came to this, out of all things. She had originally betted that Gengar was going to invite her over to lunch, but her lack of replies probably stopped him from doing so.

Her eyes scanned the Umbreon's apartment, slightly surprised that a surly person would have such a comfortable and well-kept area. Her first impression of him probably wasn't accurate, remembering him telling her it's been one of his bad days. She looked over her shoulder, getting the courage to take another glance at her host.

"Again, thank you for inviting me over," she spoke up. Usually the person she'd be talking to would get a scowl and rude remark for their greeting, but she felt too tired to do so today. This guy was lucky, though she should be counting her blessings as well. "First off though, I'd like to at least know your name before I start."
☆☆Braviary☆☆(@Krampus )

Braviary couldn't help but to observe Palkia as she ate her cookie happily. He couldn't help but notice she was really attractive, which was part of the reason Braviary wanted to talk to her, but it was mostly just to socialize. 'Hehe, that cookie must be really good. Kind of jealous of it.' He thought to himself and let out a small chuckle at his joke. When the legendary finally realized that he was talking to her, Braviary watched as she fixed herself up and finally greeted him which he replied back with a small wave.

He listen intently to the legendary's response to his question and was impressed. "Wow, that does sound very awesome! I wish I had a cool job like that, I mean my job is cool but not like super important cool." He replied once she was done with her response and let out a small laugh at how proud she was of her job. "But I would hate not being in crowds. I like meeting other mons and messing with them from time to time." Braviary continued with a mischievous smirk.

He was kind of sadden that she stopped telling him about her job but the feeling was quickly brushed off when he asked about him. "Yeah I'm a local around these parts. I'm a scout, I was recommended to be a warrior but violence just isn't my thing." Braviary responded with a shrug. "Did you have a rank before getting your super important job?"
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Stopping mid chop, Colby turned to Absol and gave a small bow. "Colby. Colby the Umbreon. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Straightening up he got back to cooking, he gave one glance back to Absol and shook his head dismissively. "And don't thank me. I was hungry, and I had a vague feeling that you were on your way to eat. You saw me in a moment of weakness while at a low point. I'd rather not have a worse impression on people than what I purposely enforce." He shrugs to himself and continues making the meal. "If anything I should thank you for adding variety to my fairly monotonous life." He stops and blinks, and gives Absol once more glance. "Anyway, that aside, do share what's been bothering you."

Exanis said:
ColbyStopping mid chop, Colby turned to Absol and gave a small bow. "Colby. Colby the Umbreon. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Straightening up he got back to cooking, he gave one glance back to Absol and shook his head dismissively. "And don't thank me. I was hungry, and I had a vague feeling that you were on your way to eat. You saw me in a moment of weakness while at a low point. I'd rather not have a worse impression on people than what I purposely enforce." He shrugs to himself and continues making the meal. "If anything I should thank you for adding variety to my fairly monotonous life." He stops and blinks, and gives Absol once more glance. "Anyway, that aside, do share what's been bothering you."

Absol gave him a polite smile. "I see. The name's Absol, it's nice to meet you as well. But besides that. I'm surprised you picked up something was wrong. I tend to be able to keep things hidden, but guessing from what I've been told, you're pretty observant. I don't think I need to explain in much detail, but my species is well-known for being able to sense when disaster will strike. The most common events being natural disasters. Usually, it's just... A weird tingling I feel whenever I sense something's stirring but lately, I've been having nightmares. They're all consistent with one another. My memories are a bit fuzzy when I wake up, but the one thing I remember from these nightmares is the feeling of being betrayed." Absol was intently staring at the wall as she momentarily paused, taking in a deep breath before speaking again. "And the other thing is a dark figure. Their gaze always filled me with a sense of dread." She shook her head, frowning. "They all seem so surreal. I was afraid they're just results of stress, but even when I got a few days off from work it doesn't seem to help. Nothing much is going on in my life that would make me get so many nightmares, so I've been worried that they're actually trying to tell me something."
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She couldn't keep a continuing smile from her face when Braviary seemed impressed with her role. Her smile would be considered odd among those who knew her, as Palkia usually had a smirk or neutral expression. When he spoke of how he felt about crowds, she nodded a little and said"Lucky you, getting to be around so many. You're the first I've actually talked to in three months. I've been up my home meditating on space. Must be nice to be surrounded by friendly faces, yes?" Palkia managed a small laugh of her own, when Braviary mentioned he liked his share of messing around.

"Last time I had actual fun was when my father, Arceus, let me play out on his lawn or in the house, when I was just a squirt. I used to prank Uxie and Dialga all the time."

When he began his story, Palkia listened to every word Braviary spoke, out of learned politeness and genuine curiosity. So he was a scout? It actually surprised her, but one shouldn't judge by cover.

"I served as a warrior before I retreated to my current role. Reason similar to yours. I admit that I very much like fighting, but I much prefer meditation and a cup of herbal tea over destruction and a cup of sticky blood. I'll of course still serve as a warrior, but only if it's absolutely necessary."

Palkia laughed to herself a little, saying"Important job now, but yours is still much more eventful than my own, I assure you, because nothing is going on in my business." Looking around, she saw as her order of cherry pokepuffs and chocolate cookies came in. After paying, she brought the box that held the goodies to her, continuing"My question being weird or not, but would you like to sit for a little while? Unless you're in a hurry."

'Hey Akumu. How's it going?' Espurr texted Gengar with a smirk as Gengar whipped out his phone, and texted back 'Hey Demon. Pretty good so far. I'm spending time with my family. So how have you been doing?' Espurr sighed from the nickname that Gengar gave him, so Espurr texted back 'I'd rather be called Purr. Also, I have been fine. I just came back from a mission, and I am beat! Can you drop some food?' Gengar sighed, knowing that he was going to have to bring food for Espurr. 'Yeah yeah sure. I will bring you food.' Gengar texted effortlessly as Espurr laughed, and texted back 'Thanks buddy! So, how has your relationship gone with Absol?' Gengar texted back with a sad motion, 'Please don't bring that up... Rather not talk about it ;-;-;'. 'Did you finally man up, and ask her?' Espurr texted back with a sigh, knowing that Gengar is going to be sad and Espurr knew that he going to be forced to help him. 'No... She ignored my text again...' Gengar texted back as Espurr face palmed with a loud groan following. 'Do I have to give you the talk? I JUST GAVE YOU THE TALK LIKE 3 HOURS AGO! LOOK SHE PROBABLY DIDN'T ANSWER YOUR TEXT (don't take this offensively) BECAUSE SHE PROBABLY WITH ANOTHER DUDE IN BED FAMMMM. ABSOL IS LIKE THE MOST MATURED GROWN FEMALE IN THIS SOCIETY! I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF SOMEONE ALREADY COME UP, AND SWEEPED OFF HER DAMN FEET. JUST GIVE UP BEFORE YOU GET HURT.' Espurr sent to Gengar as Gengar sighed, knowing that what Espurr said was true. '... You know I hate how honest you can be... Although I love it the same time cause it knocks some sense into my head... ;3' Gengar sent to Espurr as Espurr sent back, 'Heh. That's what I love to do. Well I'm going to watch movies, and just wait until you get here so... Bye.' 'Alright Purr. See yah soon.' Gengar texted back as he sighed with depression, and he began to think about what Espurr said.

~ Hide ~​

The Raichu yawned as he walked down towards the shopping plaza. He really didn't exactly know where where he was right now, but he knew that he was in town. Just in an unfamiliar part of it. "Probably shouldn't have taken that detour, but oh well." He chuckled, grinning to himself. He had his headphones on, and was just wandering. His destination had been the shopping plaza, and it looked like he had reached it. There were tons of shops and restaurants littered everywhere.

Hide looked about. "Video game... Video game..." he muttered as he searched through all the buildings. The only reason he had left his house was to buy the newest video game that had come out. Unfortunately for him, he got more than he asked for and got lost.

"Hrmm, I don't see it." He clicked his tongue in annoyance and went on his way before he stopped and saw a candy store. Forgetting his original plan, Hide dashed off to visit the "best" place in the world.

(Pffft Espurr and Gengar. xD Also, Hide is free to interact with!)

Colby hums in thought as he goes over what Absol told him. If he were to be truthful, he'd been experiencing shorter sleep times due to unexpected nightmares, quite the contrast to his usual, peaceful, dreamless sleeps. That, on top of the Disaster Pokemon having worse nightmares than usual, plus his recent conversation with Alaistar, leads to a few fairly shocking problems coming up in the future. Sighing, he gave Absol a sympathetic look and small, sad smile. "Unfortunately, you seem to be a victim of Alaistar's tricks." He chuckles. "Truly, I likely wouldn't have thought of or even suspected him if he hadn't interrupted my meditation today." At this he begins to grumble about self entitled Legendaries thinking they owned the place because they were born with more power. Shaking his head, he addressed Absol once more. "Anyway, he seemed a bit more sinister and conniving than usual, so I suppose he's up to something." He taps his chin in thought. "Though, when isn't he up to something should be the correct question. But yes, those are my thoughts on the subject. And in regards to dealing with the nightmares I don't really have any idea short of using Dream Eater on you and targeting the nightmare. T'would be fairly harmless given the lack of sinister intentions, but..." Colby shrugs again. "Who knows, I'm not a hard and fast psychic."



Espurr turned on his T.V, and he went on to Butterflix to watch some movies and chill by himself. 'Man.. There are like no movies... I'll just watch this movie again.' Espurr thought to himself as he clicked onto a movie that he already watched, and he sighed having to wait for Akumu. 'Wonder what everyone is doing... Wonder what Altaria...' Espurr thought to himself as he slightly blushed, and he kept on watching the movie. After a while, Espurr got insanely bored so he turned off his T.V, and walked outside to do some random stuff. 'Let's explore! Cause I'm bored!'
~ Absol ~

"Alaistar?" Absol repeated, puzzled at first. Her eyes widened slightly at realization when she recalled who the name belonged to, and she let out a sigh of frustration immediately after. All those weeks of being unable to sleep due to fear of another nightmare were all just because of some legendary priss wanting some fun. She let out another sigh, this time to let out her annoyance before trying to calm down. Once she felt she had a hold of herself, she looked up at Colby.

"That would make sense. But, why me of all people though..." she groaned, starting to feel exhausted just thinking of the legendary. "The suggestion to use Dream Eater is thanked however. I'll try it out."

She got up and went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a drink. As she opened it, Absol took a good look at Colby's apron, and she grinned.

"Now I'm sure you understand what I mean when I complain about 'self entitled legendaries'." Colby states with a wry chuckle. "And I'm glad to be of service, I do hope that Dream Eater works out for you." Glancing up, he saw Absol get up and walk towards the kitchen. Rightfully assuming she was simply going to grab a drink, he returned his attention to the food. Hearing the fridge open, he snuck another glance at her, and immediately noticed her looking at him and grinning. Deadpanning, he picked up a stray piece of vegetable and flicked it at her. "Oi, you got something to say about my apron? Hm?"

~ Absol ~

She laughed and shook her head as she moved aside to dodge the vegetable. "I just found it amusing that someone like you would be willing to wear that. Although, I guess hunger can really drive you to do things you normally wouldn't do." Absol continued to grin, seeming to be in a better mood then she had been earlier.

She stopped to take a sip of her drink and to take out her phone to finally reply to everyone, including Gengar. "What are you cooking by the way?" Absol asked as she quickly sent messages to all the people who had tried to contact her before. She set her drink down on the table as she returned to the couch, still looking at her phone.

@Exanis and @TheWhiteScarf (mentioned)
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"I'll have you know that this apron is perfectly fine when I'm alone. I never tend to have people over, and rarely do I ever decide to cook for them. Consider yourself lucky that you even get to eat my magnificent cooking." With a humph he turned back to the food and continued to cook with a fervor. Hearing her question, a spark seemed to ignite within Colby. "Diced grilled chicken with cut vegetables, marinated in my own special sauce. A side of rice and slightly mild curry to enunciate the taste, and all of it topped off with my personally ordered spice that I've found us Dark types simply adore." Blinking and realizing that he sounded enthusiastic for once, he faked a cough and tried to force down his blush. "Anyway, the food should be done in around ten minutes."

Absol put down her phone, turning to glance at Colby again. "So I'm guessing you kiss yourself after you're done with each meal?" she joked. "I've always wondered who it was that made their cooking smell so good. I assumed it was some professional chef that I didn't know about, but I bet it was you. I am just a room above you," she said as she watched him in interest, and simply hummed in reply to hearing that the food would be ready soon.

She moved her attention to Colby's house while she waited, quietly admiring it.

The text she sent to Gengar had just been 'I'm alright, really. Sorry for my late reply, I was in a sour mood.'

@Exanis @TheWhiteScarf

"Hmph. My usual charge rate for my cooking is a kiss. I'll leave what that entails to you." He managed to say this in a tone that made it near impossible to tell if he was joking or not. Humming to himself, he let the food simmer and finish cooking as he swept through the kitchen gracefully, collecting various utensils and china. As he set up the table, he glanced at Absol and saw her looking at his house. Finishing the setup, he went back to the kitchen, taking off the apron along the way and tossing it on the counter. Grabbing the food, he turned once more and placed the food on the table, then took one more look around to ensure that everything was there. "Foods done." Going behind one chair, he pulled it out and gestured for Absol to sit with a flourish.

☆☆Braviary☆☆(@Krampus )

Braviary enjoyed Palkia's stories and he was happy to see she enjoyed his own. He was shocked to hear that she too was a prankster, pranking her siblings when she was young. "Really? Never saw you as the pranking type." He replied with a small chuckle.

Braviary had a feeling she was a warrior, due to her nice build and what some may see as an intimidating aura. Braviary wasn't really fazed, well he wasn't fazed by a bunch of things really.

He really like talking to the legendary gjinka and was pleased when she ask if he could hang out a little longer. Braviary stole a quick glance at Beedrill to see if she was still waiting and thankfully she was. He smiled and then looked back at Palkia with a nod. "I don't have to go anywhere anytime soon so I don't mind hanging out with you longer." He replied and looked at the yummy treats. "Ooo what kind of treats did you get?"


Gengar just awaited for his brothers to finish eating, until he received a text that he thought was Espurr. Gengar didn't even check the name, so he typed back 'I know, I will drop the food soon. Also, I think what you said about Absol is right... Heh can't believe that you were right Espurr.' Gengar sent the text to Absol, thinking that it was his best friend Espurr. 'Man... So bored... Probably just going to hang out with Espurr when this whole dinner thing is done... Haven't actually hung out with Espurr in a while, since he became a Warrior.' Gengar thought to himself as he sat, and awaited for his brothers to finish eating.




Espurr began walking the streets of the main area of the city with his phone in hand, and his headphones blasting insanely loud dubstep. 'Man... I am bored as all hell... Probably just going to go to the book store, and read for a bit.' Espurr thought to himself as he began to walk to the book store to read some dark psychological books, and sip coffee while at it. Eventually, Espurr reached the book store, and began to walk towards the books he always read whenever he came to this book store.


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