Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


He smiled at her and shook his head "No, it's fine." Kare mentally kicked himself for that. Kare didn't smile that often so that might of been strange. He removed the smile from his face but still he felt more than slightly strange about it. Cresselia was Cresselia so he wouldn't worry about her but he told himself he needed to leave his guard up. He was way too relaxed around her. Mostly because of the reason that Cresselia was much more peaceful then most and not extremely shy like a few peaceful Pokemon, so it was easier to feel like you were safe and not near a ticking time bomb. Others were antisocial loners, stuck up, having fights with their brothers, trying to stop fights involving their brothers, romance obsessed lunatics or just plain annoying to be around.

To him Cresselia was none of those things. He can't find any reason to dislike the lunar Pokemon and if Alistair hadn't tried to ignore her then you know someone must be likable. Alistair might of not liked her in that way but he obviously didn't dislike her.

If Alistair continues to be around her he might end up thinking of her in that way... that was worrying because if he was to admit his feelings for her then she more than likely would accept them happily. This is a problem. being who he is Kare would have trouble telling her how he felt but Alistair would most likely say it without a problem. For him it meant he had to tell Cresselia as soon as he could turn down his pride and replace it with a courage.

A thought had came passed his mind about his morning irritation...maybe Alistair had said something to Cresselia that he wouldn't have enjoyed hearing..That stuff didn't actually happen...did it? He could ask her...they were waiting so he could strike up some conversation
"So Cresselia...Did you talk to Alistair recently?" it might of been out of the blue but he needed to have some form of clarity.

@Krampus (I'm not sure if i should show what Diance is doing yet....I'll probably make her find Regigigas once their date not date is over.)


It took a lot of self-restraint to keep himself from punching him. It wasn't this guy that was saying it, it was Kyogre's words out of his mouth and he had basically asked for it. "Is that what he thinks? Well if he is so much better than I am then why didn't he tell me that to my face? Tell that asshole that I said he can kiss my ass cause he hasn't been able to defeat me in the past, present and never in the future. Especially if he gets Ray to save him from getting beaten up every single time." he turned around and began to walk home again. Before walking away completely he glance back and said "I'll say that to his ugly face too and if he wants to 'talk' he knows where I live. You can tell him that as well." with that he disappeared around a corner.

He had already had been half way home so it only took about five and a half minutes to get home. He put everything that he wasn't going to eat in his cabinets and fridge. He didn't bother to turn on his game system in fear of accidentally breaking the controller which has happened so many times every time his brother had come up. He flopped on his bed and chose to watch a movie for the time being. Unless one of his brother's texted or called him he wouldn't be doing much.



Haunter had already started happily stuffing his hole and was happy that he had finally got to eat something. He almost didn't hear his brother question but through his munching his brain registered the words 'Beedrill, relationship and if he had gotten the love of his life yet. He swallowed his food i one big gulp because talking with food in his mouth would of been difficult.:"Is the sky black and white and the water made of melted taffy? Then if none of those are true the answer is no! I think I'm getting to her though." as far as he knew she didn't love anybody.

"I'm guessing Absol is working for you?" he was almost sure Bee wouldn't be as hard to get as Absol was...Not to say Bee was a easy catch! The opposite actually but not on the same level as Absol. His brother was real persistent though so he doubted he would role over after sort of getting rejected. Even if she didn't say it that's what it seemed like to him.



Gengar closed his eyes for a while to block out Haunter's loud munching of his food. Gengar suddenly heard Haunter, and he said "HAHA! Well that's true... I believe that you are gonna get her as well." Gengar sighed from Haunter's question towards him, and he responded with an odd voice "Nah. I think I'm giving up on her. Hehe." Gengar smiledbrightly as he grabbed his phone, and began to grow through his games to play until his brothers were done eating. He began to play a tower defense game, the genre of games he was amazingly good at, and he began to really get focused in the game.


Haunter looked at his brother skeptically "Wait...You're serious?" he didn't look like he was joking which surprised Haunter slightly. "You are....You sure the water isn't made from taffy?" he was giving up on Absol! This was a evolution coming from him. Was the world going to turn upside down now and was he going to sprout wings and fly?

He cleared his throat and smile at Gengar
"I'm glad you moved on to greener pastures and hotter woman! You'll find someone so much better than her and being the best brother ever I will help ya search! It will be free since you're my brother." he was pretty confident in his own lady skills.

He noticed him playing a game on his phone and sighed
"I can already guess what kind of game...Why not play some funner like a horror game." he only suggested cause that was hi favorite type and he was good at them.



Gengar paused his game without effort, and looked at Haunter with smile. "Yeah I'm being serious about this decision. Also, thanks for the help, but I'm good. I'm gonna wait until you, and Gastly get your loves. I'd rather be the brother that just sits back, and helps you guys with your relationships. I don't really feel like I will actually get anyone, so hopefully I can see you guys get your loves. Also, I will never stop playing these games." Gengar told Haunter as he went back to playing his game, which was pretty hard since Gengar had not that much space on his phone. "Jesus. I need a new phone..."

~ Absol ~

Absol blinked, trying to understand what he meant before shrugging it off as she saw the food, choosing to think about whether or not he had been serious later. She got up from the couch and sat down at the table, saying another thank you as she did so. She marveled at the food set before her, pleasantly surprised at the savory looking meal. If it weren't for the fact that they had agreed to forget about this whole ordeal afterwards, she would've asked him to give her some tips and perhaps a recipe for this kind of stuff. Cooking was not one of her strong points. Although it wasn't as bad as burning everything she tried to make, most of the food she made was bland and so she mostly kept herself fed with cereal (she had to admit, it grew tiresome after eating it for months on end), scrambled eggs, and microwavable lunches and dinners. She rarely ever treated herself to restaurants as her job didn't pay a lot, and seeing as she barely knew her neighbors she wasn't invited over much. Occasions such as the one she was in right now had never happened before, and so she was pretty excited to try out Colby's food.

She looked up at Colby, studying him. She didn't mean to stare long but she really wanted to see if he was like, secretly the god of cooking or something. He wasn't anything out of the normal, although he was kinda easy on the eyes. She stormed her brain for any memory of cooking shows, trying to see if she had seen him as chef on TV. She concluded that he was just really good at cooking and enjoyed it, having taken note of his earlier enthusiasm describing what they were having for lunch. And she hadn't even tried his food yet!


~ Hide ~

The Raichu walked out of the candy store with a lollipop in his mouth now, a satisfied expression on his face. He hummed a silly tune as he continued on his aimless wanderings, until he stumbled upon the book store. He paused, before deciding to come in as he had time. Hide wasn't an avid reader, but he did enjoy some books. He looked through the rows of books, until he stopped as he saw an Espurr reading. Curiosity got the best of him, and he quickly glanced at the section they were in.

Psychology? he thought as he looked at the Espurr again. Huh.

His eyes caught sight of a book nearby, one that had the title with candy on it. He immediately forgot everything else and dashed off to grab it, but he accidentally tripped over his feet, and his lollipop flew and landed right on the Espurr's face.


"Don't talk like that man! You gotta tell yourself 'I will get a hot chick!'. I don't want you to be alone forever!"
he couldn't have Gengar living alone in some old person's home just because some girl indirectly rejected him...That was not how it would end as long as he was around. He made it clear on how much he disliked the plan his brother had set out.

He grumbled something before saying
"Ya probably do....If you stop talking crazy I'll buy you one!" it was mostly a joke but if he took it seriously than he might of done it. He was kind of good at borrowing stuff and money.

@TheWhiteScarf (By the way that scarf looks more red to me.)

Taking a seat after Absol did, he took a moment to relax, take in a deep breath, and sinking into the chair. Opening one eye lazily he noted that Absol seemed to be looking at him quite intently, and began to wonder what she could be thinking about. Tilting a head to the side, he gave her a playful smirk and raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong Absol? Some mystery about me nagging at the back of your thoughts? Let me assure you, I'm just a plain old Umbreon that hates the majority of his life." Straightening, he gestured to the food with one hand and began putting some on his plate. "Please, help yourself to as much as you'd like, I made an extremely large portion given that I hadn't eaten in a while, and I assume you haven't either." With that he returned to his food and slowly began eating, letting out an immense sigh of relief the moment the first bite entered his mouth.



"Bro. It's fine. I thank you for the support, but it's okay. I can live alone. I have taken care of you guys for my entire life, so I can live alone while you guys live a happy life." Gengar says back to Haunter as his eyes stayed glued to his phone's screen. "It's fine. I can buy my own phone. I was just telling myself..." Gengar says as he keeps on playing his game, and put on one of his headphones to listen to dubstep while he played.

~ Absol ~

Absol quietly chuckled as she served herself some of the food as well. "Plain is a good description, but you should add 'plain, ol', Umbreon that hates the majority of his life along with being a great cook'," she said before taking a bite. It was better than she had originally thought. Better than the stuff she's had in her entire life. Well, that was an exaggeration, but to Absol, it felt like it. She practically started shoving the food down. It took her about three or four minutes before she was able to talk normally again. "This," she said as she pointed towards the food with the fork she was using. "Is the best thing I've had in years."

After the initial shock of how good it was faded, she started eating more slowly to savor the taste more. He was definitely right about the spice. It made the food so much more better.

~ Hide ~

Hide grinned cheekily as he caught his lollipop and got up. "Ahaha... sorry, man. I wasn't watching where I was going," he said. "But, now that I have your attention, whatchyoo reading there?" he leaned over to see what was in the book. Confusing stuff, it looked like. "Some thingamajig about killing people or somethin'?"

The Raichu stuffed the dirtied lollipop into his pocket to throw away when he saw a trashcan later. He didn't understand why the psychic-type took so much enjoyment out of doing such creepy stuff. And that's ignoring the fact that Espurr himself was a bit of an oddity as well. The electric-type thought that video games and sweets were the most fulfilling things in life that you could do. Killing people only got you into trouble. Lotsa trouble.

Colby hummed to himself and ate in silence for a moment. "Well, living alone leads to one of two paths. Take out and cereal everyday, or learning to cook well enough to satisfy your cravings and tastes. I took the second route because I like to be healthy and I don't want to waste copious amounts of money on take out. Don't even get me started on the cereal for every meal life. Been there once, never going back." Stopping, he narrowed his eyes and stared at her, then his eyes flickered towards her groceries, then back to her. Looking back down at his food, he let out a contemplative hum and continued to eat. After another minute of silence where he seemed to be struggling over a decision, he finally spoke up. "Alright, I know we said we'd forget all about this, but let me make another offer to you." Leaning back, he crossed his arms and stared at her. "From what I can assume, you live the cereal everyday life. My offer to you is that, whenever you like, you can stop by and have a meal here. I'm sure you'll be able to tell by the smell. I tend to make extra just so I have leftovers for later, so there'll always be a spot for you." He tilts his head. "Now you may wonder what's in it for me? I mean, other than the company of a beautiful lady such as yourself," At this he smirks playfully at her, "You seem to be one of the few people around that I can grow to enjoy having around. Plus, you're the first person I've cooked for in a while." He shrugs. "I'd forgotten the simplistic joy that comes from sharing a meal with someone. So, what say you?"

(@TaraSobiki That's fine. You can wait until Cresselia and Kare are done with their meet if you really want. I'm fine either way x3)

(Btw, I sowwy for shorter replies. Cleaning my hamster's cage today x3)


Looking at Kare, she noticed him smile. She liked it, actually. The upward curve of his lips. It looked good on him. Cresselia almost frowned when the smile left him though.

When he asked if she talked with Alistair recently, she blinked once. Why did he care? Still, she answered"I talked to him just this morning, about his nightmares. Too many again, and I told him to tone it down." That was only half of what was spoken between the two of them, but Cresselia didn't give anything else away to care. Did a good job of it too. It was then that she asked"Why though? Something going on?"

Other half of what was spoken, was Alistair very close to admitting certain feelings to Cresselia. She could tell that was what Darkrai wanted to tell her earlier, but Arceus came and interrupted. And then Cresselia ran into Kare, also liking him. Kare hadn't even admitted he liked her though, do did that mean she should go to Alistair? Perhaps. Still, Kare was still appealing to her, and she wanted to get to know him more. Get closer to him. Goodness, was this getting more and more confusing. It would eventually be up to Cresselia though, as she would make the choice who to give her full attention to. She'd known Alistair for longer, his bold aura and all. Kare though, just seemed... nicer. More easy to approach. And honestly, she liked those who were easy to be near more than someone who liked to be in darkness. Still, Alistair was quite the charmer, sweet to Cresselia when he was with her.

She was curious as to why Kare would ask about Alistair though, the topic being so sudden. Perhaps he'd explain why he brought it up though, as she just asked why he did. Cresselia hoped Alistair wasn't doing anything to Kare, like giving him nightmares or a hard time in general.

"He isn't messing with you, is he?" She asked her thought "Like I said, he's been giving out more nightmares, to whoever. It worries me..." Whether she was working with Alistair or not, the balance of dreams mattered. The less good dreams, the less power she had, and the less control she had over the unconscious of others.


--Palkia-- (@Aero)

She smiled still, saying"Yeah, my pranking days are left in my childhood though, unfortunately. I don't get to have much fun anymore." Braviary must have a more exciting life than her own, and she was almost jealous.

When he agreed to hang around for a bit longer, she decided to find a table for them to sit at. As they say, and Braviary asked about her treats, she smiled quite like a child, saying"Cherry pokepuffs and chocolate cookies." Feeling nice, she turned the box on the table so its opening faced the male. Palkia opened up the box, allowing Braviary to take some. She could always just buy more. The female Gijinka always managed to plow through sweets, so she'd probably buy more whether Braviary took some or not.

"So," she continued "What other places do you go to get food here? It's been years since I've last been anywhere else but this place, because I have my own gardens at home. Can't grow pokepuffs and cookies though, so here I am." Perhaps they could make a trip there sometime, as new friends more or less. Already was Palkia very much enjoying their current talk. Anyone would, if they hadn't talked to anyone in weeks.


Espurr sighed as he told Hide, "Watch where you are going. I will accept your apology this time, but if that happens again then I will use these tactics to torture you." Espurr then looked at his book again once he heard Hide's question, and he said, "I'm reading a book about psychological torture that people used to use. This book peaks my interests cause I may use these tactics in my other mission." Espurr sighed as he looked at Hide with a face of seriousness. "Hide? I hate to ask this, but do you like music?" Espurr asked Hide as he looked down with a sigh following, since he knew was going to ask another question that was not like him.
~ Absol ~

Absol felt herself blush ever so slightly as he smirked at her, caught off guard by his remark. She forced it down and inwardly frowned at herself for getting embarrassed over such compliments; they usually didn't get a reaction out of her. She hm'd as she thought over what Colby had offered, pushing aside any other thoughts. It was definitely a good offer and a very tempting one at that. She was flattered that he enjoyed her company, and she patted herself on the back mentally at her surprisingly good manners towards a stranger. Most of her usual snarky demeanor had disappeared because she had been too exhausted to care, but now she genuinely was trying to be polite.

There was just a small wall of pride getting in her way of agreeing, however. Her inner self nearly always wanted independence and even though her meals were rather unhealthy most of the time, she took a bit of satisfaction from being able to support herself. Glancing at her groceries, she felt a bit subdued just thinking about having to eat the cereal and milk she had bought to restock her pantry. It was getting to the point where cereal was starting to taste gross.

At that, the small wall of pride fell as Absol looked at Colby. "I'd be grateful," she said with a small smile.

~ Hide ~

Hide tilted his head. "Why'd ya hate to ask that? It's just a question," he said a bit confused, before he grinned again. "But yeah, who doesn't?" he laughed. "I have a whole range of songs that I like, from classical to hip-hop. What about you?" The Raichu smiled. He rummaged in his pockets for a bit before taking out a small snickers bar. He looked at it momentarily, before offering it to Espurr. "Oh, and ever heard of the snickers bar meme? If I had to do torture, it'd be waving food in front of them, but always made it just out of their reach. Probably feel bad after they start crying, but hah! Would I make a terrible torturer? I think so..."
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Why do I keep forgetting to put in tags! GAH!

@Exanis and @TheWhiteScarf


Espurr cringed hearing that Hide liked music, and he said, "I love music... Now I am going to ask you this.... I hate to ask this, but... Do you want to be in a band with me and Gengar? We need a bass player and drummer..." Espurr sighed having to say that question, then Espurr heard if he wanted a snicker bar. "... Hide...." Espurr said as he looked at Hide with his purple, deadly eyes, and he stood up with death stare at Hide. "... Give... Me... The.. SNICKERS!!!!" Espurr pleaded as he began to act like a puppy, and went on his to beg for the candy. Espurr totally ignored the whole torture thing that Hide asked, and he awaited for Hide to give him the Snickers. He began to whimper for the Snickers, and he began to the sad puppy face.



Clyde stroked his chin some, thinking what he had back at the house. " The only thing I have is eggs and baking soda. The rest I have to go buy." Clyde attempted to bake stuff so many times..but failed. He was just thankful that Altaria was helping him out with all of this. .cooking wasn't really his thing. When it came to writing, he was absolutely amazing. He even sold his novels and speaking of which, he needed to continue the second part of it once he settled down at home again." Also, I'll me more then happy to pay for all the stuff. Oh..umm.. perhaps we can make chocolate chip cookies? Those are always good. We might need to buy some chocolate chips." Just thinking about them made his mouth water


Keden smirked, rubbing his hands together. " will do~" once he left, Keden turned to leave to, his hands snugged in his pockets to." Alright, that worked better then I thought! Now. .time to find kyorge and hopefully. ...the fun will begin! " Keden was almost shivering in excitement when he thought about all the destruction that the two would make. " oh man..I can't wait to see this place in ruins..it's making my skin crawl!!"


Seeing Absol's blush only made Colby smirk even more. As he waited for her to answer he decided to take a good look at her, and had to admit to himself that she was fairly attractive. He hummed once to himself in thought and tried to remember which ingredients he was running out of recently. He was snapped out of his thoughts as Absol finally responded after what he assumed was an internal struggle to decide whether or not to accept his offer. Seeing that she did, he gave her a small smile with half lidded eyes. "Wonderful. I'm glad you decided to accept my offer."

Standing up, he stretched out his arms and headed towards he kitchen, leaving his plate on the table. Rummaging through various cabinets, he called out over his shoulder. "You want anything specific to drink? Berry milkshake?" As he said such, he found the blender that he was looking for and went about gathering various fruits and berries from their respective spots as well as a few utensils to cut and clean them.

~ Hide ~

Hide blinked. "Dude, if you want the candy so bad then take it. It's literally right here?" he said, handing the snickers over to the psychic-type. "And uh, sorry to break it to you but I don't play instruments. It's too confusing. Like, those black swirly things that are everywhere on a sheet that people can somehow read! It's reading a totally different language, except it isn't! I just like the sounds that people make from them."

Hide laughed.

He started tapping his chin as he thought of something but he shook his head, silently choosing not to say anything right now. With wide eyes and a goofy smile, he patted Espurr's head. He was probably unconsciously making a death wish doing so.

"Guess even the weirdos have a kid self inside of them, either that or you just really like chocolate..." he mused.



Espurr quickly grabbed the Snickers, and began eating it with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry... I have a weakness to candy or any sweets...." Espurr said as he stood up, and sighed hearing that Hide couldn't play anything. "Oh man... Okay then. Thanks anyways." Espurr said with a nod to Hide as Hide petted him, and he liked to be pet so he smiled. "Yeah I have a kid self... Although I despise it. Anyways, I'm going to go find more people if they want to join the band. If we can get people then we may preform somewhere.. So yeah. See yah later Hide." Espurr said to Hide as he walked outside with a sigh, and he began to walk around the streets to find someone that wanted to join a band.
☆☆Braviary☆☆(@Krampus )

Braviary pouted when said her pranking days were behind her. "Well, I'm going to fix that! Next time you have a day off, we're going to go pranking and have some fun!" He said with a determined twinkle in his eyes. He didn't want his new friend to have a boring life even if her job was cool.

He followed her to the table and sat next to her, looking at the treats as she introduced them. When she offered some to him, he grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and began nibbling on it. "Thanks a bunch Palkia!" Braviary replied with a big grin. "I'll try not to eat too many, which won't be hard. Not into to sweets like you and my other friend." He said and took another bite out of his cookie. Braviary does like sweets but not as much as Beedrill and Palkia, he was more of a spicy type of guy.

"Woah you have a garden? That must take some crazy dedication. Anyways, I usually come here, the cafe, or the bakery that is ran by Altaria's cousin. He makes so slamming good cupcakes." Braviary responded with a dream sigh thinking about the spicy froasted cupcakes he makes. "I would love to take you there sometime, it's really good and there's a park nearby where we can hang!"

**Altaria**(@Acethekidd )

"Well I have a bunch of chocolate chips at my house, it's not far so we can run there real quick then buy the rest of the stuff. I'm running a little low out of supplies myself." Altaria said, thinking about everything she needs to get. She was really excited to teach Mewtwo the art of cooking, it was always something she liked to do. Helping others learn about it made her happy, even more happy when they're happy doing so.

She could tell Mewtwo was ready to do this, so she stood up and grabbed her cupcakes. "Alright, let's go. I don't want you to wait any longer." Ria said with a giggle and adjusted her purse in a comfortable position.

"Nope! You think I'm going to let you do that? What am I going to tell my kids? That your uncle is a lonely, old hermit crab that has no taste in music or games?" the first plan wasn't going well so he was going with the second one. "Fine. You can live your own life miserably but can you see how bad it would be for me? This is all to save my own skin now so it's not a choice." he started to tear up with fake tears "And if...you can find it in your heart....To take a nose dive for your brothers...I would be eternally grateful." he sniffled a few times then covered his eyes as if tears were actually starting to roll down out of his eyes.

@TheWhiteScarf (But...That means the scarf is a lie...)


She did talk to that guy...It was for business reasons though so I'm fine...Still something to take note of. his assumption was correct but he was sure that he wouldn't of gotten bothered by a meeting like that...It must of been she wasn't telling him the whole story or it was something else totally unrelated to her encountering Alistair...He would go with the second option unless evidence proved otherwise. Now he wouldn't worry about the possibility of Alistair confessing anything to her. How could I be thinking that he loved anyone more than he loves himself. That's funny. he knew the Darkria wasn't a narcissist...it was just a joke...probably. Some people didn't know the difference between being a confident person and being a narcissist.

Oh yeah....He didn't give much of a reason behind why he wanted that information. He had to search his mind for a excuse and decided he would go with the generic response of 'No reason'. It was the easiest one and it didn't take that many brain cells to think it up. He could say it quickly and without hesitation too. Exterminating the possibility of looking suspicious...in his mind anyways.
"No reason at all. He hasn't been messing with me either and if he tried I can take care of him myself...I am a legendary too at the end of the day." he had enough pride to think of himself on the same level as he was. He wasn't so bold to say he was way above him though. That would underestimating Alistair's capabilities.

It would also be embarrassing to hold himself that high and be defeated by him...not that he expected that to happen but he wouldn't of said that it was impossible because he wasn't sure of it himself. But since he was with his love interest he didn't want to seem like a wimp. Not that he thought she thought he was a wimp he just didn't want to start making her think that of him.

@Krampus (You clean that hamster cage!...You have a hamster?)


"I don't really care if I will grow up as a hermit." Gengar said as he heard Haunter's other comment, and Gengar face palmed while saying "Are you trying to make me feel bad Haunter? Cause it's kinda working... Wait..." Gengar pulled his hand away to see Haunter, and Gengar sighed with depression. "Jesus... Are you really fake cry? Fine... I will try to find another girl." Gengar said as he sighed, and paused his game on his phone. He put his phone away, and looked at Haunter with a "really dude" face. "Okay. Haunter. Do you like to play the drums or bass?" Gengar asked as he awaited for an answer.

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