Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC

Absol wasn't stupid, nor was she willing to let something like this slip.

'Yeah, the spam of emoticons definitely makes me not suspicious. Great job, Gengar!' she wrote back sarcastically as she wracked her brain for any ideas on what he had been talking about that mentioned her. She couldn't think of anything interesting that had happened the last few weeks or so. Nor any interaction with Gengar that would make him want to tell his friend, "Espurr".

'Now spill the beans. What were you talking about?' she pressed on. Something like this, Absol definitely wouldn't just let slip by.

--Palkia-- (@Aero)

The idea of having fun with Braviary appealed to her, and she said"I think I'll have to take you up on that offer. Sounds real fun." Spending more time in general with Braviary appealed to her.

"Yeah, I have a garden," Palkia said "You should come visit sometime. I like the sweets here, but what I grow is a lot more different, tasty. Sour, spicy, bitter. Berries and such, even some human plants. Much better than just sweets, and I'm more than willing to share."

When he got to the part about introducing her to a bakery run by Altaria's cousin, she nodded and said"Of course I'll go with you, that park sounding nice too. Get to know each other more when we have more time, perhaps." As Palkia didn't have all the time in the world at the moment. That was Dialga. She would absolutely love to get to know Braviary apart from today. He seemed quite nice already, and genuinely interested in her too.

"When do you think you'll be next available?" Palkia then asked Braviary "So we can meet up again?" She looked happy, almost excited. As she nibbled on a pokepuff, awaiting his answer, she briefly wondered I'd what they were setting up, wanting to do in the future, counted as a date. It didn't take long for her to push the thoughts aside though, deciding it was dumb to think that.


--Cresselia-- (@TaraSobiki Yeah, a Winter White hamster)

When Kare said Alistair wasn't messing with him, she smiled in relief and said"Good. I know you can handle yourself, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. Darkrai will mess with anyone, and its my job to keep as many away from bad dreams as possible." It sounded cool almost to get to manage good dreams, but it was so much harder than it looked.

Eventually, their waiter came back, setting their order down. The Kasib berries for Kare, and the Tamato berries for Cresselia. Once the Hypno left, Cresselia continued"So... ate there any places in the city you favor? Maybe we could... erm... meet up again sometime...? At a place you picked instead of me?" Meh. She was going to wait until after their meal, but the thought just kept coming back to mind, begging to be put into words. Cresselia almost wanted to take her words back. If Alistair saw how they were even now, she was sure he'd want trouble with Kare. Still... it would be her word that decided who'd have her true affections at one point. They were both two males in endless prime, and both appealing to Cresselia in their own way. And Kate was on the side that she was most suited to. The side that wouldn't want to enslave humans.

"It's okay if you don't want to though," she went on "I know most legendaries are always really busy. Plus, it isn't like we've been meeting up for a long while, so I know I'm sounding odd right now." Would she be disappointed if he declined? Absolutely. Still, as just said, her request was sudden and somewhat out of the blue. Cresselia just... thought it would be nice to spend even more time with Kare.


Gengar sighed seeing the first text that Absol sent back to him, and he thought 'Dammit... I knew I should have put one more emoticon!' Gengar hoped that Arceus would save him, until he then got the second text saying to 'Spill the beans.' Gengar's mind just went quiet, and he sat down to rethink what he has done in life to deserve this type of punishment. 'Did I hurt somebody?! Why do I have to do this?! Why do I actually have to tell my crush that I liked her... She knows when I'm lying, and she knows when I'm faking... Welp this is the end of me... Sucks.. I forgot to write my will, cause I know she's gonna kick my ass after I send her this message... Welp R.I.P.' Gengar thought in his head as he looked up, and then looked at his phone. '... Uh... Whew... Spill the beans... Welp I'm going to spill a lot of beans... Look... I was speaking to Espurr today, and we discussed a lot of things today... Like we discussed about you... Look I know you are going to absolutely kick my ass cause of this, but... We talked about how I should give up on making you my girlfriend, cause to be honest Absol, I have liked you for three years and I am such a loser that I haven't built enough courage to tell you this. Too myself I thought that I was just some loser that would never get someone like you, but I kept pushing on, hoping that Arceus would help me through my journey of getting you.. But I was wrong. I knew from the bottom of my heart that I wasn't going to get you, yet I still pushed on... Then... Today happened... Espurr told me that I should give up liking you, since you were like one of the most beautiful girls in our city and that someone already took you away from me... And I believed since in my head I knew that was true... Cause I know that you are so beautiful, and pretty that I wouldn't be surprised if someone didn't already have you... If I don't send back a message then I'm probably with my band to practice... Please forgive me... Thanks and bye...' Gengar sent to Absol as he laid on the couch, with a sigh of depression and relief. So many emotions were flowing throughout poor Gengar as he covered his eyes to block the lights, and for him to sleep.
**Altaria**(@Acethekidd )

Altaria nodded in agreement to Mewtwo's plan and began walking beside him after he left the tip. She never knew how nice Mewtwo can be, knowing from the warriors how grumpy he could be most of the time. 'I'm glad I didn't believe those rumors. Mewtwo is a nice mon once you get him warmed up to you.' She stared at Mewtwo as she thought about him and a small smile crept onto her face. When she became aware she was staring, Ria quickly looked away hoping he didn't see her as he was talking. "It's no biggie Mewtwo, I understand." Ria replied and started to swing her arms a little. "If it makes you feel better, I can make sure more gjinkas talk to you if you really want to converse."

☆☆Braviary☆☆(@Krampus )

Braviary's eyes lit up when Palkia took his offer on hanging out, for it was the first time since Beedrill that someone actually accepted. 'See I knew I liked her for a reason.' He thought to himself and then listened to her talk about her garden. When she mentioned spicy food, Braviary licked his lips and thought of the nice hot flavor of his favorite treats. Then, his mind started to try to imagine what human food might taste like.

"Wow, that's a lot of plants you take care of. I really want to try the human plants since I never had any before, heck I never been to the human world period. I know a few of my friends who went but that's about it." Braviary replied with a sigh. He did always want to check out the human world just to see what it was like. The bird gjinka pushed away the thoughts when Palkia started talking about their hang out day and how she would love to go to the park as well as the bakery.

"Awesome, this is so exciting! I'm free any time during the afternoon for I don't do much unles Arceus asks for me. Man, I haven't had someone other than Bee to hang out with for a long time." He said with a small laugh realizing it sounded like he didn't have many friends. "I mean, I have like other friends and all but I hang out with Bee mostly... you know what I'm going to stop talking now, I probably sound stupid." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
(Lol, it's alright. I tend to forget too. Xp)

~ Absol ~

She blinked, trying to process the whole thing. Gengar liked her, and romantically. She would've groaned, but she didn't want Colby noticing and so simply rubbed her temples to try and wrap the matter around her head, letting out a quiet sigh. This was definitely unexpected.

She reread the message sent to her, thinking how weird it was to get a confession through text. One of the most beautiful girls in the city? That was laughable. Most guys who wanted to date her lost interest after finding out how rude and unladylike she could be, and she had been notorious in her younger days for being a stubborn, good-for-nothing kid who always found trouble someway or another.

She'd been single all her life so far, having not cared to change it, and although she had noticed in the past how persistent Gengar had been at times staying by her, Absol hadn't expected him to see her like that. She inwardly let out a frustrated grunt, wondering whether to reply or not. Either way, Gengar would be depressed because she would just confirm his assumptions that she didn't like him back or she would be ignoring it. Finally she went ahead and replied, albeit reluctantly.

'I'm more shocked than pissed, really. But I'm not dating anyone right now, FYI. I would've imagined you liked cute chicks, but I suppose since I seem to be so dense that I didn't realize you've been crushing on on me for three years, it isn't surprising I'm wrong. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I would've felt more guilty if I hadn't said anything at all. I'll make it brief. I'm sorry Gengar, but I don't see you the same way you see me. Hope you find someone new soon. Bye.' At that she put her phone away, deciding that today's lack of drama was fulfilled (in her opinion) and now all that was needed was just peace. She glanced at Colby again, hoping he hadn't seen anything.

@TheWhiteScarf and @Exanis
Aero said:
☆☆Braviary☆☆(@Krampus )

Braviary's eyes lit up when Palkia took his offer on hanging out, for it was the first time since Beedrill that someone actually accepted. 'See I knew I liked her for a reason.' He thought to himself and then listened to her talk about her garden. When she mentioned spicy food, Braviary licked his lips and thought of the nice hot flavor of his favorite treats. Then, his mind started to try to imagine what human food might taste like.

"Wow, that's a lot of plants you take care of. I really want to try the human plants since I never had any before, heck I never been to the human world period. I know a few of my friends who went but that's about it." Braviary replied with a sigh. He did always want to check out the human world just to see what it was like. The bird gjinka pushed away the thoughts when Palkia started talking about their hang out day and how she would love to go to the park as well as the bakery.

"Awesome, this is so exciting! I'm free any time during the afternoon for I don't do much unles Arceus asks for me. Man, I haven't had someone other than Bee to hang out with for a long time." He said with a small laugh realizing it sounded like he didn't have many friends. "I mean, I have like other friends and all but I hang out with Bee mostly... you know what I'm going to stop talking now, I probably sound stupid." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
(Whether they stay friends or not, I ship it x3 Oopsies?)


Gengar laid on the couch of Espurr, and thought about many things in his head. The emotions he was feeling intensified with more sadness coming in, since he was just thinking about horrible things. All of his feelings came to an immediate stop as he felt the vibration of his phone on his stomach, signifying that Absol sent a message back to him. '... why should i check?... i know what the answer is... just read it...' These thoughts traveled throughout Gengar's head as he lifted up his phone, and sighed while reading the message. 'I don't see you the way you see me... i knew it... why did i think?... i am a loser... a fool... an idiot...' Gengar thought about terrible things about himself as he began to cry on the couch, but he tried to hide the tears he was shedding.
Krampus said:
(Whether they stay friends or not, I ship it x3 Oopsies?)
((Ikr, I'm sorta liking them together too. Happy to see I'm not the only one xD . If not a couple, probably really good friends...))
Aero said:
☆☆Braviary☆☆(@Krampus )
Braviary's eyes lit up when Palkia took his offer on hanging out, for it was the first time since Beedrill that someone actually accepted. 'See I knew I liked her for a reason.' He thought to himself and then listened to her talk about her garden. When she mentioned spicy food, Braviary licked his lips and thought of the nice hot flavor of his favorite treats. Then, his mind started to try to imagine what human food might taste like.

"Wow, that's a lot of plants you take care of. I really want to try the human plants since I never had any before, heck I never been to the human world period. I know a few of my friends who went but that's about it." Braviary replied with a sigh. He did always want to check out the human world just to see what it was like. The bird gjinka pushed away the thoughts when Palkia started talking about their hang out day and how she would love to go to the park as well as the bakery.

"Awesome, this is so exciting! I'm free any time during the afternoon for I don't do much unles Arceus asks for me. Man, I haven't had someone other than Bee to hang out with for a long time." He said with a small laugh realizing it sounded like he didn't have many friends. "I mean, I have like other friends and all but I hang out with Bee mostly... you know what I'm going to stop talking now, I probably sound stupid." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
(They'd make an interesting pair x3 Wouldn't hurt to see them further xD I'm such a sucker for romance anyway :D )


It was nice, to see Braviary smile. She liked his smile. And, she grew a little embarrassed when she noticed she was staring for a moment. Looking down at her box of treats to have something else to look at, as well as finish her pokepuff, her black and orange eyes gained an almost shy look. Something that was very unusual for the bold Gijinka.

When he spoke again, about wanting to try human plants, she responded"Like I said, come over whenever you have time. I have tons to share." Braviary also brought up the human realm, and Palkia was quiet for a moment. She was tempted to offer to allow him a short trip to the human realm. Two Pokemon going through would be harmless, if their intentions were innocent good. Still, Arceus might get annoyed. Perhaps the time to grant Braviary passage would come eventually though, sooner rather than later.

"The human realm is a bit odd, but cool. If I get consent from Arceus, we can maybe take a trip there, do a few pranks on some humans." She smiled again at the last part, very much looking the idea.

When Braviary began to borderline ramble, Palkia allowed herself an actual laugh. In no way was it meant to be mean to Braviary. She laughed because he was being cute in his own, with both how and what he said his last few sentences, and the actions that came with it. Palkia then said"You don't sound stupid. And, all of your friends, big amount or small, are lucky to know such a cute pokemon like yourself. If you're free in afternoons, maybe we can meet up tomorrow afternoon? Your or my choice on where to go is up for discussion, as both are appealing to both of us." Again, when she voiced her thought of Braviary being cute, she didn't mean it in a plush and giggles way. Instead she meant it as being amused by his responses in a good way, just liking his personality altogether. Who knew though? She could've been complimenting his looks too.
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Colby, who had been about to answer her after a brief period of recollection, stopped when he noticed she seemed focused on her phone. Deciding to give her time as whatever she was doing seemed pretty important, so he kept silent and just worked. He felt that she would need something extra calming after this conversation, so he decided to break out his stash of Enigma berries. For a moment he stopped and wondered why he was doing this for someone he literally just met. He then sighed, rubbed his nose in frustration, and continued nonetheless. Noting that Absol was still on her phone and not wanting to startle her with the blender, Colby began to manually skin and cut the berries for easier blending. By the time she finished, he too was done. Tossing everything in the blender and adding milk and a bit of ice cream, he turned on the blender and simply listened to the sound of the engine for a minute as he tried to piece together what to say.

Turning off the blender, he poured the milkshake into two large cups and went to sit on the couch, placing one of the cups on the coffee table for Absol. He eyed her while twirling his cup absentmindedly and opened his mouth, seemed to struggle, then closed it. He did this a few times before his usual determination and stubbornness kicked in. "Seems like today just isn't either of our days, hm?" Taking a sip, he hummed in thought. "You want to talk about it. I've been told that I'm a pretty good listener. Like a talking brick wall." He stops and taps his chin. "Though that may be like my dedication to the job and the fact that I really can't do anything to the people I'm supposed to protect..." Taking another sip, he patted the couch next to him. "Either way, take a seat and tell me what's up. I should be able to shed some insight, or at least, make you feel less pitiful."



After many minutes Gengar finally felt better, and he sat up wiping the left tears that was on his face. "Alright Gengar! You can do this! Let's play the guitar, and practice something..." Gengar said to himself as he grabbed his guitar, and he looked at his guitar, wondering what to play on his guitar. "Hmm... Let's play "Through The Fire and Flames". I can do the guitar part." Gengar said to himself as he began to play the starting of "Through The Fire and Flames", and he smiled as he played the song. He was happy to play, since that's what he did as he grew up with his brothers. He thought about the band, and how about he was going to sing probably twice cause of Haunter's deal and Espurr may force him to sing. Gengar's singing voice is actually amazing, but he hates to show it off.


~ Absol ~

She took the drink and said a quiet thanks as she went to sit next to him, seeming to be lost in thought. She snapped out of her trance as she heard Colby speak up, her gaze moving from the liquid in the cup to the Umbreon. "Ah?" Absol replied, before her mind registered what he had said. She took a small sip from the cup, noting that she already felt better afterwards as she then took a deep breath.

"Just a bit of unexpected drama," she said as she pushed back a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Friend accidentally sent a message to me when it was meant for another person, and it mentioned me. I found out later they had been talking about said friend giving up on me since supposedly he's had a crush on me for a few years. I didn't want to give them the benefit of doubt and rejected him," Absol continued. She wasn't exceptionally good at summarizing, but that was the gist of it. "I guess I'm just trying to recover from the shock. I don't particularly enjoy finding myself in scenarios where I'm some highschool heroine in a romance story, y'know?" she chuckled, a small grin appearing on her face.


Colby nodded sagely in response. "So Gengar finally spoke up, huh?" He gave her a sideways glance then turned back forward and took another sip. "It was kinda a common secret. That he liked you, that is." Shrugging to himself, he let his gaze freely wander around. "It's not like you did anything wrong, y'know? If you don't like him, then really, there isn't a point in trying to force yourself to develop any sort of feelings for him. That isn't how relationships work, that's how Stockholm Syndrome works. You did the right thing, so don't let it bother you." Here he sighs. "Sure, Gengar will have to take some time to recover, but he'll get over it. A one-sided crush isn't love. Love is deeper. Fulfilling. It's a true connection between two people, a linking of souls if you will." Realizing that he was saying far more than he meant, he coughed into his hand and tried to force down the blush that was threatening to creep up. "But that's just my opinion on the matter."

~ Absol ~

She chuckled again as she saw him try not to blush, finding it a bit cute he always tried to hide it. Mentally she scolded herself right after for thinking that towards a person she had just met, and so moved her focus at the drink in her hands to forget. "Well, that goes to show you how dense I can be," she said before taking another sip.

"I bet you've had your fair share of troubles concerning relationships, seeing that you seem to know so much about it," she shrugged as she continued. "But that's just a guess. I'm kind of surprised you're not in a relationship with anyone, actually. Though I'm speaking from the point of view of someone whose seen past your grumpy exterior and find you rather nice." At that, it was her turn to blush in embarrassment. She wasn't used to complimenting people. At all.

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Colby sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Not much in the way of socialization when the only thing you ever really have to look forward to in your life is whether or not you get to fight on the job or not." He gives her a wry glance. "Believe it or not, I don't tend to invite people into my home and make food for them everyday. I daresay it rarely happens." He gives her a helpless shrug and takes another sip. "Not many people want to approach the apathetic Umbreon that broke away from the norms of his species and became an honest-to-Arceus fighter. It intimidates people, considering the majority of other Warriors are big-name legendaries, and here I am, working with them."

He leans back into the couch. "I mean, sure, at one point I had all the ups and downs of dealing with relationships, but that went away real fast. Can't stay a kid forever, and unfortunately for me and my love life, the decisions I made, what they turned me in to? Well, it really doesn't make the best first impression." He chuckles dryly. "I bet that if both of us weren't hungry, our first interaction with each other would have been spiteful, and we wouldn't have given each other a second glance. It's just the way we are with others." He looks at her with half lidded eyes. "Wouldn't you agree?"

~ Absol ~

"Definitely," she agreed, softly laughing. She probably would've just rudely brushed him off with the childish insult of 'slowpoke' if Colby's stomach had been better behaved and she had grown impatient to eat. She had been too preoccupied with her own problems to even bother to realize that he was one of the residents, or even the guy who had the delicious smelling food. She felt glad that it came to this. At least Colby wasn't a stuck-up snob like some of the legendaries she had met. Some seemed to be thinking too much into who would become their life partner, and many of the others were just unpleasant to be with. Now that she thought about it, she didn't like most of them save a few who were okay. Wasn't like she'd be interacting with one of them anytime soon though.

"I tried aiming to become a warrior along with the bigshots a long time ago but the burden was too much. Your diligence to be in tip-top shape is admirable."


"It's hard, I'll tell you that." Colby revealed with a sigh. "Plus, y'know, being an Umbreon and all, I don't really have much going my way in terms of physical intimidation." He shrugs. "But I managed. Learned how to fight, beat up a few guys here and there, staked my claim, stuff like that." He chuckles and downs the rest of the milkshake in one go. "Y'know, you're a lot different than what you usually act like. I mean, I suppose you could say I'm the exact same way, but still." He gives Absol a small smile. "It's been a while since I really relaxed around someone. Been busy trying to just get through the motions of everyday life." He sighs and practically sinks into the couch. "So thanks for being a distraction from the monotony of my schedule. I really needed it."





There's no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you
Ash Ketchum

Dialga landed infront of his house with a 'Thump' he landed too hard which made a small crater around him. He looked at it and sighed. 'I try to act cool and bad things happened'. He walked towards the side of his door and got the shovel. 'I have to repair the land'. He walked towards the crater and began to put the soil back to where it originally was 'If only time could go back' He sighed and continued to work.

'Wait...time..go back.." He thought to himself as he facepalmed"How dumb could i get"

He then waved his hands and the soil returned back to normal. He sighed as he walked towards his doors and unlocked it.

"What could brother be doing?" He thought to himself. "Bah.. I dont care about him.. It's time to relax"

He walked inside the house and opened his fridge. He pulled out an energy drink and drank it. He was so thirsty from his travels. He then put it back inside after he was finished and proceeded to sit on his sofa. There was no second thoughts, he sat as fast as one could sit. He then turned on the T.V. and sighed. "No signal?" He thought to himself with an annoyed face "This is madness,,"

He turned the T.V. back off and stood. 'I Should take a bath' he thought to himself. He then walked towards his Bathroom and turned on the faucet, letting the water fill up his bath as he stood there staring at it. After it was filled, he took of his clothes and jumped right into the bath. The water was cold and He like cold. 'Paradise' He thought to himself as he lays down and relaxed.

(open for interaction, he is still in the bath though)

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"Nah, its alright..i don't want to make anyone talk to me." Clyde said with a shrug. his face had turned red slightly."B-But thank you for the offer." Back in the human world, Clyde was looked at differently because he was human made. He even attempted to get back at the humans for using him as a lab right, but his eyes where soon open and decided to let them be..not all humans where bad and he learn that the hard way." I guess being made by humans causes things like this..i mean, who could blame other pokemon for not talking to me? i'm really not a real pokemon..but heart isn't real or anything.." Clyde sighed some, frowning. Some others even told Clyde he wasn't real..just some fake version on mew


[speaking of ships, im starting to like Altaria and Clyde alot <3]


~ Absol ~

Pleased at seeing him smile at her, Absol returned the gesture and smiled back. "You're welcome," she said. "I needed it too. It's nice having someone I can talk to. It's a refreshing feeling." She paused to finish off her smoothie before moving on. "At first I was a bit unsure whether or not this had been a good idea, but it's really worked out in the best way possible in my opinion," she placed her elbow on her knee and leaned forward slightly as she rested her hand on her cheek while the other arm lay idly on her lap, hm'ing as she thought about what she was going to say next. "Do you not like being an Umbreon? Being a warrior has its pros and cons, but there seem to be more for you since your species meant to generally be more on the defensive side, right? And being surrounded by so many legendaries is bound to either get someone fans or intimidation, which unfortunately is the latter for you it seems."

G-Gastly! You damn traitor! �he felt betrayed, irritated and most of all..extremely nervous. After glaring at Gastly's back he looked over to Espurr. His code wasn't that bad at first but as he listened it got progressively more embarrassing How fast does he run again? thought Haunter, preparing to book it out of there like Gastly did but t�hen Espurr gave him a look that made him freeze in his tracks. He's going to slit my throat if I don't say this! he ws trapped and the only way out was by saying the embarrassing code that might of made him look like a creep.

He sighed and stood up straight
"I am Haunter, the ghost from hell, I love Beedrill and have a shrine of her at home. I shall love Beedrill for the rest of my life, and never forget about her." was it possible to hate someone as much as he did his brother and Espurr at the moment? Yeah probably since he wanted to beat his brother up for taking him on this trip.



He had thanked the waiter when he had arrived and was a bit surprised about Cresselia asking that since they weren't even done with the current date....I mean get together...which just happened to have two people who like each other in it. That's not a date. Anyway! He was taken aback but not unhappy about it. Tha was actually the opposite of his true feeling which was excitement maybe gratefulness but instead of responding with those emotions he answered placidly "I would be happy to join with you again. I assure you that nothing is on my schedule...But I don't really know many places that would interest you...I'm such a boring person."

It was what he had thought anyway. He didn't go out of his home often because of things that had happened in the past. Being banished to the Distortion world had not been fun so to keep himself away from there he learned to manage the anger that sent him there and since a good number of people irritated him, coupled with the fact he hated crowded places he stayed home usually.

But he would go out if needed or got tired of sitting inside doing not much of anything. He knew that most people were wary about what he might do and he wouldn't blame them but there was no way he was going to sit inside his house like he was a prisoner. He had enough of being trapped in one place, watching life pass him by. It was not entertaining or fun to just be stuck in his house.



Jinx walked around and was playing catch by herself, using what looked to be a broken yo-yo. Even being by herself she still looked like she was having fun with it and even attempted to balance it on her second mouth a few times with it being a failure every time of course. She also was humming a tune she made up as she idly walked by people. Her mouth snapped at a few people and she laughed every time somebody backed up or flinched and would always say "Hey don't do that Hito! Sorry must of been hungry!" then go on her merry way.

Yes she named her second mouth Hito...Why? Cause the writer is going to get tired of typing 'second mouth' every time it's mentioned. Hito is much easier.

Anyway she was slowly getting bored of the yo-yo and put it in her pocket thing (can't remember what it's called) before getting entirely bored. It was kind of like gum. Have to stop using it before all the flavor is gone but in this case it's fun.So she started searching for something more interesting to do or somebody to snap at again but can have a conversation after with after Wonder what Keden is doing...Probably doing something that could end terribly...she sighed dreamily before moving her thoughts to somewhere else. She wasn't really paying attention to anybody so she could of easily bumped into something.


said Roxy as she held up a evil ruler outfit she had been working on. Surprisingly it turned out well and she was glad about that. Roxy was pretty good at creating outfits for herself even if a lot of them are based off of villains from anime. She threw the outfit in a box at the back of her closet along side a pair of shoes she had bought but never wore. She had been spending most of her day working on that outfit so she decided to celebrate with ice-cream sundaes!

She quickly changed into something more appropriate and made her way down the street in record time. Didn't even take all that long to decide what she wanted. She ordered the king's ice which was a sundae with whipped cream, every kind of berry, caramel, honey all kinds of nuts and a whole lot more. It wasn't all that expensive but not many people bought it in fear of not eating it all or dropping it on the ground. She didn't think about those things she just ordered and ate. And it was like heaven for her.

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