Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


He sniffled a couple more times then started to laugh hysterically "Thanks! Haha! I'm sorry but you are just too much!" he was laughing a lot, so much his stomach started hurting. After a few minutes of laughing he managed to lower it to snickering, and giggles. Course he had a huge, wide grin on his face but he now could answer the question without laughs getting in the way "Drums are much cooler than some old bass! Both are good though just one gets more ladies....Why you planning to get me a instrument?"

@TheWhiteScarf (What was the whole moving sites thing about..)
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"Jesus you do that all the time! Heh." Gengar said as he began to laugh with Haunter, while Gastly just watches his two brothers. Gengar heard his answer, and he smiled since he was able to ask the question he was dying to ask Haunter and not Gastly. "Nice. Well if you want to get Beedrill I will give you either drums or bass. Only if you join in a band with me and Espurr." Gengar said to Haunter as he looked dead straight at Haunter.

@TaraSobiki (I have no idea)

Haunter stop his grinning and stared at his brother like he had just said something that wasn't in English "Are you kidding me? So to get a drum I have to get stabbed?" he would never admit this but he was a bit afraid of the short Pokemon. He just made him feel extremely uncomfortable which didn't make sense since he was a ghost type. He made it a priority to avoid the little creature he called (Not to his face of course) Hujona ko. Which was Japanese for Soulless child....Now that he thought about it the creature would probably enjoy that name.

@TheWhiteScarf (Hope it doesn't happen again.)


Gengar began laughing at his brother's comment, and he looked at him still laughing. "He won't stab you. You know Espurr is like my best friend? He saved my life a couple of times, and took care of you guys while I went to work. I promise you won't get hurt. You'll probably just get gifts from Espurr, since you were his favorite one when he watched you guys." Gengar said as he kept on laughing, since everyone thinks that Espurr is a creepy person. "So, will you join the band? We are going to preform next week, and we need two more people. Also if you join then you will get to hear me sing at the concert. Deal?"

He had to think about it and nodded hesitantly "Sure..but if I feel that guy coming close to me or see him looking at me some kind of way I'm using somebody as a body shield....Probably you because I'll be staying close to you most of the time." not close enough to look like he was scared but close enough to be able to run behind him to get away. "Also my caution is not funny or to be taken lightly." he sniffled like he was going to cry but just started laughing a few seconds after.



Clyde nodded."alright, let's. After we come from the store..we can head over to your home and get those chocolate chips." Clyde happily proceeded towards the store after leaving a tip on the table for the waiter. She was very nice, so why not? Anyway, he couldn't wait to get this started and he normally was such a grump towards others besides mew. Speaking of her, he was wondering how she was doing and hoped she was doing ok. Right, he was just happy to be taught how to bake by Altaria. It was very nice of her to do this..although Clyde did come at her the wrong way..it made him feel bad." Sorry about earlier. Im just not use to other people talking to me"



"Espurr won't hurt you. Remember, your his favorite one. Anyways, let's go to his house now. I have to drop some food, and practice." Gengar said as he stood up, and stretched while groaning. 'Yo. Haunter agreed to become the drummer. You got the bass player?' Gengar texted to Espurr as Gengar walked towards the counter, and ordered for Espurr.




Espurr met with a random guy, and asked him to become the bass player. The guy agreed, and Espurr went back home with this random guy who plays bass. 'Huh? Oh yay! Haunter agreed! Yeah I got some random guy who plays bass to join in. Looks like we have the full band. Meet you at the house.' Espurr sent to Gengar as the two reached Espurr's house, and began to talk to get to know each other.

"Alright. I trust you....I'm a ghost anyways so you can't kill me twice....Was I ever actually dead anyway.."
he was always wondering if they were actually dead. After all they were supposed to be ghost Pokemon and ghost were supposed to be dead so with all that were they dead? They could touch things so he wasn't sure why they were called ghost types....He didn't make the rules though so he wouldn't complain about his tangibility that much.



"Don't make yourself think about those things. Let's go now." Gengar said as he walked out the door, and he awaited for his brothers to get out with him. He leaned against the wall outside of the restaurant, and he began to finger tut to the song he was listening to, which was Pistols At Dawn (Culture Shock Remix). This was the first time he finger tutted outside of his house, so he was pretty nervous since he didn't want to see anyone make fun of him.

He nodded despite him not planning on listening to his brother in the least. His brother probably knew that much. It was a question that made you think and only time could tell how much his brothers needed that. Rust and dust was probably covering the clockworks of both of their brains from lack of use....That was a joke he wouldn't be making out loud but it was funny enough to make him snicker. He followed him and dragged gastly out with them, still snickering loudly.



Gengar began walking towards Espurr's house with a smile on his face, since they were able to actually have a band. "Hey Haunter. Wanna hear the song that I will sing at the concert? Also, I'm the guitarist and Espurr is the singer." Gengar told Haunter as he kept on walking, with a bright smile on his face still. 'Man! I can't wait for the concert!' Gengar thought to himself as the three brothers kept on walking to Espurr's home.

"Espurr can sing? I can't really see him doing that....But sure let's hear it! Then I can decided if this group is lame or not.."
he was joking but even if he did decide the band was lame he wouldn't of quit....This was his brother so he would stick with him even when about to make themselves look ridiculous. It would soften the blow of it for him probably. "Just kidding! But if the group is lame what ya going to do?"



"Wait... You've never heard me sing before, huh? Well... This is going to be awkward... Also, Espurr is an amazing singer." Gengar says as he takes out his headphones from his headphones, and he blasted the song he was going to sing. The song was an English cover of Re:Re: (The opening of Erased), which was being sung by NateWantsToBattle. "I like these types of songs... Don't judge me." Gengar said as he kept on playing the song.


"How so?"
he asked and listened to the song that his brother was supposed to be singing and snickered"Course it would be a anime cover....You are my brother! I had my doubt for a bit but...I know a few things that are better but I'll show you my favorite anime opening ever." he took out his own phone and it took only seconds for him to find the song he wanted. "This! Is my favorite!"



(Actually one of my favorites...)


"Well of course! I am me, so I love anime openings. Mmmm alright." Gengar said as he laughed, and he began listen to the song with a smile since Espurr loved the same types of songs. "HAHAHAHA! YOU AND ESPURR LOVE THE SAME SONG." Gengar yelled out out of pure happiness as he kept on laughing, since Haunter really doesn't like Espurr.

@TaraSobiki (Yo same!!!)

He should of saw it coming...A song like that would be loved by him. That wouldn't stop Haunter from being the tiniest bit irritated by it. He wouldn't be changing one of his favorite opening song just because his nightmare liked it. All he would do was keep it a secret from him "Yeah, no really I'm so damn happy about that...Just don't tell him anything." he did not need that to be known by Espurr and was going to make sure he was going to keep quiet about it.

@TheWhiteScarf (You have some good taste! What other openings you like?)


Gengar was laughing still as they finally approached Espurr's house, and Gengar turned around to Haunter. "Don't worry. I won't tell Espurr, but if I did... Oh won't that be funny. He would be so attached to you! HAHAHA." Gengar said as he began laughing again, and he began to knock on Espurr's door. "Oh... The Code... I hate the code.. Haunter remember that Espurr always has a code to enter his house, and not get stabbed... Your code will be different, but this is mine... My code is, I am Gengar, the nightmare of people, I love Absol and worship her. I follow Espurr as my savior, and I will never betray my lord and savior, Espurr...." Gengar says with absolute depression.




"HAHAHA! YOU SAID IT AGAIN!!!!" Espurr yelled as he opened the door, and he fell on the floor, laughing so hard. "Y-YOU SAID IT AGAIN!!! HAHAHAHA! YOU WORSHIP ME AND ABSOL!! HAHAHHA!!! I CAN'T BREATH!!!" Espurr yelled as he squirmed on the floor, laughing insanely hard since he really loves when Gengar says that.

Haunter did chuckled a bit a the extremely dumb code but sort of stopped halfway when Espurr decided to grace them with his presence. At that moment he wondered just how fast he was compared to Espurr. With Espurr being as short as he was he could probably out run him.....then again he would have to live his life in fear of being killed (again?). But mustering up some form of artificial bravery aka stupidity and spoke "Hey Espurr! Long time no see!" it wasn't real excitement but he could feel adrenaline rushing though himself when looking at Espurr. He glared at his brother momentarily to make sure he didn't say anything about his love for the same music Espurr loved. Then looked back to Espurr with a nervous smile .



"You know I hate when you force to say that code... Man.. You're lucky it's only my brothers here, and not anyone else or I would've punched your tiny little head." Gengar said as he sighed to let out his anger, and he looked inside. "Alright, now that I have cool downed I'm going inside. Have fun with your code Haunter!" Gengar said as he walked into the house, leaving Espurr, Gastly, and Haunter outside. Gastly booked it back home, cause he didn't like Espurr at all.



"Yeah I know you do. Yeah yeah yeah, I know that you would punch me, and I would probably let you." Espurr said as he saw Gengar walk into the house, and see Gastly run back home. "Nice to see you Haunter! Jeez you've grown big!" Espurr said as he smirked, and looked straight at Haunter's face. "Your code is, I am Haunter, the ghost from hell, I love Beedrill and have a shrine of her at home. I shall love Beedrill for the rest of my life, and never forget about her. Now say it." Espurr said as he looked at Haunter with a menacing look, so he could make Haunter say it.

~ Absol ~

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion at seeing his smirk, wondering what his deal was but didn't ask. "Berry smoothie would be nice," she replied as she got up to get her phone to check for any more messages. "How long did it take you to escape the everyday cereal life?" she asked, wondering if she, too, could someday become as good a cook as Colby. She had a feeling that she'd never be able to make her food as delicious as his, but it never hurt to dream. At least she had the luck to be able to eat his cooking a lot more often than other people, and the thought made her feel sorta special.

She turned on her phone, noticing that she got a reply from Gengar. But a weird one at that. Getting the food? She didn't ask for food. And...

'Right about what now?' she sent to the ghost-type, thoroughly puzzled at the thing. Had he been talking behind her back? Nah. It wasn't like him to do so, but it was strange he'd talk to (what she presumed, that is) a friend about her. It was a bit worrying, but she had enough confidence that Gengar wouldn't be the kind to bad mouth others.

@Exanis and @TheWhiteScarf


Gengar was watching the scene outside happily, until he got a text saying 'Right about what?'. 'Wait... If I didn't say that to Espurr then... CRAP!!!' Gengar thought as he began to panic, and he began thinking what to send to Absol. 'Uh... It's nothing!! ;3;3;3;3;3;3;3;3' Gengar sent to the dark-type pokemon with fear, since Absol is his weakness. 'I'm so screwed.. How the hell did I send that to Absol?!...' Gengar sent to himself as he sighed, and looked at his phone with sadness.

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