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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

I'm guessing not because I have no idea what y'all are talking about. If it was in one of the Seiryoku posts, I'm gonna be honest I stopped reading that half of the rp a while ago.
Nah it was a misc post. probably somewhat hidden in the mix of all the other stuff lol
Lol You're good. I'm usually able to catch onto these sorts of things.
Yeah, I've noticed that about you. You're the more... observant of the us. Even me sometimes lol... wait, shark, I know how this sounds, I swear I dont mean it like that XD

Joking aside, some of the posts with more pertinent information are thrown in with a jumbled mess of posts so... in the future this wont be a problem when the story kinda begins to focus more on the actual main story
Yeah, I've noticed that about you. You're the more... observant of the us. Even me sometimes lol..
Yo, why am I catching strays
I'm guessing not because I have no idea what y'all are talking about. If it was in one of the Seiryoku posts, I'm gonna be honest I stopped reading that half of the rp a while ago.
I'm kinda surprised you don't remember. I remember when I saw the post I made a guess of if it was MIka, and then you came and was like "it's definitely mika, the same tree is there, etc, etc"
If it was in one of the Seiryoku posts, I'm gonna be honest I stopped reading that half of the rp a while ago.
Damn 😭
Ooooohhh, what's the website?
Plot Factory.

Here's some snippets:
Screenshot 2024-07-02 11.03.19 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-07-02 11.04.04 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-07-02 11.07.00 AM.png

Everything is a work in progress, obviously, so a lot of this might be changed.
I'm kinda surprised you don't remember. I remember when I saw the post I made a guess of if it was MIka, and then you came and was like "it's definitely mika, the same tree is there, etc, etc"
Oh wait I think I do remember now. It was the tree that they buried him under. Ok, now that you're refreshing me I'm remembering. I'm also really tired after my week away so maybe that's contributing to my lapse in memory. I've fr been napping on and off like a baby lol
I'm sorry man 😭

Plot Factory.

Here's some snippets:
View attachment 1170928
View attachment 1170927View attachment 1170926

Everything is a work in progress, obviously, so a lot of this might be changed.
Yoooooo that actually looks so cool. I'm definitely gonna check this out. Seems like it'd be a good tool for my personal story as well besides for just the Rp
Yo, my fault, I forgot about the bracket for a bit. I believe we're at Queen Maria's Royal Guard versus the Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen, right? Kumii, you already---quite instantly, actually--- made up your mind that the Royal Guard wipes. And from the points you made, I'm gonna side with you there.

I think the primary thing that'll be the downfall of the Creations and Horsemen is gonna be their lack of team chemistry and coordination compared to the guard. We haven't seen any collaborative efforts between them during the roleplay yet. It's just been one of them in a battle at a time. And from that, I'd make the guess that they don't have much experience battling alongside one another. Meanwhile, a lot of the movesets of some of guards are literally wired to benefits other members.

So, that 2/3 votes for The Creations and Horsemen, meaning they proceed. But, AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf , if you'd like, you can still share you opinion on the matter.

Order from left-side downward:
Luminosa's Guard vs. Ironshire's Guard
The BHA SSS-Ranks (with Magnus) vs. Harpys (a large cluster of them)
Heath and Shugoshas vs. Nia, Ryunni, and Kishi (plus August to make it even)
Misfits vs. Skyla Squad (minus Mika) [Skyla Squad wins!]

Order from right-side downward:
The Dragonslayers vs. The Seiryoku Empire Troops
The Death Knight and Generals vs. No one, because no group deserves to go out that early.
Kumii and Mei vs. The Onyx Bandits
Queen Maria's Royal Guard vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen [Royal Guards win!]


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Yo, my fault, I forgot about the bracket for a bit. I believe we're at Queen Maria's Royal Guard versus the Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen, right? Kumii, you already---quite instantly, actually--- made up your mind that the Royal Guard wipes. And from the points you made, I'm gonna side with you there.

I think the primary thing that'll be the downfall of the Creations and Horsemen is gonna be their lack of team chemistry and coordination compared to the guard. We haven't seen any collaborative efforts between them during the roleplay yet. It's just been one of them in a battle at a time. And from that, I'd make the guess that they don't have much experience battling alongside one another. Meanwhile, a lot of the movesets of some of guards are literally wired to benefits other members.

So, that 2/3 votes for The Creations and Horsemen, meaning they proceed. But, AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf , if you'd like, you can still share you opinion on the matter.

Order from left-side downward:
Luminosa's Guard vs. Ironshire's Guard
The BHA SSS-Ranks (with Magnus) vs. Harpys (a large cluster of them)
Heath and Shugoshas vs. Nia, Ryunni, and Kishi (plus August to make it even)
Misfits vs. Skyla Squad (minus Mika) [Skyla Squad wins!]

Order from right-side downward:
The Dragonslayers vs. The Seiryoku Empire Troops
The Death Knight and Generals vs. No one, because no group deserves to go out that early.
Kumii and Mei vs. The Onyx Bandits
Queen Maria's Royal Guard vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen [Royal Guards win!]
I'll trust you guys with this one. The guards do seem really powerful and all
Aight, so with that being said, four Royal guards take a low-mid difficulty win against the Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen.

Now, taking things back to the left side, we have the match up of Heath and the three Shugoshas of the Rhythm Nation, versus Ryunni, Nia, and Kishi of Luminosa, also accompanied by August.

I can tell that this probably isn't a fair looking battle. Once again, majority of these are gonna be, due to some of the groups being absolutely OP and others being regular to weak. But in addition, we can reduce Heath and the Shugoshas to the Shugoshas alone, considering that he'd sit back and let them protect him.

Let's get to it!

Order from left-side downward:
Luminosa's Guard vs. Ironshire's Guard
The BHA SSS-Ranks (with Magnus) vs. Harpys (a large cluster of them)
Heath and Shugoshas vs. Nia, Ryunni, and Kishi (plus August to make it even)
Misfits vs. Skyla Squad (minus Mika) [Skyla Squad wins!]

Order from right-side downward:
The Dragonslayers vs. The Seiryoku Empire Troops
The Death Knight and Generals vs. No one, because no group deserves to go out that early.
Kumii and Mei vs. The Onyx Bandits
Queen Maria's Royal Guard vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen [Royal Guards win!]
View attachment 1171024
Aight, so with that being said, four Royal guards take a low-mid difficulty win against the Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen.

Now, taking things back to the left side, we have the match up of Heath and the three Shugoshas of the Rhythm Nation, versus Ryunni, Nia, and Kishi of Luminosa, also accompanied by August.

I can tell that this probably isn't a fair looking battle. Once again, majority of these are gonna be, due to some of the groups being absolutely OP and others being regular to weak. But in addition, we can reduce Heath and the Shugoshas to the Shugoshas alone, considering that he'd sit back and let them protect him.

Let's get to it!

Order from left-side downward:
Luminosa's Guard vs. Ironshire's Guard
The BHA SSS-Ranks (with Magnus) vs. Harpys (a large cluster of them)
Heath and Shugoshas vs. Nia, Ryunni, and Kishi (plus August to make it even)
Misfits vs. Skyla Squad (minus Mika) [Skyla Squad wins!]

Order from right-side downward:
The Dragonslayers vs. The Seiryoku Empire Troops
The Death Knight and Generals vs. No one, because no group deserves to go out that early.
Kumii and Mei vs. The Onyx Bandits
Queen Maria's Royal Guard vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen [Royal Guards win!]
For Ryuuni, are we doing the whole Dragonfist family? That is, Kishi, Ryuuni and Azula?
Nvm, I saw the matchups.

My girl Azula not apart of the Dragonfist vs. Shugosha matchup :c
I think this one is pretty even actually, thanks to the lore of the world. We have two immortals (spirits), one of those immortals being the main villain of the original rp, and the inheritor of the Sword of Light which was originally in lore a god's weapon and still super powerful even when it's wielded by mortals. We're taking lore factors and matching it up against powerful people. Plus, on the Dragonfist side, I think we'd have a lot of teamwork going for them. Kishi and August are best friends, they've probably done a fair bit of play wrestling and practice bouts, and they'd know each other's fighting styles and how to work together. On Ryunni and Nia's side, their master and apprentice, and know each other just as well. Ryunni and Kishi are father and son, and Kishi might know Nia a bit (I'm unsure on their relationship). So, we have two really strong team pairings with August and Kishi and Ryunni and Nia.
I think this one is pretty even actually, thanks to the lore of the world. We have two immortals (spirits), one of those immortals being the main villain of the original rp, and the inheritor of the Sword of Light which was originally in lore a god's weapon and still super powerful even when it's wielded by mortals. We're taking lore factors and matching it up against powerful people. Plus, on the Dragonfist side, I think we'd have a lot of teamwork going for them. Kishi and August are best friends, they've probably done a fair bit of play wrestling and practice bouts, and they'd know each other's fighting styles and how to work together. On Ryunni and Nia's side, their master and apprentice, and know each other just as well. Ryunni and Kishi are father and son, and Kishi might know Nia a bit (I'm unsure on their relationship). So, we have two really strong team pairings with August and Kishi and Ryunni and Nia.
Nia is Ryuuni's student as well, so there's that dynamic.
I agree though. The Shugoshas are siblings are some of the strongest the Seiryoku has to offer. I imagine they'd have a knowledge of each others weaknesses, so there's an inherent sense of teamwork there.

Then you got what Alpha described.

The Shugoshas might pull ahead in just... pure experience because, and hear me out here, this is still the prequel. SO Kishi's villain status isn't 'established' here. He's just a normal citizen for now. He's still strong but very young in terms of the lifespan of his kin. Ryuuni is strong and wise but he's mainly held back by Nia, Kishi and August. August's factor being that they don't appear to have any real experience with the Sword (correct me if I'm wrong here Alpha.). And Nia is literally still learning so she'd be bound to make mistakes.

If we're forgoing their novice natures though, then I'd say the matchup is entirely even for both sides.
I agree though. The Shugoshas are siblings are some of the strongest the Seiryoku has to offer. I imagine they'd have a knowledge of each others weaknesses, so there's an inherent sense of teamwork there.

Then you got what Alpha described.

The Shugoshas might pull ahead in just... pure experience because, and hear me out here, this is still the prequel. SO Kishi's villain status isn't 'established' here. He's just a normal citizen for now. He's still strong but very young in terms of the lifespan of his kin. Ryuuni is strong and wise but he's mainly held back by Nia, Kishi and August. August's factor being that they don't appear to have any real experience with the Sword (correct me if I'm wrong here Alpha.). And Nia is literally still learning so she'd be bound to make mistakes.

If we're forgoing their novice natures though, then I'd say the matchup is entirely even for both sides.
Kishi is a villain??

Great points from you both here. Both sides definitely have teamwork as a helping factor here, and the chemistry on both ends is likely high.

I like the point you made, Kumii, about experience. The Shugoshas are pretty old. If you look at the character sheets, Kaminari is like, 40. Dude's pushing 50, and Akuhei is nearly in his 40's as well. The siblings have also been being trained vigorously together since childhood, on some Spartan kind of lifestyle, so battle experience goes to them, which could make a big difference here.

Ryunni is MAD old too. I'm looking at his sheet, good grief, this brother is pushing 26 THOUSAND years old. Oh my gosh, Kumii, this man is ancient. But his entire team still has teen at the end of their age, so they lack the same kind of practice and maturity he's gained over MILLENNIUMS.

But even so, I believe Ryunni and the others would still pose somewhat of a threat. Ryunni seems like he'd be a carrying factor, with the others still putting in work. I feel like the only Shugosha that would falter is Akuhei. I mean, he almost got packed up by Castro and Rori. Even though he was trying to make sure he didn't kill Castro, Rori was still beating the brakes off him before Kaminari came along.

But Kaminari and Miyahira make up for his mistakes. I think Kaminari alone could hold his own (especially with Heath watching), and having his sister alongside him adds to it. I think the worst case scenario for the Luminosa team would be Miyahira using Dark Secret to make them turn on one another.

Regardless, this is kinda a close match up...Ryunni's got his son and student, and August will probably follow alongside what Kishi does, so he could really coach them.
Kishi is a villain??
He was supposed to be the main antagonist of the first RP.

Great points from you both here. Both sides definitely have teamwork as a helping factor here, and the chemistry on both ends is likely high.

I like the point you made, Kumii, about experience. The Shugoshas are pretty old. If you look at the character sheets, Kaminari is like, 40. Dude's pushing 50, and Akuhei is nearly in his 40's as well. The siblings have also been being trained vigorously together since childhood, on some Spartan kind of lifestyle, so battle experience goes to them, which could make a big difference here.

Ryunni is MAD old too. I'm looking at his sheet, good grief, this brother is pushing 26 THOUSAND years old. Oh my gosh, Kumii, this man is ancient. But his entire team still has teen at the end of their age, so they lack the same kind of practice and maturity he's gained over MILLENNIUMS.

But even so, I believe Ryunni and the others would still pose somewhat of a threat. Ryunni seems like he'd be a carrying factor, with the others still putting in work. I feel like the only Shugosha that would falter is Akuhei. I mean, he almost got packed up by Castro and Rori. Even though he was trying to make sure he didn't kill Castro, Rori was still beating the brakes off him before Kaminari came along.

But Kaminari and Miyahira make up for his mistakes. I think Kaminari alone could hold his own (especially with Heath watching), and having his sister alongside him adds to it. I think the worst case scenario for the Luminosa team would be Miyahira using Dark Secret to make them turn on one another.

Regardless, this is kinda a close match up...Ryunni's got his son and student, and August will probably follow alongside what Kishi does, so he could really coach them.
This is true lol
Also, working on a pretty cool character concept for a BHA member. The first SS-Rank who's getting a character sheet.

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