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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

I'd like to make a point about the other matchup real quick. Doesn't change the end ruling in anyway though.

I think there's another factor to talk about here. If we're talking about the Onyx Bandits current day, they have one glaring disadvantage to them, never mind the state of the op powerful enemy team. They aren't exactly friends anymore. In fact, Castro and Kuragiri are kind of always trying to kill each other currently. Especially after Castro and Rori rightfully whooped some ass, Kuragiri must be absolutely fuming and biding his time for his revenge on Castro. These two crazy kids provide a reason that the Onyx Bandits would lose hard, and that's because they have this cycle of violence with each other that doesn't make for good teamwork. We haven't seen much of Maki at all, really just her sheet so far, so we don't know where she stands currently with the boys. Presumably, Castro and Maki were still together after the argument between Castro and Kuragiri that led to Kuragiri's capture. But what happened with them afterwards? Why wasn't Maki with Castro in his secret hideout in Ironshire when Rori and Aleph stumbled onto the scene? Where even is she currently? And how would she respond to seeing the boys again? We're uncertain about how things were left with her, and what her response would be to seeing the boys again. We know that she was the glue holding things together, but that stressed her out a lot in the past, and with the way things are now between all of them, who knows if she'd be able to handle that.

Now, I don't doubt that if push came to shove and the Onyx Bandits were shoved into a room with 5,000 enemies coming at them with the legitimate end goal of murdering all three of them that they could put aside their differences and work together again. But that still leaves them rusty working as a team again, with the added factor of still hating each other. Castro and Kuragiri still hate each other's guts, meaning teamwork is probably still gonna be lacking. At least not what it was before in their heyday.

Basically, this is me offering another answer as to why the Onyx Bandits would lose besides 'other team is way too op' (I mean you're not wrong on that point, but we've got a unique team to work with in the Onyx Bandit side because of their current relations that gives us another reason on top of that). Aka me being the one who always looks at things from a narrative perspective.
Great point here. The Onyx Bandits as of now have zero chemistry. Zero chemistry = Bad teamwork.

And with Maki, yeah, she's still a mystery right now. Just gotta progress the rp and she'll be introduced in due time.
King, Sia, Eliezier and Magnus vs. Some feathery creatures?

Ez clap for the Big Three (and Magnus).
Let's elaborate now.
Let's be honest, aside from from Kumii and the Death Knight... Julius is probably the most skilled in terms of his overall abilities. Plus he has experience with hunting be they bounties or otherwise (Yes, at one point he was a Spirit Slayer.) His Ultimate alone is just overwhelming, coupled with the fact that he can keep it refreshed means that not only are some basic Harpies no issues, he can keep them at bay while Magnus and the others deal with Lulu. (Sorry, Harpies aren't actually all that strong as displayed by them losing a war against the Valkyries and being enslaved by them then being rescued by the Demons.)

Speaking, let's talk about Lulu. What does she got going for her? She's incredibly strong by herself, she's one of the most powerful Harpies in existence right now but all that power comes from her remaining in....

wait for it...

the air.
Sia legitimately can counter that if she can manage to get her roots to entangle Lulu, leaving her open to counter attacks from Magnus and Eliezer. Of course Sia might help out Julius with dealing with some of the lesser Harpies, but overall, Lulu carries most of the power on the side of Harpies, which is easily countered by Sia.

This is if she can manage to root Lulu down, otherwise, Lulu would dominate the skies and just attack from the air constantly. Once Julius finished up with the other Harpies or focused on Lulu, it's not even close. With the Big Three being the close knit team they are, they were literally built for this kind of thing.

But wait, there's more!
If we're talking teamwork alone, it hands down goes to the Harpies. Under the leadership of Lulu, the Harpies are a force to be reckoned with them being to quickly claim air superiority , so the Big Three (and Magnus) would have to work out that Lulu was the leader and work to bring her down. A sort of chain of collapse type thing.
Let's be honest, aside from from Kumii and the Death Knight... Julius is probably the most skilled in terms of his overall abilities. Plus he has experience with hunting be they bounties or otherwise (Yes, at one point he was a Spirit Slayer.) His Ultimate alone is just overwhelming, coupled with the fact that he can keep it refreshed means that not only are some basic Harpies no issues, he can keep them at bay while Magnus and the others deal with Lulu. (Sorry, Harpies aren't actually all that strong as displayed by them losing a war against the Valkyries and being enslaved by them then being rescued by the Demons.)

Speaking, let's talk about Lulu. What does she got going for her? She's incredibly strong by herself, she's one of the most powerful Harpies in existence right now but all that power comes from her remaining in....

wait for it...

the air.
Sia legitimately can counter that if she can manage to get her roots to entangle Lulu, leaving her open to counter attacks from Magnus and Eliezer. Of course Sia might help out Julius with dealing with some of the lesser Harpies, but overall, Lulu carries most of the power on the side of Harpies, which is easily countered by Sia.

This is if she can manage to root Lulu down, otherwise, Lulu would dominate the skies and just attack from the air constantly. Once Julius finished up with the other Harpies or focused on Lulu, it's not even close. With the Big Three being the close knit team they are, they were literally built for this kind of thing.

But wait, there's more!
If we're talking teamwork alone, it hands down goes to the Harpies. Under the leadership of Lulu, the Harpies are a force to be reckoned with them being to quickly claim air superiority , so the Big Three (and Magnus) would have to work out that Lulu was the leader and work to bring her down. A sort of chain of collapse type thing.
I like how you're envisioning Eliezer actually fighting XD. Dude is gonna cower behind a tree and watch from afar.

Wow, I may or may not have overestimated the Harpies when I added them to this bracket. Looking at Lulu's sheet, I assumed they'd all be close to as strong as them, which is why I thought a cluster of them would be a challenge.

But I see the vision here. Magnus, Sia, and Julius would very much so be able to take on the Harpies. Despite being down in numbers, I just don't think Lulu has strong enough allies to help keep her in the battle here. Regardless of them being able to take the high ground, the BHA and Magnus have ways to get to them.

What do you think, Alpha?
I like how you're envisioning Eliezer actually fighting XD. Dude is gonna cower behind a tree and watch from afar
True lol

Wow, I may or may not have overestimated the Harpies when I added them to this bracket. Looking at Lulu's sheet, I assumed they'd all be close to as strong as them, which is why I thought a cluster of them would be a challenge.

But I see the vision here. Magnus, Sia, and Julius would very much so be able to take on the Harpies. Despite being down in numbers, I just don't think Lulu has strong enough allies to help keep her in the battle here. Regardless of them being able to take the high ground, the BHA and Magnus have ways to get to them.

What do you think, Alpha?
Yeah, Lulu is for sure a unique.... 'variant' so to speak.
Going off topic a bit here, if the RP was set a little more in the future while keeping the medieval fantasy. Kinda like a Medieval sci-fi type, i'd definitely would've made a mech dude as my main character lol
Going off topic a bit here, if the RP was set a little more in the future while keeping the medieval fantasy. Kinda like a Medieval sci-fi type, i'd definitely would've made a mech dude as my main character lol
That would have been sick, man. I think I'd have gone for the polar opposite and made a character that completely rejects the futuristic stuff and sticks to rural lifestyle. An old guy for sure (i'm pretty bad at making girls :()
That would have been sick, man. I think I'd have gone for the polar opposite and made a character that completely rejects the futuristic stuff and sticks to rural lifestyle. An old guy for sure (i'm pretty bad at making girls :()
Yeah it would've been cool, right lol
Yooo, quick little pop up. Everything good? I miss hearing from you guys :/

Or...reading from you guys...seeing from you guys? You know what I mean.
Yooo, quick little pop up. Everything good? I miss hearing from you guys :/

Or...reading from you guys...seeing from you guys? You know what I mean.
Heyyyy Shark!

Eh, things have been a whirlwind lately. Life has been kinda lifeing for me if you get what I mean. But I'm hanging on like one of those cat posters lol
Heyyyy Shark!

Eh, things have been a whirlwind lately. Life has been kinda lifeing for me if you get what I mean. But I'm hanging on like one of those cat posters lol
Aww, sorry to hear that, and I definitely get what ya mean. Keep pushing though 💪
Once all of that clears up, we'll be waiting here for ya. Don't forget:
Y'all have whole ass conversations before I even see the notifications that someone posted in this thread lol
Heyyyy Shark!

Eh, things have been a whirlwind lately. Life has been kinda lifeing for me if you get what I mean. But I'm hanging on like one of those cat posters lol
Glad to hear you're doing somewhat okay though
Off topic, I've started a 1x1 with someone that uses a totally different combat system then what we use here lol

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