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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

A cursed pirate
Ah, yes, I missed a key word.

I really like the concept of her being a Siren turned hunter. Although, I'm not sure where her oceanic parts of her abilities are supposed to work. I don't recall there being any oceans in the Rhythm Nation so far. Maybe I'm not caught up with the geography of the nation yet. Are there any oceans near Ironshire?
Ah, yes, I missed a key word.

I really like the concept of her being a Siren turned hunter. Although, I'm not sure where her oceanic parts of her abilities are supposed to work. I don't recall there being any oceans in the Rhythm Nation so far. Maybe I'm not caught up with the geography of the nation yet. Are there any oceans near Ironshire?
Not near Ironshire but I believe in the very do thern part of the Rhythm Nation are coasts. I don't remember if I put anything between the nation and the ocean lol
I agree though. The Shugoshas are siblings are some of the strongest the Seiryoku has to offer. I imagine they'd have a knowledge of each others weaknesses, so there's an inherent sense of teamwork there.

Then you got what Alpha described.

The Shugoshas might pull ahead in just... pure experience because, and hear me out here, this is still the prequel. SO Kishi's villain status isn't 'established' here. He's just a normal citizen for now. He's still strong but very young in terms of the lifespan of his kin. Ryuuni is strong and wise but he's mainly held back by Nia, Kishi and August. August's factor being that they don't appear to have any real experience with the Sword (correct me if I'm wrong here Alpha.). And Nia is literally still learning so she'd be bound to make mistakes.

If we're forgoing their novice natures though, then I'd say the matchup is entirely even for both sides.
Shugosha definitely have the experience in this case.

You're kinda right with August. She inherited the Sword when she was younger, and she was pushed harshly by her parents to train with it. So, she has trained with it, as well as had practice matches with Lilliana and other Luceros, but she's never been in a real, all bets off fight that the Shugosha have faced many times.

Not near Ironshire but I believe in the very do thern part of the Rhythm Nation are coasts. I don't remember if I put anything between the nation and the ocean lol
In the map I never got around to finishing, all the nations were separated by ocean. Well, not all of them entirely. I think Oghma and Norheim were supposed to be connected since they share a border. Same with Rhythm and Desert. But there were definitely oceans. I never questioned if there would be oceans so they happened.
You're kinda right with August. She inherited the Sword when she was younger, and she was pushed harshly by her parents to train with it. So, she has trained with it, as well as had practice matches with Lilliana and other Luceros, but she's never been in a real, all bets off fight that the Shugosha have faced many times.

Yo alpha did you just forget that your own character was non-binary

In the map I never got around to finishing, all the nations were separated by ocean. Well, not all of them entirely. I think Oghma and Norheim were supposed to be connected since they share a border. Same with Rhythm and Desert. But there were definitely oceans. I never questioned if there would be oceans so they happened.
Ahh, I sea... (corny, my bad)

Yo alpha did you just forget that your own character was non-binary

Ahh, I sea... (corny, my bad)
Bro- 😭

I was looking at their sheet like a minute before I posted that too and specifically thought 'oh right I forgot they were nonbinary', only to then go and use the wrong pronouns.

I'd like to formally apologize, August. That was messed up lol
Bro- 😭

I was looking at their sheet like a minute before I posted that too and specifically thought 'oh right I forgot they were nonbinary', only to then go and use the wrong pronouns.

I'd like to formally apologize, August. That was messed up lol
Nah, it's too late for apologies. You're getting cancelled for sure.
Shugosha definitely have the experience in this case.

You're kinda right with August. She inherited the Sword when she was younger, and she was pushed harshly by her parents to train with it. So, she has trained with it, as well as had practice matches with Lilliana and other Luceros, but she's never been in a real, all bets off fight that the Shugosha have faced many times.
Yeahh, I feel like that might be a driving key here. Now, don't get me wrong, the kids are strong. I believe that older versions of them would definitely be able to defeat the Shugoshas. They have a ton of potential.

But for now, I feel the Shugoshas would take the dub here. What do you two think?
Yeahh, I feel like that might be a driving key here. Now, don't get me wrong, the kids are strong. I believe that older versions of them would definitely be able to defeat the Shugoshas. They have a ton of potential.

But for now, I feel the Shugoshas would take the dub here. What do you two think?
As much as I hate to do my dragonkin boy =wrong...

I agree here.
Yeahh, I feel like that might be a driving key here. Now, don't get me wrong, the kids are strong. I believe that older versions of them would definitely be able to defeat the Shugoshas. They have a ton of potential.

But for now, I feel the Shugoshas would take the dub here. What do you two think?
Yeah, I agree. They have the experience and some more power of the Dragonfist group.

Yo that reference caught me so off guard 😭 😭
*spits out drinks* Jesus Alpha lol

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