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Fantasy Land of the Gears


The Seeker of Jello
To RP, you must have a character and post where you are. If you do not have a partner I will step in with an NPC, if you do I may step in with events to keep the RP interesting.

[Character Locations]


[*]The Outlands

(See Overview for details on this list)
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Fester T. Qaud

With a stride in his step Fester made his way into the Market District that fine morning. The sky was changing into a lighter shade of blue as the sun crept up the horizon while dust rode through the winds in the Market District that day. "What a rare spot of good weather to have been blessed with today wouldn't you agree Jo?" he said in a happy tune. Jo'Jon responded with a disgruntled groan as he held a makeshift table under arm with a trunk full of Fester's remedies and such to be sold that day upon his back. "Oh, you have always been so agreeable." said Fester. Alchemists, Mystics, and Traders alike were moving about the dusty grounds setting up shop for when they became swarmed with consumers of plenty. Inspecting the scene carefully he soon boastfully said "You see Jo this is why we awakened before the sun so that we can set up where there is a opportunity at play". Fester directed Jo'Jon and himself to a spot on a crossroad where he predicted he would get the most traffic. Dusting off his attire he looked over at Jo'Jon "Well, don't stand there like a statue we shall set up business right on this little patch of dirt you hear?" he said gently.

Jo'Jon simple nodded as he slammed down the wooden makeshift table. Simple shaking his head Fester said "I told you before to be gentle with this. It is not made of metal alloys and I prefer to not have to purchase a new one.". Jo'Jon nodded and started to step up the table legs. Fester got prepared in his own way as he patted off some dust and adjusted his shirt's collar and fixed a few ruffles. Looking around he plotted out his competition for the day. "Oh, look there Jo it is the insect lady. Creating serums with anthropoid hides seems to be a causal waste of the insect's life. Such a shame but such if life." he chuckled. Turning around he found Jo'Jon to be setting up the last leg of the table. "Excellent now let me check." he said hastily, waiting for Jo'Jon to back off he shook the table from either side but it didn't budge. "Most divine. I don't want it to collapse again like last time. How many itch-away serums I had to give away due to the spores that befell my poor customers. Itching for weeks." he said shaking his head at the memory. Looking at the trunk that that Jo'Jon placed down he popped it open. "Mhm, yes wait...no...this is better." he said as he pulled out a baby blue blanket. "An adorning color of royalty no?" he asked Jo'Jon. He gave a simple nod of the head. "Yes, you understand exactly what I mean." said Fester as he laid it down over the wood top. Nodding he moved a variety of jars, bottle, and vials on the blue counter top from the truck. Fester did so quickly and precisely from his years at working in his trade. Grabbing the last jar he looked over it "I think Throat Smoother will sell well this month with the aggressive dust storms these days." he said to Jo. Rubbing his gloved hands together he looked over the counter top to ensure all was right. Nodding he went into the truck and hands Jo'Jon a sign with the words Fungi and Health on it. "Well the sun is rising and so will our sells so time to get stated." he said. Jo'Jon instinctively held up the sign which was easy to spot due to his massive height. Padding some new dust off his shirt Fester whistled a tune as he waited for the customers to swarm in for their goods.
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Walking past the early morning crowds bustling in the marketplace, making odd sounds as he steps of metallic parts shifting together. A man walks up to the counter wearing a dirtied suit, eying the supplies they have for purchase. Looking at the masked man with an overconfident smirk, "So what's your specials for today, sir?" Asking fester without retracting his expression. Taking quick glances at what the large man next to him is doing, "I see you have a big guy with you, I can only think you have a guy like that for protection. These parts are getting rowdy somethin' fierce, ain't they?" He says as he puts his hands in his pockets.
Watching a customer trot away with a jar of Throat Smoother in hand he nodded thinking "I knew it was best to bring surplus of it" he thought. Fixing and rubbing off some dust that always seems to build up on his attire he was soon approached by a customer Fester put as "odd" in his mind. Thinking little of it he straightened up upon hearing the man mention specials. "Well my good sir we-" said Fester before he was cut off when the man said "I see you have a big guy with you, I can only think you have a guy like that for protection. These parts are getting rowdy somethin' fierce, ain't they?". Looking over at Jo'Jon still causally holding the sign he looked back and chuckled. "Oh, this fellow right? He is as a gentle as a hare unless provoked in which case he is a boar." he said boastfully. "Though you have nothing to fret about as I'm sure you are capable of overpowering Jo over here" he said falsely. Leaning in close to the metallic man "Well between you and me if we are to depend on our most loyal guard it would be suicidal for business." he said laughing at the fact. Looking over the man Fester could see he was one of endurance, fierceness, triviality, and pride. "You seem to be a man of defined character. I can only wonder what brings a fine person as yourself here." he said trying to appeal to his nature. "For a man of your nature who most likely exerts physical force in one manner or a another I would suggest my "Muscle Relaxint", "Soreness Begone, or perhaps even "Throat Smoother" if you have throat issue" he said calmly as he pointed out each thing he spoke of. "Now before you say anything let me mention that I will give a slight discount on regards of you giving me a good laugh." Fester stated fondly. He knew he was fibbing as he attempted to sell his wares at a higher price at a supposed discount. The strategy was common among the Market place but effective. "So, be sure to check out my wares and feel free to question me on them" he said.
Chuckling to himself as the man's obviously trying to sell his products at a higher price, which he can't blame him for trying, "I'll probably take that "Soreness Begone" if you'd please." Using head to point at a specific guard as he takes out his wallet from his left pocket, while keeping his other hand sheathed in his other. Starting in on another bit of conversation, "I might have some knowledge of this place that you may want." Saying as if he knows fester well. Turning around, using his left arm to prop himself up, "You see that guard over there talking to that woman?" Pointing with his wallet filled hand to the guard, who is wearing a full metal suit so is obviously an official guard by his looks. The guard is talking to an older woman selling some baked goods on the street, the woman seems to be nodding slowly and hands him money. The guard walks off after saying some words to the woman. "That man needs someone to convey a message to him. Say you'd do it and I can tell you more." Looking back at Fester, still keeping his oddly ambiguous smirk.
"Very nice choice sir" he said. "I might have some knowledge of this place that you may want." said that man. Upon hearing this he paused for a moment but maintained his persona. "You see that guard over thee talking to that women?" pointing to them inconspicuously with his wallet. Fester moved only slightly turning his head and looked at the guard with the old lady. Pretending to scratch his eye piece he magnified the scene. The lady had a solemn look as she handed over the money with the guard clearly smiling. "It isn't unusual for guards to to try and pick money off people" he thought. Looking over to the man again "That man needs someone to convey a message to him. Say you'd do it and I can tell you more." offered the man as Fester readjusted the eye piece. "Well..." said Fester as he grabbed the jar of "Soreness Begone" "...I can certainly convoy a message if you were to yield an appropriate amount of information for my services..." said Fester in a low voice as he popped the top off the jar. Grabbing a small vial he poured some of the yellow sloshing mixture into the vial. "Tsk tsk guards these days placing themselves on the seat of god. Asking to burned." Placing his thumb over the top of the vial he shook the mixture thoroughly until it was a homogeneous mixture of a yellow color with foam bubbles at the top. Putting a top on the vial he offered it in one hand and left the other one open for profit. Nodding his head "This is quite a good bargain today." he said not referring to the selling of the vial of "Soreness Away". The sun had now positioned itself high into sky as it beat down on the scene.
The man nods energetically, "I see your understanding the situation." Saying as he opens his wallet and sets a gold coin on the table, "No matter if it was two silver or one for that vial, I pay for things when they are deserving of it." The man says as he started looking around as he listens to Fester speak and prepare the vial. When finished, he leans in to Fester with his elbow on the table and begins explaining the situation. "That guard has been doing this for some time in the lower district with the storefronts before he became a guard, there wasn't really any public light I could expose him on with the transactions happening behind closed doors so I had to wait till his ignorance caught up with him." Pushing forward the coins, continuing on his explanation with a more serious expression, "If you can understand the situation, I assume you can see that he now is doing it in the public due to his own ignorance. Say the proper things, he will know what his fault is. Thankfully he's rather on the stupid side so this isn't all that hard. I just need someone to push the idea that everyone is catching on." Finishing his explanation and calmly asks, "Was my funds able to cover the costs of the vial, Sir?" Saying as he is obviously not talking about the vial himself. Leaving his rather serious demeanor for his previously shown smug attitude.
Fester grabbed the coin from the table top inspecting it. "Hmm perhaps this will be enough. As long as you fulfill your verbal side of the deal yes?" said Fester in a serious tone. Grasping the golden coin in one hand he snapped his fingers with the other "Jo put down the sign for now and be sure to keep this gentleman company." he ordered. Looking over to the man "I'll be sure to return with your purchase order shortly" he said as a matter of factually. He couldn't take his chances that the man would run off so he kept Jo'Jon behind to watch him. Walking through the dusty cramp streets he kept his eye on the guard's position. He was a young man as himself with ragged hair and crooked smile. He seemed to be stalking around a shop selling herbal soups. Checking his side he made sure he had a jar of tree sap on hand. Pulling his eyes off the target temporarily he inspected the streets for just the right person for his plans. His eye soon caught a younger looking women with stress written on her face as she walked about the dusty trail with a basket carrying but a humble apple. Striding over to her he flashed the gold coin in front of her face. Keeping his voice low he spoke "Hello there doll I have quite a good deal for you this fine afternoon." he announced to her.

During this Jo'Jon put down the sign and kept a his eyes dead locked on the man. He knew what Fester meant and would keep him here as desired.
The man looks at Jo'Jon, "I guess pleasantries are an order to make sure you don't get upset, Eh big guy?" saying sarcastically as he keeps a calm demeanor, "Names Jack, and I heard your Jo'Jon through the grapevine." Smugly saying as he pulls his hand out of pocket and leans over the table, arms first, awaiting to see what Fester has planned.

The woman looked at the odd man, wearily responding in hopes that he has no ill intentions, "U-um, what do you have in m-mind?" Saying against her true wants, as she doesn't want to implicate her self in any petty joke or a worse crime, but to just go back to her home. With that coin, she could easily get enough food for her family for some time, but this is depending on what the man is asking for.
Fester kept the gold coin in her view. "No need to be nervous I am but a humble shop keeper." he said gently. Wrapping his arm around her back as if they were friends he stated "You see I just needed to talk with a certain guard about a situation he has been having" pointing out his location near the her soup seller. "Now you see that ally way between those buildings there." he said as he pointed them out. "If you can get him to accompany you there and keep him busy I would be most appreciative." he said as he flashed the coin in front of her again. "Simple as that really. Do we have a deal?" he questioned.

Jo'Jon grunted at the mention of his full title. "Stay" spitted out Jo'Jon caring only for his objective as he scratched his head scars.
The woman looked at the man with a horrified expression, but nodded in compliance with the man. She walked away with her head low as she was now sure that something wasn't right with this. Contemplating if this was even worth the gold coin, but finding that if it's going to be given the coin after doing a simple she would be allowed to go home and forget all of this. Thinking to her self that she will be alright if she keeps her mind on going home, she stands next to the guard looks at the weary woman with a blank expression, The guard says to the woman, "Eh, Hello there ma'am. Do you need any assistance?" The woman responds with a weary and fearful voice, "I-I know your s-situation that y-you've been having."

The guard hesitated for a moment before responding hastily, "O-Oh, you do? Well, I can only say it is merely a prank you've heard from some children. That is... depending on what you know." The woman, who has been looking at the ground, now has a fearful expression for she has no idea of what she is getting herself into, "I was told by a man who just showed me a coin." She says as tears start rolling down her face, the stress of the situation was becoming too much. The guard himself joins in with the horrified expressions, as someone knows his secrets. Realizing the woman could only be talking about that man, "I-I see, Well can I ask you to follow me to the barracks to ta-" The woman shakes her head, "I...I... can't I... don't know... he..." She started running to the alley specified, She wanted to tell the man that she couldn't do it and to just let her go home.

Unaware that the guard followed her, out of fear that someone who knew his secret was running away. If this man that put her up to this told her what happened, he needed to catch her. As he turns the corner to the alley way, he sees the woman looking around the dark and shady path. She wasn't running, nor was she doing anything suspicious. The guard puts his hands up as he walks toward the woman, who noticed he was following her. She turned around fearfully, clutching her basket as he walks closer. The guard speaks in his best attempt to be calm with the situation, "I just want to know, what did the man who approach you look like?" The woman responded, realizing her own greed made her not get a good look at the man, "He... he was wearing a mask. I didn't see much though. H-He seemed to want me to... to.." Stopping herself as she didn't know if the man could hear her.

The guard froze as she spoke of the man's description, realizing that wasn't the same man that approached him some time back when he was still a recruit. He was frozen in fear, now he is unaware of how many people know now of his criminal acts, he could be killed for his crimes. "That man was right, everything he threatened is true." He muttered to himself, starting to break down from this personal revelation to the point his body is starting to almost shutdown.
Fester walked into the ally way after seeing the two of them enter. He could see the man shaking in his boots as the women was crying. Without being seen by the guard he ended up at his backside. Raising the jar of tree sap he smashed it into the side of the guard's head sending him to the ground. The sap covered a majority of his face but more importantly his eyes as it slowly jellied. Fester couldn't risk being identified with his public mask on. Watching the guard squirm holding the side of his head like a bug recently crushed Fester pinned him to the ground on his stomach. He pulled out a rope from his side, "Well ma'am I certainly can't question your method as you made it easy to bring him down" he said to the women. He grabbed either end of the rope with each hand and quickly fashioned it around the guard's neck. He tugged quickly so that only a small scream escaped his lips but alas it was quickly overwritten by the sounds of the Market place. He pulled just enough to muffle his sound but not his ability to breath. He looked over to the women who was clearly panic stricken. She was up against the dead end wall as he planned. Unless someone ran into the ally way the dankness hid the entire scene. He pulled the rope tighter producing a gargling sound from the guard, "Well ma'am you sit there okay. I'll be sure to attend to you in a moment once I'm done with this gentleman." he said gently to the women. He looked down at the helpless guard as he tried to pull the rope off but his endurance was fading. "Now I have been keeping an eye you know? Stealing from the elderly or helpless oh my what a naughty act for a man of the law to indulge in." taunted Fester as he stated to move the rope from left the right burning the man's neck. "I honestly couldn't care but someone seems to have cared deeply to send me to you." he chuckled. "No worries though I'll let you live since your death wasn't bought but I shall make you wish that mistress death would hold you close yes." he said. He put both ends of the rope in one hand easily keeping a tight hold on his neck as the man had lost most of his strength. He went close to the man's ear "I'll only say this once you pathetic excuse of flesh if I catch you indulging in your sick acts again I'll be sure that they find you scattered through out all of Erodel." he whispered gently. With the rope ends in one hand he fashioned his hand on the back of the man's head and slammed it into the dirt. "Understood?" Fester asked. He picked up his head and slammed it again into the ground. Upon lifting his head he found fresh blood leaking from his nose mixing in with the sap. The guard's breathing was faint now so he released the rope. "I'll leave you with this then to show our new found understanding." he said as he grabbed out the golden coin. Grabbing the man's hair he pulled up his head from the dirt violently. With his free hand he slid his hand into the man mouth and pulled out his sap ridden tongue. Whistling a little tune as he did his work he placed the coin on his tongue and pushed down hard enough to make it bleed. The guard squirmed under him all the while. From his back pocket he pulled out a vial with a red liquid in it. Holding his tongue out he gently placed a drop of it on his tongue's cut. As if gaining new life the man squirmed with much force as the serum did its work. He wasn't worried about him screaming as foam formed in his mouth. He stood up and dusted himself off. In the serum was a concentrated dose of toxin from the fungi known as Akaryot Oritnes. Upon being ingested most organisms they will never touch it again due to the pain it causes. By attaching to nerve cells and making them release a chemical signal indicating pain it creates its unique effects. In concentrated doses it results in unimaginable pain that can persist for life. Every minute he felt that pain the guard would remember what he said. He looked over to the lady. "Thank you for your assistance." he said and with that he flipped the bloody golden coin to her. He wasn't worried about her speaking of him. Fester knew the fear the installed in her. With that he headed back off to talk with the man for his reward.
The woman watched in fear of what the man was doing. "Was this what the man deserved, was a guard doing something so vile to justify doing something so irredeemable?" Thinking to herself as she watches from her cornered position. Hearing the man talk about the guard doing an illegal act was hard to comprehend, but something that justified this was in question internally? When all was over and she was flipped the coin, she fell to the ground as the stress has now become too much. The woman picked up the coin and ran as fast as she could home.

The guard gets up, seeing the woman has left, along with the coin. She. He starts feeling his twitches with painful spasms, then it starts moving through out his body. As he attempts to yell, he realizes that the pain is too much to force his body to anything. That man poisoned him, all for his crimes. Why, Why did that Jack fellow hire someone like him. That man was a sadist, did Jack find this man on purpose to do this? Did Jack watch from the rooftops like he usually does?

These questions started to pain him as much as his body does.

After a half hour of agonizing pain, he gets up and tries to get to the barracks to make note of what happened. If he can figure out the man who did this, he could get revenge. He realizes that he should've listened to the man years ago, go straight, and just leave crime behind. Too late, he thinks to himself. The pain became unbearable as he was found by other guards who see him walking up the street toward his goal, clutching his suit as he walked slowly and with a heavy limp to the barracks infirmary.

Whistling as he slowly walked back. Fester made sure clean himself up as he did readjusting his shirt and ensuring there were no dirt or bloodstains. He saw Jo'Jon's head peaking over the entire crowd. "Almost there then." he thought to himself. He soon reached the two men, "Well my good sir I can promise you that I sent the message in a most excellent fashion." he said happily as he neared. "So, you said you have some information for me yes? I would assume you to be truthful." Fester remarked as he moved back behind the table. "I would be quite ecstatic to hear word on it as I'm sure you know." said Fester. He leaned down on the table on the table waiting for the man's response.
The man smirks as he watches Fester return, "Good to hear, my friend." Pointing up to the sky, "The redeemer will be generous to those who are kind to others, as well as punish those who deserve it." Saying with a hint of sarcasm, but he seems to be serious on the saying. Nodding to the information, "Firstly before we start talking about pressing matters, I will introduce myself for your assumption I was of kindred nature." Bowing formally, as if he's finished a concert, "My name's Jack Darcey, thank you for removing the problem from our society. You took a gamble when I said I had information, similarly to that man you went after." He says with some joking on the situation.

Keeping his faint smirk, he starts patting his shirt from the dust that's gathering. "I will tell you two things, one rather expensive piece information, that I chose to delegate to you. My reasoning isn't part of this, or my value set for the task." Finishing his sentence as he starts holding up three fingers, "First bit of information; You are being watched at all times, I recommend you don't seek them out unless you want to befriend them. The watcher isn't me, but is close to me. Harm me out of fear and you will be harmed yourself. Regardless if Jo's there or not." Saying as he starts dropping one of the fingers, leaving one more, "Second bit of information; In a bar named the "Lucky Iron" on the southern side of the Lower District, There you can find me if the need were to arise for some information of your own." Energetically crossing his arms as he finishes, pulling out his wallet again. Taking out another gold coin wrapped in a piece of paper and sets it on the table as he takes the vial made up for him from before. Walking off the way that he came toward the south side of town.

To Fester T. Qang.

Your charges of your past are beyond redemption, but we are interested for your attempt. If you believe in myths, I can assure you that we are little less than fairy tales.

Your Friend,

The myths from below
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Fester watched as Jack Darcey walked away disappearing into the crowd. Tapping the side on his eye piece he wondered "Watching me. How interesting that I caught their respective attention." he pondered. Shivering slightly in delight he came to the realization that Jack was his starting point to become associated with them. "Jo I have made one of the better trades today!" said Fester in delight. He leaned on the table, "Still he seems rather bombastic for my taste, but for him to be associated with them he has my respect." he thought to himself. He started to laugh a bit to himself at the luck of the situation. He had but to torture a petty guard to gain his connection. Pointing over at Jo "Oh, we will need to meet up with him again. So many questions." he announced. Jo'Jon grunted in agreement. ""Lucky Iron" I need to remember that" he thought. Looking over the Market place he couldn't help but be curious as to whom is his watcher hiding in the ruckus and dust was. He looked down at his counter top and saw the paper he left behind. He started to unfold the note anxious to learn the words it carried.

"Hmm" he said upon reading it. He trailed his eyes over its words again. "What? Beyond redemption?" he questioned. Looking at Jo "How am I beyond redemption I find myself to be very skilled whether it be alchemy or the art of strangulation." Fester exclaimed. Jo'Jon stood attention since he was falling asleep and responded with a grunt. "Indeed." he said waving the note. "You have seen me perform jobs a surplus amount of times. My technique is almost flawless given the right situation." he said as he stopped to ponder a moment. "Well it did make reference to my past. I was quite sloppy back then. Almost got caught as well." he said. He shook his head at the memory. Looking down at the note Fester came to new conclusion. "Oh course. They must be referring to something else. I was so quick to assume." he concluded. Nodding, "Trust in the myth I will unless they be tainted." Fester spoke softly as he hid the note into his shirt. He looked up to the sky to see the position of the sun but only saw the back end of an Airship. Shrugging he pulled back his sleeve to look at his Sun Stalker. "I see the sun is already pass the half way point. Well time well spent I suppose." he said happily. Snapping his fingers, "Well Jo the sun waits for no man. If you would please lift the sign back up for all to view." he ordered. He had plans to venture to Waterfront in the coming week but now he set the Lucky Iron as a desired place to be.
The Lucky Iron Bar, a place that is often filled to the brim with workers of all trades and not a single person without a smile on their face, the smiles presumably are due to the high alcohol content produced in the private stills in the back of the facilities. Located in middle of one of the worst parts of the lower district, most can be assured that this is one place that one would be safe among the harsh nature of the people who frequent. Loud sounds from inside suggest that it's a busy place most often, as per usual of these establishments in the lower district.

Entering the said bar, you start to notice a loud sound coming from the corner. A man, who you would recognize as Jack sitting with some individuals who seem to be quite friendly with this strange man.
Unlike the streets of the Market Place that were flattened from generations of people walking on it the dirt paths of the Lower District were course, full of rubble, and random weeds grew about with no worry. taking in a whiff of air, "Oh Jo let me tell me you I feel at home here. The comforting darkness and the rustic broken architecture. Enough to bring a tear to my eye." said Fester as he walked about the dirt trail with Jo'Jon in his stead. Fester had finished his business in the Market District and head to the Lucky Iron Bar. The moon had taken over for the sun chilling the air cold and tinting the world in blue. As he walked he heard the scurry of rats in he alleys as he moved past. Soon breaking the dankness lights rose out of a stone building with laughter bursting from it. "Oh we have to stop our little nature walk." he said slightly disappointed as he looked up at the sign saying "Luck Iron".

Opening the door Fester was met with sound of chaos and the scent of men and baited breath in the air. He started waving his hand in front of his mouth piece to try and sway the air away. "One could get drunk simply from breathing in this air." he said to no one in particular. Looking over the scene he saw Jack with his normal attire sticking out clear as day. He was among other men laughing. Fester started to try and squeeze by the drunken crowd when he heard a clank. Looking behind himself he saw that Jo'Jon couldn't get through the door due to the size of his shield. Making matters worse he kept trying to get in with more aggression each time shaking dust off the wall. "You idiot you are going to break the wall." he thought to himself. Trying now to swim back through the crowd to him he was stopped. The little man had a big smile on his wrinkled face showing his pearly yellow teeth. "N-Now *hiccup* do you plan to drink with that silly thing on" he squeaked referring to his mask. "Please move little person I need to stop a rather big issue." he said annoyed. Trying to move by the drunk man gripped his mask trying to yank it off. Quickly he pinned down the little man twisting him arm instinctively. The little drunkard yelped loud attracting eyes to them. It didn't last long as dust rode into the store. Jo'Jon walked in looking down at Fester, behind him was a gaping hole where the door was meant to be as the cold winds whipped in dust and junk.
Jack speaks up from where he's sitting, Raising an arm to the people who are preoccupied with the situation, "This mans dealing with a problem, no need to assist him." Putting his hand down as the bar patrons return to their previous engagements. Jack looks over to two men who are wearing oddly similar outfits, nods over to the door that is now removed from it's placement by the large man. The two men nod in response as they get up from their seats, drinks stay where they are, and they start repairing the door while Jack starts speaking up again among the loud sounds of a busy bar, "I see you had more questions, I presumed you read the note left." Drinking as the two leftover people beside him start conversing among themselves.
The sound of metal clanking against metal could be heard inside of Brias's private shop. Within was Brias working hard and repairing an automobile that a client was picking up today. He was underneath the mechanical beast hitting it with a wrench here and there trying to fix it as best as he could in the time limit he had. He rolled himself from underneath it and sighed as he sat upright. What was he thinking putting up that "repair anything in two days or its free sign"?! As soon as he was finished with this that thing was going to go where it belongs. The eternal depths of the trash can. Brias was lucky he loved what he did, he enjoyed doing this but god dam the last time he left the shop was a week ago. He grabbed the pocket watch around his neck and clicked the small nub at the top causing it to open. The tick of the watch could be heard as clear as day, a sign that his rusty old thing hasn't broken yet, somehow. His eyes widened once he read the time. His client should be here any minute. It was a race against time. He put the pocket watch down and got back to work trying to balance doing a swift job and doing a good job.

((Just to show that im here. Sorry I didnt post till now.))
He releases the small man from his grip. He dusts himself off as he stands. At the word of Jack it seems the events of the Bar continued without a hitch, mind a broken wall and arm. It baffled him that he had such control. With that he headed over to Jack who seemed composed. "I intended to meet you but not under such a situation." remarked Fester. He looks over to the two men trying to fix up the wall. Fester looked over to Jack again, "It seems to be made of cheap clay brick, I presume I can pay for the damages." he says sheepishly. Without much thought he sits on a chair and leans down on the table closer to Jack. "As for the note lets just say it made more questions form in my mind." Fester said excitedly ignoring the damages and feeling more at ease about the ruckus. He looked at Jack deeply, studying him. Fester had thought of many questions as he trailed over to the Bar but one took major importance in the mind of Fester. "Why would a group such as their prestigious one want one such as I?" he whispered.
((@Rantos No problem, there are two others who have yet to start something))

Walking into the workshop, a dirtied man steps beyond the threshold with a calm complexion. "You finished yet? No need to worry of fuel or anything. I have my own and can fill up what's needed. Wouldn't own it if I couldn't." Saying as he leans up against the threshold as he watches the boy working. "The others who know automotive work in this shithole are few and far in between, let alone the fact there are about ten cars in the whole city." Taking out a watch quickly to see the time as he speaks, "You read a book 'bout these, or did you figure it out on your own?" He says.


Jack who taking another drink from his mug, says to Fester, "You showed, which is to what I expected at minimum." Looking over to the men who finished cleaning up the debris and set the door to the side, come back and sit down where they previously sat before. Jack looks over to Fester, keeping his slightly arrogant smile, "Payment's not needed, its a door that breaks often from drunkards who forget that it goes a specific way. Besides we invited you here and manners says to never make a guest pay." Saying as he kicks the person beside him who has seemingly started to fall asleep while he was talking.

Nodding to what Fester says as he sits down in a chair, "Its expected with how vague the note was." Looking over at one of the people beside him with a disappointed glare, "Wasn't me who wrote it," The person who he looks at, who is taking a long drink, holds up their middle finger to Jack, who has already diverted his attention back to Fester as he asks one of the expected questions. Responding to him, "To answer that, I need to know who you think we are?" Saying as he puts his feet up onto the table, awaiting an answer.
Fester was a bit disgruntled with the man's behavior. Jack seemed more rough around the edges in his own territory then in the Market district Fester felt. The look on his face reminded him of clients that attempted to rip him off but Fester didn't have this guy around his finger. Fester sat back settling into the chair as if about to tell a long story. "Well your group has done a fine job at confusing the public of what you are that you are thought of as a myth. Something you desire I'd imagine. I have speculated many things but my ideas on you and the group you are apart of has grown from your actions early today". He paused looking at Jack then to the candle on the table lighting the scene. "You know exceptional well what I am cable of doing in an afternoon. You know of that desolate little organization I myself am associated with. You know my actions have earned me the name of The Demon, Suffocater, Pestilence, The Rot, and even Death as far as the public is concerned. All child-play to you,". He stated fiddling his thumbs together as he spoke. "None of those names empathize anything positive, yet here I am after you sought me out. After gaining information on me first." Fester remarked. He look dead straight at Jack "It is only natural for one to be so cocky as yourself if they know all the cards in the other man's hands." he said slightly annoyed. "Point being you sought out a man who would be sent by the crown to be tortured then publicly burned. You sought out a man who one way or another is always close to death. Still you said I only proved myself simplistically. That is either your cockiness or it means you have worst in your ranks. Point being I assume you people are self Pronounced Vigilantes trying to fix things in society through any means necessary. So much so that you willingly send me to deal with a simple thief knowing my harsh nature." Fester stated. He chuckled a bit. "I must fit like a glove or I have a lose bolt somewhere. Probably both." he concluded. "Either way as long as I serve the general purpose of you organization I'm a working gear." he said to Jack. He whistled over the bar lady who came over with a forced smile on her face. "As a guest give me some Blackberry Rum with a dash of lemon. With a straw please." he ordered her.
Brais upon hearing the man's voice suddenly jumped in surprise. "Hello sir." Brais spoke from under the car. "Ill have your car done in just a second. Just have to do a few more things." Upon saying this there was a suspicious sounding clank followed by the sound of something metal hitting the ground. "Oops, well im sure that was a spare part anyways." Brais listened to the man as he spoke, he was still fixing the car so part of his focus was on that. Once he heard the man stop talking he put down his tools and took a look at what was left while he responded. "Yeah I get that a lot. For some odd reason not many people I know who are well versed in constructing are too good at repairing cars. I mean in no way are they bad, but... you know what I mean." Brais slid out from under the car and took his goggles off his face which was covered the grease and other dirty things. "A shit hole is one way to referrer to Waterfront. Cars finished, and I learned from my father. Amias was his name, have you heard of him? He was good with stuff like this." Brais took a tag from his pocket and wiped some smuck off his face. He stood up and gave the car a few good knocks. "Alright, so next order of business is payment. Oh also if you are heading out in the direction of th nearest pub can I hitch a ride?"

Jack nods slowly in compliance, "Your only as right as what you know, seeing that you know. Most people are rather ignorant on the surface, what with the lack of an educational institution to teach the history of our people and it mostly goes in one ear and out the other." Saying as he moves his hand in a gesture that suggests that he's rambling something he has before. Nodding to the lady as she hears the order from the strange man, returning his attention to the conversation, "Though, we are mostly the group that handles the plight of the people over the plight of the crown. We don't care what happens in a political standpoint unless people are harmed for it." He says as one of the people next to him starts to say something themselves. Jack looks from the corner of his eye at the person as they speak.

You notice this person is wearing a gas mask akin to some of the deep mining facility workers, talking with a higher pitched voice, "If you also assume we wouldn't do the work due to they are members of the guard, then you obviously don't listen to hearsay of the past few years." Saying as the person looks over to Jack for an apology, "Sorry for stepping in, Boss. Hard not to intervene at times like this," Jack rolls his head from the person beside him as he continues, "To improve your knowledge, I myself am a guard that has been dishonored. I was dishonored from birth, and I will always be. If I were to tell a guard that knows anything about me, I would be either exiled to the Outlands or killed." Saying as he leans farther back in his chair and bumps into an empty table that shifted over from the bar crowds. "So saying that we are as bad as sending you to do something we wouldn't is almost an insult, but luckily I myself am used to being talked down as being only half a person." Smiling as he says the last part.


The man pulls out a bag of coins from his pocket and set it on a table beside him, "It's about twenty silver, about 200 sols there. That's what you asked for the repairs when I came in before, right?" Speaking with a gruff tone as he shrugs, "I prepared the money, but some of you inventors are borderline thieves with pricing." Responding to the question with a weary tone, "No, I don't listen to names anymore. Probably heard it when I still cared about the humans in the walls." Getting into the automobile and turns the key, listening to the odd sounds of the steampunk engine make as the gears and cogs move to make. The man points to the door, with a mildly disturbed look.

(@Rantos )

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