• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]So many skeletons in the closet.
So many sinners.

I love this rp.

We should move it to the classes, lunch has gone on for a while

yaaayyyy classes :P Not! I normally find the classes boring :P but I up for whatever is to come

It took me a while to think about this... But i think i'm gonna cut out... I feel like i'm way behind and i won't be able to catch up...Considering stuff is darting left and right,..
This going first because I don't want it to get lost: I'm making a ship thing because I'm trash OTL

I want it to be as accurate as possible so I'll post a link when it's ready for inevitable mistakes to be corrected, so let me know if I get sexualities and stuff wrong. I wish I could truthfully say I was sorry for making a shipping chart but I'm trash so...

Adira said:
It took me a while to think about this... But i think i'm gonna cut out... I feel like i'm way behind and i won't be able to catch up...Considering stuff is darting left and right,..
Also: That sucks :(

If you don't really want to leave the rp, but are having problems catching up I can try to help with that?

Otherwise, may all future rps you participate in be fruitful and fun :)
Agirl1107 said:
Ohh you made a shipping chart I would love to see it
Working on one haha, though, this might sound really bad and I'm sorry if it's in their CSs somewhere but what are Alex and Xavier's sexualities if you're ok telling me?

((Also if anyone wants to be left out of this just let me know))
mikaluvkitties said:
This going first because I don't want it to get lost: I'm making a ship thing because I'm trash OTL
I want it to be as accurate as possible so I'll post a link when it's ready for inevitable mistakes to be corrected, so let me know if I get sexualities and stuff wrong. I wish I could truthfully say I was sorry for making a shipping chart but I'm trash so...

Also: That sucks :(

If you don't really want to leave the rp, but are having problems catching up I can try to help with that?

Otherwise, may all future rps you participate in be fruitful and fun :)
Oh! umm i would really appreciate that, but i don't want to be a bother.... Plus.. i kinda feel out of place here...
Adira said:
Oh! umm i would really appreciate that, but i don't want to be a bother.... Plus.. i kinda feel out of place here...
Don't worry, I'm not doing anything anyways. If you wanna talk about the out of place feeling, feel free to pm me c:
mikaluvkitties said:
I did the thing and am ready to remove anyone who desires to be removed because hey it's your character right?. Link
Is the ship chart just everyone x everyone

We should put ships that would like actually make sense or be cute together based on personalit and image

Like we can put in our own ships that we have

Also my bae Shouhei got accepted who wants to talk to the hot jap
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Sorry to everyone who is waiting on me. I have a final exam tomorrow, so I was using yesterday and now today, to study. I will try and get a post out during my break D;
tinygrassisdreaming said:
Is the ship chart just everyone x everyone
We should put ships that would like actually make sense or be cute together based on personalit and image

Like we can put in our own ships that we have

Also my bae Shouhei got accepted who wants to talk to the hot jap
Right now I just did everyone x everyone, but I'm up for making a second chart in the make sense or cute together vein.
[QUOTE="Mister Veeeee]i assume my character's name isn't in there cause he is relatively new the rp?

oop yeah i just missed you. so what's Jake's sexuality (im sorry i always feel awkward asking this)?
mikaluvkitties said:
oops yeah i just missed you. so what's Jake's sexuality (im sorry i always feel awkward asking this)?
Straight, and its fine :P though I doubt he will be shipping anything but illegal items maybe :P haha xD


First off, I would like to thank all who have showed interest in Labeled and who are enjoying the roleplay, I did not expect such a wonderful turn out. The first day has lasted quite some time and it's now time to prepare for a time skip and start diving into the roleplay.

Before we move any further, there will be some updates to the rules that will that may or may not impact certain players.

These are the following updates:


This is a roleplay with mature scenes that range from drug use to suggestive scenes and require a mature audience. If a player is under the age of 16, they will not be allowed to join the roleplay, each player age will be checked and if it is not provided, we will kindly ask for the age.

Word Count

Each character should have at least 1 to 2 detailed paragraphs per post. These one to two paragraphs should have a minimum of 300 words. Please keep in mind that this is per character.


While we encourage players to interact with one another and of course message one another involving any details of plots they wish to play out, do no harass other players in their private messaging, this includes rushing another player to post, or continuously pestering them about a situation that they have already gave their input in.


We ask for at least one post every 72 hours, we know life is hectic and we understand. That being said, let us know ahead of time if you will be absent, if we receive no notification at the end of the week, you character will be placed under pending and ultimately pulled if you don't return. If you are posting and feel as though your character does not have a place or no other character to interact with, reach out to other players and create minor plots.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to PM me.

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