• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

Gah, I still need to post for Nathan! I'll hopefully get him up some time tonight.

Right now, it's 80 plus degrees and it's hot and I'm going to jump in the pool D:
@Opalescence Okay, this isn't really that important but I wanted to take a second to just kind of squee at your post I just LOVE IT okay? Mostly your use of words just really brought it to life and I am jealous of how well composed that was. It was brilliant and you probably know that but I just wanted to make sure you knew/tell you again because it was super super good and I loved reading it and I can't really put how much I loved that post into words. That was all sorry if I disturbed you.

Also pools are amazing and I'm jealous you have one within jumping distance lol
@mikaluvkitties Ohhhh you are too kind!! Thank you so much! Seriously, I want to hug you right now, that was so sweet. It's always nice to know that you're doing a good job haha! c:

THEY REALLY ARE THOUGH. I actually rent a room from my aunt and uncle because they live closer to where I attend school and they have a pool and since it's the first weekend of summer they decided to open it up and I don't actually know how warm the pool is but it's gotta feel better than the weather outside right now so I'm going for it :D

@Sparkly Bubblegum Never too late! CC will hopefully get a chance tonight to look over your character and get you accepted
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Hi. I'm almost home. I'll be posting and doing GM stuff then!
Savagai said:
Tell me please, what is uncooked ramen? :P

And is Kevin questioning his love?
Omg it just occurred to me ramen isn't everywhere.

Ok so in this case I'm discussing instant ramen because there are other types I guess. To cook it you just add hot water

It can come in both a plastic packaged and styrofoam cup and uncooked looks like this basically:


Cooked it looks more like:

The two packagings because pictures are nice and I'm bad with describing things oops (different names bc brands):


Again, sorry for not clarifying and thanks for letting me know you were confused.

Also I don't think so much he's questioning the love in the relationship in this moment as much as he's questioning how their relationship will thrive once Rufus graduates, as they're going to see each other less and Rufus is probably going to go to college. Instead of trying to work through it or cut his losses, though, Kevin's more focused on getting as much out of what time he has as possible if that makes sense? Let me know if it doesn't :)
mikaluvkitties said:
Omg it just occurred to me ramen isn't everywhere.
Ok so in this case I'm discussing instant ramen because there are other types I guess. To cook it you just add hot water

It can come in both a plastic packaged and styrofoam cup and uncooked looks like this basically:


Cooked it looks more like:

The two packagings because pictures are nice and I'm bad with describing things oops (different names bc brands):


Again, sorry for not clarifying and thanks for letting me know you were confused.

Also I don't think so much he's questioning the love in the relationship in this moment as much as he's questioning how their relationship will thrive once Rufus graduates, as they're going to see each other less and Rufus is probably going to go to college. Instead of trying to work through it or cut his losses, though, Kevin's more focused on getting as much out of what time he has as possible if that makes sense? Let me know if it doesn't :)

Yeah, that makes totally sense :)

And ramen, it are noodles :P
Sorry I've been kinda MIA, life hit me a bit!

Badass can be made.

Schedule will pop up soonish and it would be super helpful if everyone would set up a little friends/enemies/lover thing for me on this page so I can add it to the overview page!
Well :)

Round page 5/6/7 nearly everyone made a lisr :)

Currently Kevin and Rufus are boyfriends and Sef is trying to get to Travis, or Cameron, or Valentine
Quarantine said:
I got bored. This is, loosely, relationships my character has:
| Sees as a Possible Love Interest(Based Off Of Personality/Appearance)

Jessica Sundano

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Cameron Dale Hill

☠| Who She Considers An Enemy/Dislikes (Based Off Of Personality/Label)

☠ Adam Hunt

☠ Eyree Sutherland

☠ Allen Sweetwater

☠ Issiah Rojas

☠ Trey Meriwether Pryce

☠ Sef Illia Nevarro

☠ Kevin Kaile

☠ Nathaniel Lawrence Eve

(^ Not an Easy Person to Get Along With)

| Neutral(Based Off Of Personality/Confidence)

◑ Aberdeen Collins

◑ Anastasia BeLisa

◑ Mariah Chanell Summers

◑ Rufus Illsa Nevarro

◑ Hugo Esteban Rivero

☺| Who She Quietly Likes/ Thinks of As A Friend(Based Off of Badassery/Personality)

☺ Aliénor Arsenault

☺ Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

☺ Arabella Campo
NotTooBad said:
Characters Cameron May like:
Kevin Kaile

Paris Ellion Vermough

Rufus Nevarro

Arabella Campo

Jessica Sundano

Characters Cameron (barely) Tolerates:

Trey Meriweather Pryce

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Eyree Hadasser Sutherland

Sef Nevarro

Álienor Arsenault

Characters Cameron dislikes:

The rest of them.
Well, here are a few, I gtg now, just look at page 5/6/7 :P

so i have a tournament coming up for jui jitsu and i dunno if i will be able to post...


will try to come on as much as possible to catch up...
Adira said:
so i have a tournament coming up for jui jitsu and i dunno if i will be able to post...


will try to come on as much as possible to catch up...
That's fine! GOOD LUCK!!!

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