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Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Hey, I might be a little bit spotty today, I just got a couple of new kittens that I have to tend to.

AWWWW Kittens!
[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Ahh I know!!! They're so precious. One of them is like a little mafia leader.

That is beautiful.
[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Ahh I know!!! They're so precious. One of them is like a little mafia leader.

Mafia leader? For some reason I imagined a kitten dressed up as godfather.
[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Lol, nice
I named him king ramen

>.< Too cute. Sorry, I lose my shit around animals. I WANRT 2 STEAL HEM
Dating Rufus

Friends: Eydis and Elaine

Likes: The other gurus, Valentine, Cameron, most people in general

Dislikes: Paris

(I'm still up for relationship talk n stuff if you're interested just @ me lol)
I'm finally home and I'm tired as fuck so if everyone could give me like...30 minutes to respond and write up posts and catch up, I apologize for my absence.
CrystalClear said:
I'm finally home and I'm tired as fuck so if everyone could give me like...30 minutes to respond and write up posts and catch up, I apologize for my absence.
Your fine, take your time
I guess I should do my character's relationships too~ Okay I think I got everyone. I can't remember what people had for Travis, so if I screwed anything up, let me know. Same goes for if you want anything changed. If I misspelled anybody's name, going to apologize ahead of time. I'll probably do Faye tomorrow.


Close Friends:

Jessi Sundano (His ride or die)

Adam Hunt (He'd definitely have his back, but feels as though he's too fucked up to tell him about all his problems)

Eyree Sutherland (His other ride or die)

Aliénor Arsenault (Being in the same clique they became friends. He jells better with Adam though)

Paris Vermough (I could see them being two little hell raisers. He loves her brutal honesty and she might curse more than he does)

Issiah (Although he's his drug dealer, they talk about things outside of drugs. Travis probably single-handedly makes sure Issiah makes enough money to support his son.

Raven Morningstar (Birds of a feather)


Aberdeen Collins (Sees a bit of a kindred spirit in her)

Mariah Summers (Seems like a cool chick, but he doesn't know her very well)

Sef Nevarro (Something seems off about him, but nice nonetheless)

Arabella Campo (He'll buy from her when Issiah is busy. Would be DtF)

Nathan Eve (He makes Travis feel normal. It's a welcome change)

Mercilise Hill (He thinks she's hot. Would be DtF. Plus she's rebellious. Always a plus.)

Valentine Petrov (He's new, but Travis sees a potential friend in him. Seems like a cool dude.)

Gwyneth Arsenault (He loves the way she looks, and her daring nature works well with Travis' personality.

Camila Bennett (They seem like kindred spirits, especially with the drug use. Though both of them want to hide it.)

Catarina Santos (Seems like a cool chick)

Genevieve Nadeem (She really impresses him. He'd actually want to sit and have a conversation with her, get to know her.)

Kevin Kaile (Seems like they could get along, but they don't really run in the same circles)


Cameron Hill (Can't really get a feel for him. He has no strong opinion one way or the other.)

Rufus Nevarro (Doesn't really know him.)

Hugo Rivero (He doesn't have any strong feelings toward him.)

Allen Sweetwater (He can recognize his face, but that's about it.

Alex Smith (Too quiet)

Miles Castellano (Another quiet soul)


Elaine Francois (She's too...nice. Too saccharine. He can't stand it.)

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót (She freaks him out)

Alex Nevarro (Too arrogant.
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WHEEE hi! Sorry folks, I've been out all day because I had a day off of work and I ENJOYED IT. But now, my fair-ass skin is sunburnt as hell. It hurts everywhere!

I'll try to do a friend list for Eyree and Nathan tonight and then posts will probably come tomorrow after work. Sorry for people who are waiting on me! It's been a long day and my job sucks D:
Well by the time I go to sleep, wake up, go to work, get back from work, and eat dinner.... like 19 or 20 hours?
Effervescence said:
I guess I should do my character's relationships too~ Okay I think I got everyone. I can't remember what people had for Travis, so if I screwed anything up, let me know. Same goes for if you want anything changed. If I misspelled anybody's name, going to apologize ahead of time. I'll probably do Faye tomorrow.


Close Friends:

Jessi Sundano (His ride or die)

Adam Hunt (He'd definitely have his back, but feels as though he's too fucked up to tell him about all his problems)

Eyree Sutherland (His other ride or die)

Aliénor Arsenault (Being in the same clique they became friends. He jells better with Adam though)

Paris Vermough (I could see them being two little hell raisers. He loves her brutal honesty and she might curse more than he does)

Issiah (Although he's his drug dealer, they talk about things outside of drugs. Travis probably single-handedly makes sure Issiah makes enough money to support his son.

Raven Morningstar (Birds of a feather)


Aberdeen Collins (Sees a bit of a kindred spirit in her)

Mariah Summers (Seems like a cool chick, but he doesn't know her very well)

Sef Nevarro (Something seems off about him, but nice nonetheless)

Arabella Campo (He'll buy from her when Issiah is busy. Would be DtF)

Nathan Eve (He makes Travis feel normal. It's a welcome change)

Mercilise Hill (He thinks she's hot. Would be DtF. Plus she's rebellious. Always a plus.)

Valentine Petrov (He's new, but Travis sees a potential friend in him. Seems like a cool dude.)

Gwyneth Arsenault (He loves the way she looks, and her daring nature works well with Travis' personality.

Camila Bennett (They seem like kindred spirits, especially with the drug use. Though both of them want to hide it.)

Catarina Santos (Seems like a cool chick)

Genevieve Nadeem (She really impresses him. He'd actually want to sit and have a conversation with her, get to know her.)

Kevin Kaile (Seems like they could get along, but they don't really run in the same circles)


Cameron Hill (Can't really get a feel for him. He has no strong opinion one way or the other.)

Rufus Nevarro (Doesn't really know him.)

Hugo Rivero (He doesn't have any strong feelings toward him.)

Allen Sweetwater (He can recognize his face, but that's about it.

Alex Smith (Too quiet)

Miles Castellano (Another quiet soul)


Elaine Francois (She's too...nice. Too saccharine. He can't stand it.)

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót (She freaks him out)

Alex Nevarro (Too arrogant.
Well, I changed Alex, so you might change opinion :P

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