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T-T-Time Skip! I've been waiting 5ever to say that. Gosh. I'm sorry I couldn't post today. Don't hate me D; I'm still studying, but I will definitely write something out tomorrow! c: No more class for like 4 days, yay.
Goodnight. I am writing up posts now. They will be trash because I'm sleepy.
Hello people,

Sadly, due the rule:

CrystalClear said:
This is a roleplay with mature scenes that range from drug use to suggestive scenes and require a mature audience. If a player is under the age of 16, they will not be allowed to join the roleplay, each player age will be checked and if it is not provided, we will kindly ask for the age.
I am sorry to say I have to leave this roleplay. For the short time we started this it was a great experience.

I've talked to @CrystalClear but sadly there is no way I can stay here... Both my Characters will die, I start now on writing the post
Hi. Yes. You didn't have to post their death, we did not discuss that.
Mila feels neutral about basically everyone. She's up to hang with anyone but she doesn't really have any close people tbh (that can change overtime, if anyone is up for it go ahead)
Last edited by a moderator:
CrystalClear said:
We ask for at least one post every 72 hours, we know life is hectic and we understand. That being said, let us know ahead of time if you will be absent, if we receive no notification at the end of the week, you character will be placed under pending and ultimately pulled if you don't return. If you are posting and feel as though your character does not have a place or no other character to interact with, reach out to other players and create minor plots.
ummmm my schedule is very unstable and most I can guaranty is 1-2 post every week, will that be a problem?
Effervescence said:
T-T-Time Skip! I've been waiting 5ever to say that. Gosh. I'm sorry I couldn't post today. Don't hate me D; I'm still studying, but I will definitely write something out tomorrow! c: No more class for like 4 days, yay.
time skip? O.o where??? O.o
[QUOTE="Mister Veeeee]ummmm my schedule is very unstable and most I can guaranty is 1-2 post every week, will that be a problem?

No it's not since you're letting us know!
Since I'm on vacation I can't guarantee that I can keep up with the schedule. But I think Imll be able to post at least 2-3 times a week
No, it's a time skip to the party!

Genya said:
Since I'm on vacation I can't guarantee that I can keep up with the schedule. But I think Imll be able to post at least 2-3 times a week
That's perfectly fine, thanks for letting me know!

Okay, I'm finally getting around to making some lists for Eyree and Nathan! Let me just preface this by saying that a) Eyree is at least civil to everyone and she's not very good at relationships of any sort and has a sort of apathy about it all and b) Nathan is shy and kind of awkward and still relatively new to the school. So, these lists only include people they feel particularly strongly about. WITH THAT SAID I SHALL COMMENCE.


Jessi- Friends (The two are both pretty laid back individuals and Eyree loves music even if she can't play a stitch or sing to save a life. Plus, she has the highest respect for Jessi in honing her craft). @Quarantine

Issiah- I mean... c'mon).

Eydis- EYREE THINKS EYDIS IS AN ICELANDIC GODDESS AND ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE IS WRONG AND IF EYREE HAD EVEN THE TINIEST THING FOR GIRLS SHE'D BE ALL OVER HER. Plus, she reminds Eyree a little bit of her redheaded best friend who still lives in Cork, Ireland. @tinygrassisdreaming

Valentine- Eyree's Russian. She can show the newcomer around and at least speak to him in his native tongue. @Effervescence



Jessi- He's super intimidated by her because she's the leader of the musicians and that's where he wants to be but he also like respects her and her talent so much.

Elaine- He likes Elaine. She's talkative where he is not, so she definitely brings him out of his isolated shell a little bit. She's probably the only Beloved he halfway likes being around. @Smoaki

Adam- It's not that Nathan dislikes him necessarily. It's just that his intensity is a bit too much for him and so he tends to avoid Adam like the plague

Hugo- I love Hugo as a character! He's so precious!! I'm just not sure how he and Nathan would get along or see each other frequently. Any ideas? @Shortfuzzything

Eydis- He doesn't understand her mannerisms but is totally transfixed by her otherworldliness. He respects her from afar.

Trey- Since Nathan works at the tutoring center, he probably runs into Trey pretty frequently. I think they probably get along well enough. @Snowflower

Travis- As with most of the badasses, he doesn't hate them or dislike them. But, again, Travis' intensity is just too much for him. Still, Travis is probably at least halfway decent to him, so they have a cordial relationship going.

Faye- Okay, NGL, Nathan will probably end up crushing on her hardcore. She's sweet and unhindered and sure she might be a little scattered but he thinks it's endearing. She sees the world in the way the he wishes he could and that he strives to do. Plus, she's a musician and Nathan's a decent musician himself.

Evie- Evie likes to talk and Nathan likes to listen. It's a perfect symbiotic relationship looool

I think that's it? But I welcome other input or questions/concerns (:
iiCupcakeCraver said:
Anyone up for an interaction? My character is free...
well I would say mine but he is currently at home, so unless you have a reason just go up to his house for whatever reason I doubt my character would be available till the next school day unless I send him to café or Tincan Bar
@Opalescence Haha I think Hugo and Nathan could probably get along as friends, since Nathan is more on a calmer and quiet side but Hugo is a bit intimated by the beloveds in general and would probably a bit suspicious of interacting with him.
Okay, I REALLY need to post on here, but I'm not home at the moment, hopefully I can post tomorrow!
CrystalClear said:
Schedule will pop up soonish and it would be super helpful if everyone would set up a little friends/enemies/lover thing for me on this page so I can add it to the overview page!
@Mister Veeeee A few pages back CC mentioned this. It's probably not a super big deal if you don't do one, since people more or less know each other or at least know OF each other at this school. But the list is just to highlight any particularly special or significant relationships that might be helpful towards more interactive roleplay (:

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