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A small reminder: Each post should be one to two paragraphs~!

I went to play Life is Strange and I miss 800 posts! Wahh. I'll try and crack something out for Trav real quick!


It would be unreciprocated on Trav's end, but! There would be a sweet heart-to-heart, with an awkward hug. Plus mad respect! But don't make poor Sef suffer! Or do...heh heh heh. I'm terrible.


That's how Kyle is! I'm like "Why are you mad? :o " And he's like "I'm not." Well obviously the punctuation means he's furious! And then we go back and forth until he puts the laugh crying emoji, because I'm a bumbler. I'm going to send you unicorn emojis now! > :D

Hiii Malea! :D Is that Tennessee? I'm terrible. OTL. Because I am not! There was a crazy storm and it split a tree in half and it's hot, and there's too many people/tourists. Gah! I'm moving to St. Louis though in a week! Yay!
NO WAIT I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN OHIO STILL. Because I've never been to Tennessee. Well, I drove through it real briefly once. But only like a corner of the state. EW WHY WOULD ANYONE WILLINGLY MOVE TO MISSOURI I HATE IT THERE IT'S WORSE THAN OHIO

Don't you dare :c

Adam makes me sad enough with the unicorns I can't see!
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Wow I'm seeing a lot of nice relationships! That's so neat :0

(If anyone wants to discuss possible relationships with me, feel free to pm me i'm sorry i'm bad at communication)

Sef will try to get Travis to his home and do stuff :) if it doesn't work, he continues searching for another one :P
Okay I'm only going to say this once, I know everyone is excited to post but please give others time to post! It's important because others may not be able to post as rapidly as others and it isn't quite fair to them so slow down a bit, please and thank you!
CrystalClear said:
Okay I'm only going to say this once, I know everyone is excited to post but please give others time to post! It's important because others may not be able to post as rapidly as others and it isn't quite fair to them so slow down a bit, please and thank you!
Again, sorry for not posting, my back is still hurting..

Eydis' thingy

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" (potential/current romantic attraction based on personality)

Paris vermough (potential)@Quarantine

Aberdeen collins (potential)@Effervescence

"I love you" (people she favors/friends based on personality)

Paris vermough

Aberdeen collins

Hugo Esteban @Shortfuzzything

Kevin kaile @mikaluvkitties

Trey pryce @Snowflower

Elaine francis @Smoaki

Arabella campo @Edith

Faye archer

"Your face is captivating" (finds aesthetically attractive/may not have to do with romance)

Arabella Campo

Mercilese hill

Paris vermough

Aberdeen collins

Faye archer

Issiah rojas

Nathaniel eve

"You're cool I guess"

Allen Sweetwater

Eyree sutherland

Jessica sundano

Sef nefaro

Alexandria smith

Xavier smith

"I don't really know them *shrugs*" (neutral)

Aliénor Arsenault

Issiah rojas

Anastasia BeLisa

Rufus nefaro

Valentine petrov

Mariah summers

Gwyneth Arsenault

"Not worth my time"

Cameron hill

Adam hunt

Travis chartier

"What amusing little humans" (secretly looks down upon)

Adam hunt

Travis chartier

Nathaniel eve
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tinygrassisdreaming said:
Eydis' thingy

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" ((potential) romantic attraction based on personality)

Paris vermough @Quarantine

Aberdeen collins @Effervescence

"I love you" (people she favors/friends based on personality)

Paris vermough

Aberdeen collins

Hugo Esteban @Shortfuzzything

Kevin kaile @mikaluvkitties

Trey pryce @Snowflower

Elaine francis @Smoaki

Arabella campo @Edith

Faye archer

"Your face is captivating" (finds aesthetically attractive/may not have to do with romance)

Arabella Campo

Mercilese hill

Paris vermough

Aberdeen collins

Faye archer

Issiah rojas

Nathaniel eve

"You're cool I guess"

Allen Sweetwater

Eyree sutherland

Jessica sundano

Sef nefaro

Alexandria smith

Xavier smith

"I don't really know them *shrugs*" (neutral)

Aliénor Arsenault

Issiah rojas

Anastasia BeLisa

Rufus nefaro

Valentine petrov

Gwyneth Arsenault

"Not worth my time"

Cameron hill

Adam hunt

Mariah summers

Travis chartier

"What amusing little humans" (secretly looks down upon)

Adam hunt

Travis chartier

Nathaniel eve
I am totally down to do a friendship thing between these two :D

For the ones who make relationship lists we should update them and repost any changes here as the rp progresses n stuffs wouldn't that be cool
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Arabella seems to be one lonely harlot right now...I can't find Miranda...anyone who could be their friend so that I can start as well?

Just a silly question, what means this? 'I’m digging that suit on you'?

I dont get most sayings :{

It's not silly at all! Sorry about that. Travis uses a lot of slang, but it means that he really likes Sef's suit. He thinks it looks good on him c:

Sure! c:


I sent Faye over to Cameron! I tried to provide a couple of talking points, even though she's a strange little bird.


I was! But only for two days, last weekend. It was to celebrate Kyle's brother's birthday! You need to go back there!! It's so fun and nice and amazing. I looove, St. Louis. It's like the perfect little mixture, or South, West, and East!

Unicorns away! I'm going to send one now, heh heh heh

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