Kuroshitsuji: Reaping 101

"Well considering how red your face is, I'm gonna guess either I just really embarrassed you and you hate me now or you like me more than just a friend or.." He couldn't think of anymore reasons.
"No, no, not that. My heart felt weird, or something like that." She felt the 'tug' again and felt a little dizzy. Nanami kept thinking she was under a curse and was now feeling some other girl's feelings.
"Oh, uh, hm." He thought to himself, he'd never felt anything like it, maybe it was a girl thing. "Is it a good or a bad feeling? Cause' I think that's just a girl thing." He said awkwardly.
"I'm guess just a girl thing." She repeated what he said. Nanami didn't know what a 'girl thing' was. All the boys that went up to her said that but she didn't listen to them. She placed her arms back in her lap, still sitting formally.
He looked over her, she always seemed so proper. "You know you don't have to act perfect when you're around me. I'm sure as hell not perfect so you can loosen up a little. I mean, you just look so stiff sitting there." He said, hopefully getting her mind off of the feelings topic.
Hickory had been walking forward absent-mindedly, and then looked over to where Nanami and Sirah were. "You coming?" He shouted at the two of them. " 'those smugglers must be halfway across the world!' " He snickered, quoting the ever-happy Sirah. He looked over at Shiro. "Three of them. From what I've heard they're pretty slow-witted, yet well-meaning. But still dangerous."

(( asdfghjkl; stahp it u guys ))
((Haha xD sorry we got bored because no one was answering D:))

"Oh, uh yeah!" He called back. Standing up he dusted off his pants, "C'mon!" He said smiling at Nanami. He ran to the group, almost bumping into Hickory. "Sorry, we got distracted."
She quickly got up and dusted herself off and jogged over to Hickory, not completely focused on the mission. "I'm sorry as well." Nanami bowed, quiet ashamed. Her mind quickly forgot about what had just happened and was blank at the moment. She felt something wet on her thigh and looked down, making sure no one saw her. Two daggers were piercing her thigh and making her bleed a lot. Nanami realized that she shouldn't have sat that way. She took them out and repositioned them, wiping off the blood. Her head was a bit fuzzy but she could still walk. "We should be quick about this then."
"Of course." Hickory took a fast pace towards the station, his tail nearly visible from under his cloak. His eyes glimmered in a mischievous manner, and his ears twitched from under his hat. He smirked. "Hurry now, we should find them soon, or we'll be going on a trip!" He shouted back at the group.
"Slow witted you say?"He replied after a few long moments,eyeing the surroundings as he continued to walk along. "Than they can't be too dangerous,though I'll take your warning into thought and be as attentive as possible."He responded softly as he shifted his obi from one shoulder to the next,tipping his Newsboy hat downward so it covered his sapphire colored orbs,which had been gleaming in the moon's light moments ago. "It would be exciting though,if we went on a trip in search of our targets."
He skipped around the entire group as they moved as one, his ADHD not letting him be calm. "I can't wait to get those smugglers~." He kept repeating in a sing-song voice. Suddenly a kitten mewed from a dark alley they passed causing him to stop dead in his tracks. He quickly ran over to the small feline, gently picking it up then returned back to the group.
Nanami nodded and made sure to keep pace with everybody this time. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Sirah leave for a quick second. She glances back and sees that he had picked up a kitten. She sighs and grabs the kitten, placing it into a random building and leaving. "We don't have time for animals right now." Her voice was blank and uncaring.
He grasped the air looking for something that wasn't there anymore. Looking at Nanami, he made his eyes huge to the point they started watering. He wasn't really crying but it was emphasis on how much he wanted the cat back.
If people could die from sighing, she would be dead by now. "I'm a wolf, is that close enough for you?" Her tone was still uncaring but she wasn't looking forward anymore, her sight was plastered on Sirah. He somehow got her to break a little, probably because of his eyes.
He thought about her suggestion for a second, scrunching up his eyebrows for a brief moment. "B-but... You're not small and fluffy and able to be held." He explained with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"I am small, I do have soft, fluffy if would like to call it hair and I can be held." She was explaining with an annoyed tone.
"People! Focus!" He shouted back to Sirah. He took a look at the kitten, picked it up by the scruff of it's neck and placed it on the brim of his hat. "Hopefully we can find it's mother sometime."
Drake walked over to Sirah and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "It's okay. Hickory has a weakness for small animals too. Especially for black cats." Drake continued on and on about his buddy, Hickory. But he might've hit something wrong for he said, "...and being in the closet too..."
Hickory stopped dead in his tracks, his face flushing bright red. He turned slowly towards Drake, his mismatched eyes darkening. "Stop talking a-about me." He glared. "We n-need to get a m-move on." That was his worst weakness. His orientation.
Nanami growled at Drake and Sirah then walked next to Hickory. "Do you want me to slap him? Because I'll do it without any hesitation." Her voice was soft and sort of motherly. She put her hand on his shoulder, hoping to help him calm down. Nanami glared at Drake and Sirah when she looked back at them.
((IZAYA xD ))

His smile grew super wide when Hickory said they could keep the kitten. He then tensed up a little when Drake casually draped his arm over his shoulders. Listening to what he said, he smiled a little about the comment he made about Hickory being in the closet still. He talked loudly enough to where he knew Hickory could hear him, "Well if I were him I would accept it! I mean, it's not that hard and no one here will judge him!" He then waited to be hit or something along those lines, knowing what he said was probably stupid seeing that Nanami was mad as well.
Hickory, tried to keep from hitting Sirah and Drake. "That w-would be nice, yes..." He softened his tone at Nanami's tone. It was...comforting. But hearing Sirah make his comment he growled slightly. The kitten squeaked while it wobbled on his hat, then fell into Hickory's arms.
Sirah saw the kitten fall and squeaked in fear. His eyes started watering but then was relieved when it was caught by Hickory. He sighed audibly, if he could purr this would be one of those times he would. Minus the fact that he'll probably be getting slapped in the next couple of minutes.

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