Kuroshitsuji: Reaping 101

"Yep." He replied subconsciously. He was so eager to watch Hickory and the new guy that it was making his mind go blank. It only took a couple minutes to get to the top of the building. He decided just to jump the last two windows like he had the first two. He crouched down, looking over the side of the building, waiting for Shiro.
He pulled himself onto the top of the roof moments later,standing up and looking out. His smile widened at the sights,though he quietly turned his attention back to Sirah. "Ready?" He asked,walking along the edge of the roof,searching for Hickory and the newcomer. "Since they're not in a rush,they shouldn't be very far away." He replied just as he spotted the two. Upon doing so he stopped and allowed himself to fall back into a sitting position. Somehow he ws beginning to enjoy the other's idea,after all,it did offer him a good view of not only the two,but of many other sights.
"Of course I am!" He said in an enthusiastic but hushed voice, in fear of being caught. Sirah sat crosslegged next to Shiro, green eyes locked on their friend and the newcomer. He looked up into the sky, the small stars twinkled against the dark blue hue of the night. He smiled a little, then looked back to Hickory and his new interest. "I wonder what time it is." He said flatly. They'd been out for a while and the sense of time had escaped him.
Absently, Shiro pulled his sleeve on his right arm back, revealing a watch. "Five minutes to midnight." He replied, looking back up whilst pulling his sleeve back down. "Quite surprising actually...I thought it would've been later." He added on moments later, reaching and pulling his hat down to where it overshadowed his eyes once more, watching Hickory and the newcomer with a faint interest, however, after a few moments he quietly inclined his head so he could look up at the sky. "Y'know, I'm fairly sure we won't be catching our targets any time soon this evening. Especially with how distracted our leader is." He chuckled softly at his last statement, glancing back down towards Hickory.
"That's it?" He asked genuinely surprised. "I could've sworn it was at least 2 in the morning." He looked over to Shiro to see him pulling his hat down once more. He sighed, "Yeah. The targets could be anywhere right now." He reached over to gently remove Shiro's hat. "You're just like Hickory in a way, ya know." He said smiling.
"Yeah, it is a bit surprising...I would've thought differently too. I guess people feel like time passes by quickly when they're having fun." He felt the other reach over to remove his hat, an action he didn't reject too. Instead he smiled fondly as his bangs fell in front of one eye having been tucked in his hat, which was quite unusual for him, though he quietly moved them away, figuring the purpose of removing the hat was because he'd kept covering his eyes. "I'm sure Hickory will find them sooner or later. They'll be brought down. Hopefully they aren't expecting us, wouldn't want to disappoint them by not showing up." He allowed a faint laugh to escape his lips, though he glanced towards the other from the corner of his eye when he remarked on a similarity towards Hickory. "How so?" He asked, genuinely curious, quickly allowing his gaze to flicker towards Hickory once more, searching for a resemblance.
"Well for one." He answered Shiro's question by holding up his hat. "It both seems like you're hiding something that doesn't need to be hidden." He explained, still in a hushed voice. He held up two fingers, "Secondly, you're both naturally quiet people, or so it seems. To be honest this is the most I've ever heard you talk to one person, I'm just glad that one person's me." He said grinning.
He focused his gaze back on Sirah when he spoke,smiling gently at the other's explanation to his question. "I think Hickory has better reasons to hide his ears,though." He replied quietly in order to match the other's own hushed voice,though interest flickered across his expression,causing his eyes to light up momentarily. He'd never thought about it before,the similarities he shared with their leader. Somehow,though,he was quite happy that Sirah had been the one to point them out. "Honestly,I'm just glad I found someone that enjoys my company. I'm glad that you enjoy being that person. I hope we're able to talk this much in the future. It'll really help both of us edge away from our quiet natures." To be honest,he couldn't find a way to imagine having a conversation with anyone but Sirah right now. He found that he was entertainingly happy with his decision to engage the other in conversation.
"I-I..." He flushed bright red, his ears drooping down, but then perking up again, as if to take in what had been said. "Y-You are too..." He stammered.
He smiled and sighed, before walking away some. He whipped his head around, then walked back to Kier. "We...can get these men some other day..." This was abnormal for Hickory to say. He always enjoyed finding and killing their targets. But this stranger was more intriguing. More alluring. More...attracting.
"Ah, no, it's quite alright. They'll be bound to come back sometime..." He scratched the back of his head with his gloved hands, his claws poking through the fingertips. "Hehe..." He snickered nervously.
Kier smiled as he giggled, acting on his gut and wrapping an arm around Hickory..

'I know I probably shouldn't be flirting with you, but.. You are very attractive.."
Sirah smiled at Shiro's nice words, then his attention was averted by the new scene. He leaned over the side of the building a little. "Shiro!" He whisper yelled. "Stuff's happening!" He said, excited for what might happen next. His green eyes shone in the dark night, anticipation and curiosity apparent as he kept his eyes locked on Hickory and the newcomer.
Shiro blinked momentarily at the new air of excitement and curiosity that formed around the other,his gaze flickering towards Hickory and the newcomer with faint expectation,though he retained the mellow aura,his smile filled with amusement,his eyes lit up from the reflected light of the moon. "It appears so."He replied,agreeing with the other that things were certainly happening. "As was expected,right?" He added on,though he already knew the answer. It was a bit quizzical to him,how the two had manage to connect so easily. But than again,he wasn't one to ask questions that were better left unspoken,instead he sinply grinned,keeping his gaze on the two. "I'd say that as long as they're distracted,we're on vacaton." He chuckled softly at the idea. He knew of Hickory to be one focused on work,so seeing him caught up in another was quite the change. However,he figured such a change was good for both Hickory and the others.
"Haha! That's awesome!" He chuckled out, watching the new guy put his arm around Hickory. He audibly gasped at the sight, giggling like a little girl. "It's like a love story, but in real life." He said excitedly, his voice a bit higher than usual. His eyebrows then furrowed a little realizing something, but then returned the the giggly, happy expression.
"Do you enjoy love stories that transend to real life?" He asked,glancing towards Sirah just in time to see his eyebrows furrow before he returned back to his enthused expression. He couldn't say watching two people flirt was that exciting,but he was enjoying himself nonetheless. "Do they remid you of a particular love story?" He added in quietly,grinning childishly as he turned his gaze back to the pair,watching Kier with his arm aroud Hickory. For a moment he contemplated if the two went along with a love story that he knew of,though he was quite puzzled by the fact that he wasn't finding an answer. Or,at least,an accurate answer.
"Yeah! I guess the realism in some stories are so common that it can actually happen in real life if you found the right person." He smiled softly at the thought, eyes still locked on the two below them. "No, they don't remind me of one particular story but just the concept of it. Mysterious new guy and the silent leader fall for each other." He sighed happily and rest his head on his hands. "That's another bad part of being antisocial for so long. Like, I've never experienced anything like that. I've kissed a couple of people but I've never felt any connection." He emphasized the word connection, instead of air quotes.
"Well,you can't have real life be exactly like the stories. That would make it predictable. Having some common themes is okay,but if it's all the same,people,like us,would lose interest. Maybe it's a good thing that a story doesn't come to mind."He replied quietly,shifting his gaze from the pair to the sky,searching the stars for a constellation or something else that might distract him. It was a bad habit of his,always looking for a distraction to keep his mind from wandering. Though,he blamed his restless thoughts of his sweets intake. "Well,perhaps that really isn't a bad thing. Yeah,it might keep you from knowing a lot of people to share a connection with,but it doesn't mean you'll never connect with anybody. It takes time for a person to find another they can connect with. You just have to keep looking,y'know?" He replied,attempting to reassure the other. He could only say that it was luck that Hickory and the newcomer had connected. Or perhaps it was chance,maybe even fate. He couldn't really say what brought two people together,what made them connected.
He shifted to where he was laying on his stomach and his head resting on his arms that were now crossed in front of him. He smiled at what Shiro said, "Haha, yeah I guess I'm just impatient." He flicked his hair from out of his eyes so he could glance up at Shiro, who was looking up. He then refocused on Hickory and his new love interest.
"It's alright to be a little impatient. Everyone is impatient sometime in their lives. If people have a problem with your impatience than they're not worth your time." He replied,sighing a bit when he couldn't make out any of the constellations in the sky above them,turning his gaze back towards the pair below them,his eyes lighting up faintly as his smile grew slightly,unable to hide the amusement that usually adorned his expression.
He glanced over to Shiro again, listening to what he said. Everything that came out of Shiro's mouth sounded so professional and proper, versus Sirah's still teenage vocabulary. He gazed lingered on Shiro long enough to see him smile down at Hickory, he smiled as well then turned back to their leader.
Shiro glanced over at Sirah when he as met with silence,though he didn't mind it. Instead,he allowed it to linger for a few moments,cherishing it. He didn't know why,but silence enabled him to think more effectively. "Do you think love at first sight exists? Or do you think people need time to get to know one another before anything develops?" He asked,voicing his own thoughts,wondering if Hickory had been interested in the newcomer at first glance,or if it was another force that caused this moment to happen. "You don't have to answer." He said,averting his gaze back to the sky. "I'm used to talking to myself,so it's still a bad habit of mine to do so often. Hopefully it doesn't bother you."
He flushed red again. "Well...you are too..." He looked around once more. No one was around...strangely. They were all alone. Now he was able to flirt. He wrapped his arm around Kier, winking at him and grinning. "Rumors will spread like wildfire amongst the other reapers if they find out about this..."

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