Kuroshitsuji: Reaping 101

He avoided answering Shiro's first question. But he then noticed the other had zoned out a little, he smiled a bit. He looked ahead of him waiting for Shiro to return to reality, still smiling. He returned his attention to the blue-eyed boy when he apologized. Confused because he didn't see what had happened he just kept quiet about it and smiled at him. He attention was then focused back on the cats again. "Yeah.. I've never known why I'm so attracted to cats, it's more like they're attracted to me. Almost every time I go out for a walk I'll find at least one cat." He explained happily. "But..I've always wondered that too." He lowered his voice a little. "It also makes me think, like, what does Hickory think of humans? He's part cat so I wonder if he kind of pities us in some way." He said as he twirled the wallet chain that hung from his belt loop and the kitty wallet that sat in his pocket absent mindedly.
He allowed himself to be thankful that the other hadn't been paying attention to him while he was zoned out, though he did take note of how the other had been ignored his first question, however, he couldn't bring himself to pry. "So you're saying it almost like the cats come to you instead of you coming to them? Have you ever met a cat that didn't like you, or are you on friendly terms with every cat you meet?" He allowed his sapphire orbs to flicker ahead of them once more, observing Hickory as he debated his reply to the other's question. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft, like a whisper. "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. He is part cat, yes....But he still has the capabilities of a human, so he should think like a human right? Or do you think his mind works like that of a cats?....To be honest, I'm not sure who pities who in the situation, although, I'm fairly sure he could pity us, what with what we lack. I mean, since he's part cat, he can hear and smell better right? It must be hard having to deal with people that don't have those abilities all the time..." He was fairly sure he was rambling, something he wanted to apologize for, but he bit his tongue, not wanting to continually apologize for everything stupid that he did.
"Yeah! That's what seems to happen!" As if on queue a small calico cat, padded next to Sirah, mewing at him. Bending down he scooped up the animal and set it on his shoulders, feeling it purr. "There was this one cat that didn't particularly like me. It was my grandmother's cat, a gray, mangy just all around grumpy cat. But the cat was old and had battle scars as if it had lived on the streets before my grandmother took it in, so I never had any ill feeling towards the cat. I just kept my distance." He explained smiling. He always liked talking about his grandmother, she was he second favorite person next to his brother. Thinking about Hickory again, "I just don't know, but I'd like to find out someday. I notice he hides his ears and tail when he goes out, but there are so many other people like him so it doesn't make sense. It makes me think, like, does he want to be human? But I'm sure I'll never get the answer for that from him directly." He said a hint of disappointment in his voice. He scrunched up his nose a little and giggled as the cat accidentally swiped its tail across his nose.
He watched the calico cat approach Sirah and watched Sirah take the cat into his arms and place it on his shoulder, simply smiling at the irony of it all. "Well, it's understandable. I can see an animal having a difficult time forming friendly relationships with humans after it suffered neglect or abuse. No reason to feel different towards the animal itself, it's just their nature. Respecting how they feel is the first step to fixing any past scars." He wasn't sure if he was discussing cats anymore or if he was talking from personal experience, but either way, his tone was empathetic and his cheerful smile was still plastered on his face. However, he tilted his hat down once more so it would cover his eyes, for they'd become thoughtful. "I suppose that really depends on his past, whether he'd like to be human or not. I mean, he hides the ears and tail, but for what reason? Is he ashamed of them? Does he just feel like it's easier without people knowing of their existence? I mean, it's a difficult thing for him to talk about, I could understand a reason for you to worry about asking him directly, but if he's okay with confiding personal information with you, or any of us for that matter, I'm sure it would be alright to ask, just out of curiosity." He couldn't say he was disappointed at the thought that Hickory might not wish to share such personal information, he had to be understanding, just as other's were understanding with his personal life.
Hickory stopped short suddenly. He could hear the others comment on the fact that he was flirting slightly. Which was a little true, but he normally flirted when alone. He'll do it much more if the others are farther away, he thought to himself. But he took another look at Kier, studying his features. He was, indeed, very cute. He grinned, almost forgetting one of his ears was showing, so that his hat was tilted. It was somewhat of an improvement to his looks, though he wouldn't normally like it. So, he pulled his hat over the wriggling ear.
He nodded in agreement to Shiro's statements. "I'm thinking the same thing, because look." He gestured toward Hickory. "He just hid his ears again." He pouted a little bit. "I like his ears. I would die to have ears and a tail, like, no joke." He said with a totally serious look on his face, but then broke out in a giggle fit. "But seriously, I would love being part cat." He said still smiling at Shiro.
He returned the other's smile, though he glanced towards Hickory when the other gestured towards him, witnessing how he'd tucked his ear under his hat once more. "I can't say I'd do anything to have cat ears and a tail. But, I think I'd go to great measures to have my own bakery, and a working staff that didn't require to be paid, continually making cakes for me...," He sighed a bit after he finished speaking, watching the other's serious expression melt away when he went into a fit of giggles. "Although, I can understand your desires to be part cat and the reasoning behind it....I think both of our dreams are a little bit hopeless sounding though." He replied, joining into the laughter. To be entirely honest, he was completely content with never having to own a bakery, because he knew that customers would than come in wanting to buy his baked goods. He didn't have a problem with sharing, he just couldn't find reasons to share sweets, that is, unless he was close to the person he was sharing with. He felt that he was content with simply going to a bakery everyday and eating sweets when he wanted to, that was the easier way of life.
He finally finished with a few left over giggles, looking at Shiro then looking in front of him and Hickory and the new guy. He took the cat off of his shoulders and held it under one arm, like a villain with his feline, stroking it's head gently. "Hey, do you think we should introduce our selves to the new guy yet?" He asked, flicking his hair to one side again so he could see Shiro clearly again.
He watched Sirah take the cat off his shoulder and place it in his arms, before stroking its fur before turning his attention back in front of him, studying the new guy and Hickory. "Well, we can. Or would you prefer for us to wait for the other's?" He asked, gesturing behind him, indicating towards the two members of their group that had yet to catch up with them. "If not, we can always go ahead and introduce ourselves, just to get it over with." He added on, looking back towards the other as he flicked his hair to one side.
He face palmed with his free hand, "I totally forgot about everyone else." He said chuckling. He pondered the question, "Hm. Well, we've been just following them for a while. I think we should at least say hi." He began feeling a bit like a stalker when he realized they were just trailing behind two other people, talking about them. The cat must've gotten tired of being held, so it jumped out of Sirah's arms and padded next to him like a puppy.
He didn't seem to be as affected by the new found idea that they looked like stalkers, despite knowing how weird it must've looked. "Well, think about it this way. The other's are probably trailing behind us, don't you think they might look like stalkers too?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder momentarily before grinning. "Besides, if we looked too much like stalkers I'm sure we would've been told by now. At least, I would hope they'd tell us something like that." He said, glancing towards the new guy once more, contemplating the suggestion of going and saying hi. "Well, if you want, we can walk up there and give an introduction and a greeting. That is, if Hickory is open to sharing his new found friend for a couple of seconds."
"Haha, yeah I hope someone would tell us if we did." He chuckled out while putting his arms behind his own head. He looked over a little to see Shiro smiling, his own smile grew bigger. He saw the blue-eyed boy look over to the newcomer, so he looked ahead as well. He took his arms from behind head, stretched them out straight above him, then slid his hands back into his pockets. "I think we should, even if Hickory objects." He said with a smirk on his face. He liked pushing Hickory's buttons, just because he was so isolated. He hoped his playfulness would rub off on the black haired/furred boy but it's only seemed to make him extremely annoyed. He started walking a little faster, "C'mon!" He said happily over his shoulder to Shiro.
Shiro stopped abruptly. He definitely was not going to interrupt now. Fangirling inside of his head, he skipped back to Shiro, giggling. "Did you just see that?" He whispered to Shiro, still smiling like a idiot.
Shiro's pace had quickened to match Sirah's, having felt the other's excitement was a tad bit contagious, though Shiro made sure not to run into the other when he'd come to a halt without warning. Sapphire orbs were pressed forward, having watched the scene between Hickory and the newcomer, though they quietly flickered towards Sirah, offering him his attention as he spoke. "I saw." He confirmed in a soft whisper, the corners of his lips twitching upward into a perky smile. "Quite the moment the two are having, I suppose you could say." He added on, voice still hushed so the two wouldn't hear the conversation. "I'm guessing, you're having second thoughts of interrupting them now, aren't you? Wouldn't want to ruin their little moment." To his final statement, he stifled a light chuckle that threatened to escape his lips, instead, his smile just growing in amusement.
"As much as I hate to admit it, it's true. I don't want to ruin it. I want to see what happens!" His excitement almost broke his whisper. He tugged on Shiro's sleeve like a little kid, "We should go find a better place to watch them!" He said, still whispering. He looked at Shiro hopefully, curiosity flashed through his eyes, making them a little brighter for a split second.
"Wouldn't that continue to make us look like stalkers?" He replied as he looked at the other, his voice retaining it's whisper, although there was a playfulness to it. His smile remained perched on his lips in a carefree manner, even as interest in the other's suggestion flickered across his expression. "However, your suggestion does sound tempting." He added on quietly,looking at the two from the corner of his eye before averting his gaze back to the other. "Alright than, shall we commence the search?" He asked, a new bit of cheer mixing in with the usual calm. He wasn't normally the one that went along with such adventures, but he found that it might be exciting getting to go along with the crowd once and a while.
His eyebrows furrowed a little but where quickly replaced with a giggle. "Well I never thought about it like that but.. Oh well." He said still smiling quietly. He smiled even wider when Shiro agreed, grabbing Shiro's hand, "We shall!" He said in a British accent, a smile apparent in his voice. He led them into an alley, "You can climb right?" He asked the blue eyed boy while looking up the side of the apartment building. "Since there's window ledges it should be easy." He explained smiling at Shiro.
"Well,don't worry about it than. It can interpreted in a variety of ways...I was just thinking in a more pessimistic fashion." He explained when the other grabbed his hand and led them to alley. His grin faintly as his eyes trailed up the side of the building,taking it in. "I've climbed trees before. And since,as you've already said,they're window ledges it shouldn't be too difficult of a task. Unless they're slippery. For future advice,it would be best if neither of us look down."He replied,voice calm. His eyes,however,showed the enthusiasm,the eagerness,that often never found its way to his smile or voice. Quietly,he placed a hand to his chest,using the other hand to gesture to the wall,indicating for Sirah to go first. "Would you be doing us the honor?" He asked,laughter in his tone,his smile bright.
He smiled at Shiro's gesture. He bowed and looked up at Shiro, "I would love to." He said in the British accent again, chuckling. He then backed up to the opposite wall, sprinted towards the apartment building, jumped and perched himself on a second floor window like a cat. "They're not slippery!" He called down to Shiro.
He grinned softly at the other speaking in a British accent,watching as he backed up and jumped onto the second floor window's ledge. He nodded when the other told him the ledge wasn't slippery,beginning his trek up the building as well. However,unlike the other,he began climbing from a window on the first floor close to where he'd been standing,pulling himself onto one of the second floor's window ledges which was conveniently next to the ledge Sirah had landed on. "Just a quick question:who is to say by the time we get up here the two will already be out of view?" He asked,pulling himself onto the next ledge before looking down at the other,humored smile still in place.
He watched as Shiro climbed up. Acknowledging the question, "Well I don't think Hickory is going to be sprinting anywhere for a while." He said smiling. "Plus there's only a few more floors." He observed as he looked up. "But we should probably keep an eye on them." He said with a smirk on his face as he climbed his way up to the next window.
"You never know."He replied,though truth be told he didn't think the other's would be in a hurry in the next few minutes it would take them to climb up to the top. He saw Sirah climb up to the next ledge,and upon doing so,he climbed up to the next ledge,his gaze remaining on the other. "But,you're right,we should keep an eye on them. Therefore,it would be in our best interest if we got to the top,quickly." He than turned and began to climb to the next ledge.

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