Kuroshitsuji: Reaping 101

"Maybe so" Kier said thoughtfully, staring into Hickory's eyes.. He was also flushing red at the thought of it.. For once, the Shinigami was acting on pure gut instinct, and let his hands snake up the other man, until they were resting on his cheeks, he then leaned in and pressed they're lips together..
"Something's happening." Shiro pointed out after a few moments of silence, pointing towards the two seconds after they'd kissed. He than reached upward in an attempt to grab his hat and pull it down to cover his eyes, only to realize it wasn't there. Recalling that Sirah had removed it earlier, he simply allowed his hand to fall back down to his side, looking around, seeking a distraction. "Something big is happening." He quietly added, amusement in his tone as he glanced towards Sirah. "Was it what you were expecting to happen, though?" He asked, his smile filled with a humor that always accompanied him, though there was a seriousness to his expression, a genuine curiosity.
((Sorry I died for a couple weeks DX ))

He sat up again, "Well of course I believe in love at first sight. I think it's, fate, or something like that." He said smiling. "And I don't mind if you talk to yourself because I like listening." He said with a small smile on his lips. His attention was then averted by Shiro's quick alert. He peered over the edge of the building, a huge grin spreading across his face. He grabbed Shiro's arm like a little kid, bouncing like an excited little kid. "Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Didyouseethat?" All of his words were running together out of excitment. He totally missed Shiro's question in his child-like behaviors.
( can I join as Grell?, I'll PM post sample post if needed )

Name: Grell, Sutcliff

Age: ? ( I don't know for sure ) 18?

Gender: Male

Race: Shinigami

Sexuality: Homosexual

Death Scythe: Custom Chainsaw

Appearance: (you should know what Grell looks like but)- http://maksitobi.deviantart.com/art/Grell-Sutcliff-254561802

Personality: Grell is really out there, he's always looking for love anywhere he goes and calls himself "a great actress" he loves to kill with his Chainsaw that William took he recently got it back

Short Bio: Grell loves the color red as it symbolizes passion, and is the color of blood he is called by Madame Red as her "Red Reaper" when he helped her kill as "Jack The Ripper"

He claims to love Sebastian, Michealis but is easily distracted by an attractive man, when he sees a man he finds attractive he will usually flirt
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((It's okay, glad to have you back. ^w^))

"Yes. I did see it. I didn't think anything would happen this soon, though." He said, smiling in a content fashion even after the other had grabbed his arm. "It's quite exciting to you, isn't it?" He asked, tilting his head a bit as he kept his gaze forward, examining the two from the top of the building. He paused for a few moments as he considered the other's response to his question, though he quietly allowed his gaze to flicker to Sirah in his childish excitement and allow his smile to widen. "I'm not sure if I believe it or not. I was just trying to find something that would match the two's situation. It could be love at first sight, who knows?...And I appreciate you saying that. Although, if you get tired of listening, tell me." He said, averting his gaze back to Hickory and the newcomer, not minding that the other hadn't responded to his question from before.

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