Kuroshitsuji: Reaping 101

Hickory stopped abruptly. Others? Hmm..."Let's wait." He states behind his collar. He tipped his hat slightly, to cover his face from the passerbys. "Yes, let's go back and wait. He took a fast pace, back to the hideout. Upon arriving, he sits on the ground, his hands placed in his lap, patiently.
Shiro materialized from the shadows of the streets casually, his sapphire colored orbs flickering around momentarily as he approached the hideout. The corners of his lips were curled up into a grin, as usual. He had an obi, which held his katana, slung over his shoulder and was holding the string with one hand firmly, while the other had tipped his hat at the other's when he arrived at the hideout. "Greetings. Sorry to be late, I had business to take care of before I came." His tone was apologetic and friendly, but his eyes held a subtle amusement to them, as they always did. "So, what all did I miss?" He continued, eyeing over the other's as he spoke, studying them. He was indeed sure that he'd landed himself in a very interesting group of individuals, but than again, he couldn't be too sure yet, either.
Nanami sighed quietly and walked back, leaning on a wall. She made sure to stay away from Drake. "Not much just the information." Her voice was plain, her mind somewhere else at the moment. She really didn't know what was bothering her, just that she wasn't focusing.
Looking at his watch he realized how late he was. Standing up from the kitten he had been petting, he sprinted to the hideout. Arriving at the hideout five minutes later, he dragged himself through the door. "Sup." He said nonchalantly. Scanning over the group he noticed a couple of them weren't that bad looking. Smirking to himself, he plopped on the ground, "So are we just gonna stand here all day?" He asked playfully while twirling one of his arrows in hand.
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She smirked at his eagerness and pushed off. "I want to get going, I'm starting to get bored." Her fingers played with one of her daggers, making her more exicted. Nanami didn't really like guys but this one was interesting. She easily slid the dagger back into place, glancing around at each other.
Smiling at Nanami's eagerness, he turned to face Hickory. "See? Even the lady wishes to get a move on. Now what kind of gentleman would keep such a cute girl waiting?" He asked in a British accent. In truth he did think she was cute, but he also kept sneaking peeks at Drake. He could never make up his mind.
She blushed lightly but hid her face behind her kimono. Nanami coughed gently and looked back up, tail a little poofier. Her ears were still flat but they were twitching a little bit. Nanami was always a sucker for compliments, unless you said her real name, then she was mad. "Can we start going? Pleeease?"
He saw something twitching on the top of Nanami's head. He stood up and walked over to her, "You have ears too!" He said excitedly. "Why are you trying to hide them? They're adorable!" He was fangirling so hard. "Sorry that was wierd." He apologized awkwardly, then plopped back on the ground next to her.
Nanami stood there for a minute, a little confused about what just happened. "U-Um.....that's okay? That was a little weird though, please don't do that again." Her ears were now fully up, face flushed. Her tail was straight, slightly moving . "And uh, thanks?"
He didn't bother asking what kind of information he'd missed out on, partially because he figured it was information on their targets. To be frank, he didn't really care about information on their targets, nor the reasons for them being targets in the first place, instead, he cared about the people he'd be working with. That's why it didn't surprise him when he continued to allow his gaze to flicker about from each one of them, curious. He figured it would easier allowing Nanami and Sirah to continue their conversation with one another, it just gave him more time to observe until Hickory and Drake decided that it was time for them to go.
Grinning up at her, "Yeah it was supposed to be a compliment, you're welcome!" A small blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I bet those smugglers are already halfway around the world. I mean, we've been sitting here forever." He complained as he focused on the arrow in his hand again. He balanced the arrow on its tip, spinning it like a top.
"Can we get going? I'm tired of waiting around. I'm starting to get bored." Nanami shifted her weight on her right leg. "I want to do something other than stand around." Her voice was demanding and slightly lower.
Raising his hand like a child in class, "I agree with Kikiyu!" He practically yelled, hoping Hickory would acknowledge them. Frustrated at not getting any response, he crawled on his hands and knees over to Hickory.
"We may get going, if this is all of us." He stated a bit quietly. He stood up, brushed himself off, then walked over again. He slung his axe over his back. "Let's go." His tail twitched under his coat excitedly. He found his new comrades very interesting indeed. Especially some of the good-looking ones.
"Here we go!" He said, in a cheerful manner. His shovel remained at his side, and he once more ran a hand through his hair. He had such soft hair, he thought to himself. He ran over next to Hickory, watching his tail beneath his coat. He loved people with animal attachments. Though there weren't many.
Springing up out of excitement, he skipped next to Drake. "C'mon Kikiyu!" He cheerfully called over his shoulder, almost being poked by his bow in the process. Sweeping his hair out of his eyes, he looked over the group once again. 'Hm, this is actually a good looking group' He thought to himself, smirking. Although all of the members were higher up on the good-looks scale, he still was only focused on two of them.
She sighed but was still glad that he didn't call her by her real name. "I'm coming!" Nanami quickly jogged over to him, making sure not to get hit by his bow. Her daggers were slightly angled but she could still feel them poking her. 'He's a little cute...wait, what?! Why am I thinking this!?!' Nanami dug her nails into her thigh that wasn't facing Sirah. It made her wince from the pain but it slightly helped.
He smiled at Nanami as she popped up beside him, a small blush lingering on his cheeks. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he started humming a song. It ended up being You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring. He could sing but he didn't like just randomly breaking out into song. He thought it was kind of being overly confident.

Nanami almost started singing when she heard Sirah singing her favorite song. She didn't even realize that she was humming along with him. Her notes were a little higher than his, making it a good pair. Nanami wanted so badly to start singing, but thought that she would look stupid.
His eyes got huge as he heard Nanami humming along, "You know that song?!" He asked excitedly. "Can you sing? People tell me I can but I'm not really sure if I can." He chuckled awkwardly. "But either way, I bet you sound amazing." He said sweetly as he stuffed his hands back into his pockets, looking at her from the corner of his eyes with a small blush across his cheeks. He thanked his bangs for being so long, covering his blushing face.
"Uh, yeah I can but not that often..." Now she was lightly blushing. Nanami felt her ears twitch and her tail starting to move a little. She looked at her feet and fumbled with her fingers. 'Now I'm acting weird!! What's wrong with me?!' Her eyes met his and her blush became brighter. Nanami instantly looked back at her feet and started pinching herself some more, trying to see if this was a dream.
Smirking, "Well I wanna hear you sing." He said with a hint of teasing in his voice. "Here, I'll start." He began singing,

'Show me how to lie,

You're getting better every time.

And turning all against the one,

its an art thats hard to teach.'

He had a unique raspy but sultry voice, he didn't know where he got it from because neither of his parents could sing but he accepted the fact that he could. And quite well too.
She smiled and pulled him back into the hideout so that Hickory and Drake wouldn't hear them as much. Nanami blushed a little bit but it soon went away.

'Another clever word,

Sets off an unsuspecting herd.

And as you step back into line,

a mob jumps to their feet.'

Nanami wasn't one to cuss so she didn't really like the next line of lyrics. Her voice was a little soft but almost the same as the original voice.
He voluntarily followed Nanami back to the hideout. When she started singing his cheeks turned a light pink.

'Now dance, f**ker,

dance man,

he never had a chance.

And no one even knew,

It was really only you.'

For the next part of the song he motioned her to start singing along with him.

'And now you steal away,

Take him out today.

Nice work you did,

You're gonna go far kid.'

He then unoticeably stopped singing, wanting to hear her sing the chorus solo.
She was smiling really big at this point and started singing along with him. Her mind was completely focused on Sirah and singing. Nanami didn't even need to think about the lyrics, they just played in her mind.

'With a thousand lies,

and a good disguise.

Hit 'em right between the eyes,

Hit 'em right between the eyes.

When you walk away,

Nothing more to say.

See the lightning in your eyes,

See 'em running for their lives."

She stopped to let Sirah sing, a light blush appearing on her face.

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