Kuroshitsuji: Reaping 101

Smiling as he continued sing,

Slowly out of line,

and drifting closer in your sights,

So play it out I'm wide awake,

It's a scene about me.

There's something in your way,

and now someone is gonna pay.

And if you can't get what you want,

well it's all because of me.'

He used his signature smirk and winked at Nanami as he sang the last two lines. He felt completely confident when he was singing, like nothing could stop him.
She knew what line came next and didn't like it. Nanami sucked it up and sang it anyways.

'Now dance f**ker

Man, I never had a chance.

And no one ever knew

It was really only you.

And now you lead the way,

Show the light of day.

Nice work you did

You're gonna go far kid.'

Nanami waited for Sirah to say the next line with her. She blushed slightly and smiled bigger.
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It didn't sound right when she cussed but it was cute nonetheless, causing him to blush a little.

'Trust deceived,

With a thousand lies and a good disguise,

Hit em' right between the eyes,

Hit em' right between the eyes.

When you walk away,

nothing left to say.

See the lightning in your eyes,

see them running for their lives.

Now dance f**ker,

dance man,

He never had a chance.

And no one even knew,

it was really only you.'
'So dance, f**ker dance,

I never had a chance.

It was really only you.

With a thousand lies,

and a good disguise.

Hit 'em right between the eyes

Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away,

nothing more to say.

See the lightning in your eyes,

see them runnin' for their lives.'

She motioned for him to sing the last couple parts with her. Nanami didn't want to sing the last part by herself.

'Clever alibis, Lord of the flies.

Hit 'em right between the eyes

Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away,

nothing more to say.

See the lightning in your eyes,

see them runnin' for their lives.'

She breathed a little heavy and started to breath normally. "That. Was. Awesome!!!" Nanami hugged Sirah, her ears flattening, tail swishing playfully.
Shiro trailed behind Hickory and Drake quietly,holding the strap of his obi patiently as they went along their way. He glanced over his shoulder when Nanami and Sirah's footsteps began to drift away,having not been paying attention to their conversation,though he made no move to tell Drake or Hickory of their sudden retreat,instead,allowing his curiosity to take form into words. "How many targets do we have anyways?"He asked,a hint of laughter in his voice. All of his teammates really were interesting,because they were unique. He couldn't fit them into a single group of people,couldn't give them a label,because they had none. Adding on to that,they were attractive,in their own way. It made his grin grow slightly,amusement flickering within his eyes at all the thoughts that were whirling around in his head.
Startled for a moment he realized what happened he laughed and strung his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning them in a circle. He was so glad she couldn't see his face at the moment because he was positive it was bright red. Putting her down again, "Haha... How long have we been gone for? We should probably catch up with them." He said still laughing.
Her ears were perked up as far as they could go and her tail was swishing playfully. "Haha yeah, we should." Honestly, she was quiet sad they stopped. 'I need to stop acting like a....like a....like a girl!' Sirah was warm and she didn't want to leave that position but she had to. Nanami grabbed his hand and gently pulled him towards the group, acting as thought they were there the whole time, her hand never leaving his.
He held on tightly to her hand, loving every second. When they were behind the others he made sure none of them were paying attention to him and Nanami. He then bent down and kissed her on the cheek. Then resumed walking as normal like nothing happened.
[Dawww!! X3]

Nanami kept walking her hand tightening. Her brain was trying to register what had just happened. She couldn't see her face, but she guessed it was really red. "Wh.....wh....wh-what was that f-for?" Her voice was quiet but loud enough for Sirah to see. Her ears were flat and her tail was stiff.
"Well I don't really know actually." He admitted while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I won't do it again.. sorry." He blurted out really fast, a deep red blush staining his cheeks.
She blinked, still trying to register what had just happened. Her tail started to move, but her ears perked up, now interested. Nanami still didn't let go of his hand. "What..what was that?" She looked up at him, her blush still slightly there.
He looked at her and immediately looked away. He knew his blush grew even deeper when he looked at her. 'She looked like a curious puppy just wanting attention.' He thought to himself. Stuffing his free hand in his pocket, he looked at the scenery around them, "I-it was nothing. Sorry." He kept apologizing even though he didn't regret it.
She tilted her head, still slightly confused. "I know that has a name....something with a k...." Nanami never experienced a kiss anywhere so she didn't know the word. Nobody ever told her how to or what it was exactly. Her tail was now moving slowly, sometimes gently tapping Sirah. Her ears were still perked up, confused like a little girl.
His blush faded and he looked at her, "You don't know what a kiss is?" He asked slightly amazed. "Have you been living under a rock?" He jokingly asked her as he put his hand on his forehead, still chuckling.
Her eyes lit up and she nodded. "That was it!" She mentally hit herself for forgetting about that word. "And uh, that is correct, I don't know what that is." Nanami felt a little offended when he said she was living under a rock. "That was rude!" She dug her nails into his hand slightly then relaxed her hand.
He stopped chuckling, "I'm sorry." He lifted up their connected hands and kissed the top of hers. "But yeah, it's called a kiss. It's what two people do when they really like each other." He explained as small blush creeped on his cheeks again. Looking forward again, "And, well, I guess that means I really like you.."
She blushed and looked at her hand. Her mind was having some thoughts that she couldn't say out loud. She felt ashamed but more human because of it. Nanami glanced at Sirah and gripped a little tighter. "I think I like you too, but I'm a little confused about my feelings. This is the first time I've had this feeling and it's weird...." She looked down at her feet, her face still really red.
He plopped on the ground, a normal occurrence for him, pulling her down with him. "Well, do you feel scared in any way?" He asked curiously, his green eyes shining.
She yelped slightly but cut herself off when she realized it was Sirah and not an enemy. "No.....should I be?" Nanami sat formally in front of him and looked around, seeing as though they were left alone by the group.
"Nope." He said smiling. He criss-crossed his legs in front of him because they had gone numb from him sitting on them. "Um, well, did you feel happy when I kissed your cheek?" He was trying to use the simplest terms so she would understand what a kiss was better.
"Um, I don't know. Yes?" Nanami now was more confused. She tilted her head at kissed. Once of her ears flattened but the other one stayed up. Her tail was swishing slowly behind her, showing for a second then going to the other side of her.
"Um. Don't hit me." He said nervously. He leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. "Now. Did you feel angry when I did that?" The blush very apparent on his face now.
She froze, her tail puffing of and her ears standing straight. Her eyes widened and her face got really red. Nanami scooted away and hid her face behind her hands. She shook her head as a no but kept her face hidden. When he 'kissed' her, it sent a shiver down her spine. Nanami didn't know what she was doing, this was all new to her.
"I don't want to sound big-headed or anything but.. I think you like me." He said a bit awkwardly. He scooted closer to her again and gently moved her hands away from her face. "Don't hide your face, it's too cute." He said sweetly.
Nanami glanced up but kept her head down, her face super red. She felt a tug on her heart and she blinked. "What...what was that?" Her eyes looked down at her chest and she put her hand there. "What was that feeling?" Nanami was confused and didn't think Sirah would know.

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