Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

"I must say you could easily rival my mother in beauty." Nova smiled at Saya and then looked at the shop keeper "If milady likes it we will take it." the shop keeper nodded "Go change back into your normal clothes and we will wrap up the dress and jewelry."
Saya looked at the shop keeper and nodded, she then went to go change back to her normal clothes.

(be back in a few minute, need to go to store)
"You..." He huffed, grabbing Lilith's hand, eyeing the slit of where the blood was dripping out. "Why is your hand bleeding? Why did your eyes flash red?" Gerald began, his voice hard once again. Why did one of the Day Class had such an abnormal reaction for no damn reason? This one Guardian sure didn't know. He couldn't find any human reason to that, but he could find a lot more that leaned towards demonic instead. He stared into her eyes, looking for any answers that she could provide.
"I dug my nails into my hand to make sure I didn't kill the vampire, I'm an ex-demon hunter...I'm half demon just so you know....and I hate that side of me...."she was looking at the ground and the cuts on her hand healed. "Please just let my hand go...only reason I told you what I am is because you are a guardian and I will not lie to someone who I am suppose to be working with."

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Saya looked at nova and smiled "yes.."

Juliana opened her bento box then looked at aphrodite "you should eat, lunch will be over soon"

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Aphrodite had forgotten about her lunch "Thank you again for lunch." she started to eat.

Nova kissed her on the cheek "So are you hungry?"
Juliana smiled "no problem" she began to eat too.

Saya blushed "well...I'm a little hungry"

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Nova took the box with the dress in it and smiled "What would you like to eat?"

Aphrodite finished her food and looked at the time then closed her eyes as if listening for something.
Juliana finished her food shortly after aphrodite did "is everything ok"

Saya thought about it for a moment "well..really anything is fine with me"

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Nova smiled "Alright lets go." He led her to a small cafe but everyone there seemed to be a demon.

Aphrodite smiled "It was rally good thank you."
Saya looked around at the other demons "Nova...how do you know so many place that are demon friendly.."

Juliana smiled "I'm glad you like it" suddenly then bell rang for lunch to end, she looked at her paper work and scanned through the names, her eyes stopped on eric's name "..I wonder if Eric hurt himself again....trying to repart the gym.."

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Cylia heard the commotion, moved away from the bench and as she made her desolate way towards the hallways of the day classes, she poked her head inside to inspect what was going on. Surely an incident happened, and just good enough she wasn't apart of it at all. "What happened?" She weeped, watching as one man had inspected a young girl's hand as it was covered in blood.
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TechnoDragon said:
Cylia heard the commotion, and as she made her desolate way towards the hallways of the day classes, she poked her head inside to inspect what was going on. Surely an incident happened, and just good enough she wasn't apart of it at all. "What happened?" She weeped, watching as one man had inspected a young girl's hand as it was covered in blood.
(The head master nina responded earlier..I thought your character was sitting on a bench, its on page 25 #250)

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"Every sign that is demon friendly works for my mother so there is a crow on the sign." Nova smiled.

"Hey Juliana...." Eric was at the door "So I hurt myself again...."
Saya smiled "I see..your mom must be really popular"

Juliana looked over at him then signed "speak of the devil...what did you do this time"

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Nova laughed "She knows how to make people fear her." a waiter came over and Nova ordered for the two of them.

Eric smiled "Hehe....I smashed my fingers in between some doors..."
Juliana sighed qnd stood up, she walked over to him and held out her hand "let me see"

Saya smiled "your mom sounds cool.."

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Eric held out his hand, his fingers were turning purple from blood and bruising. "I know it looks awful..."

"Well remember you met her....she wanted to drink your blood...." Nova looked annoyed.
Juliana looked at his hand in surprise "how many doors did you slam it in.."

Saya thought about it then remembered the lady in headmasters office earlier, she smiled and giggle "oh yea, what is her name"

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"Demonia Dragonfly, seems at the school she will be calling herself Envy Vine..." Nova sighed "I thought I would get some distance from her but it seems not..." their food and drinks was brought out to them.

"Just one....student got upset with me and had my fingers placed in a doorway at the wrong time..." Eric sighed.
Saya looked at the food and smiled then looked back at Nova "whats wrong with your mom working at the school"

Juliana looked at him and sighed "..I see...." she put her hand over his and closed her eyes, her hand and his wound started to glow as it began to heal.

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Eric smiled and suddenly kissed her and Aphrodite looked away.

"She'll be the 'let me do it for you' and 'don't do that you might get hurt' teacher...." Nova sighed.
Juliana froze for a moment then suddenlly pulled away from him and looked away, she put her hand over her mouth as a slight blush appeared across her face.

Saya sighs "oh...so she'll be one of THOSE teachers"

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