Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Juliana looks at the picture then sighs "I'll take the book to her later"

Ruby laughed "she hasnt told you has she" smirks "then reason why she dont drink from people is because, instead feeling pain it brings them pleasure times 10"

Saya face goes completely red "Rudy!! Shut up! Its to embarrassing!!" hides her face behind her own hands.

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Nova smiled "If she could drink from me I think I would enjoy that."

Aphrodite looked at Juliana "Do you think she will list this book as a new restricted?"
Saya still had her face covered from embarrassment.

Ruby was laughing at her reaction.

Juliana set at her desk "most likely"

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"It talks about how a demon hunter and his family was killed but never found the body of the oldest daughter, they think she might have something to do with the deaths. For some time she was on wanted poster but after so many years the poster were taken down because if she had been human she would have been dead." Aphrodite sat down to read all of the book before it became restricted.

Nova sighed "Well saya are we still going out to town? I hear a dance is going to happen soon and maybe you need a dress for it."
Juliana listened to aphrodite as she was reading the story "dang...so if that is lilith...the she killed her own family"

Saya looked at Nova then looked down "but I dont have a dress"

Ruby sighs "you can use one of mine or you can just buy one in town while you are there"

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Nova laughed "What type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't by my girlfriend a lovely dress."

Aphrodite wondered "I wouldn't think Miss Nina would let someone into the school if that was the case, she looks at all history of students doesn't she?"
Saya blushes again "ok ok ok...lets just go" she grabbed Nova's hand and led him out of the dorm and into town

Ruby laughed then left to go back to her room

Juliana thought about it "true...your right"

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Nova smiled and once they were in town he lead the way to a dress shop. "We'll go to this one, they will be more friendly with our kind." he smiled, when they walked in the shop keeper looked at Nova and smiled "Seems the young prince had brought a Lady with him instead of his mother. So what can I do for you today?" Nova looked at the shop keeper "Well I came to a dress store, what do you think I need?" He looked at saya "Pick anything you like, price doesn't matter."

Aphrodite continued to read the book and then looked at the title "I thought this was a book on dragons since its called Draco History, its about a family with the last name of Draco."
Saya looked down as she blushed, she then looked around the store for a dress, it was hard for her, seeing as this was he furst date, she never thought about needing a dress.

Juliana looked at the book, she then sighs "when you get done reading that...I should take it back to the library and tell the library to put it in the restricted section

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"It could have been a book meant for the night class to read..." Aphrodite looked through the book some more.

the shop keeper walked over "What type of dress are you looking for, formal or semi formal?
Juliana looked at her and smiled "if that is the case, it goes in the night class book section"

Saya looked at the shop keep "well...I dont really know..we are just going to a dance..I dont really know much about this stuff....sorry.."

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Nova smiled "Give her the royal treatment." the shop keeper nodded and two female assistance came out "Right this way miss." they pointed to a back room "Now then do you have favorite colors?"
Saya looked at the assistance then looked at nova before being led to the back room, once there she looked at the assistance "um...well red and black.."

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She looked confused, she had never wore a corset before "umm...I guess corset and flairs"

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They smiled at one another and quickly put a dress on her and laced the back but hadn't cinched it up to tight in case she didn't like it and then they sat her in a chair and worked on her one of them asked if her ears were pierced.

Aphrodite had finished the book after a few minutes "It seems that a church and orphanage was made after the wanted posters were taken down and a girl who looked like Lilith had ran the orphanage for some time after that there isn't anymore information. Lilith and her father were the last know Draco family demon hunters."
Juliana looked at Aphrodite then looked at the book "I see.."

Saya flinch at the sudden tightness of the dress, once they set her in a chair, she listened as they worked on her "n..no....why"

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"We'll have to use the clip on earrings and if she likes the way she looks then we can get her the real ones." They smiled and giggled together.

Aphrodite handed the book to Juliana so that it could be put away until it could be returned.
Saya looked at them confused as she began to wish Nova was in there too.

Juliana took the book then put it in a desk drawer, she then shut the drawer and locked it

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They finished what they were doing and then ponited to a mirror and said in unison "Go look at yourself then go show Nova." they giggled.
Saya looked at them then the mirror, she stood up and walked over to the mirror, once she saw herself she blushed, she didnt know what to thing and she was worried about nova not liking it, she walked out of the back room to show Nova "um...hey Nova...what do you think.." she looked down nervously

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Nova looked an whistled, he walked over to her and spun her around "Every person will be jealous when they see us, all the girls will want to be you and that guys will wish they were me." he smiled.
Saya looked at him and blushed, she then suddenly hid her face on his chest when he stopped spinning her, she was still really nervous, she didn't normally where dresses and it was a little uncomfortable but she decided to deal with it.
Misty Daniels walked around in the cafeteria looking around she was in a nice red dress and she wanted to fly so badly. "Hello anyone here?" She called.
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