Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Cylia awoke. As it neared the evening, she immediately got up from her slumber and looked within the mirror, peering out her small window, and slipped her uniform on. Cylia was obviously a Night person, given that she loves the darkness, hence she is from the lumbering pits of hell.

Putting on some sterling black shoes, straightening her beautiful long, brown hair. She read a book as she waited for the evening to end and the Night to draw near to her respected desire.
Nina sighed in annoyance "just go back to you duties...Gerald, go back to checking the school and Shigure get back to the Night Class Dorm's"

Shigure raised his head to look at Nina "as you wish miss Nina but first....my I please ask why you are allowing Saya and Nova to brake rule 2 in the rule book....you told us when we came here to follow the rule or get out...so why them.."

Juliana saw that it looked like Aphrodite was about to cry, she frown "I didn't upset you did I..."
He blushed deep red, and tried to articulate words. "We-Well-" He tried to stutter out, though he couldn't in front of the Head Master. Clearing his throat, he began in a clear voice, "I'm not mean. I am just strict, to clarify this." Gerald said, looking at Kadence, and then turning back towards the Head Master, "I am sorry, Miss Yomisaki. It won't happen again." He observed the "kid", if he'd rather say so, and rolled his eyes, then put his index up, for the first strike. He then walked away, like a robot, trying to be as proper as possible. Dammit. Damn it all. Opening the door of the building, he then directed himself to the hallway of where he was situated before and continued his rounds, albeit a bit irritated.
Nina watched Gerald leave and smiled at him, her gaze the went to a glare as she looked at Shigure "I don't think that is any of your business, it is because of personal safety reason that I am allowing them too"

Shigure looked down "but...headmaster you don't understand.."

Nina sighed "no Shigure I do understand, I know that you used to have a crush on Saya back then, I know that you drunk her blood fbefore too so your have no place to speak about them braking the rule's"

Shigure clinched his fists and kept his mouth shut.
Lilith was on the outer edge poking at a almost lifeless body of a night class member not sure what she should do with them and then saw Gerald "Hey mister! I found a night class student, what do I do with them?"

Kadence seemed annoyed "So what about the wolf pack that has had no sleep?"

Aphrodite shook her head "No one has ever made me lunch before...I'm sorry if I seem emotional over this but I have been here for some time and I didn't think anyone would ever care for me."
Noticing the blond girl, he almost stopped in his tracks when he saw the body. "What?!" He snapped, his senses going into overdrive. This is bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Gerald sped up considerably, and kneeled down, putting his ear on the night class's member's chest. They were breathing, but barely. He opened his mouth to ask, but stopped. His eyes sharpened into daggers. "Quick, let's bring them into the infirmary first. Follow me." Grabbing the person in his arms, he ran as fast as he could, and skidded left and right, until he reached the nurses room, opening the door with ease, even without his hands. "Miss Juliana!" He yelled, entering the room in a clatter. Gerald installed the person comfortable on a empty bed and peered back towards Lilith. "So, question. When did you find this student?" He huffed, and passed his hand through his hair.
Nina looked at Kadence and sighed "Kadence, go ahead and finish what you were doing" she looked at Shigure "now Shigure, if your done sulking...you can got tell the wolf pack to come back"

Shigure bowed his head "as you wish headmaster.." he left to go get the wolf pack

Juliana smiled at Aphrodite "Aphrodite I..." suddenly she looked over at the door to see a boy come in with one of the night class students, she walked over to the bed that Gerald laid the student on then examined the student.
"Well I felt the wind picking up so I went to investigate, I saw you and two other people talking to the headmaster so I headed back to the school, I heard a high pitch scream and followed it and found this student there" she saw the other student in the infirmary and got closer to him to whisper "Fae people were leaving the scene and it looked like they were covered in blood."

Aphrodite saw, she knew she could heal them quickly but the other student might see and she whispered to Juliana "I can heal them but the other student might see me if I use my powers but if I don't then they might die."

Kadance sat on a rock near the pond, her eye still slightly glazed over with a hint of red coloring.

"But its fun, so what do you say, be my girlfriend?" Nova smiled and then kissed her.
Juliana sighed "Fae people don't normal attack unless they fell a threat or you are going into a place that they don't want you to enter" she made a yellow orb surround the night class student, it then began to heal that student's wounds, without even looking, Juliana put a clear protection barrier over the other student so know one could touch them while they rested.

Saya blushed more "ok.." she kissed him back

Shigure walked into the dorm then saw Saya and Nova kissing, he looked away from annoyed then began to leave to get the wolf pack "get a room...."

Nina looked at Kadence "whats wrong.."
"I hate all the day guardians...they look at me like I am crazy just as much as the other students but seeing as I am human I can't put where I would fit into most..." Kadence sighed.

Aphrodite watched as they were healed.

Nova smiled when he saw Shigure "maybe we'll take yours for the fun of it." Nova was being a cocky prince.
Cylia moved out of her room and wandered the campus. Her only friend was that Shigure kid, and wondered what he was up to. She was obviously bored, looking for something to do. But maybe she could practice controlling small flames? "Hmph." She uttered, looking at the dry leaves on the pavement. "This is a bad idea." But the look of the dryness plastered on the leaves' surfaces that rolled in the wind made it so tempting just to try and burn it. "Gaaahh! Laterr..." She growled, and walked on her way, staring at benches and such picking a seat and sitting on one. Her mind wandered into the void of imagination, in which her keen eyes swept over the campus in swift observations, searching for something to do.
Nina watched Kadence then sighed "don't let them get to you..."

Juliana finished healing them and then barrier's vanished, she sighed "the night student can rest here till they wake up, then I will send them back to the night dorm"

Shigure stopped and glared at Nova "why don't you come over here and say that to my face!" his eyes turn red, he had already got angry about what the head master said.

Saya looked down and grabbed Nova's hand, she squeezed his hand slightly as if telling Nova to stop.

Ruby was walking the halls of the night class dormitory, she over heard Shigure yelling then went to go check it out, once there, she leaned on the railing of the staircase, and watched them from the second floor.
His body didn't stop being tense until the barrier vanished. He even noticed that his glasses were off, a bit of a rarity in his case. And he was clutching the blond girl's hand. Noticing him gripping her hand, he took it off hastily and looked away. The Fae....Those were getting on his nerves now. First they kick up trouble, now they try to kill a student? Unforgivable! Hearing Juliana say those things, he wondered why the Fae didn't attack him instead..... After all, he had picked a fight with their friend and escaped unscathed, "So, the Fae are the culprit, huh." He said, his voice icy and cold, though a bit bitter. "I better report it to miss Yomisaki in my report." He muttered under his breath, then glanced at Lilith, "Thanks for alerting me by the way." Gerald smiled gently, still clutching his glasses in a tight grip.
Lilith smiled "Well as a guardian isn't it my job....even if it is a demon and I hate them...its still me job."

Kadence saw a few Fea folk with blood on them "Get out here now!" they came out of their hiding places "What did you all do?" one of them spoke up "A vamp was wanting to get to you and hurt you."

Nova stayed where he was "If my girlfriend wasn't against it I would." he smiled

Aphrodite looked at the student and then at the day class guardians "Where exactly was the body and did anything happen recently that would have upset the Fae?"
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Shigure got more annoyed at the fact that they were dating now "sure...hiding behind your girlfriend is a really mature way to handle a fight.."

Saya began to get really pissed, her eyes began to glow red, meanwhile outside the more angry Saya got the more darker the sky got as if it was going to storm badly.

Juliana looked at Gerald and Lilith as if wondering the same question.

Nina listened what the Fae said then sighed "dang it..." she then looked up at the sky to see rain clouds coming fast "this doesn't look good...seems like its one thing after another.."

Rudy smirked as she kept watching, she was enjoying the show.
The guardian tightened his iron grip on his glasses, cracking one of the lenses "Yes." He admitted, "I have admonished their friend, a 12 year old (evil) girl, for skipping class. Hell, its a dumb idea to go seriously injure someone for it. They could've attacked me." With mild annoyance, he got up and put his glasses on the table. "The vampire was in the back area, the building near the forest. It's not in my authority to go there, as I am a Day class Guardian, but-" The dark haired man shrugged, his brown eyes hard like his iron laws. As he said that, thunder over shadowed his words, rumbling near the school. Gerald jumped, and began cursing colourfully, using various languages to express his displeased emotions . "BLOODY HELL!" The pretty boy ended his insults with his favourite words.
Kadence sighed "Miss Nina I am very sorry that this happened. The fae are just really protective of me so they will hurt anyone that tries to hurt me..."

"I'm not hiding behind her, I am respecting her wish to not encourage your bad behavior. I am standing next to a my lady so that she knows I am someone to look up too and she knows that I will stand next to her and not ask like a child when someone else is." nova looked at saya and smiled then kissed her again. "Dear how about we go out to town?"

"I don't mean to stick up to the fae but could this student possibly have meant harm to the girl?" Aphrodite took a look at the students mouth "Their fangs are extended and there is some residue of vemon on their lips. Normally that's seen when a vampire is on the hunt." she looked at Juliana to see if she was right or if she even knew.
Juliana smiled at Aphrodite that she was so smart "Aphrodite is right...after examining then student, it show that the student here was the one that provoked the Fae, not you Gerald, so it wasn't your fault, it was the student's fault for trying to harm a another being" she sighs "and Gerald, please if you don't mind, keep it down, I have another student resting in here because they here not feeling good.."

Saya looked up at Nova and nodded, her eyes were still red, but the dark clouds outside began to fade.

Nina looked at Kadence and smiled "don't worry it was not your fault"
The wolf pack soon returned and they all sat around, some were even talking about the fae attack that they saw, Kadence smiled at them then at Nina "If you don't mind I have some friend to take care of."

Lilith's eyes flashed red and then returned to normal and then she stormed out of the room, some droplets of blood were on the floor where she had walked out.

Aphrodite looked happy that she had read up on vampires correctly.

Nova sensed Ruby "Could you please stop hiding, its really annoying."
Nina smiled "I'll leave you to it" she left the garden.

Juliana notice the droplet of blood.

Rudy smirked "I'm not hiding, look up lover boy...I'm on the second floor" she giggled then looked at Saya, she noticed that her eyes were still red, she sighed then leaped over the railing on the staircase and dropped to the first floor, she landed swiftly on her feet "here Saya...drink this" she throw Saya a blood packet.

Shigure looked away then left to his room.

Saya caught the blood packet then bite into it, she began to drink the blood from it
"I'm sorry. I've been carried away." Gerald apologized, although he didn't really look that fazed by it. His shoulders relaxed when Aphrodite had said that it wasn't his fault. Good. He didn't want any additional weight on his shoulders. Then he suddenly smelled it. Blood. He looked at the red spots that had fallen when Lilith had left the room, and dragged his gaze towards the door. Should he question her about it? Should he not? Ajusting his Day Guardian armband, he got up in one swoop, excused himself, and ran after Lilith, his curiousness taking over. "Hey! HEY!" He screamed after the girl, trying to catch up to her.
Lilith looked at him and her hand was bleeding "Can I help you?" she smiled at him.

Aphrodite walked over to a book and looked through the pages then stopped at a photo "Miss Juliana...how much do we know on the new girl(Lilith)?" she started to look over the information on the page about the photo.

Nova sighed as he saw Saya drinking "Wish I could help you like you help me...I know you don't drink blood from people but even if you did my blood would be poison..." he looked at Ruby "Thanks for helping her out, I didn't know that's what she needed." he gave her a princely smile.

Kadence had started her song in the garden again and the wolf pack soon drifted off to sleep.

(sorry I have been trying to get thing progressed but since the person in charge of this rp has a problem sleeping she doesn't get on here till later. I might have to make more charas to help the story and make it so some people aren't being left out and bored lol)
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Juliana looked at Aphrodite and thought about the question she asked "well..not much really, why" she walked over to Aphrodite.

Saya finished drinking the blood from the packet then looked down as her eyes began to go back to normal "I cant drink from anyone cause something might appear"

Ruby smirked "no problem, saya normally need blood after she get really angry...it helps calm her down"

Nina was walking around when she saw one of her students sitting on a bench, she walked over "hello.."

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Aphrodite pointed to a photo in the book "This girl looks a lot like her, this book is several thousand years old. It would just be the first time I have seen an immortal in a book. Maybe I should tell headmaster so that anther student doesn't find it and start to question Lilith." she was still looking over information about the photo.

"Its fine, wouldn't be able to drink from me anyways even if you did." Nova smiled.

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