Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

"I won't, I promise." he looked at Shigure when they got closer "Hey what's up pres."

Aphrodite left with the books "How dare he make me feel like I had to leave from my library, I pretty much live there...I have 24 hour access to the place." she had her own key that the headmaster gave her. "And just watch one day I will come back as a teacher and have access to all the books..." she walked into the nurses office up and looked slightly annoyed
Juliana looked over at Aphrodite as she walked in, she noticed that she looked annoyed "everything ok.."

Shigure glare at Nova "you know whats up...I thought I told you both not to brake the rules again"

Saya got annoyed "you know what Pres....shut the heck up...the Headmaster knows about it and she said he could feed from me...so buzz off!" she grabbed Nova's hand and led him into the dorm.
"I thought the librarian was a cool guy but he's not...." she sat at a table next to Juliana's and laid the books down and started on her homework.

Nova smiled "Now that was hot. Can I watch you tell him off again?" he laughed

Kadence had snuck out of the school once she was done singing and dancing, she had followed Nova and Saya but stayed down wind because her pixie friends told her too. Kadence always wondered what the night dorm was like. (i wonder if Shigure will see her lol)
Juliana sighed "what did he do..."

Saya looked at Nova and giggle "maybe.."

Shigure watched them leave while looking more annoyed, he suddenly sensed someone nearby then looked over at where Kadence was hiding "come out...I know your there"
Cervantes stared down at the drawer he closed the two books into and almost teared up. "Why did I ever write those books?" He questioned himself quietly before standing up and walking around the library checking up and down the shelves.
"I found some restricted books and didn't know, he took the books away without telling me why first, I kindly objected and then I was scolded for my objections, only then did he tell me they were restricted..." Aphrodite was still focused on her work even as she spoke.

"So I wonder if that means you are allowed into my room or is that still a no no rule?" Nova grinned.

Kadance cursed at the pixies for not telling her that someone was there and then she stepped out of her hiding spot "Hello...looks like I was caught" she giggled a little.
Juliana sighed and stood up "I'll handle Mr. Valentine...but do you mind watching the office until I get back..it wont be long"

Saya looked at him and smiled "i should be able to...but I don't mind braking that rule even if I wasn't allowed" she winked at him.

Shigure looked at the girl "your not part of the night..." he smiled and slowly walked over to her.
"No please it's fine....I don't want any trouble....he might ban me from my home...." Aphrodite put her pencil down "I don't think I could live if I didn't have the library..."

Nova smiled "Now that's what I like to hear." he kissed her.

"No I'm not but I heard your dorms are nicer than the ones we have, I just wanted to see inside...surprised I made it this far without being spotted." Kadence smiled "I wish I was part of the night class..."

'Envy' had found a way into the restricted section of the library, she didn't have a class currently so she thought she would look at the book they had on hell. The book she had in her hand took a powerful spell to even hold it and another to open then a third spell to even read the book, she laughed at a few things that were wrong and then looked pissed at parts that knew too much.
Juliana looked at Aphrodite then smiled lightly "ok ok...I wont say anything"

Saya blushed then kissed him back.

Shigure got more annoyed that Saya or Nova didn't sense her eailier, he stood in front of her and smiled more "well...I'm sorry mylady but I cant allow you to go inside..."

Nina appeared behind Envy looking annoyed "what do you think your doing.."
The Classroom was a good place to sleep. He realized that a few days ago when he went to sleep this way, unnoticed. Getting up, his chair creaked as he put his pale scarred fingers in his pockets and walked away from his previous place. Being still a bit dazed by his impromptu nap, he checked his watch, a little glance. Nurse's room, Library, Lunch room, then a regular all-included sweep of the place. Geezus. Gerald trudged towards the health room, flicking his cowlick with a noninterested gaze. When he arrived to the nurse's room, he saw tons of demons in one place. Getting on his guard, he watched them carefully, and stopped once he saw the mess on the table, 12 books everywhere, papers, pencils, dirt - OhMYGawd- His OCD snapped in as quick as his steps were. "Can you please arrange the mess on the table please." He said, in a calm and controlled voice.
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Aphrodite smiled and returned to her work.

Nova grinned once she was done kissing him "So what does the night class do in the day time?"

"But my friends were saying that the creatures of shadow live in this dorm and I wanted to meet one..." Kadence sighed

'Envy' looked at her "I was checking on how correct your books were. It saddens me that there is more story than truth. The only restriction in this book are lies..."
Juliana smiled "well I'll be back ok.." she left the office to go to the teacher's lounge's to make her lunch and the Librarian's lunch, she decided to go ahead and make lunch for Aphrodite too, seeing as she is helping her out.

Saya blushed more then looked away "well...most of us don't really do much other then read or sleep in our room's"

Shigure sighed "well...you met one...now please mylady..before anyone sees you....you might get in trouble"

Nina sighs and takes the book from here "because for something's, we are forbidden to tell the truth on, like hell and heaven..." she puts the book back on the shelf.
Aphrodite attended to a girl with a sprang ankle, she wrapped the ankle in an ace wrap and weaved some of her healing magic into it so that it wouldn't be too noticeable, Aphrodite had finished her school work for the day and decided to tidy up the office.

"Are we allowed to go into town?" Nova had only been to the surface world a few times and that was always with his mom.

"So what are you?" her pixie friends started to mess with Shigure's hair "That enough you all, I have told you about messing with people." she covered her mouth and then mumbled "Great now another person will think I'm crazy because I got onto all of you."

"Most of the things in that book was a lie so that should be public if you ask me...and put into the religion section..." Demonia always saw religion as a lie. "And people know of heaven and hell so I really don't see the point of hiding those books." Demonia sighed "I should remove the spells on that book and toss it into the public section..."
Juliana finally finished making three lunch's, she sighed then put the food in three bento boxes, she wrapped each bento box up then began to walk up to the library to take Mr.Valentine his meal, she walked into the library and walked over to the front desk.

Saya smiled "of course"

Shigure could see the pixie's but he didn't both with them, he smiled at the girl "I'm sorry miss but...I cant tell you...you might go running off telling the day class.."

Nina sighed "leave the books alone..."
Nova looked surprised "Well I guess as long as a guardian goes along then its not a problem."

Kadence sighed but kept a smile on her face "Yea but no one believes me, I'm the magic trick and liar girl, only time people see me is when I sing and dance...then again no one can look away when I do those things..."

'Envy' smiled "Alright, I'll leave them alone..."
Saya smiled "um..yea"

Shigure smirked then leaned down close to her face "oh then...I'm a vampire"

Nina looked at Envy "good...and I mean it....leave..them..alone" she made sure she understood
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Nova smiled "So I know what shops take my currency, I just need a tour guide girlfriend." he looked at saya.

Kadence giggled instead of being scared "That really cool." she smiled

'Envy' (please call her that... -_- ) "Alright I will."
Saya's face went complete red when he said girlfriend "w..wait..what?!"

Shigure smiled and leaned back "so your not scared, good...then mylady..by I please escort you back to school" he held out his hand to her

Nina sighed "good" she then began to leave.
Nova smiled "Do you not want to be my girlfriend?"

"You showed me your, if you want I can show you mine. I'm called a human but I really don't know...is there a pond or something nearby?" she didn't want to go to the school yet.

Envy smiled stayed where she was and continued to browse, she wanted to meet the librarian and hoped that she would.
Saya looked at Nova "no no...I do...I mean...I..i don't know...I like you.." she looked away and blushed more, she didn't know what to say, this was the first time someone asked her out.

Shigure looked around then looked at the dorm, he noticed some of the demon were looking out there windows "dangit..." he looked at the girl and smiled slightly "look...I know a a pond that is in the park nearby...I'll take you there"
Cervantes finished searching over the average books of the library then made his way back into the restricted scanning up and down the rows almost walking past a student who obviously wasn't suppose to be in there "Out...now!" He said loudly for being in a library. "Do you know what restricted means? No? Well here it means you no come back here. Why? Because people come in and try to read them thinking they know everything and understand all but in reality you can't even begin to comprehend the word or meaning. Students stroll along in here thinking that their little bit of magic can keep them safe or that it'll be enough for them to run around in here as if their all powerful." He stood in front of him glaring seeing the book he was reading "If its hell you want then go there or live there...I don't know your history...I don't care why your here...but some of these books are worse than hell. Ignorance is bliss...so what's that make knowledge."
Envy laughed as she saw the librarian "The name is Envy Vine, I'm the new history teacher and I can assure you boy I am not just someone with a tad of magic on my side and don't tell me whats worse than Hell...only thing worse than Hell is falling in love and then having that love tossed aside like it was nothing. Now that is a true Hell, and as for living there I already do." she placed the book back "Though this library really isn't well equipped with restricted book, now bring in some of the books from the royal library of Hell then you could call this a restricted area." she laughed "And as for ignorance is bliss, to me knowledge is the key to thought that makes a blissful man search to see if he was happy with or without knowing what he had learned and from time to time they see they were blind without that bit that they now know. Anyways you let me browse here and I'll bring you a book that no man on earth has seen till they enter Hell."
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"You think you can argue me? Falling in love and having it torn away is a two way act. True hell...No it's not well equipped because we don't have a need for the restricted books. So I'll accept your offer you can stay but I still want that book." He said standing there to watch her pick out books.
"So you want the book I am reading or the book I said I would bring from my kingdom of Hell." Envy smiled "Every book here on hell should parish and be burnt. The men that wrote these speak of lies, nothing but Lucifer or Satan...do you have any book on the queen? I want to know what they say about me...but I can't find one anywhere..." she sighs and a skeleton in a maid outfit appears behind Envy with a book and she takes it after put all the other books away "Now this is a book of truth right here, one that has the real stories of hell."
"The book from hell of course but it's for my own personal archives." He said before leaning up against the shelf. "Yes there are better books but their in my collection so...sorry." Cervantes looked at the book she held "Yes I'm aware of the books.

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