Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Aphrodite looked down and then went to find books that she had on a list of books to read, she soon returned to the desk with another set of 12 books, she even found a few book on herbs that she found interesting, she stood patiently waiting for him to be done talking to Juliana.
"You sent a student to get your books and as sorry as I am I can't allow you to do that." He said into the phone waiting for a reply.
Juliana sighed "looked Mr. Valentine...I sent Aphrodite to get them because I am business and don't have the time to come and get them myself, so please do it this once and it wont happen again..."
Konashimaru21 said:
Shigure smiled "if you would like, you may go back to your dorm room to get more rest till it is time for the Night classes"
"Yeah, most likely." She said. She scratched the back of her head, and began her walk towards the girl's dormitory. "Again, thank you, Shigure." Just as she made way, she turned and looked back at him. "I'm sorry, may I know your ability? I tend to want to be informed by who I'd be working side-by-side with." Cylia either had short term memory or was really jittery.
Cervantes thought for a moment "If i do this for you what do I get? What do I gain by doing this favor for you?" He leaned against the wall holding the phone in his hand and thinking everything over.
Shigure looked at her and smiled "I can control Darkness.."

Juliana smirked as she leaned back in her chair "I figured you would ask something like that....well, you is it you want Mr. Valentine.."
"I want some baked goods every day of the week for two weeks. Give me that and I'll allow this transaction or you could just come get them yourself since you've been on the phone this long." Cervantes said in a lazy voice stareing out at Aphrodite.
Cylia was interested. "I don't meet much with people with the ability to control the dark. I am a Demon Draco... A somewhat 'Royal' class. When I shift, it is usually when I'm very mad." She stated proudly.
Shigure smiled "I see, well I'll make sure not to make a lovely lady like yourself mad"

Juliana thought about it for a moment then sighed "fine..."
"So will you come or do I get food for two weeks?" He questioned her staring blankly at the wall evenly drawing his attention to the books Aphrodite was getting. Cervantes set the phone up for a moment and ran out looking at her books taking two from the stack pointing at her "No." Quickly he made his way back to the phone "Which will it be?" He stared at the books with disgust.
Juliana sighed "I'll make you food...but I'm only bring you food during lunch time...got it"

Saya was walking the hall as she was leaving the school to head back to the dorm's, she began to get curious about where Nova was.
Cylia's cheeks flushed somewhat red. "Yeah, guess not." She chuckled, as she turned and headed for the girl's dormitory. Arriving, she went into her room and scowered the place for a pencil, and opened her notebook.

"This place is interesting. I have arrived at the Konoshimi Academy. Friends, as a matter of fact, I have made one. He is quite the sweet one, and he's in control of manipulating the darkness. Never really met a disciple from hell that could do such a thing. Other than that, it seems I have missed my first meeting. I guess I am supposively off to a good start and whatnot. I will write more. But as of now I am rested. And I must continue to do so for tomorrow's classes. Well, who knows. I might be awakened: I'm pretty sure I enrolled and chose the night classes.

-Cylia Numai~
Cervantes smiled and laughed "That's acceptable and fine you'll get your books." He hung up and went outside to Aphrodite. In a stern voice he spoke to her "I don't know where you found these books...I don't know how you found these books but you may not...ever read these books. Do you hear me clearly girl?" He stared down at her locking the white and black books in a drawer in his desk. He then crossed his arms waiting for her reply.
Aphrodite looked at him "But they were in the public book area, its not like I got them out of the forbidden section...I am smart enough to read the books and I have never been told no....and my name is Aphrodite....I would think with how much I read and check out real book you would remember my name...." her voice was low and sad, she wanted to read every book that the library had.
Shigure left to go the dorm entrance to wait for Saya and Nova.

Juliana hung up then sighed, she then looked at the time "looked like lunch is coming soon.."
"Do not question my motives child!" Cervantes boomed through the library before calming down "...I know you are a very intelligent girl and I know your name and now you are being told no..." He said looking down at her "Now I will be getting the nurses books. If you want to find other books you may but as of now those two are restricted." He crossed his arms out in front of him and closed his eyes "Constellation... Aranea." Eight giant spider legs grew from his back lifting him off the ground and they carried him to the shelves. Then they carried him up as he grabbed three books about herbs and teas. He climbed back down on his spider legs and stopped in front of the check out. His spider legs disappeared and he started checking out all the books.
"Sorry...if I had known they were restricted I would have brought them up and set them out of my pile so that you put them in their rightful place...is there a code on restricted books just in case I see more I can bring them to you. I look at books more than anyone else, I know that its a rare find for them to be out of place but just in case." Aphrodite tried to hide the fear she had, she didn't like to being yelled at.

"its fine." he sighed "Seems mister goody good it waiting to scold us again."
Saya looked at Nova confused then looked forward to see the dorm and Shigure stand out side looked annoyed, she sighed and looked down "hey Nova...do me a favor and don't bring up the fact that he fed from me once.."

Shigure saw them walking up, he was annoyed that they didn't listen to him.
"You should not see any ever again...now take your books and the nurses...then leave...please." Cervantes sat down in his chair basically blanking out after this. He knew that in his library he was king, it was his space and books were his stars. What he could do would be seen if he allowed it...sound would travel only by his allowance. The library is his domain.
Juliana was waiting in her office for Aphrodite to get back, while she waited, she continued to look through more paper work.

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