Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Saya looked at Nova surprised then looked away "why do you ask..."

Takumi unlocked the door and walked over to them "why not Aphrodite, you have a wonderful gift"

Nina smiled at her "keep me posted"
"Its just something I do, it would be like someone telling another person good job on breathing." Aphrodite didn't really see her gift as a big deal and Lilith sighed "Everyone can breath but not everyone can heal like that." Aphrodite looked at Lilith "its just speeding up the healing process that the body does naturally, I don't see why people always make a big deal out of my gift..."

Nova sighed "Because he knew what we did meaning he smelt your blood in the air."
Takumi sighed and looked at Aphrodite "you have the gift of healing, Human's and other demon's don't have that gift, its a even greater gift when not only can you heal other but you can also heal yourself..."

Saya sighed and didn't looked at him "once....back when me and him first came here...he got here before me and wasn't able to control himself one day because a human wouldn't leave him alone....so in order to protect the human..i let him feed off me.." it seem like she didn't enjoy bringing up the past.
"I see well," he pulled her close and spun her in a circle as if the were dancing "I'm just happy its not a continuing thing, I'd have to hurt him for being a hypocrite." His canines were getting long again, a little sooner then usual.

"I just...I'm scared people will see me as a freak if they know that I have this gift..." Aphrodite looked at the ground and Lilith smiled "And if they do then they'll have to deal with the ex-demon hunter Lilith!"
Takumi laughed "and I'm sure Juliana will scolded them" he shivered "if you make her made enough...even sure has a scare side..."

Saya blushed, she then noticed his canines getting longer, she made her fangs grow, she then bit her lower lip hard to make a lot of blood come out, she then pushed him up against the wall "don't make it noticeable..." she then kissed him on the lips to make him drink the blood from her lower lip, she blushed more

Juliana was waiting for the history teacher to get to the classroom so she could go back to her office.
'Envy' walked into the class "Sorry for making you wait, I'm Miss Vine." she held her hand out to Juliana "Thanks for taking care of my students until I arrived."

Nova didn't want to but he could feel his hunger growing and drank the blood while giving her a real kiss and not just some make out session.

"I guess I could go see if she wants me to help...." Aphrodite tried to smile a little.
Juliana looked at Envy and smiled "its ok and your welcome" she shook her hand "i'm Juliana...the school nurse" she then erased her name off the board and began to leave the room.

Takumi smiled at Aphrodite "ok"

Saya closed her eyes and blushed even more, it was as if she couldn't stop kissing him.
"oh well then I should let you know I saw droplets of blood leading to the reading class, someone might be hurt." Demonia just wanted her to know in case someone needed help.

Nova stopped kissing her and wiped some blood away on her lower lip "That's enough, if I drink anymore I won't be able to control myself..."

Aphrodite was starting to leave the room to go speak with Juliana.
Juliana looked at Demonia "I see...thank you for letting me know.." she left the room and went to the reading room, she opened the door "is anyone in here hurt.."

Saya opened her eyes and looked at him, he face turned bright red and sure pulled away from him "s..sorry...."
"Its not your fault that I have blood lust so no reason to be sorry." Nova smiled at her.

Aphrodite looked at Juliana "I was....I had got a little scrape when that girl kicked my chair out from under me..."
Juliana looked at Aphrodite "are you ok now, or do you need to come to the nurses office" she smiled

Saya didn't looked at nova, she was still blushing "no I....I couldn't stop...kissing you"

Shigure suddenly sensed Saya's blood again, he began to get allowed that they were not following the rule's, he sighed and smiled at the girl he was talking to.
"I healed myself so I am better now...." Aphrodite had started to forget why she wanted to see Juliana.

"You know the pres is probably going to scold us again." nova smiled "And I enjoy your kisses, I was constantly looking forward to the next one."
Saya blushed more "stop it...your making me blush.." she try hiding her face with her hands

Juliana smiled "I see, that is great"

Takumi walked over "hey Juliana, do you need any help in the nurses office, Aphrodite would be happy to help if you do.."
Aphrodite looked at the ground "I mean I don't want to be a bother...it was just an idea...."

Nova pulled her hands away "Please don't hide, if you hide I might wither and die." he smiled as she compared her to being the Sun.
Saya looked at him while blushing, suddenly her eyes began to glow crimson red, she quickly pushed him away "damnit....why now.." she spoke to herself and began to run to the nurses office "I'm sorry Nova...but I have to go!!" she yelled back to him.

Juliana looked at takumi then looked at Aphrodite and smiled "its ok, your no bother, but sure I could use some help.."

Nina appeared behind Nova and watched as Saya ran off "thought that might happen here soon.."
Nova looked at Nina "What happened?" he seemed sad that Saya had to leave so suddenly.

Lilith sighed "talking can wait for another time, Juliana you are a nurse and as such you should be in your office. I have let talk go on long enough but as a guardian I think I have some right to say that you need to report to your office now." Aphrodite sighed since she knew Lilith was right that Juliana needed to go back to work. "I'll follow you to your office if you wish..."
Juliana looked at Lilith then Aphrodite "ok lets go..." she began to head to the nurses office

Saya kept running until she got the nurses office, she then went in and quickly looked around for the blood packet's.

Nina sighed "Her hunger began to take effect, don't worry, you didn't do it...but un like you...she cant feed off other's because of personal reason's...Saya isn't like other vampire's"
Nova sighed "she wouldn't be able to drink from me even if she was..."

Aphrodite hard a feeling that someone needed help "I think we should hurry...I can't say why...its just a feeling."

Lilith sighed and then started to leave the class.

Eric held up a blood pack "Need one of these?" he tossed it to Saya "You need to not let it get to this point, I told you I won't let you participate in PE if you can't remember to keep up with your health and feeding." the blood felt warm like it was fresh.
Saya took the blood packet and bite into it the began to drink, once she finished then throw the packet away and sighed in relief, she then glared at Eric "oh shut up...I didn't notice until the last minute" she looked away while annoyed "why are you even in here...where is Juliana"

Juliana looked at her then began to walk faster, once they got to the nurses office, she opened the door and walked in to see Saya and Eric.

Nina looked at him "and why is that.."
"If anyone drinks the blood of hell they are better off drinking sand..." Nova sighed.

Eric smiled at Juliana "Speaking of the devil, seems she just got here. How are you this lovely and fine day dear Juliana?"

Aphrodite stayed behind Juliana.
Nina sighs "I see, well...i'm sure Saya is fine now, sure will be in the nurses office.." she began to leave.

Saya looked over at Juliana "hey miss Juliana...I need a blood packet so I came here the get one, that's when I found Eric in here and he gave me one.." she sent a annoyed glare over to Eric

Juliana looked at Saya then looked at Eric, she then sighed "I'm fine Eric...now why are you in my office...don't tell me you hurt another student by accident" she walked over to her desk and set in her chair
Eric chuckled "Funny thing is....." he face got red.

Aphrodite tugged on Juliana's shirt "He is keeping his other hand hidden and I smell blood." trying to say it where on Juliana can hear.

Nova started to walk that way to see how Saya was doing.
Aphrodite started close to Juliana, she was always afraid of the night class but their guardians more than anyone else, she simply nodded at Saya.

Eric put a badly wrapped, bloody gauzed, hand into view "I gotta say me and tools don't get along....I was trying to do a few repairs to the gym...it ended with me trying to repair myself, failed at both if you cain't tell."
Juliana looked at his wound then sighed "you really should be more careful, your always so reckless...go set on you of the bed's" she wrote down Eric's information on her paper work that he was one of her patience's

Saya frowned then sighed, she then looked at Juliana "hey Juliana, I'm going to head back to the dorm...see ya"

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