Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Saya got annoyed then sighed, she then kicked the door opened "the night class president wants everyone in the dorm lounge for a meeting"
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Alice was already up, downed in her uniform and a sunhat just in case. Sure she felt awkward, but she figured it would be normal during this time. She knew it was not sun lit, so as soon as she saw another student, it was off. "Hey.. should i head down..?" She asked in a tired voice.
Saya looked over to see Alice "yea, the night class pres wants all demons in the dorm lounge for a meeting before we head off to the school.."
Nova was annoyed as he sat up and the covers fell away from his chest and his dog ears moved a little in annoyance. "Damn it...I didn't ask to go to some meeting...." he suddenly felt his thirst "Damn it...I slept in too late....!"
Chogan was at his first classroom already. He had nothing to do so, he took out a book and read it to pass time.
Saya looked back at Nova then blushed when she saw his chest, she then smirked "oh, your kinda cute"

The President of the night class; Shigure was in the lounge, leaning up against the wall as he waited for the night class students

The Nurse; juliana walked through the walls heading to one of the classroom she had to watch over until the teacher got there, she walked into the classroom and looked at the student while smiling lightly "hello class, I am juliana, the school nurse...I will be subbing the class till you teacher gets here"
Nova looked annoyed "Shit! my maid hasn't came in yet..." he looked at saya "Where can I get some blood around here and fast?!" his canine teeth were starting to grow just as his thirst did.
Saya looked at him seriously then sighed, she turned and looked out the door to see if anyone was coming, she then shut the door and locked it then turned to face him "you owe me for this..." she undid her tie and took off her uniform over coat, she then undid the top three buttons of her shirt and walked over to him "dont make a mess...got it.."
"thanks and sorry if it hurt, I don't numbing venom like vampires do." at first he was going to bite into her wrist but then gently bit her at the base of her neck and drank from her, he pulled away a minute later "Thanks again and sorry...I'm suppose to wake up at a certain time to keep my thirst in check but I overslept..."
Alice gave Saya a thankful smile and hurried into the meeting room first. She had no business interfering, though she heard everything easily. It made her smile thinking about it, actually.
Lilith was wondering the halls of the school checking everything out and seeing how things were ran, she had decided to play hookie her first day of school.

Aphrodite was running late for her first classes since she had to go change her uniform. "Damn it, I refuse to be late...this would look bad on my record sheet if I don't get to class on time..." she always went to school even on her sick days.
Saya blushed when he bite her neck, she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming, once he pulled away, she then sighed "its ok..just hurry and get to the dorm lounge..before the pres goes on a rampage.." she got off the bed thenn buttoned her shirt back up, she then got her over coat and tie then put them on, she looked at Nova "by the way...my name is Saya.."
"Name's Nova, I'm the prince of hell." He winked at her "Thanks for the help, I always told my mom that blood tastes best when it comes from a beautiful being." he stared to get dressed.
Saya blushed and looked away while he got dressed "if you ever need blood...you can just come get me..if you want"

Nina wrote her name down on the board "ok students...get out your work books and start working on lesson 1"
Aphrodite skidded into the room and her face became very red since she had made a lot of noise and all eyes where now on her. She took her seat and wondered if she was going to get scolded. One girl made a comment about how Aphrodite is never late and that she is a goody to shoe, the girl and her friend giggled and Aphrodite for once felt like it would be best if she skipped this class....

Nova smiled and was dressed "How about you show me where we are going? I am new here and I might get lost."
Saya looked at him and smirked "ok" she walked over to the door then unlocked it, she opened it a little then peeked out to see if anyone was around, she sighs in in relief the walked out of his room and waited for him.

Juliana looked at the girl that had just slide in, she sighed and smiled "aphrodite..we are working on lesson 1, and I am the school nurse Juliana, I'm subbing till your teacher gets here"
"Sorry for being so loud..." she opened her book "I have already read our lesson book and I know it by heart, I have also looked over our worksheets...from time to time teacher has me come up and teach for part of the class." one girl sounded annoyed "Here we go again, miss thing wanting to teach the class and be miss little helper." Aphrodite closed her mouth quickly and went back to her book.

Nova followed right behind her. "So are there any rules that I should know about?"
Juliana glared at the girl that was bad mouthing Aphrodite "that will be enough of that, I don't tolerate bullying, so I suggest you apologize or you can go do you work in the head master's office" she sounded annoyed

Saya began to lead him to the dorm lounge "well...me and you kind a just broke two rule" she giggled "a boy and a girl are not supposed to be in the same room together, and if we need any blood, we are supposed to get blood packet's from the nurse, we are not really allowed to drink from other's"
"Why should I say sorry to that twit? She shouldn't even be here with how smart she is." the girl was annoyed and then Aphrodite spoke but kept her head down. "So you hate me because you have a problem with studying? If that was the case then you could have asked me to tutor you..." the girl got up and kicked Aphrodite's chair out from under her causing her to fall to the ground, a few girls laughed as the 'leader' picked on Aphrodite "Why would I want someone like you to tutor me?" Lilith had walked by the class and saw what was happening and Lilith walked into the room "Do we have a problem here? Hey ring leader go back to your desk or I'll be taking you to the headmaster in a full body cast." and the girl looked at Lilith and fell to the ground as if something tripped her and the classed laughed, the girl was confused and Lilith walked over and helped the girl up "You may want to return to your desk since you can't seem to stay on your feet." the girl returned to her desk and Aphrodite picked herself up and sat back in her chair, Lilith looked at Juliana "Sorry to disrupt the class but I thought you might have needed some help. I will be on my way now."

Nova laughed "Well gotta say we make a couple of hot rule breakers."
Juliana got more angry with the girl that was bullying Aphrodite, she looked to see Lilith walk in and say something, once the class calmed down because of her help, she smiled "thank you Lilith" Juliana already new her name and she didn't even have to looked at her paper work, Juliana sighed as she calmed herself down then glared at the student's "now students, get back to work!"

Saya looked at him and blushed then looked away, once they got to the lounge, the other night class members were already in there "sorry we are late, pres....something came up and Nova was helping with it"

Shigure looked over at Saya then looked at her neck, he then glared at Nova as if he knew that they broke a rule, he looked away and looked at the rest of the night class "evening night class...I have called you here today to let you know that we have a new student and guardian, she is part demon but she hunt's them too so don't step out of line..she goes by the name Lilith Draco"
"Ummm....did you say Lilith Draco? If so can I get a restraining order against her so that I'll be safe?" Nova seemed as though he knew her.

Lilith left the classroom and continued down the halls, wondering around.

Aphrodite started to write a few things in a note book but her work and lesson book was closed.
Alice smiled at hearing about a new person. Hunter or not, it was nice, and she rarely ever got in trouble so she wouldn't have to worry. She timidly raised a hand. "..Will we be formally introduced?" She said in a small but very happy voice.
Shigure looked at Nova "if your worried about her hunting you...you don't have to be, she isn't allowed to touch you unless you are stepping out of line and attacking the human...Saya should be able to give you the detail's...she is also a guardian" he looked over at Alice "I'm sure that the head master will introduce everyone to her at some point tonight"

Saya didn't look at Nova, she looked down.

Juliana began to walk around the room to make sure the students were doing there work, when she got to Aphrodite, she stopped to look at what she was doing.
"You don't understand that witch is my half sister. As soon as she finds out that I am here she will hurt me to hurt our mother!" looked honestly worried.

She appeared to be going between writing mental notes and writing a letter to someone.
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