Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Shigure sighed "look Nova....I know your new here but I expect at least most rule's to be follow" he looked at Saya "and Saya, I should know better, it is your job to follow that Headmaster's rule's as a guardian" she saw a girl come in, looked at Nova and Saya one last time "it better not happen again..." he then walked over to Cylia and smiled "you missed the meeting but don't worry, follow me and I'll tell you what was said" he left the room with Cylia.

Saya watched as the pres left then looked down and sighed "what a jerk...right" she smiled slightly and looked at Nova.
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She watched as another boy approached her. "Oh, okay then." She said, before following him out of the room. At least she'll be told what was said during the meeting. And at least she is meeting wonderful people.
Shigure looked at her as they walked "my name is Shigure Watashima, I'm the president of the night class by the way....what we were talking about was the fact that we have a new student, she is now a guardian, and she used to a demon hunt...so becareful.....she is not allowed to kill any of us but i'm sure she will try doing other things"
Nova shrugged "He has a point, as tasty as your blood is I would like to keep that from happening again...I did it because one your are hot and two because if I left the dorm I would have attacked someone to satisfy my thirst."

Kadence had snuck into the swimming area and started to sing a little tune, light soon started to float around her and when she stepped on the water it had become solid only where she stepped and she started to dance. She had been known to skip all her classes except music class.
Saya looked away while slightly annoyed that Nova took Shigure's side, she smirked then sighed "and here I thought you were a rule breaker like me...." she turns away and began to leave then room

Takumi sighed a the bell ring for first classes to go to there next class, he watched as all the student's left the room, he set down at his desk as he waited for his next class
Aphrodite was the first one in and she had dried blood on her leg from where she was kicked out of her seat earlier but she didn't really notice.

Nova sighed and followed after her "Until I can completely control myself when I am feeding I would rather not do that again, okay...I just don't want to see you get hurt because of my carelessness."
Saya just kept walking "look, you don't have to worry about me...you cant hurt me....there is a reason that I'm a Guardian.."

Takumi looked over at Aphrodite when he suddenly sensed blood, he stood up "Aphrodite...what happened" he walked over to her while looking worried
"I fell out of my chair...I was late for my first class....I'm fine, really I am." Aphrodite smiled at him and Lilith walked in "Lying to a teacher, well that's a surprise." Lilith smiled "Am I in the right class? Haven't figured out maps and stuff, I'm looking for reading."

"No but I can hurt myself if I'm not careful, to much of the wrong or right blood will make me lose my mind." Nova sighed and then sniffed the air like a dog.

Envy knocked on Nina's door, she was a new teacher to replace the last history teacher the went 'missing'.
Nina looked up from her paper work "enter!"

Saya got more annoyed then stopped and looked at him "so which is my blood then wrong or right!!" she suddenly froze, all the night class student were looking at them, she suddenly blushed and looked away "...just..forget it....i'm going to stand guard" she then vanished without listening to what Nova had to say.

Takumi looked over Lilith "yes, this is reading class" he kneel's down to take a look at Aphrodite's leg "now...please tell me what really happened.."
Aphrodite looked away "A girl kicked my seat out from underneath me but I'll be fine...really I will." Lilith took the desk next to Aphrodite "Miss Lilith handled it so it didn't become to much of a problem..." Lilith sighed "I was only doing my job, that's all."

Envy walked in "Hello, I'm Miss Vine the new history teacher that you requested."

Nova laughed and started to wonder around the dorm.
Nina smirked when Envy walked him "oh I see...I was told you were going be here tomorrow" she stood up "of all people they sent me you.." she chuckled

Saya appeared on the school roof and looked around the area of the school to make sure no demon's were trying to sneak in.

Takumi sighed and looked at Lilith with a smile "thank you" he then took out a handkerchief from his shirt pocket and began to clean the dry blood off Aphrodite's leg.
Envy smiled "I wanted to get here sooner and is there a problem with them sending me? You did request a history teacher." Nova stopped in front of the headmasters office, he had followed the scent all the way here, he had ran from his dorm to the office following a familiar scent.

Aphrodite winced as her hit where the scratch was and Lilith saw that it was starting to bleed again "Maybe I should walk her to the nurses office?"
Nina sighed "don't play games...I know who you are..Demonia"

Takumi sighed as he saw it was blooding again "that would probably be best.."

Saya vanished then appeared in the Headmaster's office, she then saw that Nina had a guess, she bowed her head to Nina "sorry for intruding Headmaster, but I wanted to let you know that the ground's are safe for the day class to leave this evening"
Aphrodite sighed and saw the room had only them inside it "Please shut the door...?"

Nova walked in looking annoying as he heard his mother's name and Demonia went into her real form and it shows that Lilith gained a lot of her looks from demonia "Seems like your guardians still have alot to learn." Nova sighed and shut the door "Mom is doesn't help when you conceal yourself..."

Nina sighed then looked at saya "thank you Saya" she took her set at her desk and looked over at Demonia and Nova "Demonia, by the way, you do know that your daughter Lilith has recently became a student at this school..."

Saya raised her head and looked over at Nova "did he just say mom.." she spoke to herself, she then looked at the women that had change her appearance.

Takumi walked over to the class door and shut it then locked it, he looked over at Lilith and Aphrodite "ok.."
"That's why I put the real Miss Vine into a state of slumber. I plan on keeping an eye on my son and daughter, I also became a teacher to make sure Nova goes for his morning, afternoon, and night feedings. I was wondering are blood maids allowed at the school? Nova has a personal blood maid but I wasn't sure if she would be allowed to come her, I was going to write her down on his medications list but nova told me not too." she goes and hugs nova "My big boy won't let me care for him anymore and it make his mommy sad." Nova was getting annoyed because Demonia was speaking in her baby voice towards him. Nova looked at Saya "save me....please?"

Aphrodite made her hands glow, she then passed them over her wound and it was healed "See it really wasn't a problem."

Kadence was still dancing and singing on the water.
Nina sighs "I'm sorry but no, blood maids are not allowed on the grounds, it would cause I up roar from the other demon's in the school"

Saya looked at Nova "um..excuse me but..." she began to speak to demonia, she looked down nervously that she had met Nova's mom "if its ok with you...and the Head master....I can be the one to give him blood...that way he doesn't have to leave campus...demon's that have never drink for me before...cant smell my blood when someone is feeding off me.."

The swim coach; Yui Nonako was walking throught the hallway as she walked toward the swimming pool, once she got there she walked in and saw a girl dance and singing on top of the water "hey! what are you doing in here, student's are forbidden to come in here without a life guard on site!"
"Well it really is a hand picked thing, if I don't like the way you taste then its a no." demonia smiled and Nova walked out pulling saya with him and then shut the door once they were both out of the room and demonia looked confused "was it something I said...?"

Kadence quickly ran off the water as the glow around her started to fade, "Great now my uniform is partly wet all because you had to go and yell at me...I could have fallen in you know!" she didn't care that she was getting upset with a teacher.
Yui sighed and crossed her arm's "well that wouldn't have happened if you were in class like all the other student's"

Nina watched everything and looked at demonia confused face, she then started laughing "I don't think Nova wants you touching that girl"

Saya follows Nova as she is dragged out of the room by him "N...nova....what are you doing"
Demonia smiled "I think my son has a crush and from the smell of it I would say her blood running through his veins currently because that is the blood that I approved of for him to drink. Not sure what the smell is but she was more than ready to let him drink from her and not think twice so I think it has already happened once."

"I decided not to go today, some girls were giving me attitude so I walked away and came her for some peace and quiet." Kadence smiled.

Nova finally stopped "My mother wanted to drink from you and I wasn't going to allow that..."
Yui looking at the girl then sighed again "fine...I'll let you stay" she walked over to the edge on the pool and set down then put her feet in the water.

Nina smirked "young love hmm"

Saya looked at Nova and smiled "thanks"
Nova smiled back "You're welcome."

"I remember when I first fell in love." Demonia sighed "Then the ass made me leave while I was with child..."

Kadence smiled and went back to what she was previously doing.

(btw you didn't respond to Aphrodite lol)
Yui watched from where she was sitting.

Takumi watched and looked at Aphrodite "I'm glad your ok" he smiled.

Nina sighed "some men are just jerk's"

Saya looked away and blushed "so...we should probably get back to the dorm...."
Nova sighed "so has the pres ever drank from you?" asking point blank

Lilith watched "With a talent like that you should be helping the school nurse." Aphrodite shook her head "I could never do that..."

Demonia returned to how she looked before "Well I am going to see where my class is, I be back later on if you want to know how my day went." she smiled.

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