Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Konashimaru21 said:
Shigure looked at her as they walked "my name is Shigure Watashima, I'm the president of the night class by the way....what we were talking about was the fact that we have a new student, she is now a guardian, and she used to a demon hunt...so becareful.....she is not allowed to kill any of us but i'm sure she will try doing other things"
She looked at him. "Oh...? Well I'm informed." She grunted. Cylia's eyes looked at him as they continued their stroll to somewhere. "I'm Cylia Numai, just your average student." She chuckled in a way.
Cervantes sat at the desk in his library and looked down at his book as he waited for something else to do. Other than a few student coming up to check out and they were checking out magazines too which only made the feeling worse for him. Anyways he was reading up on some of his medical facts and slouching slightly in his chair.
Shigure smiled at her then stopped walking "well, i'm sorry to leave you but I must take care of something.." he this took her hand and kissed it "it was a pleasure to meet you miss Cylia.." he let go of her hand then began to leave.

Takumi looked at lilith "and where do you think your going"

Blake was walking the hall's of the school, he was heading to the library to use the computer's, once he got there, he walked in and went to the desk that the librarian was sitting at "hey, can i use one of the computer's"
He looked at the bloodsuckers with a eerie glare. Flicking his attention away from them, he continued to go on his affairs. Gerald was sitting on the edge of the wide window, looking down onto the Day Class students. Wondering if one day, all of the students would find out about them- he glanced at the demons - without making a fit. Most of the ones who did were either their blood bags, dead, or brainwashed. Either one was to be avoided- it did not happen often either that one would meet the other. And it's not like he could investigate the situation. He had no power to, even if he was a Guardian. The most he could do is apprehend the culprit, and tighten the security holes. Taking a large sigh, he slipped a piece of wood and a knife out of his pocket, and began carving the branch, having really nothing to do on his patrol. The dark haired man rubbed his eyes, taking his glasses off momentarily.
Lilith smiled "I was going to play hookie since the reason I came to class left."

Eric looked at Aphrodite and then at Juliana "So taking on an assistance now"
Takumi frowned "sit down at your desk"

Juliana looked at eric then began to take the bloody gauze off his hand "she is helping me out today" she smiled slightly "who knows, she just might become my assistance, she is good in all her classes and has got all here work done a head of time" she stood up then closed her eyes, suddenly a blue orb appeared in her hand, she took Eric's hurt hand and put it in the orb, suddenly the torn skin and muscle began to heal and return the hand back into what it looking like before he got hurt, once it was done, the orb vanished and she looked at Eric "there...your all done"
"So can I reward you with a kiss?" Eric smiled

"I really don't think relationships between teachers and such should happen but what do I know I'm just a child..." Aphrodite quickly looked at the ground.

Lilith sighed and sat down and mumbled "i didn't want to learn anything today..."
Cervantes looked up to Blake as he stood there waiting for a reply. Quickly he gave him a shh and pointed to the closest computer. He pulled a card with a username and password written on them, handing them to the boy.
Brake took the card then walked over to the computers and sits at one of them, then logs in.

Juliana sighed then walked back over to her desk "Aphrodite is right...plus...there is a child in the room.."

Takumi chuckled "sorry but being a student, it cant be helped" he looked to see his other student now coming into the room
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"Juliana if its okay can I go collect my work for the day and bring it here?" Aphrodite was still looking at the ground.

Eric sigh "Guess I'll go back to work."

Lilith watched all the students that filed in.
Juliana sighed "Eric, you stay..." she looked over at Aphrodite and smiled "sure, and if you don't mind, can you pick up a couple books from the library for me, any type of books able herbal medicine and herbal tea, ok...tell the library to put it under may name, and if he has a problem with me sending you, then tell him to call may office.."

Takumi took his set at his desk
Aphrodite smiled, she loved the library "Alright!" she quickly left and collected her school work first.

Eric smiled "So why do you want me to stay?"
Yawning, he stopped his carving activity, pushing the slivers of wood in a bag, that he tied up and threw in the trash nonchalantly. Closing one eye, he observed the rest of the wooden thing he had in his hand, and declared it a satisfying shape of a ball with a smiley face on it. Putting the ball in his pocket, along with his knife,Gerald then proceeded to go to class, a bit lazily, since he had to stay up all night for his patrol. Cracking his knuckles, the man trudged in his class, the last one at that, and slipped in his seat, leaning on his arm. He slid his hand through his hair, a bit bored already, and tried to blink out the sleepy tears out of his eyes.
Juliana looked at Eric and leaned against her desk "Eric...this is like the 50th time you have been in here, rather it be you hurt or one of your student's...what is going on.."
Juliana looked at him and smiled slightly then she shook her head "well...if you don't mind...please stop being so reckless.."
"I could be there is no fun in that" Eric smiled and then left before she could say another word.

Aphrodite went to the service desk of the library and placed a total of 12 books on the counter that she had previously checked out that day and was smiling "Excuse me Mr. Valentine, I need to check these in, I'm already done reading them and also where can I find books on herbs and other natural medicines? The school nurse asked me to come in and get them for her." she whispered trying to be quiet.
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Juliana watched as he left, she then looked down and sighed "back to work..." she set down at her desk and began to look through her paper work.
Cervantes looked up at the girl with a blank expression and then stared at her stack of books. He quickly scanned all of them back in to the library catalog and returned his attention to the girl. " You could find them in section 470 but I'm afraid I can't check them out to someone else for you. If the nurse wants them she can come get them." He said quietly and quickly before standing up.
"Thank you she also requested that you call her, she wishes to speak with you in case you wouldn't allow me to check them out for her," she looked down "I'm sorry for being a bother...I am only doing as I was asked." she was slightly scared of getting him angry.
"Oh...?" She said, shocked by Shigure's approach to Cylia. He was a sweet boy, really, but she's never really met someone who was that straight forward. And no, she wasn't in love. But where was she to go now? They just stopped in the middle of a hallway, really.
Shigure smiled "if you would like, you may go back to your dorm room to get more rest till it is time for the Night classes"
Cervantes stood at in front of her listening to whatever she was saying to him, "As she wishes, I will contact her but I don't care what reasoning she has for this she must get it herself." He said slightly sternly before picking up a phone and calling the nurse right away.

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